
From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana チャン
Dub Name Chan
Partner Digimon Cannondramon, Cyberdramon
Digivice Presumably Digivice iC, unknown colour

Chan is a minor antagonist in Digimon Story. He's one of the Bad Tamers that works under Yoshiki.



Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

To get to Grand Locomon in Junk Factory, who was behind a laser gate, the Player had to look for three Code Keys, each owned by a Bad Tamer, which were in various places of Junk Factory. Chan was one such Tamer, and after the Player found him, Chan tried to take his items. He used a Cannondramon and a Cyberdramon for this fight. After being defeated, Chan begged the Player to stop and gave him the Code Key 3.

Image Gallery[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story - Chan spritesheet.png
Digimon Story


Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Story
Main Characters PlayerPagumon
Tamer Union Kogure HaruhikoKazuyaTomomiYujiPhilEllieChrisMakoRobertSarahCulumon
Observers QinglongmonXuanwumonBaihumonZhuqiaomonClavis Angemon
Antagonists Alphamon/Unknown-DBad Tamers (Kain/Bad Tamers BossYoshikiAliciaPeterSueAnnChan) • Mugendramon/Skull Greymon • Chronomon (Destroy Mode > Holy Mode)
Digimon Savers characters Daimon MasaruAgumonThoma H. NorsteinGaomonFujieda YoshinoLalamon
Terms Tamer UnionDigiFarmDigivice iCGuilmon Bread
Other List of CharactersGuides