List of Digimon titles

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Name Title(s) Kanji
Aegisdramon Brains of the Crack Team[1] クラックチームの頭脳
Alphamon Aloof Hermit[2] 孤高の隠士
Lord of the "Empty Seat"[3] “空白の席”の主
Ancient Garurumon Supreme Shining Beast[4] 光り輝く至高の獣
Ancient Sphinxmon Deadly Dark Beast[5] 死を招く闇の獣
Ancient Volcamon Oldest of the Ultimates[6] 最古の究極体
Anubimon Digimon Judge[7] デジモンの裁判官
Aquilamon Great Eagle of the Desert[8] 砂漠の巨鷲
Baalmon Sublime Lord[9] 気高き王
Bagramon Sage of Death[10] 死を司る賢者
Baihumon God of the West[11] 西方の神
Barbamon Schemer of Gold[12] 黄金の古狐
Bastemon Goddess of Cats[13] 猫の女神
Beel Starmon Beelzebumon Lady[14] ベルゼブモンレディ
Beelko[14] ベル子
Beelzebumon Duelist of Finality[12] 最後の決闘者
Belphemon: Rage Mode Roar of Awakening[12] 目覚めの咆哮
Black Growmon Jet-black Demon Dragon[15] 漆黒の魔竜
Black Megalo Growmon Black Destroyer Dragon[16] 黒い破壊竜
Black Seraphimon Fallen Black Wings[12] 黒翼堕翼
Black War Greymon Jet-black Dragon Warrior[17] 漆黒の竜戦士
Bombermon Explosive Artist[18] 爆発系アーティスト
Butterflamon Mesmerizing Knowledge[19] 魅惑の知識
Chaosdramon Crimson Steel Dragon[20] 深紅の鋼鉄竜
Machine Dragon of Chaos[6] 混沌の機竜
Cthyllamon Phantom of the Ocean[21] 海の死霊
Culumon Digi-Entelechy[22] デジ・エンテレケイヤ
Cupimon Angel of Charity[23] 博愛の天使
Dagomon Sinful Priest of the Ocean Floor[24] 海底の破戒僧
Dantemon Appmon of Miracles[25] 奇跡のアプモン
Darcmon Goddess of the Battlefield[26] 戦場の女神
Dark Knightmon Aristocrat of Darkness 闇の貴族
Darkness Bagramon God of Death[27] ゴッドオブデス
Deadly Axemon Running Lightning[28] 走る稲妻
Death-X-DORUgoramon Digicore Predator[29] 電脳核捕食者(デジコアプレデター)
Death-X-mon Digicore Disposer[30] 電脳核処理者(デジコアディスポーザー)
Deathmon The Three-eyed God of Destruction[31] 3つ目の破壊神
Demon Hellfire of Chaos[12] 混沌の業火
Deusmon The Most Fearsome Mechanical God[32] 最恐の機械神
Almighty Appmon[33] 全能のアプモン
Devidramon Many-eyed Demon[34] 複眼の悪魔
Digmon Steel Knowledge[35] 鋼の叡智
DORUguremon Final Enemy[36] 最後の敵
Dynasmon Passionate Warrior[37] 情熱の闘士
Etemon King of Digimon[38] キング・オブ・デジモン
Examon Dragon Emperor[39] 竜帝
Holy Guardian[11] 聖なる守護者
Eyesmon Jet-Black Shadow[40] 漆黒の影
Firamon Soaring Lion[41] 空を翔る獅子
Fladramon Blazing Courage[42] 燃え上がる勇気
Gaiamon God of Creation[43] 創世の神
Gesomon White Demon of the Depths[44] 深海の白い悪魔
Giga Seadramon Colossal Assault Landing Ship[45][46] 超大型強襲揚陸艦
Giromon Net Keeper[47] ネットキーパー
Goddramon (X-Antibody) Sky-soaring, Strong-armed Fighting Dragon[48] 天空を駆ける豪腕の格闘竜
Grademon Golden Meteor[49] 金色の流星
Gran Kuwagamon Demon of the Deep Forest[50] 深き森の悪魔
Grand Dracumon Vampire King[51] 吸血鬼の王
Ruler of the Night[52] 夜の支配者
Grand Galemon King of the Forest[53] 森の王
Growmon Deep-crimson Demon Dragon[54] 深紅の魔竜
Growmon (Orange) Yellow Roaring Dragon[55] 黄轟竜
Gulfmon Beast of the Abyss[56] 深淵の魔獣
Hadesmon King of the Underworld[57] 冥界の王
God of Variation[58] 変化を司る神
Harpymon Snatcher[59] かすめ取る者
Herakle Kabuterimon (X-Antibody) Insect Kaiser[60] 昆虫帝王(インセクトカイザー)
