
From Wikimon

One of the Four Holy Beasts who protect the Digital World, it guards the North and uses phantasmagoric water techniques. It is a legendary being like the other Four Holy Beast Digimon, and its strength is said to equal that of a god. It is the oldest of the Four Holy Beast Digimon, and possesses a gentle personality. Common to the Four Holy Beast Digimon are the possession of four shining eyes, and twelve Digicores floating outside of their body. Normally there is one Digicore per body, and it is not exposed outside of the body except with the Undead types or the greatest of the Ultimate class. Its Special Move is displaying an illusion which generates a dark mist around the opponent, destroying their spirit (Mugen).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Description
Mugen [6] Misty Illusion 霧幻 N/A Displays an illusion which generates a dark mist around the opponent, destroying their spirit.
Kokuhyou [9] Black Hail 黒雹 N/A Summons huge blocks of black crystals that rains on its enemies.
Souryūha [8] Double Dragon Wave 双竜波 N/A


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

Xuanwumon is one of the Four Holy Beasts, who exist to maintain the balance of the Digital World. Although it does not appear, Qinglongmon says in "Gigantic Ultimate, Qinglongmon" that it, along with the other Four Holy Beasts, had fought a long battle with the Dark Masters and been sealed away. They had required the use of the Crests of Yagami Taichi's group of Chosen Children to break the seal and be freed. They were also responsible for releasing the Digimentals for use by Motomiya Daisuke's group of Chosen Children in response to the development of the Dark Towers.

Digimon Tamers[edit]

Xuanwumon is one of the Four Holy Beasts.

In "True Enemy Gets to Move! The Battle of the Four Holy Beasts", Xuanwumon is taking care of Baihumon's castle while Baihumon is trying to halt the D-Reaper's progress in a nearby abyss. It is present when Akiyama Ryou and Cyberdramon arrive at the castle, and it tells them what Baihumon is doing. When Baihumon returns in "Whirling Ultimate Flower! Sakuyamon Evolves", Xuanwumon notes how Baihumon has exhausted itself in the fight.

In "Evolutionary Radiance: Shining Evolution", Xuanwumon gathers with the other Holy Beasts to beseech Culumon to use its Shining Evolution. It is present when all of the Digimon whom Culumon has caused to evolve gather to fight the D-Reaper.

In "The Mysterious Girl! The Bringer of Miracles Dobermon", Dobermon tells the Tamers that Xuanwumon, along with the other Holy Beasts and the other Digimon, is fighting the D-Reaper in the Digital World.

In "Dreaming Power is Our Future", Xuanwumon and the other Holy Beasts emerge into the D-Reaper's portion in the real world through its Transphotic Eddy, and drag its Reaper agent back into the Digital World.

Xuanwumon in Digimon Tamers.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Xuanwumon is one of the Four Holy Beasts, and the partner Digimon of one of the five original Chosen Children. It appears in "Loss", in a flashback to the final battle between the Dark Masters and the Chosen Children. Homeostasis, acting through Himekawa Maki, empowers the Chosen Child's Orochimon to evolve into Xuanwumon. Xuanwumon and the other newly-created Holy Beasts channel their attacks into Bakumon (as Megadramon), who forms one powerful burst that defeats the Dark Masters. The Holy Beasts then fall to the ground and create pillars of light that converge to seal the darkness away.

Xuanwumon in Digimon Adventure tri.

Individual Appearances[edit]


Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Adventure 15th Blu-ray BOX Special Drama CD ~Digimon Mystery File: The Liberation of the Millennial Seal~[edit]

Xuanwumon is one of the Four Holy Beasts. Although not appearing directly, Gennai tries to ask him and the other Holy Beasts to help the Chosen Children in Odaiba. They can not help but give their sacred power to the children's Digimon, who take roles from each of the group.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer[edit]

Digital Monster: D-Project[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

Appears as one of the Observers of DigiCentral, and commands the Bronze Rank Tamers. He commands the Player to find Phil, who had gone missing, as his pre-requisite to rank up, and once the Player does, they're ranked up to Silver Tamer.

After the virus hits Digi-Central, Xuanwumon and Baihumon disappear. The Player finds Xuanwumon at Tropical Islands, but much like Qinglongmon before him, he's in a berserk state and the Player is forced to fight him. After being defeated, he returns to his senses but with no memories after being forced out of the Tamer Union, and considers it a disgrace as members of the Four Holy Beasts that both him and Qinglongmon fell to it. Afterwards, a mysterious Tamer, Yoshiki, appeared and complained about the situation, before quickly leaving, and then Xuanwumon stopped the Player from pursuing him, opting to return to Central instead and wait until the enemy attacked again.

