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An Applink (アプリンク Apurinku) is a process in which two Appmon (one in the form of an Appmon Chip) are linked together into a conglomerate entity by an Appli Drive user. Sometimes, the subordinate Appmon forms weapons, armor or new abilities for the lead Appmon.[1] Other times, the subordinate Appmon appears in a ghostly form floating behind the lead Appmon.[2]

AppGattai (アプ合体 Apu gattai) is stated to be a variation of Applink in which two specific compatible Appmon combine together to become an Appmon of a higher Grade.

When 2 Appmon Applink in a way that results in 1 Appmon taking on the armor, weapons, or other physical characteristics of the 2nd Appmon, this type of Applink is referred to as Chou Gattai (超合体)[3].

This is a list of all instances of Chou Gattai that have thus far been observed in the franchise:



Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

List of Applinks[edit]

Applinks in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Appli Driver Component Appmon Applinked Appmon Description Chapter
Shinkai Haru Gatchmon + Navimon Digimon Universe manga - DoGatchmon 1.jpgDigimon Universe manga - DoGatchmon 2.jpg
AppGattai. Super Grade. 7500 Power. Many chapters starting from "Protagonist Launch!!"
Shinkai Haru Gatchmon + Tubumon Digimon Universe manga - Gatchmon + Tubumon.jpg
Gatchmon Plus Tubumon
Tubumon appears in a ghostly form floating behind Gatchmon. In this form, Gatchmon can use the combined special move, Gatch Iine Rush.
This Applink is formed off-screen and only the final result is shown.
"Determination Install!!"
Karan Eri Dokamon + Perorimon Digimon Universe manga - Dosukomon.jpg
AppGattai. Super Grade. 11000 Power. Many chapters starting from "Determination Install!!"
Asuka Torajirou Musimon + Recomon Digimon Universe manga - Mediamon.jpg
AppGattai. Super Grade. 5800 Power. Many chapters starting from "Link!!"
Shinkai Haru DoGatchmon + Mediamon Digimon Universe manga - DoGatchmon + Mediamon 1.jpgDigimon Universe manga - DoGatchmon + Mediamon 2.jpg
DoGatchmon Plus Mediamon
17050 Power.
Mediamon appears in a ghostly form floating behind DoGatchmon. In this form, DoGatchmon perform both its own DoGatch Buster and Mediamon's Howling Blast simultaneously.
Katsura Rei Hackmon + Unknown Digimon Universe manga - Raidramon.jpg
Super Appliarise. Super Grade.
Raidramon is never formed through AppGattai in the manga, only directly Super Appliarised. Its second component is also never shown, though in the anime it is Protecmon.
Many chapters starting from "Link!!"
Asuka Torajirou Mediamon + Dosukomon Digimon Universe manga - Mediamon Plus Oujamon and DoGatchmon Plus Raidramon.jpg
Mediamon Plus Dosukomon
Chou Gattai. 19700 Power.
Mediamon's coat and trousers turns blue like Dosukomon. In this form, Mediamon gains access to the special move, Crash Beat.
"Ultimate Time!!"
Shinkai Haru DoGatchmon + Raidramon Digimon Universe manga - Mediamon Plus Oujamon and DoGatchmon Plus Raidramon.jpg
DoGatchmon Plus Raidramon
Chou Gattai. 23750 Power.
DoGatchmon is equipped with Raidramon's wings and wields its tail like a sword. In this form, DoGatchmon gains access to the special move, Vortex Sword and Raidramon's Super Hacking ability through its sword.
"Ultimate Time!!"
Shinkai Haru DoGatchmon + Timemon Globemon manga.jpg
AppGattai/Ultimate Appliarise. Ultimate Grade. 60000 Power. Many chapters starting from "Ultimate Time!!"
Unryuji Knight Scorpmon + Unknown Digimon Universe manga - Warudamon and Sateramon.jpg
AppGattai. Ultimate Grade. 100000 Power.
This AppGattai happens off-screen. It's unknown which Appmon was fused with Scorpmon to form it, as the confirmation it was even formed as an AppGattai by Unryuji Knight is given after its appearance.
"Minerva and Leviathan!!"
Unryuji Knight Mienumon + Sakusimon Digimon Universe manga - Warudamon and Sateramon.jpg
AppGattai. Ultimate Grade. 88000 Power. "The Devil's Hand!!"
Karan Eri Dosukomon + Coachmon Digimon Universe manga - Ultimate AppGattai.jpeg
AppGattai/Ultimate Appliarise. Ultimate Grade. 95000 Power. Many chapters starting from "The Devil's Hand!!"
Asuka Torajirou Mediamon + Dreammon Digimon Universe manga - Ultimate AppGattai.jpeg
AppGattai/Ultimate Appliarise. Ultimate Grade. 42000 Power. Many chapters starting from "The Devil's Hand!!"
Katsura Rei Raidramon + Dezipmon Digimon Universe manga - Ultimate AppGattai.jpeg