Hi-Vision Monitamon Black Electromagnetic Wave[61] 黒い電磁波
Holsmon Flapping Love[35] はばたく愛情
Huanglongmon Taiji of Light and Darkness[62] 光と闇の“太極”
Proud Yellow Emperor Dragon[6] 誇り高き黃帝龍
Emperor who Rules the Earth[11] 大地を司る皇帝
Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode Ruling Emperor Dragon[20] 君臨する皇帝竜
Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode Ultimate Dragon Warrior 究極竜戦士
Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode Ancient Holy Knight[20] 古の聖騎士
Jokermon Passing Trump[63] 通りすがりの切り札
Jyureimon Lord of the Deep Forest[64] 樹海の主
Kaiser Leomon Jet-black Lion[65] 漆黒の獅子
King Etemon King of Etemon[66] キング・オブ・エテモン
King of Kings[66] キング・オブ・キングス
Leomon King of Beasts[67] 百獣の王
Noble Hero[67] 気高き勇者
Leviamon Devil Beast[68] 悪魔獣
Abyss of Despair[12] 絶望の深淵
Lighdramon Thundering Friendship[69] 轟く友情
Lilithmon Goddess of Darkness[70] 暗黒の女神
Lord Knightmon Indifferent Warrior[37] 孤高の闘士
Löwemon Valiant Jet-black Warrior[71] 勇敢なる漆黒の闘士
Lucemon Twelve-Winged Child of God[6] 十二翼を持つ神の子
Lucemon: Falldown Mode Paradise of Loss[12] 消失の楽園
Mad Leomon Berserker[6] バーサーカー
Magnamon Radiance of Miracles[72] 奇跡の輝き
Mamemon Smiley Bomber[73] スマイリーボマー
Mametyramon Tiny Tyrant[74] 小さな暴君
Manbomon Foreboding Light[19] 胸騒ぎの光
Mantaraymon Stealth of the Deep[75] 深海のスティルス
Mastemon Tactician from Another World[76] 異世界の軍師
Master Tyranomon Tyrano Master[12] ティラノ師匠
Medieval Dukemon Legendary Hero[77] 伝説の英雄
Whirlwind General[77] 旋風将
Warrior of Fantasy[77] 幻想の戦士
Megalo Growmon (X-Antibody) Deep-crimson Heavy Tank[78] 深紅の重戦車
Mercurymon The Overlord of the Jungle[79] 密林の覇王
Mervamon Beautiful Warrior[80] 美闘士
Millenniumon Millennium Demon Beast 千年魔獣
Evil God 邪神
Moosemon Guardian Deity of the Mountains[81] 山の守り神
Mummymon Necromancer[82] 死霊使い(ネクロマンサー)
Murmukusmon Count[83] 伯爵
Nanimon OYAJI[84] OYAJI
Nefertimon Light of Smiles[85] 微笑みの光
Negamon Great Catastrophe[86] 巨大な破滅
Neptunemon Lord of the Deep Sea[87] 深海の主
Lord of the Net Ocean[6] ネットの海主
Ogudomon Super Demon Lord of Atonement[12] 贖罪の超魔王
Omegamon Legendary Warrior 伝説の戦士
Legendary Holy Knight 伝説の聖騎士
Holy Knight 聖なる騎士
Omegamon Zwart Black Holy Knight[20] 黒の聖騎士
Dark Paladin[20] ダークパラディン
Omegamon Zwart Defeat Enforcer[88] 執行者
Black Berserker 黒い狂戦士
Orgemon Digimon Hunter[89] デジモンハンター
Ornismon Ruler of the Skies[90] 天空の覇者
Ouranosmon Great Emperor of the Skies[91] 導く天空の大帝
God of Awakening[58] 覚醒を司る神
Pajiramon Dark Deva[92] 闇のデーヴァ
Panjyamon (X-Antibody) Cool-headed White Lion[93] 冷徹なる白獅子
Pegasmon Flying Hope[94] 天かける希望
Pharaohmon Lord of Sand[6] 砂の主
Piemon Hellish Clown 地獄の道化師
Trifling Clown 翻弄する道化師
Poseidomon Supreme Ruler of the Rough Seas[95] 荒ぶる大海の覇者
God of Invincibility[58] 無敵を司る神
Prince Mamemon Prince of the Mamemon World[96] マメモン界のプリンス
Pteranomon Blue Bomber[97] 蒼い爆撃機
Storm-Calling Love[19] 嵐を呼ぶ愛情
Qinglongmon God of the East[11] 東方の神
