List of Digivices

From Wikimon

Digivices (デジヴァイス Dejivaisu) [N 1] in most Digimon media are strange tools used to tame, evolve and strengthen Digimon (and in Digimon Frontier, humans). Their forms vary, as do their functions, but all Digivices allow Evolution. Many are also available as Virtual Pets.

List of Digivices[edit]

Image Name Series
Digivice.jpg Digivice
(デジヴァイス , Dejivaisu)
Digimon Adventure, Digimon World
Digivice01.jpg Digivice 01
(デジヴァイス01 , Dejivaisu 01)
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01
D3 daisuke.png D-3
(D-3, Dī Surī)
Digimon Adventure 02
Darc.png D-Ark
(ディーアーク, Dī Āku)
(Dub: D-Power)
Digimon Tamers, Digimon ReCollection
Dscanner.png D-Scanner
(ディースキャナ, Dī Sukyana)
(Dub: D-Tector)
Digimon Frontier
Pendulum x.png Digimon Pendulum X
(デジモンペンデュラムX, Dejimon Pendyuramu Ekkusu)
Digimon Chronicle
Dcyber digivice.png D-Cyber Digivice
(ディーサイバー, Dī Saibā)
Digivice ic.png Digivice iC
(デジヴァイスiC, Dejivaisu iC)
(Dub: Data Link Digivice)
Digimon Savers, Digimon Next, Digimon Story, Digimon Savers: Another Mission, Digimon ReCollection
Digivice burst yoshino.png Digivice Burst
(デジヴァイスバースト, Dejivaisu Bāsuto)
(Dub: Data Burst Digivice)
Digimon Savers, Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight
Kuratas digivice.jpg Dark Digivice
(ダークデジヴァイス, Dāku Dejivaisu)
Digimon Savers
Biohybrid digivice kouki.png Bio-Hybrid Digivice
(バイオハイブリッド デジヴァイス, Baio Haiburiddo Dejivaisu)
Digimon Savers
Twin digivice.png Digimon Twin Digivice
(デジモンツイン, Dejimon Tsuin)
Digimon Next
Digimon xros loader.png Digimon Xros Loader
(デジモンクロスローダー, Dejimon Kurosurōdā)
(Dub: Digimon Fusion Loader)
Digimon Xros Wars
Darkness loader.png Darkness Loader
(ダークネローダー, Dākunesurōdā)
Digimon Xros Wars
Digivice cs.jpg Digivice
(デジヴァイス , Dejivaisu)
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Applidrive.png Appli Drive
(アプリドライヴ, Apuri Doraivu)
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Appli Drive DUO.png Appli Drive DUO
(アプリドライヴデュオ, Apuri Doraivu Deyuo)
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Smartphone Digivice.jpg Smartphone Digivice
(スマホ型デジヴァイス , Sumaho-gata Dejivaisu)
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Digivice 2020.png Digivice:
(デジヴァイス: , Dejivaisu:)
Digimon Adventure:
Digivicev.png Digivice-V-
(デジヴァイス-V- , Dejivaisu vī)
Digimon Ghost Game
Digivice d-zero.png Digivice D-ZERO
(数码暴龙机D-ZERO , Shùmǎ bào lóng jī D-ZERO)
Digimon New Century
80px Digivice-VV-
(デジヴァイス-VV- , Dejivaisu Dyuaruvī)
Digimon Ghost Game
1-4 Digimon Linker.jpg Digimon Linker
(デジモンリンカー , Dejimon Rinkā)
Digimon Seekers
Dstorage.png D-Storage Digimon Liberator



Digimon Adventure[edit]

This was the first TV appearance of a Digivice, which the Chosen Children got just before entering the Digital World, while the last one was held by Vamdemon until it was retaken by Yagami Hikari. They could purify Digimon that were affected by Black Gears or Devimon's power, and had other minor abilities, though their main use was evolution of their Partner Digimon. However, the Digivices alone could only evolve Digimon up to the Adult Level, with the Crests and Tags needed to go above it.[N 2]

Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

The new Chosen Children were given a new type of Digivice from the Digimental of Courage, which were dubbed as D-3s by Izumi Koushirou. Furthermore, Takaishi Takeru's and Yagami Hikari's original Digivices became D-3s upon touching their respective Digimentals, and Ichijouji Ken's after submerging it in the World of Darkness, giving it the alternate name of "Dark Digivice". The International Chosen Children were shown to possess the older type of Digivice, while those that were taken by Belial Vamdemon later obtained D-3s of their own.