AppGattai/Ultimate Appliarise. Ultimate Grade. 78000 Power. Many chapters starting from "The Devil's Hand!!"
Ozora Yujin Offmon Digimon Universe manga - Shutmon.jpg
Ultimate Appliarise. Ultimate Grade. 85500 Power.
Unlike other Appmon, Offmon seems capable of increasing his Grade without need of other Appmon, as such, none are shown fusing with it, and this form is always summoned through Ultimate Appliarise and never through AppGattai. As Shutmon is always formed through Ozora Yujin's Appli Drive DUO, his power is 50% higher than normal.
"The Devil's Hand!!"
Unknown Docmon + Vegasmon Digimon Universe manga - Docmon + Vegasmon.jpg
Docmon Plus Vegasmon
Vegasmon appears in a ghostly form floating behind Docmon. In this form, Docmon's recovery is improved through luck.
This Applink is formed off-screen and who formed it is unknown. However, as both Appmon involved are owned by Katsura Rei, he's likely the one responsible for it.
Friendship Update!!
Ozora Yujin Shutmon + Globemon Digimon Universe manga - Shutmon + DoGatchmon.jpg
Shutmon Plus Globemon
Chou Gattai. 174000 Power.
Shutmon is equipped with Globemon's chest and shoulder armour and wings. Globemon's search ability allow Shutmon to immediately find the location of any threats. In this form, Shutmon can use the special attack, Shut End, and shoot beams from Globemon's chest orb.
Many chapters starting from Friendship Update!!
Shinkai Haru Gossipmon + Sociamon Digimon Universe manga - Charismon and Biomon.jpeg
AppGattai. Ultimate Grade. 82500 Power. Cage!!
Katsura Rei Docmon + Medicmon Digimon Universe manga - Charismon and Biomon.jpeg
AppGattai. Ultimate Grade. 105000 Power. Cage!!
Karan Eri Oujamon + Entermon Digimon Universe manga - Oujamon Plus Entermon.jpg
Oujamon Plus Entermon
Entermon appears in a ghostly form floating behind Oujamon. Overdrive!!
Unryuji Knight Fakemon + Beautymon Digimon Universe manga - Fakemon + Beautymon.jpg
Fakemon Plus Beautymon
Beautymon appears in a ghostly form floating behind Fakemon. They're also powered up by the L-Code. In this form, Fakemon can create copies of himself, though only one of them is the real Fakemon. He can also summon a large amount of Beautymon's Wing Pacts and use them to absorb attacks. Overdrive!!
Katsura Rei Onmon Bootmon manga.jpg
Ultimate Appliarise. Ultimate Grade. 85500 Power.
Unlike other Appmon, Onmon seems capable of increasing his Grade without need of other Appmon, as such, none are shown fusing with it, and this form is always summoned through Ultimate Appliarise and never through AppGattai. As Bootmon is always formed through Katsura Rei's Appli Drive DUO, its power is 50% higher than normal.
What Links Us Together!!
Unryuji Knight Mienumon + Cometmon Digimon Universe manga - Deusmon.jpg
God Appliarise. God Grade. 510000 Power.
Deusmon's power is 50% higher than it should be, hinting it was created from an Appli Drive DUO. However, Unryuji Knight is never shown to own one. The Appli Drive used for the God Appliarise itself is also not shown.
What Links Us Together!!
Asuka Torajirou Entermon + Fakemon Digimon Universe manga - God Appliarise 1.jpegKami appmon manga.jpg
God Appliarise. God Grade. 435000 Power.
As Ouranosmon is always formed through Asuka Torajirou's Appli Drive DUO, his power is 50% higher than normal. He's then powered up further by Minerva and Overdrive, granting him white, coat-like wings.
Karan Eri Oujamon + Beautymon Digimon Universe manga - God Appliarise 1.jpegKami appmon manga.jpg
God Appliarise. God Grade. 405000 Power.
As Poseidomon is always formed through Karan Eri's Appli Drive DUO, his power is 50% higher than normal. He's then powered up further by Minerva and Overdrive, granting him white, coat-like wings.
Shinkai Haru Globemon + Charismon Digimon Universe manga - God Appliarise 1.jpegKami appmon manga.jpg
God Appliarise. God Grade. 450000 Power.
As Gaiamon is always formed through Shinkai Haru's Appli Drive DUO, his power is 50% higher than normal. He's then powered up further by Minerva and Overdrive, granting him white, coat-like wings.
Katsura Rei Revivemon + Biomon Digimon Universe manga - God Appliarise 1.jpegKami appmon manga.jpg
God Appliarise. God Grade. 472500 Power.
As Hadesmon is always formed through Katsura Rei's Appli Drive DUO, his power is 50% higher than normal. He's then powered up further by Minerva and Overdrive, granting him white, coat-like wings.

