Digivice iC

From Wikimon
For the toys based on this item, see Digivice iC Toy (Japan) and Digivice Data Link Toy (international).
Digivice iC
Digivice iC
Kanji/Kana デジヴァイスiC
Dub Name Data Link Digivice

The Digivice iC (デジヴァイスiC Dejivaisu iC; Dub: Data Link Digivice)—referred to on-screen as just the Digivice (デジヴァイス Dejivaisu)—is a model of Digivice that is used by agents of DATS in Digimon Savers, and by Tamers in Digimon Next and some video games in the Digimon Story series.



The Digivice iC is a small, thin, rectangular model whose base is bent inward at an angle. It is controlled by a set of three buttons on its face, which are positioned along the circumference of a circular pad of the same color as the base of the device beneath the faceplate. On its back is an optical unit, and on its top is a pronged plate, through which its users may input Digisoul by contacting the plate with their hand. A rectangular ring is attached to its base, enabling it to be clipped to belts or lanyards for storage.


Digimon Savers[edit]

  • Channelling the user's Digisoul to:
    • Evolve a Child Digimon into an Adult Digimon, using some Digisoul[1]
    • Perfect Evolve a Child or Adult Digimon into a Perfect Digimon, using a "full charge" of Digisoul[2]
    • Ultimate Evolve a Child Digimon into an Ultimate Digimon, using an "overdrive" of Digisoul[3]
  • Storing the user's partner Digimon inside for ease of travel[1]
    • This is initiated with a press of the right button, and the Digimon is taken in through the optical unit[4]
    • Calling the stored partner Digimon out with the Realizeリアライズ」 command; the Digimon is projected out through the optical unit[1]
    • While inside a Digivice iC, a partner Digimon can observe and communicate with the outside world through the Digivice's screen[4]
  • Detecting and reacting to the nearby presence of a Digimon, or to evidence that a Digimon has recently been nearby[4]
  • Emitting a signal that can be detected and tracked from the Digital World by DATS' systems[5]
  • Displaying a clock[5]
DS02 iC Detector.jpg DS06 iC Storage.jpg
Fujieda Yoshino's Digivice iC detecting recent traces of a Digimon's presence Agumon, stored inside Daimon Masaru's Digivice, observing events outside the Digivice

Digimon Next[edit]

  • Channelling the user's Digisoul to:
    • Evolve a Child Digimon into an Adult Digimon[6]
    • Transmit and install data for a new attack technique into the Digimon[7]
    • Evolve an Adult Digimon into a Perfect Digimon [8]
  • Storing food inside, and releasing it for consumption[9]
  • Disposing of a Digimon's excrement[7]
  • Treating a Digimon's wounds[10]
  • Performing a status scan of any Digimon to check their power (DP)[7]
  • Detecting if a hazard is nearby[7]
    • If the hazard is a Digimon, displaying that Digimon's DP[7]
  • Executing an undemonstrated "Light" function[7]
  • The DM (Digital Manager) system, whose functions include:
    • Making payments of money, such as for Trailmon rides[citation needed]
  • Storing Digitamas[7]

Digimon Story[edit]

  • Entering the Digivice menu, where the user can:
    • Check their Digimon's stats, experience and techniques; change their equipment and positioning, and evolve or devolve them
    • Check and use items
    • Check currently accepted quests
    • Check DigiFarm information, such as their status, the Digimon in each DigiFarm, and their currently owned Training Goods
    • Check Tamer information
    • Check Digitama the Tamer has obtained
    • Check information of the Digimon the Tamer has seen or befriended
    • Save their progress
  • See names of Digimon upon looking at them
  • Obtain Scan Data, either from seeing Digimon or simply directly given to the Tamer. In the former case, the amount of Scan Data obtained per Digimon lowers as the Generation of the Digimon seen increases: 15% for Baby then lowers by 5% each Generation, these numbers increase by 5% per Tamer Level; and no Scan Data is obtained from forced battles.
  • Receive video calls from the Observers and Culumon. These can be done even if the user is in the Real World.
  • Save addresses of fields to use in the green Gate. These are saved automatically once the Tamer enters a new area and can also be sent to the Digivice by others who have them
  • See the condition of the Tamer's DigiFarms as a live broadcast
  • Receive daily Farm Reports from Culumon about the events that happened at the DigiFarm and its current status
  • Store items and equipment