The D-3 allowed the Chosen Children to open Digital Gates to connect the Real World and the Digital World, as well as to use Digimentals to perform Armor Evolution so they could fight even under the effects of the Dark Towers, which blocked regular evolution. Later on, they gained the ability to perform Jogress Evolution, fusing two of their Partner Digimon into one.

Digimon Tamers[edit]

The Digivices in Digimon Tamers are known as D-Arks, sometimes referred to simply as Digivices or Arks, and were obtained from either the transformation of another card scanner through a Blue Card, or out of thin air after forming a bond with the Tamer's Partner Digimon. They were mostly used for the "Card Slash" technique, which uses the data of Hyper Colosseum cards to modify and augment the Digimon's physical form and abilities to aid in battle, as well as to allow evolution.

Digimon Frontier[edit]

The Digivices in Digimon Frontier are known as D-Scanners, or D-Scans for short, and transformed from the Chosen Children's cellphones after entering the Digital World. They were used to collect and convert data in the form of Digicode. They could also Spirit Evolve chosen humans into Digimon by using Spirits. Two D-Scanners, Kanbara Takuya's and Minamoto Kouji's, were later upgraded by Ofanimon, allowing them to Hyper Spirit Evolve using half the Spirits each.

Digimon Savers[edit]

These Digivices could perform every form of Evolution by converting the users' Digisoul. They could also store Digimon. They were known as the Digivice iC, though they were simply called "Digivices" in the anime. Unlike previous Digivices, these were fully man-made and had to be physically given to their users, and all members of DATS with Partner Digimon had one.

Three of the Digivices: Daimon Masaru's, Touma H. Norstein's, and Fujieda Yoshino's, later broke due to their lack of control of their Digisoul, and evolved into Digivice Bursts after they mastered its use. Noguchi Ikuto's also later became a Digivice Burst. In the past, Daimon Suguru owned one as well. These allowed them to go beyond the Ultimate level through Burst Evolution, creating Burst Mode Digimon.

Kurata Akihiro had a different Digivice, known as Dark Digivice. Unlike the main Digivice iCs, this one used Artificial Digisoul to Pseudo-Evolve Digimon, specifically the man-made Gizmon. The Bio-Hybrids also had their own Digivice, known simply as the Bio-Hybrid Digivice, which allowed them to Hyper Bio Evolve into Digimon whose DNA was added to their body.

Digimon Xros Wars & Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

While the term "Digivice" is never used, the Digimon Xros Loader fills the same role in these series. Its most important use was to perform DigiXros, uniting multiple Digimon into a more powerful one, as well as to undo said DigiXrosses through the "Xros Open" command. Later on, it allowed the Generals to Super Evolve their Partner Digimon, as well as to perform DigiXrosses with them through the use of multiple Xros Loaders at once. It could also store multiple Digimon in itself and heal them while they're in it. All Xros Loaders were originally white, and gained colour upon their users registering their names in them. A registered Xros Loader could only be used by the person it was registered to. If their registered user's personality underwent a heavy change, they could change colour, as it happened to Amano Nene's, which went from black to lavender. Kudou Taiki's Xros Loader appeared out of thin air, while the rest of the Generals had theirs before the series began.

A different kind of Xros Loader was created by Dark Knightmon, known as the Darkness Loader. Unlike most Digivices, these could be used by Digimon, known as Death Generals, and allowed them to perform Forced DigiXrosses with Digimon against their will. Amano Yuu possessed the original Darkness Loader, which was more powerful than its copies, and it later became a yellow Xros Loader when Yuu realized his mistakes.

During the Digimon Hunt, several Xros Loaders were distributed amongst the players of the Hunt, known as Digimon Hunters, by the Old Clock Shop Man, whose true identity was Bagramon, the original creator of the Xros Loaders.

The returning Chosen Children and Tamers had the Digivices from their own series.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

The Chosen Children kept their original Digivices and D-3s. Unlike before, they could now evolve their Partner Digimon above the Adult level without the need of physical Crests.

The original Chosen Children were shown to own an older version of the first Digivice, with various physical differences.