Rei originally attempted to Applink Revivemon and Biomon in "Overdrive!!". However, as the God Grade wasn't unlocked at the time, the Applink failed and the Appmon remained separate.

Ozora Yujin Shutmon + Bootmon Digimon Universe manga - God Appliarise 1.jpegKami appmon manga.jpg
God Appliarise. God Grade. 420000 Power.
As Rebootmon is always formed through Ozora Yujin's Appli Drive DUO, his power is 50% higher than normal. He's then powered up further by Minerva and Overdrive, granting him white, coat-like wings.
Component Appmon listed in bold are the lead Digimon of the respective Applink.

Video Games[edit]


Digimon Card Game[edit]

Link is a mechanic added to the Digimon Card Game in BT-21 World Convergence. A Digimon with the Link keyword (in every case so far an Appmon) from the hand or battle area can be linked to a Digimon on the battle area that meets the criteria specified in the linking Appmon (so far, every Link requires the recipient to have the Appmon trait). Afterwards, the linked Digimon is put sideways below the recipient, which gains the DP and effect written in the Link user as long as they remain linked.

A Digimon can only have 1 linked card. If another card is linked to a Digimon that already has one, the previous card is trashed. If a Digimon with a linked card evolves, the link is kept so long as the evolved Digimon still meets the requirement. Otherwise, it gets trashed. Linked cards are not considered evolution sources. If a Digimon from the battle area with evolution sources is linked, the evolution sources are trashed.

A linked Digimon is needed to perform AppGattai. During an AppGattai, the linked Digimon is stacked on top of the link recipient and both become evolution sources for the Digimon with the AppGattai keyword, which is evolved from them. AppGattai requires two specific materials written in the card, though it may have more than two written in it.

Link example. Navimon is linked to Gatchmon, giving it Pierce and 2000 DP

Additional information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Main Characters Shinkai HaruKaran EriAsuka TorajirouKatsura ReiOozora Yujin
Buddy Appmon GatchmonDokamonMusimonHackmonOffmon
Supporting Characters Kashiki AiWatsonNavimonShinkai DenemonMinervaTimemonCoachmonDantemonKatsura HajimeBootmonAgumonAsuka RyūtarouAsuka JennyMCmonTutomonCaught-Up Old Man
AppGattai Partners DreammonDezipmonPerorimonRecomon
Appliyama 470 Kagurazaka IzumiKibayashi ErenaMashiro Arisu
L-Corp Umematsu TakeoShiraishiYujin's Mother
Antagonists LeviathanCameramonSakusimonMienumonSateramonCometmonUnryuji KnightUltimate 4Deusmon
Terms AppliariseAppli DriveAppli Drive DUOAppli DriverAppLinkAppliyama 470Appmon BandSeven Code BandAppmon ChipAR-FieldBuddy AppmonCyber ArenaDigimon UniverseHumanity Applification PlanL-CorpL-VirusNet OceanL-CodeOverdriveRoulette SystemSeven Code AppmonSeven Code PAD
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast