Buddy Appmon

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A Buddy Appmon (バディアプモン, Badi Apumon) is an Appmon who has paired themselves with an Appli Driver.

Upon forming a partnership, the Appli Drive of the Appli Driver, originally white, takes on the colour of the Buddy Appmon. The name of the Appmon is also carved onto the Appli Drive's screen below the word PAIRING, all in capital roman letters[1]. If said Appli Drive is destroyed, the Buddy Appmon will disappear and lose all memories of their bond. Reforming the bond and obtaining a new Appli Drive will also make them recover said memories[2].

Concept art for Batterimon uses the term Fellow Digimon (仲間のデジモン, Nakama no Dejimon)[3], however this term was never used again otherwise.

Buddy Appmon[edit]


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters/Cyber Arena[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. By the end of the manga series, it is highly implied that Onmon becomes Hajime's Buddy Appmon despite never been explicitly shown the latter having an Appli Drive.
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Main Characters Shinkai HaruKaran EriAsuka TorajirouKatsura ReiOozora Yujin
Buddy Appmon GatchmonDokamonMusimonHackmonOffmon
Supporting Characters Kashiki AiWatsonNavimonShinkai DenemonMinervaTimemonCoachmonDantemonKatsura HajimeBootmonAgumonAsuka RyūtarouAsuka JennyMCmonTutomonCaught-Up Old Man
AppGattai Partners DreammonDezipmonPerorimonRecomon
Appliyama 470 Kagurazaka IzumiKibayashi ErenaMashiro Arisu
L-Corp Umematsu TakeoShiraishiYujin's Mother
Antagonists LeviathanCameramonSakusimonMienumonSateramonCometmonUnryuji KnightUltimate 4Deusmon
Terms AppliariseAppli DriveAppli Drive DUOAppli DriverAppLinkAppliyama 470Appmon BandSeven Code BandAppmon ChipAR-FieldBuddy AppmonCyber ArenaDigimon UniverseHumanity Applification PlanL-CorpL-VirusNet OceanL-CodeOverdriveRoulette SystemSeven Code AppmonSeven Code PAD
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