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

While the term "Digivice" is never used, the Appli Drive fills the same role in these series. It could turn defeated Appmon into Appmon Chips, as well as Appliarise said Chips, returning the Appmon to their physical state and allowing them to exist in the Real World, where they'd be small holograms otherwise. While it couldn't perform regular evolution, as Appmon cannot evolve, it instead allowed the users to perform AppLink, giving one Appmon the powers of another; or, if they were compatible, perform an AppGattai which created an Appmon of a higher Grade. However, a Perfect Appmon created by it would only last 60 seconds before the AppGattai came undone.

All Appli Drives were originally white and were distributed to their Appli Drivers by various means by Minerva. Once they were in their power, they gave their Appli Drivers a question that tested them; if that question was properly answered, the Appli Drives would take colour as well as show PAIRING and the name of their Buddy Appmon in their cover.

Oozora Yuujin possessed an upgraded Appli Drive, known as the Appli Drive DUO, which increased the power of any Appmon it Appliarised by 1.5x and removed the time limit on Perfect Appmon. Furthermore, it allowed the user to perform Overdrive, turning their life energy into power for their Buddy Appmon. The other Appli Drivers later obtained DUOs of their own after their original Appli Drives were destroyed.

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

Both the original Digivices and D-3s were replaced by the new Smartphone Digivices, created by Izumi Koushirou's company. They presumably kept all of the abilities of those they replaced, plus smartphone capabilities. However, as they feared they were being tracked during the events of the movie, the Chosen Children returned to their original Digivices instead.

Both the original Digivices and the Smartphone Digivices projected a countdown ring of light when the countdown to the end of a Chosen Child's time with their Digimon began. Once the time was over, the original Digivices turned into stone. Yagami Taichi's and Ishida Yamato's Digivices also cracked upon performing Last Evolution, these cracks did not disappear even after the evolution ended.

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

The Digivice in this series is known as the Digivice:. They had multiple abilities, such as allowing their users to read Digimoji or serve as a compass, but their main ability was to evolve their Partner Digimon. Unlike the original Digivices, these did not need external Crests to perform evolution above Perfect, as the Crests were part of the Digivices: in the first place. Much like in the original series, the Chosen Children obtained their Digivices from thin air either before entering the Digital World or while they were in it.

Digimon Ghost Game[edit]

The Digivice in this series is known as the Digivice-V-, although it's only ever referred to as the "Digivice" in-series. It could read Dim Cards, create Pseudo Digital Worlds, create portals into the actual Digital World, and allow Digimon to take physical form in the Real World instead of being Hologram Ghosts. Their main use was to perform evolution to any level, as well as to give the Partner Digimon enhanced special moves; for the latter, the Digivice would cause the name of said attacks to appear in their users' minds, and then they would call the move instead of their Digimon. The Digivices were created by Amanokawa Hokuto, who left three behind before disappearing into the Digital World, and kept one himself.

Later on, the Digivice-V-s that remained in the Real World evolved into a new form known as the Digivice-VV-, though these were also never referred to by that name in-series. The Digivice-VV-s allowed the Digimon to perform Warp Evolution to Perfect.

Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]

The Chosen Children still owned their Smartphone Digivices and D-3s, which they used interchangably. The International Chosen Children still owned their original Digivices.

Ohwada Lui owned an older version of the original Digivice, which he obtained from his Partner Digimon, Ukkomon, as a birthday gift on February 29th, 1996, the day they met. Years later, he broke it with a baseball bat, and to this day he still carries the broken version with him.

After Lui travelled back in time thanks to Big Ukkomon and decided not to wish for anything, and the Chosen Children defeated Big Ukkomon, every Digivice and D-3 (and presumably the Smartphone Digivices as well) disappeared.

Digimon Adventure -Beyond-[edit]

During some point between Digimon Adventure tri. and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[N 3], Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato still owned their Digivices and Hida Iori still owned his D-3.


Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

The Digivice 01 was the primary Digivice used by Tamers. Unlike later Digivices, they could not trigger regular evolution at all. Instead, they could scan the data of Digimon, as well as beam commands and food into them. However, if a Tamer possessed two Digivices, they could perform Jogress Evolution, even while using an already Jogressed Digimon, as well as Partition them back into their separate components.

Yagami Taichi was given his Digivice 01 by Whamon. Saiba Neo and his Alias III presumably were given theirs by Demon. Neo and Fujimoto Hideto owned two Digivices 01 each.

The crossover characters from Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Frontier, and Digimon Adventure: had their original Digivices with them, with unchanged capabilities.