Guardian of the East[11] 東方の守護者
Rafflesimon Miraculous Flower[98] 奇跡の花
Raihimon Guardian Emperor of Darkness[99] 闇の守護帝
Raijinmon Thunderclap General[12] 迅雷将
Rapidmon Perfect Keen Hound[100] 俊敏な猟犬
Ravmon Silver Crow[101] 白銀のカラス
Regulusmon The Black Dragon of Destruction[102] 破滅ノ漆黒竜
Rebootmon God of Revolution[103] 革命の神
God of Reboot[58] 再起動の神
Rinkmon Jetting Friendship[19] ジェットな友情
Rosemon Queen of Flowers[104][105] 草花の女王
Saber Leomon Ruler of the Grasslands[6] 草原の王者
Sagittarimon Greatest Hope on Earth[19] 地上最大の希望
Scorpiomon Assassin of the Desert[106] 砂漠の暗殺者
Shootmon Laughing Oni Coach[107] 笑う鬼コーチ
Shoutmon X3SD Fierce God of the Halberd[108] ハルバードの鬼神
Shoutmon X5 Ruler of the Skies[109] 大空の覇者
Shroudmon Fierce God[110] 鬼神
Shurimon Bursting Purity[111] はじける純真
Slayerdramon Master of "Ryūzanken"[11] 「竜斬剣」の使い手
Submarimon Whirling Sincerity[112] 渦巻く誠実
Tankmon Mercenary Digimon[113] 傭兵デジモン
Thunderballmon Digimon Dynamo[114] デジモン発電機
Titamon One-Man Division[115] 一人師団
Tobiumon Hunter Fish[116] ハンターフィッシュ
Tobucatmon Cat Gun[117] キャットガン
Tortamon Noise Digimon[118] 騒音デジモン
Tuskmon Panzer Digimon[119] パンツァーデジモン
Tylomon Jet Plane of the Deep[120] 深海のジェット機
Tyrant Kabuterimon King of Bugs[121] 蟲の王
Vademon (X-Antibody) Defective Alien[122] 不良宇宙人
Velgrmon Corpse Swallower[123] 死者を飲み込むもの
Victory Greymon Dragon Warrior of Heroes[124] 豪傑の竜戦士
Voltobautamon Demon Duke 魔公爵
Grudgeful Hand[125] 深怨なる手
Vulturemon Reaper of Dust[126] 砂塵の死神
Xuanwumon God of the North[11] 北方の神
Zephagamon God of Wind[127] 風の神
Zhuqiaomon God of the South[11] 南方の神


References Notes
  1. Digimon Reference Book: Aegisdramon
  2. Digimon Reference Book: Alphamon
  3. Digimon Pendulum X: Alphamon
  4. Digimon Reference Book: Ancient Garurumon
  5. Digimon Reference Book: Ancient Sphinxmon
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Digimon Xros Loader
  7. Digimon Story: Moonlight & Sunburst: Anubimon
  8. Digimon Reference Book: Aquilamon
  9. Digimon Reference Book: Baalmon
  10. Digimon Reference Book: Bagramon
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Digimon Battle Terminal 02
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 Digimon Collectors
  13. Digimon Reference Book: Bastemon
  14. 14.0 14.1 Digimon Reference Book: Beel Starmon
  15. Digimon Reference Book: Black Growmon
  16. Digimon Reference Book: Black Megalo Growmon
  17. Digimon Reference Book: Black War Greymon
  18. Digimon Reference Book: Bombermon
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 Digimon Adventure 02: Armor Evolution to the Unknown
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 Digimon Linkz
  21. Digimon Reference Book: Cthyllamon
  22. Digimon Story: Moonlight & Sunburst: Culumon
  23. Digimon Reference Book: Cupimon
  24. Digimon Reference Book: Dagomon
  25. BT3-50
  26. Digimon Reference Book: Darcmon
