
From Wikimon
(Redirected from Bad Tamers Boss)
Kanji/Kana ケイン (Kain)
BTボス (BT Boss)
Dub Name Kain
Bad Tamers Boss
Partner Digimon Atlur Kabuterimon (Red)Gran Kuwagamon, Zhuqiaomon (controlled as the Bad Tamers Boss) (all formerly)
Digimon Used Dagomon, Seraphimon (controlled as the BTB, formerly), Cherubimon (Virtue) (controlled as the BTB, formerly), Slash Angemon (controlled as the BTB, formerly)
Digivice Presumably Digivice iC, unknown colour

Kain, also known as the Bad Tamers Boss (abbreviated as BT Boss in the Japanese version), is a major antagonist in Digimon Story. He's originally partnered with Tomomi and, as his title states, he's the leader of the Bad Tamers, as well as a minion of Unknown-D.



Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

After the Player finds an item in Training Peak, Kain sends his Atlur Kabuterimon (Red) and Dagomon to threaten them. However, they're swiftly defeated by Yuji's Cyberdramon's Erase Claw, forcing Kain and Tomomi to run away.

Later on, after talking with Baihumon, the Player and Pagumon meet Kain and Tomomi, who recognize Pagumon as a Digimon the latter was raising. Pagumon confirms this, though Tomomi only made him fight and treated him badly, which made Pagumon disobey her and he ran away. Tomomi then calls him the worst Digimon ever and says she was glad he left. The Player defends Pagumon, saying he's a kind Digimon, which makes Kain mock them too as worthless. This angers Pagumon, though the Player tells him to just ignore Kain, who keeps mocking them before leaving.

During the Player and Pagumon's search for the Data Core in Chrome Mine, Kain and Tomomi get to the Data Core just before the Player and Pagumon did. The Player tries to warn them about the risks of the Data Core, but Kain and Tomomi just point out the Player must be too weak to use it, just like Pagumon. This annoys Pagumon, who is willing to take insults himself but won't accept his Tamer being insulted. Kain then summons his Atlur Kabuterimon (Red) and gives it the Data Core, which causes it to evolve into Gran Kuwagamon and run out of control. Kain runs away, and Pagumon attacks Gran Kuwagamon to defend Tomomi. Gran Kuwagamon then self-destructs, and Tomomi abandons Kain.

Marin Angemon is summoned

After defeating Yoshiki and Alicia, the Player learns from them that they, the Bad Tamers, have a boss who's in Freezing Mountain. There, the Player finds said Bad Tamers Boss, who runs away from them. After the Player corners him, he calls for Unknown-D, who then summons Baihumon. The Bad Tamers Boss orders the berserk Baihumon to kill the Player, confirming to the Player that the Bad Tamer Boss and Unknown-D are behind the berserk virus incidents. Much like the rest, after being defeated, Baihumon comes back to his senses and thanks the Player. Baihumon then turns to the Bad Tamers Boss, before realizing that he couldn't sense Unknown-D anymore. The Bad Tamers Boss then runs away, and the Player and Baihumon separate to chase him and Unknown-D, respectively. The Player corners the Bad Tamers Boss once again at Underwater Drive, where he tries to summon a Giga Seadramon to his aid, but a Marin Angemon appears instead, leaving him shocked as he was sure they had a Giga Seadramon there. However, Marin Angemon explains they normally slept there, and they beat Giga Seadramon when it attacked them. While the Player thought that meant the Bad Tamers Boss was defeated, he instead lied to Marin Angemon, saying the Player was a bad guy and asked Marin Angemon to beat them up. After defeating them, the Player tries to convince Marin Angemon that the Bad Tamers Boss is the actual bad guy. After looking at him, they agree with the Player, but the Bad Tamers Boss escapes anyways through a Wormhole of his own creation.