Digimon Chronicle[edit]

The Digimon Pendulum X is considered as the Digivice of Digimon Chronicle. Their users could increase the power of their Partner Digimon's special attacks by shaking the Pendulum Xs, known as X-Cast, as well as check whether a nearby Digimon had the X-Antibody through the XAI System.


The D-Cyber Digivice is the Digivice used by the Tamers of the Chinese manga D-Cyber. Their users could increase the power of their Partner Digimon's special attacks by shaking the D-Cybers, as well as evolving them by creating spheres of their own power.

Digimon Next[edit]

The primary Digivice of Digimon Next was the Digivice iC. Unlike its counterpart in Digimon Savers, it featured the same functions as a V-Pet (Heal, Clean, Feed, etc.), as well as other minor functions such as checking a Digimon's DP. However, it could still use a Tamer's Digisoul to evolve their Partner Digimon as well as give them new attacks. Tatsuno Tsurugi's and Inui Yuu's Digivice iCs were transformed from their Digimon Minis by Piccolomon and Andromon, respectively. Both were later destroyed, so Mikihara Norn replaced them with the Digimon Twin Digivices, a pair of devices that were created to stop Yggdrasill should they ever become a danger by calling forth the Arbitrators, Victory Greymon and Z'd Garurumon, who evolved from Tsurugi and Yuu's Partner Digimon, Agumon and Gaomon.

Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

While the term "Digivice" is never used, the Digimon Xros Loader fills the same role in these series. Its most important use was to perform DigiXros, uniting multiple Digimon into a more powerful one, as well as to undo said DigiXrosses through the "Xros Open" command. Later on, it allowed the Generals to evolve their Partner Digimon, as well as to perform DigiXrosses with them through the use of multiple Xros Loaders at once. It could also store multiple Digimon in itself and heal them while they're in it. All Xros Loaders were originally white, and gained colour upon their users being registered. Unlike in the anime, said registration did not need their users to be in close proximity of the Xros Loader or say their name, merely the will to fight was seemingly enough.

Amano Nene's, Amano Kotone's, and Aonuma Kiriha's Xros Loaders were created by Bagramon to test if hope could beat despair. Kudou Taiki's Xros Loader appeared from thin air in front of him in the Real World, and was later used to create three more Xros Loaders by Wizarmon, two of which would go to Hinomoto Akari and Tsurugi Zenjirou. The third was sent back in time alongside Wizarmon, who'd then give it to Taiki, creating a time loop.

Dark Knightmon used Shademon, as well as Nene's and Taiki's Xros Code, to convert Nene's Xros Loader into the Darkness Loader. While the transformation was incomplete due to Nene's interference, it nonetheless allowed Shademon (Nene Ver.) to perform Forced DigiXrosses. These were permanent and affected the ego of the main component of the DigiXros, ultimately breaking them completely if they kept DigiXrossing stronger Digimon into themselves without rest. After Kiriha and Kotone rescued Nene from Shademon, who had become Moon Millenniumon, the Darkness Loader became a Xros Loader once again, changing colour from its original black to an unknown colour, likely lavender.

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Taiga and Nicolai Petrov have Digivices they wear on the upper arm and on the wrist, respectively. Nico uses his to send Sashenka to fight in "Complication!".

Nico using his Digivice

Digimon World Re:Digitize Encode[edit]

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

While the term "Digivice" is never used, the Appli Drive fills the same role in these series. It could turn defeated Appmon into Appmon Chips, as well as Appliarise said Chips, returning the Appmon to their physical state and allowing them to exist in the Real World, where they'd be small holograms otherwise. While it couldn't perform regular evolution, as Appmon cannot evolve, it instead allowed the users to perform AppLink, giving one Appmon the powers of another; or, if they were compatible, perform an AppGattai which created an Appmon of a higher Grade. However, a Perfect Appmon created by it would only last an undefined amount of time before the AppGattai came undone.

All Appli Drives were originally white and were distributed to their Appli Drivers by various means by Minerva. Once they were in their power, they gave their Appli Drivers a question that tested them; if that question was properly answered, the Appli Drives would take colour as well as show PAIRING and the name of their Buddy Appmon in their cover.

Oozora Yuujin possessed an upgraded Appli Drive, known as the Appli Drive DUO, which increased the power of any Appmon it Appliarised by 1.5x and removed the time limit on Perfect Appmon. Furthermore, it allowed the user to perform Overdrive, turning their life energy into power for their Buddy Appmon. The other Appli Drivers later obtained DUOs of their own, evolved from their original Appli Drives by Shinkai Denemon using Minerva's data.