Digimon Savers[edit]

Owner Color Episode Notes
Daimon Masaru Orange faceplate; white body; green screen; white buttons; black ring "I am Masaru! Cockatrimon Strikes" Destroyed in "Evolution is Impossible! Digivice Breakdown", and evolved into a Digivice Burst in "Resurrected Digivices, A New Shining Light".
Fujieda Yoshino Pink faceplate; white body; red screen; white buttons; black ring "I am Masaru! Cockatrimon Strikes" Destroyed in "Evolution is Impossible! Digivice Breakdown", and evolved into a Digivice Burst in "Resurrected Digivices, A New Shining Light".
Thoma H. Norstein Blue faceplate; white body; aqua screen; white buttons; black ring "Genius Thoma has Returned! Beat Meramon" Destroyed in "Evolution is Impossible! Digivice Breakdown", and evolved into a Digivice Burst in "Resurrected Digivices, A New Shining Light".
Noguchi Ikuto Purple faceplate; black body; dark blue screen; white buttons; purple ring "Digimon Boy Ikuto, The Forest Keeper Jyureimon" Evolved into a Digivice Burst in "Power Equals Justice! The Beast Knight Duftmon".
Yushima Hiroshi Black faceplate; green body; cyan screen; red buttons; gray ring "The DATS Team is Annihilated?! The Clash with Mercurymon"
Kurosaki Miki Gray faceplate; white body; gold screen; white buttons; gold ring "Great Panic in the Human World, The Digimon Army Advances" In "Great Panic in the Human World, The Digimon Army Advances", the first of three appearances of Miki and Megumi's Digivices, they have the opposite colored Digivices from what they are seen in the other two episodes, i.e. Megumi uses the dark-gray-faceplate Digivice and Miki uses the white-faceplate Digivice.

This article assumes that the more frequently seen configuration from the Digivices' two subsequent appearances ("Masaru's Memory is Erased, The Lost Bond" and "Demon Lord Belphemon is Revived")—the white-faceplate Digivice is Megumi's, and the dark-gray-faceplate Digivice is Miki's—is the intended correct configuration.

Shirakawa Megumi White faceplate; gray body; gold screen; dark gray buttons; gold ring "Great Panic in the Human World, The Digimon Army Advances"
Satsuma Rentarou Black faceplate; red body; dark red screen; white buttons; gray ring "Masaru's Memory is Erased, The Lost Bond"
Katsura Kosaburou
  • Olive faceplate
  • White body
  • Green screen
  • (TBA buttons)
  • Black ring
Digimon Savers: Another Mission
Kagura Tsukasa
  • Violet faceplate
  • White body
  • Green screen
  • (TBA buttons)
  • Black ring
Digimon Savers: Another Mission
Nitta Masaki
  • Burgundy faceplate
  • White body
  • Green screen
  • (TBA buttons)
  • Black ring
Digimon Savers: Another Mission

Digimon Next[edit]

Owner Color Episode Notes
Tatsuno Tsurugi
  • Orange faceplate
  • White body
  • Silver screen
  • Black buttons
  • Black ring
"Commandments of Terror!" Transformed from Tsurugi's Digimon Mini.

Destroyed in "System World!", and replaced with a Digimon Twin Digivice in "Machine From God - Digimon Twin!".

Kahara Shou
  • Black faceplate
  • Black body
  • Silver screen
  • (Button color not seen)
  • Black ring
"Dark Area!" Destroyed in "Death Struggle, Three Commanders".
Inui Yuu
  • Blue faceplate
  • White body
  • Silver screen
  • (Button color not seen)
  • Black ring
"I...!" Transformed from Yuu's Digimon Mini.

Destroyed and replaced with a Digimon Twin Digivice in "Machine From God - Digimon Twin!".


Owner Color Episode Notes
Player (Digimon Story)
  • Warm gray faceplate
  • Light cyan body
  • Cyan screen
  • Cyan buttons
  • (Ring not seen)
Digimon Story
  • Gunmetal gray faceplate
  • Black body
  • Silver screen
  • Gray buttons
  • Gunmetal gray ring
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Replaces her Digivice Burst from Digimon Story: Sunburst and Moonlight for unknown reasons.
Nozomi Mayu
  • Orange faceplate
  • White body
  • Green screen
  • White buttons
  • Black ring
Digimon ReCollection Originally a toy.



