
From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana サラ
Dub Name Sarah
Partner Digimon Demon, Gigadramon
Digivice Presumably Digivice iC, unknown colour
For the character known as Sarah in Digimon Data Squad, see Daimon Sayuri.

Sarah is a character in Digimon Story. She's a Platinum Tamer, ally to the Player, but later temporarily becomes an enemy to him after being brainwashed by Unknown-D.



Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

Sarah is one of the Platinum Tamers that mysteriously vanished. She's the first one the Player fights in Core Field, where she uses Demon and Gigadramon. After being defeated, Sarah comes back to her senses and goes back to Digi-Central.

Image Gallery[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story - Sarah spritesheet.png
Digimon Story


Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Story
Main Characters PlayerPagumon
Tamer Union Kogure HaruhikoKazuyaTomomiYujiPhilEllieChrisMakoRobertSarahCulumon
Observers QinglongmonXuanwumonBaihumonZhuqiaomonClavis Angemon
Antagonists Alphamon/Unknown-DBad Tamers (Kain/Bad Tamers BossYoshikiAliciaPeterSueAnnChan) • Mugendramon/Skull Greymon • Chronomon (Destroy Mode > Holy Mode)
Digimon Savers characters Daimon MasaruAgumonThoma H. NorsteinGaomonFujieda YoshinoLalamon
Terms Tamer UnionDigiFarmDigivice iCGuilmon Bread
Other List of CharactersGuides