Digimon Liberator[edit]

The Digivice equivalent of Digimon Liberator is the D-Storage, which serves as a card case and is needed to enter Lacuna through a T.A.L.E, as well as having other functions in both the Real World and in-game. As it is needed to enter the game, every player of Digimon Liberator must own a D-Storage.

Digimon ReCollection[edit]

Nozomi Mayu and Nozomi Riko own several Digivice toys of various types, including the original Digivice (activated), a D-Ark (red), a New D-Scanner, a Digivice iC, a Xros Loader, and an Appli Drive DUO, all in the colours of the protagonists of their respective series. Mayu is also given a working Digivice iC by his Partner Digimon, Agumon, and later obtains a D-Ark as well after a pep talk from Terriermon.

Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~[edit]

Xu Yulin owns several Digimon Docks, as shown in Episode 1, though all of them end up empty after she loses their Digimon. She's later given a Digimon Pendulum X-like Digimon Dock containing Ryudamon by Professor Ryusenji Tomonori.

In the present day, in Episode 2, as the Squad Leader of the Digipolice, Yulin owns a Digimon Linker. It is not shown when or how she obtained it.


Digimon Seekers[edit]

Professor Ryusenji Tomonori gave Nagasumi Eiji the prototype Digimon Linker in "1-4: Eiji:Wolf of ninth avenue".

Digimon Liberator[edit]

The Digivice equivalent of Digimon Liberator is the D-Storage, which serves as a card case and is needed to enter Lacuna through a T.A.L.E, as well as having other functions in both the Real World and in-game. As it is needed to enter the game, every player of Digimon Liberator must own a D-Storage.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon World[edit]

At the beginning of the game, the Player has the option of being able to own a Digivice or not. It does not seem to make much of a difference, either way.

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

When Millenniumon takes over and captures the Chosen Children, Agumon retains Yagami Taichi's Digivice. He sends it to Akiyama Ryo through his computer screen to bring him into the Digital World, and then gives it to him for the duration of the game, so that he can use it to fight Millenniumon's forces and free Taichi and the other Chosen Children. However, since it is not his own Digivice, Ryo is unable to use it to evolve Agumon. Instead, its main purpose is to purify Millenniumon's servants and convert them into allies.

Taichi's Digivice, simply called the "Digivice", is a key item that is added to Ryo's inventory after the first dungeon is cleared. Points are added to it every time an enemy Digimon is defeated. The Digivice can be used on enemy Digimon from the Item menu, spending all of its points to attempt to convert one selected Digimon into an ally.

Digimon World 2[edit]

The Digivice is the D-level gift for Data-attribute Digimon. It can be bought in Blue Falcon HQ if Akira decides to join them, or later in Device Dome regardless of his Guard Team.

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]

The six main D-3s from Digimon Adventure 02 appear in Digimon World: Digital Card Arena as the "Digivice" series of Option Cards, each named after their color. Each of them boosts the user's Digimon's HP and Attack depending on their Attribute.

D-3 red option dwdca.png 206 Red Digivice
(レッドデジヴァイス Reddo dejivaisu;
Dub: Red Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Fire>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 blue option dwdca.png 207 Blue Digivice
(ブルーデジヴァイス Burū dejivaisu;
Dub: Blue Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Water>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 green option dwdca.png 208 Green Digivice
(グリーンデジヴァイス Gurīn dejivaisu;
Dub: Green Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Nature>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 black option dwdca.png 209 Black Digivice
(ブラックデジヴァイス Burakku dejivaisu;
Dub: Black Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Darkness>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 yellow option dwdca.png 210 Yellow Digivice
(イエローデジヴァイス Ierō dejivaisu;
Dub: Yellow Digivice)
If own Attribute is <Rare>, boost own Attack Power +100, and recover HP +200.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card
D-3 pink option dwdca.png 211 Pink Digivice
(ピンクデジヴァイス Pinku dejivaisu;
Dub: Pink Digivice)
If own and foe's Attributes are the same, boost own Attack Power +200, and recover HP +400.
Timing: Battle Phase/Use Support Card

Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

The Player uses a Digivice iC, which appeared around their neck when they first entered the Digital World. It appears in the background of the game's pause menu and is considered to be responsible for the menu's various functions as well as several others. When a day on the player's Farm Islands is completed, the Digivice sounds an alarm to check if the player wishes to view the results.

