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One of the Four Holy Beasts who protect the Digital World, it guards the South and manipulates incandescent flames. Reigning since the age of myth, its existence has passed into legend, and it is extremely difficult to track down. Also, it is difficult to overthrow with the power of an ordinary Ultimate, and its power is set as the highest authority among other Digimon, so it is surely the epitome of a god. Zhuqiaomon's temperament is the roughest among the Four Holy Beast Digimon, and it incinerates anything that approaches it without reason. Its Special Move is a swirl of flames comparable to the prominences which jet out with a solar eruption (Kouen).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Kouen [6] Crimson Blaze 紅焔 N/A Crimson Blaze[6], Kouen[12], Blazing Helix[13] Fires from its wings swirling flames comparable to solar prominences.[6][5]
Rengokusou [10] Purgatory Claws 煉獄爪 N/A Rengokusou[12] [N 1]
Zanka [14] Ember 残火 N/A
[N 2] [15]
Phoenix Fire[15] Spits a stream of fire from its mouth.[15]
[N 3] [15]
Desolation Blast[15] Shoots a barrage of fireballs upwards from its wings.[15]
[N 3] [13]
Sonic Zephyr[13] Flaps its wings, creating a powerful gust of wind.[13]
[N 4] [16]
Fires countless glowing needles from its body.[16]


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is one of the Four Holy Beasts, who exist to maintain the balance of the Digital World. Although it does not appear, Qinglongmon says in "Gigantic Ultimate, Qinglongmon" that it, along with the other Four Holy Beasts, had fought a long battle with the Dark Masters and been sealed away. They had required the use of the Crests of Yagami Taichi's group of Chosen Children to break the seal and be freed. They were also responsible for releasing the Digimentals for use by Motomiya Daisuke's group of Chosen Children in response to the development of the Dark Towers.

Digimon Tamers[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is one of the Four Holy Beasts, the master and creator of the Deva, and a major antagonist of Digimon Tamers. It sends the Deva to recover the Digi-Entelechia (Culumon), so that it can use his power to resist the D-Reaper. It has a negative view of humanity and resents them for creating the D-Reaper, and perceives Digimon who rely on human Tamers to evolve as perverse. It inhabits Suzaku Gate, on the highest plane of the Digital World.

In "Showdown with Zhuqiaomon! Saint Galgomon, Ultimate Evolution", the Tamers arrive at Suzaku Gate to confront Zhuqiaomon. It easily overpowers all of the Tamers' Digimon until Terriermon and Lee Jianliang Matrix Evolve into Saint Galgomon for the first time. The sight of a human and Digimon merging enrages Zhuqiaomon and it demolishes the Suzaku Gate around them. Saint Galgomon succeeds in temporarily subduing Zhuqiaomon, but it continues attacking the group in "True Enemy Gets to Move! The Battle of the Four Holy Beasts" until Qinglongmon intervenes. The two Holy Beasts clash over their conflicting ideologies about the Digi-Entelechy and the Tamers, and Zhuqiaomon insists on fighting the Tamers. Matsuda Takato and Guilmon Matrix Evolve into Dukemon to fight back, but Qinglongmon once again intervenes to stop the fighting and insists on turning their attention to their common enemy, the D-Reaper. Zhuqiaomon then assists Qinglongmon in explaining the situation to the Tamers.

In "Whirling Ultimate Flower! Sakuyamon Evolves", Zhuqiaomon follows Qinglongmon and the Tamers to a ravine where the D-Reaper is starting to emerge. It descends into the ravine to try and stop the D-Reaper's advance, but it is quickly forced to retreat when the D-Reaper's bubbles wound its wings.

In "Evolutionary Radiance: Shining Evolution", Zhuqiaomon gathers with the other Holy Beasts to beseech Culumon to use its Shining Evolution. It is present when all of the Digimon whom Culumon has caused to evolve gather to fight the D-Reaper. As the Tamers and their partner Digimon prepare to take the Ark back to the Real World, it concedes that while it still does not accept partnerships between humans and Digimon, it will no longer attempt to interfere.

In "The Mysterious Girl! The Bringer of Miracles Dobermon", Dobermon tells the Tamers that Zhuqiaomon, along with the other Holy Beasts and the other Digimon, is fighting the D-Reaper in the Digital World.

In "Dreaming Power is Our Future", Zhuqiaomon and the other Holy Beasts emerge into the D-Reaper's portion in the real world through its Transphotic Eddy, and drag its Reaper agent back into the Digital World.