Digimon Savers[edit]

The Digivice iC is an invention of Professor Daimon Suguru's, which he developed during his ten years stranded in the Digital World.[11] He once described it as "a tool that connects the hearts of humans and Digimon" 「デジモンと人間の心を繋ぐ道具」, reflecting his vision of a world in which humans and Digimon could someday coexist.[12] He sent the blueprints for the Digivice to the Real World, together with emissaries Kudamon and Kamemon, and when the Digital Accident Tactics Squad was established in accordance with Professor Daimon's message to the Real World, its staff came to be issued Digivices for their operations with the agency.[11]

Professor Daimon also entrusted one Digivice iC to Mercurymon for him to someday give to Noguchi Ikuto, as he expected that the boy would one day have need of it.[12]

Professor Daimon's son, Daimon Masaru, receives his Digivice iC before he ever joins DATS, as it is given to him by Yushima Hiroshi during the Cockatrimon attack.[1] After this battle, Masaru inadvertently loses the Digivice at DATS headquarters after his meeting with Satsuma Rentarou; upon noticing the Digivice, Satsuma—who up to that point had been dismissive of Masaru—concludes that not only had it come from Yushima, but that if Yushima had seen fit to give it to him, then he must have seen some potential in the boy. This sways Satsuma into attempting to recruit Masaru into DATS, instead of wiping his memory.[4]

During the DATS team's infiltration of Mercurymon's palace in the Infinite Ice Ridge, Gottsumon forces Fujieda Yoshino and Thoma H. Norstein to drop their Digivices and surrender by threatening Yushima. Masaru later finds their Digivices while he and Ikuto are escaping the fissure that Gottsumon caused, and when he rejoins the group in Mercurymon's throne room, he returns the Digivices.[13]

When Director Hashiba orders the dismissal of DATS' core staff on charges of treason and the arrest of Ikuto, his agents take possession of Satsuma, Masaru, Thoma, Yoshino, Ikuto, Megumi Shirakawa and Miki Kurosaki's Digivice iCs, and keep them in a laboratory in DATS headquarters. Once the partner Digimon escape from their imprisonment in the building, they retrieve the Digivices to return to their partners. Miki, Megumi and Ikuto get theirs back immediately when their partner Digimon and Kudamon break them out of their cells in the building, while Agumon, Lalamon and Gaomon seek out Masaru, Yoshino and Thoma and, once they have succeeded in bringing back their erased memories, return their Digivices to them.[14]

During a battle with Kouki, Nanami and Ivan in the Digital World, Masaru, Thoma and Yoshino manifest an immensely powerful, uncontrolled Digisoul out of their need to save Jyureimon from the three Bio-Hybrids. While this powers up their partner Digimon enough to defeat the Bio-Hybrids, their Digivices are totally unable to handle the strain of what Tohma hypothesizes is the Ultimate-class power that they were projecting, and are broken beyond repair. Masaru's initial plan is to seek out Professor Daimon to repair them.[15] Instead, however, they meet Bancho Leomon, who trains them to control their Digisoul. Once they come to an understanding of his lessons and master that powerful Digisoul, at Bancho Leomon's direction, they input that Digisoul into their broken Digivice iCs, which take in their feelings and evolve into Digivice Bursts; Thoma speculates that all along, the Digivice iCs had been programmed to evolve in this manner along with their own control of their Digisoul.[16]

Eventually, when he acquires the ability to manifest his strongest Digisoul during his and Yoshino's fight against Duftmon, Ikuto's Digivice also evolves into a Digivice Burst, enabling him to Burst Evolve Ravmon into Ravmon: Burst Mode.[17]


Digimon Next[edit]

Tsurugi and his Digivice iC

The origins and nature of the Digivice iC are never explained at all in Digimon Next.

