Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition

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Digimonworldnextorderinternationaledition logo.png

Box Art
Digimon World -next 0rder- INTERNATIONAL EDITION Box Art
Name Digimon World -next 0rder- INTERNATIONAL EDITION
Usa.png Digimon World -Next 0rder-
System PlayStation 4
Nintendo Switch
Release Date PS4
Japan February 16, 2017
United States January 31, 2017
Europe January 27, 2017
Japan United States Europe February 22, 2023
United States Europe February 22, 2023
Language Japanese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese (Switch/PC only)

Digimon World -next 0rder- INTERNATIONAL EDITION (デジモンワールド -next 0rder- インターナショナルエディション, Dejimon Wārudo -Nekusuto Ōdā- Intānashonaru Edishon), stylized as Digimon World -next Ørder- INTERNATIØNAL EDITIØN, is a video game.







Obtainable Digimon[edit]

Unobtainable Digimon[edit]

Digimon Cards[edit]



Floatia (フローティア) is the central hub in the Digital World. It starts underdeveloped but begins to regrow once Digimon return to the town.

Chikaino Grasslands[edit]

Chikaino Grasslands (チカイノ草原) is the grasslands closest to Floatia (Chikaino (近いの) means "nearby" in Japanese). It has many giant capacitators as well as hills with exposed fluorescent minerals.

Server Desert[edit]

Server Desert (サーバー砂漠) is a desert full of abandoned servers. It impressively has an oasis equipped with chairs, aquarium, and vending machine.

MOD Ship Cape[edit]

MOD Ship Cape (MODシップ岬) is a cape with a battalion of ghastly ships called MOD Ships.

Logic Flame Mountain[edit]

Logic Flame Mountain (ロン・リ炎山) is a fiery mountain trail with Torii gates all over, with Nixie tubes showing numbers in seemingly random locations. Its name is a pun on "logical operations" (論理演算 Ronri Enzan).

Gluttony Wasteland[edit]

Gluttony Wasteland (オーグィノ荒野) is a wasteland torn in battle between the meat-loving humanoid bandit Digimon and the seemingly royal nature Digimon who prefer vegetables.

Great Fault Ex Machina[edit]

Great Fault Ex Machina (大断層エクスマキナ) is a series of mechanical islands located over a great fault, connected together by bridges that can be disconnected from a control room.

Tail Bone Resort[edit]

Tail Bone Resort (ホネ・オ・リゾート) is a dark canyon of nightlife, with many buildings as well as giant bones. A graveyard with a small chapel lies deep within the canyon.

Absolute Zero[edit]

Absolute Zero (アブソリュート・ゼロ) is a snowy region constantly blasted by a blizzard, with an icy cathedral being the only respite from the weather.

Infinity Cauldron[edit]

Infinity Cauldron (ムゲンコルドロン) goes from the center of the Digital World to beneath its surface, eventually reaching its core through several layers. It is comparable to the underworld, where only the most hostile Digimon reside.


Image Gallery[edit]

See Gallery:Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition.


Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition didn't receive any Famitsu score.

According to Media Crate Sales the game sold 5,930 copies and landed on 13th place during it's first week in Japan. The game left the Media Crate Sales charts on the second week. [2]

According to Famitsu the game sold 6,075 copies and landed on 11th place during it's first week in Japan. The game sold through 60%-80% of it's stock. During the second week the game sold 1,995 copies and landed on the 29th place still estimating to sell through 60-80% of it's stock. The game left the Famitsu charts on the third week.[3]


Position Name Kanji/Kana
Developer B.B. Studio B.B.スタジオ
Producer(s) Kazumasa Habu (PS4) / Takahiro Yokota (Switch/PC) 羽生 和正 / ???

Theme Song[edit]

  • Title: Accentier
  • Artist: Aoi Eir
  • Composer/Arranger: Takahiro Yasuda
  • Songwriter: Aoi Eir, Takahiro Yasuda

External Links[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Jump up to: 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 These Digimon are referred to as Ultimate Digimon with the level written in yellow. They are only available through the Jogress of two Ultimate level Digimon, or feeding normal Ultimate level Digimon an evolution crystal. These Digimon cannot be fed these same crystals. They also are incapable of Extra Cross Evolution (EXE).
  2. Media Crate Sales
  3. Famitsu top 30 Charts
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Obtainable after finishing the main storyline.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Not listed in the Field Guide. Still accessible but does not contribute to the Digimon raised achievement.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Obtainable after finishing certain quests.
  4. Obtainable only after finishing the extra DLC storyline.
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