Zhuqiaomon facing Dukemon in Digimon Tamers.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is one of the Four Holy Beasts, and the partner Digimon of one of the five original Chosen Children. It appears in "Loss", in a flashback to the final battle between the Dark Masters and the Chosen Children. Homeostasis, acting through Himekawa Maki, empowers the Chosen Child's Hippogriffomon[N 5] to evolve into Zhuqiaomon. Zhuqiaomon and the other newly-created Holy Beasts channel their attacks into Bakumon (as Megadramon), who forms one powerful burst that defeats the Dark Masters. The Holy Beasts then fall to the ground and create pillars of light that converge to seal the darkness away.

Zhuqiaomon in Digimon Adventure tri.

Individual Appearances[edit]


Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Adventure 15th Blu-ray BOX Special Drama CD ~Digimon Mystery File: The Liberation of the Millennial Seal~[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is one of the Four Holy Beasts. Although not appearing directly, Gennai tries to ask him and the other Holy Beasts to help the Chosen Children in Odaiba. They can not help but give their sacred power to the children's Digimon, who take roles from each of the group.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer[edit]

Digital Monster: D-Project[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

The Bad Tamers Boss summons Zhuqiaomon

Zhuqiaomon is one of the Observers who commands the Gold Rank Tamers. Due to the sudden appearance of the virus that forces the other Four Holy Beasts to disappear and go berserk, as well as the Gate System to malfunction, he's unable to give the Player any mission to rank up, and instead, relies on them to solve the current crisis.

After the Player rescues Baihumon, the Bad Tamers Boss appears in the Reader Room in Digi-Central and uses the Evil Ring and its dark powers to paralyze Clavis Angemon, Qinglongmon, Xuanwumon and Baihumon, as well as to control Zhuqiaomon, forcing him to leave and become his Partner Digimon. He then orders the Player to go to Lava River alone if he wants to save Zhuqiaomon.

In Lava River, after the Player defeats the Bad Tamers Boss' Holy Digimon, he sends Zhuqiaomon to defeat them. After being defeated, Zhuqiaomon lets loose a Shōgekiha[N 6], before returning to his senses. The Shōgekiha unmasks the Bad Tamers Boss, revealing him to be Kain, who's shocked at his defeat and blames his Digimon's weakness for it, causing Zhuqiaomon to give up on him, before deciding to go back to Central. There, Zhuqiaomon thanks the Player for rescuing the Four Holy Beasts and defeating Kain, promoting him to Platinum Tamer.

Zhuqiaomon is an unobtainable Bird-type Digimon. As a boss, he occupies three spaces on the battlefield.

Digimon Masters[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is an available Mercenary Digimon, being classified as both an Adult and Ultimate level Digimon. There is no difference between its forms minus increased stats.

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Xros Arena[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card can be unlocked when completing the Zhuqiaomon's Subordinates (スーツェーモン配下 Sūtsēmonn Haika) set and is part of the Four Holy Beasts (四聖獣 Shiseijū) set.

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon All-Star Rumble[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Available as a collectable card.

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Available as a collectable card.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon ReArise[edit]

Zhuqiaomon appears in the tutorial of the game as an example of what a Digimon is, alongside an Omegamon, Mugendramon, and a Diablomon.

Playable Zhuqiaomon evolves from Hippogriffomon.

Digimon New Century[edit]

Digimon Survive[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is the Partner Kemonogami of Suzaku Boy and one of the Four Holy Beasts which restrain the Master.

In Part 12, the party met with Zhuqiaomon in the Eastern Shrine, below the gym at the school, the last of the Four Holy Beasts. He had taken the form of a ball of light and was surrounded by the Partner Kemonogami, who he had brainwashed. He denied their partnerships, as he thought humans only used Kemonogami. Despite that, Momotsuka Takuma asked him for his help, though Zhuqiaomon didn't believe they could succeed where the Four Holy Beasts had failed. Takuma refused to stand down and asked him to release Agumon, which only angered Zhuqiaomon, who saw it as proof they saw Kemonogami as nothing but tools, and exclaimed that they didn't understand his endless wrath. Kayama Shuuji asked him to explain said rage, and Zhuqiaomon agreed to do so, relating how a thousand years ago, he and his companions had met and formed bonds with humans, which made him happy, until they were betrayed by Minase Haruchika. They combined their powers to fight him, but at the verge of victory, they were betrayed once again, this time by their own human partners, as they pitied Haruchika and were unable to deal him the finishing blow. Ultimately, the Four Holy Beasts were sacrificed to stop the Master by bounding them to the shrines. He planned to punish the humans for what he saw as decieving his allies, and used the Partner Kemonogami to do so, influenced by his rage. Takuma mananged to get Agumon to come back to his senses, followed by Ryo and Shuuji doing so for everyone else. Zhuqiaomon was forced to recognize the strength of their bond, although he still believed they'd be betrayed eventually, which Agumon denied. Zhuqiaomon decided to just kill everyone himself. After he was beaten, Suzaku Boy appeared in front of everyone, explaining that he wanted to lead everyone to the shrine as they had the blessings of the other Holy Beasts, but his powers were unstable outside hte shrine, causing him to fail to communicate properly. Zhuqiaomon was surprised at the appearance of his partner, and Suzaku Boy explained he had always been there but never had the right to answer Zhuqiaomon's calls. However, the other humans gave him the courage to act, and he apologized to his partner, then explained that there were originally five God Beasts, but Haruchika caused his own, Huanglongmon, to Dark Evolve due to his hatred for his clan. Said Dark Evolution, the Master, fused from Haruchika and Huanglongmon, had immense power and drew in all sorts of malice from both worlds, which he used to try to cross over to the human world. However, he was stopped by the other four God Beasts, who became the Four Holy Beasts. The Master took in the dark emotions that were common of their era, and he planned to use them for revenge against the human world. While he was stopped in the past, he could now make that desire true using Minase Miyuki. The Four Holy Beasts were doing all they could to stop him, but their failure was a matter of time. Takuma explained how they had to beat the Master and calm his rage, so that tragedy would not repeat itself once the were gone, which Suzaku Boy agreed with, and he asked Zhuqiaomon to put his faith in them. Zhuqiaomon finally agreed, as he didn't want them or their partners to pay for the mistakes of the Four Holy Beasts' own partners. As such, Zhuqiaomon gave them his blessing and made them promise not to fail their mission.