Tatsuno Tsurugi obtains his Digivice iC from Piccolomon, who transforms his original Digimon Mini into it.[18] When Tsurugi and Agumon visit Middle Town, Inui Yuu's Gaomon attempts to steal it in order to get food for Yuu. Tsurugi gets the Digivice back shortly after when they find Gaomon and Yuu, and he and Yuu recognize each other.[6]

Kahara Shou obtains his Digivice iC from Barbamon in order to fight Tsurugi.[8]

As his last gesture before his death, Andromon transforms Yuu's Digimon Mini into a Digivice iC.[19]

During their battles at the System World, Tsurugi's Digivice iC is destroyed when Zanbamon throws a dagger into it,[20] and Yuu's iC breaks for an unknown reason. Shou destroys his own Digivice in order to prove to Tsurugi that a Digivice is not needed to keep up the bonds between Tamer and Digimon.[21]

At the moment that Zanbamon and Chaosdramon corner them, Mikihara Norn sends two Digimon Twin Digivices from within the System World to Tsurugi and Yuu, to replace their broken Digivice iCs.[22]

Digimon ReCollection[edit]

Nozomi Mayu owned a Digivice iC. Alongside Nozomi Riko, they used it to evolve their Partner Digimon, Agumon, into Geo Greymon. However, the Digivice iC started failing as Mayu doubted his own feelings for Digimon.

Video Games[edit]

The player's Digivice iC in Digimon Story.

Digimon Story[edit]

The player character uses a Digivice iC, which appeared around their neck when they first entered the Digital World. It appears in the background of the game's pause menu and is considered to be responsible for the menu's various functions as well as several others. When a day on the player's Farm Islands is completed, the Digivice sounds an alarm to check if the player wishes to view the results.

During an Onegai Quest, the Player returns Daimon Masaru's lost Digivice to him.

Digimon Savers: Another Mission[edit]

As in the Digimon Savers anime, agents of DATS continue to use their Digivice iCs. Some of the game's new human cast members, including Katsura Kosaburou, Kagura Tsukasa, and Nitta Masaki, also own Digivice iCs.

The Digivice iCs can be seen in various cutscenes, including Digimon evolution sequences.

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Sayo has a Digivice iC, evidently replacing the Digivice Burst that she previously owned in Digimon Story: Sunburst and Moonlight.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Sayo still has her Digivice iC.

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digivice iC Toy[edit]

The Digivice iC is the basis for the Digivice iC line of LCD virtual pets, produced for the Japanese market. Unlike previous Digivice toys, it is not a quest device. Similar to the Digimon Accel virtual pet line's DNA mechanic, the player inputs Digisoul through the sensor plate on the top of the device to influence the course of the Digimon's evolution.

Digivice Data Link Toy[edit]

This Digivice is also the basis for the separate Digivice Data Link line of LCD toys that was produced instead for the American, European, Asian, and Oceanian markets. Unlike the Japanese Digivice iC, gameplay in the Digivice Data Link blends elements from both virtual pets and Digivice-style quests.


Image Gallery[edit]


Digivice ic.png Digivice ic yoshino.png Digivice ic thoma.png Digivice ic ikuto.png
Digimon Savers
(Daimon Masaru's)
Digimon Savers
(Fujieda Yoshino's)
Digimon Savers
(Thoma H. Norstein's)
Digimon Savers
(Noguchi Ikuto's)
Digivice ic satsuma.png Digivice ic yushima.png Digivice ic megumi.png Digivice ic miki.png
Digimon Savers
(Satsuma Rentarou's)
Digimon Savers
(Yushima Hiroshi's)
Digimon Savers
(Shirakawa Megumi's)
Digimon Savers
(Kurosaki Miki's)


014 Digivice.png
Digimon Savers Lineart Book

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes

See Also[edit]

Digimon Next
Main Characters Tatsuno TsurugiAgumonInui YuuGaomonKitajima AmiPitchmonKahara ShouPeckmon
Supporting Characters Mikihara NornYggdrasillPiccolomonAndromon
Antagonists BarbamonCommandmentsThree CommandersNEO
Terms Digivice iCDigimon Twin DigiviceIllegalDigiMemory
Other List of ChaptersList of CharactersList of Images
Digimon Story
Main Characters PlayerPagumon
Tamer Union Kogure HaruhikoKazuyaTomomiYujiPhilEllieChrisMakoRobertSarahCulumon
Observers QinglongmonXuanwumonBaihumonZhuqiaomonClavis Angemon
Antagonists Alphamon/Unknown-DBad Tamers (Kain/Bad Tamers BossYoshikiAliciaPeterSueAnnChan) • Mugendramon/Skull Greymon • Chronomon (Destroy Mode > Holy Mode)
Digimon Savers characters Daimon MasaruAgumonThoma H. NorsteinGaomonFujieda YoshinoLalamon
Terms Tamer UnionDigiFarmDigivice iCGuilmon Bread
Other List of CharactersGuides