Xuanwumon is an unobtainable Insect/Plant-type Digimon. As a boss, he occupies three spaces on the battlefield.

Digimon Masters[edit]

Xuanwumon is an available Mercenary Digimon, being classified as both an Adult and Ultimate level Digimon. There is no difference between its forms minus increased stats.

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Xros Arena[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Xuanwumon is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card can be unlocked when completing the Xuanwumon's Subordinates (シェンウーモン配下 Shen'ūmon Haika) set and is part of the Four Holy Beasts (四聖獣 Shiseijū) set.

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon All-Star Rumble[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Xuanwumon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Available as a collectable card.

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Available as a collectable card.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Xuanwumon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon ReArise[edit]

Xuanwumon appeared as part of a raid, and took Vikaralamon back to the Digital World. Xuanwumon later helped Meicoomon.

Playable Xuanwumon evolves from Orochimon.

Digimon Survive[edit]

Xuanwumon is the Partner Kemonogami of Genbu Boy and one of the Four Holy Beasts which restrain the Master.

The party first learns of Baihumon in Part 9 after looking at the mural in the third floor of the inner shrine. In the Truth route, they meet him later on in Part 10, thanks to Renamon disguised as Haru leading them to the Northern Shrine. However, he was already under attack by the Kenzoku, and was besides himself in pain. Renamon took the chance to reveal themselves and attack Minase Akiharu to sacrifice him to the Master, thus giving him the power to defeat Xuanwumon, thinking that with the power he'd regain he'd have no more use for Minase Miyuki and would free her. However, they're beaten as Taomon, and the fight gave Xuanwumon enough time to get rid of the Kenzoku that attacked him. Angered at the situation, Xuanwumon attacked the party, thinking they were responsible for the Kenzoku. As Taomon pointed out to Momotsuka Takuma, they had a chance to win as Xuanwumon could not use his attack technique, as it had a charge time and he had used it against the Kenzoku, and furthermore, all Four Holy Beasts were weakened. However, Xuanwumon was still covered in a barrier that wouldn't let any attack hit him. Takuma refused to give up in spite of this, and wished to find a way to calm Xuanwumon down and make him recognize their strength. Taomon then joined the party, as making the Four Holy Beasts recognize them would allow them to save Miyuki, and taunted Xuanwumon by pointing out that his barrier was a cheap trick, much like what Taomon did earlier. Despite recognizing it as a provocation, Xuanwumon nonetheless lowered his barrier and swore to crush Taomon and the rest with his full strength. Xuanwumon refused to give up and listen to Takuma even after being beaten, and he only stopped after the appearance of Genbu Boy's ghost. While the ghost recognized their strength and how hard they trained, much like the five sacrifices did in the past, Xuanwumon arrogantly pointed out he had just been careless, and he wouldn't lose again, though Genbu Boy wasn't as sure of that. Xuanwumon finally listened to Takuma's request to save Miyuki, though he deferred judgement to his partner, who trusted Takuma. As such, they agreed to do what they could, although Genbu Boy knew it wouldn't be enough, and instead offered them knowledge: how humans and Kemonogami were once two halves of a single soul, and how they grew stronger together than they could on their own. He also explained how the world was filled with things that couldn't be quantified with their own values, and Minase Haruchika gained his power by being the first to understand that. Genbu Boy finally asked the party if they were prepared to face the unimaginable difficulties coming their way, which Takuma and the rest resolutely confirmed. Thanks to that answer, and how stunned he was by their progress, Genbu Boy entrusted the party with Xuanwumon's power.

After they are defeated in the Truth route, they give Floramon the ability to evolve to Xuanwumon so that she could use Xuanwumon's power to defeat Master. They also regain their own power, allowing them to remove the fog that covered the second island.

Digimon New Century[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

D-3 Digital Detect & Discover[edit]

Appears in Area 02 as a secret encounter.


D-3 Version 2[edit]

Appears in Area 01 as a secret encounter.


D-Scanner 1.0[edit]

Pendulum Progress 3.0 Animal Colosseum[edit]

Evolves from Cerberumon (X-Antibody), Delumon, Garudamon (X-Antibody), Grappu Leomon, Mihiramon, or Were Garurumon (X-Antibody).


Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]

D-Ark Ver.15th[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Z II[edit]


Digimon xros wars super digica taisen logo.png

Battle Terminal 02[edit]

Xuanwumon is the boss Digimon in the Round 15 of the arcade game's second version[32].

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Xuanwumon vpet d3.gif Xuanwumon vpet xloader.png Xuanwumon vpet penz.gif
D-3 Digimon Xros Loader Digimon Pendulum Z II

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes