
From Wikimon
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The "King of the Underworld" who governs over destruction and regeneration. It possesses the ability to change physical matter or data according to its will, and is capable of even altering or controlling vast expanses of space.
Appmon Reference Book

Other ▸
Grade God [1]

App Variation [1]
Type God [1]
Power 315000
List of Appmon

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Hell Kakia [1] Grc: Hell Malice ヘル・カキア Heru Kakia Hell Kakia Thrusts the blade on its tail into the ground, changing the configuration of the surrounding structures.
Melan-Explode [1] Grc: Black-Explode メランエクスプロード Meranekusupurōdo Melan-Explode Attacks with a pillar of purple energy.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Hadesmon is the Buddy Appmon of Katsura Rei.

HadesmonUniverse4.jpg HadesmonUniverse.jpg HadesmonUniverse2.jpg HadesmonUniverse3.jpg

Individual Appearances[edit]


Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

All Kami Buddy Appmon from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters (Manga).
Hadesmon (Minerva) using Melan-Explode.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Hadesmon DUAM 3DS 2.jpg
Hadesmon DUAM 3DS.jpg
Hadesmon DUAM 3DS 3.jpg

Appmon Data Lab[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Appli Drive[edit]

Appli Drive DUO[edit]


4G-002 (DCDAPM)
Dcda-4G-002 front.jpg

The King of the Underworld who governs over destruction and regeneration. It possesses the ability to change physical matter or data according to its will, and is capable of even altering or controlling vast expanses of space.
Datacarddass applimonsters logo.png

Image Gallery[edit]

Hadesmon sprite appli drive duo.png
Appli Drive DUO

Additional information[edit]

References Notes