During an Onegai Quest, the Player returns Daimon Masaru's lost Digivice to him.

Digimon Savers: Another Mission[edit]

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Taiga has a Digivice on his arm. as does Nicolai Petrov. The Digivice acts as the menu of the game, known as Digivice Mode, which the player can activate by pressing Triangle then selecting Digivice. From the Digivice, the player can:

  • Check information about their Partner Digimon.
  • Select the skills their Partner Digimon will use.
  • Equip their Partner Digimon with up to three accesories.
  • Equip their DigiMemories.
  • Check the Digimon they've owned.

After Taiga entered the Digital World, Digimaru used the signal of his Digivice to find him.

While unseen, the Chosen Children from Digimon Adventure still own their Digivices. Matsuda Takato also still owns one of his D-Arks.

Digivice Mode in Re:Digitize

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Taiga has a Digivice on his arm, as does Nicolai Petrov. Shinomiya Rina owns a smartphone Digivice. As it's a needed item to command Digimon, the other Tamers must also own Digivices of their own, while unseen, Rindou Akiho mentions hers. The Digivice acts as the menu of the game, known as Digivice Mode, which the player can activate by pressing X or touching Digivice on the lower screen. From the Digivice, the player can:

  • Select the skills their Partner Digimon will use.
  • Equip their Partner Digimon with up to three accesories.
  • Equip their DigiMemories.
  • Check the Digimon they've owned and the forms their current Digimon has taken.
  • Check information about Taiga himself, such as the medals he obtained and records he set.
  • Check the mail they've received.
  • Display the map of File Island.
  • Check the cards and key items they've collected, as well as a glossary.
  • Save or load data, change settings and go back to the title screen.

The first option of Re:Digitize, checking information about the player's Partner Digimon, is now shown in the top screen at all times.

Outside of Digivice Mode, the Digivice is shown to have these abilities:

  • Send a signal. After Taiga entered the Digital World, Digimaru used the signal of his Digivice to find him.
  • After grabbing Garbage Data, mail is sent to Taiga's Digivice, and after reactivating a Memorial Stella, data is transferred into it, giving the player more maps and glossary terms. These are exclusive to Taiga's Digivice thanks to his Decode aptitude; the first time they happened, neither were transferred to Akiho's Digivice, despite also being present, to her confusion.
  • Command a Partner Digimon. For his fight against Mamemon, Taiga lends his Digivice to Nico so he can command Digimaru. While under Nico's possession, the player controls Nico and can fully use Digivice Mode except saving. After beating Mamemon, Nico gives Taiga his Digivice back.
  • Evolve a Partner Digimon into different forms by sending the user's actions and emotions into them. This is discovered by Izumi Kōshirō during the Colosseum 1st floor Free Battle: "Quest for Knowledge".
  • Register the data of a Digimental, allowing the user's Partner Digimon to evolve into a Digimon that would normally require it. This happens after the Colosseum 40th floor Free Battle: "Radiance of Miracles", where Taiga's Digivice registers the data of Motomiya Daisuke's Digimental of Miracles to allow Digimaru to evolve into Magnamon.

While unseen, the Chosen Children from Digimon Adventure still own their Digivices. Daisuke still owns his D-3. Matsuda Takato still owns one of his D-Arks. Daimon Masaru still owns his Digivice Burst.

"Taichi's Digivice" and "Xros Loader" are accessories Digimaru can wear.

Digivice Mode in Re:Digitize Decode
Digimaru wearing Taichi's Digivice
Digimaru wearing the Xros Loader

Digimon Fusion Fighters[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

People utilize Digivices to connect to EDEN. The protagonist, Aiba Takumi or Aiba Ami, uses a goggles-style Digivice.

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digital Monster[edit]

Digivices were first created as a story point and case for the V-Pet, Digital Monster.

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. a portmanteau of "Digital" and "Device".
  2. The DigiCode present on this digivice reads "Digital Monster": Dcde.pngDcji.pngDcta.pngルDcmo.pngDcn.pngDcsu.pngDcta.pngDcchouon.png
  3. Hida Iori mentions he's a high schooler to the unnamed International Chosen Child. As he's an adult in Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, this must happen before the movie. Furthermore, Agumon and Gabumon are still around, with no time to come back between both films, thus placing it also before Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. Yagami Taichi is also shown using a normal smartphone and his original Digivice instead of the Smartphone Digivice he owned in Last Evolution: Kizuna.