After they are defeated in the Truth route, they give Falcomon the ability to evolve to Zhuqiaomon so that she could use Zhuqiaomon's power to defeat Master.

Virtual Pets[edit]

D-3 Digital Detect & Discover[edit]

Appears in Area 01 as a secret encounter.



D-Scanner 2.0[edit]

Pendulum Progress 3.0 Animal Colosseum[edit]

Can evolve from Were Garurumon (X-Antibody), Cerberumon (X-Antibody), Mihiramon, Grappu Leomon, Garudamon (X-Antibody), or Delumon: Train in noon, Penalties 2+, 50 battles.



Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]

D-Ark Ver.15th[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Z II[edit]


Digimon xros wars super digica taisen logo.png

Battle Terminal 02[edit]

Zhuqiaomon is the boss Digimon of the arcade game's fourth version[32].

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Zhuqiaomon vpet d3.gif Zhuqiaomon vpet dw.gif Zhuqiaomon vpet xloader.png Zhuqiaomon vpet penz.gif
D-3 DigiWindow Digimon Xros Loader Digimon Pendulum Z II

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Four Holy Beasts | D-3 | Digimon Web
  2. Digimon Tamers (English dub): "No Mon is an Island"
  3. Bo-234 - Digi-Battle Card Game (Bandai America)
  4. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 Digimon ReArise
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Digimon Reference Book: Zhuqiaomon
  7. Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer
  8. Bo-636
  9. Bo-488
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 10.2 Dα-601
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Pendulum Progress 3.0
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 Bo-235 (English)
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Digimon Tamers: "True Enemy Gets to Move! Battle the Four Holy Beasts"
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 DM02-120
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Digimon Tamers: "Battle with Zhuqiamon! Saint Galgomon, Ultimate Evolution"
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 Digimon Tamers: "Digimon Combat Mission! Advancing While Facing the Wind"
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 17.2 EX5-013 (DCG)
  18. BT8-019
  19. Jump up to: 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
  20. Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 20.2 Digimon Crusader
  21. Jump up to: 21.0 21.1 21.2 St-956
  22. Digimon Story: Lost Evolution
  23. Digimon Fusion Loader
  24. Jump up to: 24.0 24.1 24.2 DM02-097 (Asia)
  25. Jump up to: 25.0 25.1 25.2 Digimon New Century
  26. Digimon Survive
  27. Digimon Xros Loader Toy
  28. Digimon Xros Loader Toy
  29. Digimon RPG
  30. Bo-1000
  31. DM02-119
  32. Jump up to: 32.0 32.1 Data Carddass Digimon Battle Terminal 02 (Jump Festa 2008 Trailer)
  33. Digimon Masters
  1. This attack is probably depicted in the artwork of St-956.
  2. This attack may or may not actually be Zanka.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 This attack is unnamed in the Japanese version.
  4. This attack is unnamed.
  5. Hippogriffomon's evolution into one of the Four Holy Beasts occurs off-screen in "Loss". The notion that it evolved into Zhiquiaomon, apart from being the most logical option compared to Baihumon or Qinglongmon, is supported by Digimon ReArise, which features evolution lines for the Four Holy Beasts that are directly based on "Loss": Zhuqiaomon's line is MuchomonAkatorimon → Hippogriffomon → Zhuqiaomon.
  6. While this is normally Karatenmon's attack, in Digimon Story, Shōgekiha is a generic move other Digimon can learn