The Bad Tamers Boss summons Zhuqiaomon

The Player and Baihumon then go back to Digi-Central's Reading Room and the Bad Tamers Boss appears to them, and uses the Evil Ring and its dark powers to paralyze Clavis Angemon, Qinglongmon (who confirms the Bad Tamers Boss was the one who put him under the virus' control earlier), Xuanwumon and Baihumon, as well as to control Zhuqiaomon, forcing him to leave and become his Partner Digimon. He then orders the Player to go to Lava River alone if he wants to save Zhuqiaomon.

In Lava River, after the Player defeats the Bad Tamers Boss' Holy Digimon, he sends Zhuqiaomon to defeat them. After being defeated, Zhuqiaomon lets loose a Shōgekiha[N 1], before returning to his senses. The Shōgekiha unmasks the Bad Tamers Boss, revealing him to be Kain, who's shocked at his defeat and blames his Digimon's weakness for it, causing Zhuqiaomon to give up on him, before deciding to go back to Central. There, Kain and the other Bad Tamers are sentenced to be sent back to the Real World, which the Player and Tentomon, who's carrying out the sentence, consider a pity. However, he then gets contacted by Unknown-D, who encourages him not to accept his punishment. Kain blames Unknown-D for his situation, which he acknowledges and gives him another chance and the strongest of powers. Kain confirms to him that he's willing to sell his soul to be number 1, so Unknown-D teleports him away.

Alphamon and Kain awaken Chronomon Destroy Mode

After defeating Armagemon, the Player finds Alphamon and Kain on the Healing Plant, where the Super Ultimate Digimon, Chronomon Destroy Mode, slept. Having charged Culumon's energy on the machine, Alphamon orders Kain to awaken Chronomon, as a Tamer. The Player attempts to stop them, but Kain keeps chanting to Chronomon, making the Player realize Alphamon brainwashed him too, which Alphamon confirms. Alphamon gets in the Player's way, allowing Chronomon to finally awaken, then orders Kain to order Chronomon to destroy the area, but Chronomon refuses to take orders from anyone. Alphamon argues they gave him life so he must obey them, but Chronomon refuses to listen and lets loose an energy wave, knocking Kain out and pushing Alphamon back.

After the Player defeats Chronomon Destroy Mode, Kain reawakens. After Chronomon Holy Mode leaves, Kain accepts that he can't be a strong Tamer by just using strong Digimon, he must raise them properly. Clavis Angemon questions if he truly understood, and Kain asks for one more chance, to raise noble Digimon. Clavis Angemon forgives him and Kain promises he'll beat the Player fair and square next time, a challenge the Player accepts. Alphamon joins the apologies, knowing he shouldn't be forgiven, but still wishing for a chance to help make the Digital World a better place, which Clavis Angemon gladly accepts. For that, Clavis Angemon trusts the Player, now the Tamer King, more than ever, and they return to Digi-Central.

After the Player is crowned the Tamer King, Kain and Tomomi appear. Kain accepts his defeat but promises to raise a strong Digimon and challenge them to a fair fight, as does Tomomi, which the Player fully accepts.

After the credits roll, Kain hangs out in the Digi-Arena.

Image Gallery[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story - Kain spritesheet.png Digimon Story - BTB spritesheet.png
Digimon Story Digimon Story


Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. While this is normally Karatenmon's attack, in Digimon Story, Shōgekiha is a generic move other Digimon can learn
Digimon Story
Main Characters PlayerPagumon
Tamer Union Kogure HaruhikoKazuyaTomomiYujiPhilEllieChrisMakoRobertSarahCulumon
Observers QinglongmonXuanwumonBaihumonZhuqiaomonClavis Angemon
Antagonists Alphamon/Unknown-DBad Tamers (Kain/Bad Tamers BossYoshikiAliciaPeterSueAnnChan) • Mugendramon/Skull Greymon • Chronomon (Destroy Mode > Holy Mode)
Digimon Savers characters Daimon MasaruAgumonThoma H. NorsteinGaomonFujieda YoshinoLalamon
Terms Tamer UnionDigiFarmDigivice iCGuilmon Bread
Other List of CharactersGuides