Dantemon (Appli Monsters)

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Kanji/Kana ダンテモン

Dantemon is a minor character in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters.


Standard -
Super -
Ultimate -
God -


In both the anime and manga, Dantemon is an extremely powerful Appmon who is brought forth by Appliarising the Seven Code PAD with all Seven Code Appmon in it, and whose help is needed to beat Leviathan. Beyond his fighting prowess, he's also capable of opening the door to the Deep Web and evolve the Appmon Bands into the Seven Code Bands. As well, in both versions, he refers to himself in the third person as "Dantemon". Other than that, his personality differs significantly between the anime and manga.

In the anime, Dantemon is very childish and silly, loudly proclaiming what he likes to do, such as singing, regardless of the situation. In the manga, he's far more serious and determined, though he has one silly moment when he breaks down crying after being manipulated by Warudamon and attacking the Appli Drivers.



Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Appmon Seven Code Band[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters
Main Characters Shinkai HaruKaran EriAsuka TorajirouKatsura ReiOozora Yujin
Buddy Appmon GatchmonDokamonMusimonHackmonOffmon
Supporting Characters Kashiki AiWatsonNavimonShinkai DenemonMinervaTimemonCoachmonDantemonKatsura HajimeBootmonAgumonAsuka RyūtarouAsuka JennyMCmonTutomonCaught-Up Old Man
AppGattai Partners DreammonDezipmonPerorimonRecomon
Appliyama 470 Kagurazaka IzumiKibayashi ErenaMashiro Arisu
L-Corp Umematsu TakeoShiraishiYujin's Mother
Antagonists LeviathanCameramonSakusimonMienumonSateramonCometmonUnryuji KnightUltimate 4Deusmon
Terms AppliariseAppli DriveAppli Drive DUOAppli DriverAppLinkAppliyama 470Appmon BandSeven Code BandAppmon ChipAR-FieldBuddy AppmonCyber ArenaDigimon UniverseHumanity Applification PlanL-CorpL-VirusNet OceanL-CodeOverdriveRoulette SystemSeven Code AppmonSeven Code PAD
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese Cast