  27. Digimon Reference Book: Darkness Bagramon
  28. Digimon Reference Book: Deadly Axemon
  29. Digimon Reference Book: Death-X-DORUgoramon
  30. Bx-125
  31. Deathmon's Profile (Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01)
  32. 4G-005
  33. Digimon Reference Book: Devidramon
  34. 35.0 35.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "Digital Gate Open"
  35. Digimon Reference Book: DORUguremon
  36. 37.0 37.1 Digimon Frontier: "Endless Death Match! The Prelude of Lucemon's Revival"
  37. Digimon Reference Book: Etemon
  38. Digimon Reference Book: Examon
  39. Digimon Adventure:: "The Jet-black Shadow Invades Tokyo"
  40. Digimon Reference Book: Firamon
  41. Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage"
  42. 4G-001
  43. Digimon Reference Book: Gesomon
  44. Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight: Giga Seadramon
  45. Digimon Pendulum X: Giga Seadramon
  46. Digimon Reference Book: Giromon
  47. Digimon Reference Book: Goddramon (X-Antibody)
  48. Digimon Reference Book: Grademon
  49. Digimon Reference Book: Gran Kuwagamon
  50. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
  51. Oα-004
  52. Digimon Reference Book: Grand Galemon
  53. Digimon Reference Book: Growmon
  54. DM-187
  55. Vital Bracelet Digital Monster
  56. 4G-002
  57. 58.0 58.1 58.2 58.3 Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters: "Gatch!!"
  58. Digimon Reference Book: Harpymon
  59. Bx-161
  60. Digimon Reference Book: Hi-Vision Monitamon
  61. Digimon Reference Book: Huanglongmon
  62. Digimon Reference Book: Jokermon
  63. Digimon Reference Book: Jyureimon
  64. Digimon Reference Book: Kaiser Leomon
  65. 66.0 66.1 Digimon Reference Book: King Etemon
  66. 67.0 67.1 Digimon Reference Book: Leomon
  67. Digimon Reference Book: Leviamon
  68. Digimon Adventure 02: "Blue Lightning, Lighdramon"
  69. Digimon Reference Book: Lilithmon
  70. Digimon Reference Book: Löwemon
  71. Digimon Adventure 02: "Supreme Evolution! Golden Magnamon"
  72. Digimon Reference Book: Metal Mamemon
  73. Digimon Reference Book: Mametyramon
  74. Digimon Reference Book: Mantaraymon
  75. Digimon Reference Book: Mastemon
  76. 77.0 77.1 77.2 Digimon Reference Book: Medieval Dukemon
  77. Digimon Reference Book: Megalo Growmon (X-Antibody)
  78. Digimon Accel Nature Genome
  79. V-Jump (June, 2011)
  80. Digimon Reference Book: Moosemon
  81. Digimon Reference Book: Mummymon
  82. Digimon Reference Book: Murmukusmon
  83. Digimon Reference Book: Nanimon
  84. Digimon Adventure 02: "Digimental Up"
  85. Digimon Adventure:: "The Great Catastrophe, Negamon"
  86. Digimon Accel Nature Genome
  87. Digimon World -next 0rder-
  88. Digimon Reference Book: Orgemon
  89. Digimon Reference Book: Ornismon
  90. 4G-003
  91. Digimon Reference Book: Pajiramon
  92. Digimon Reference Book: Panjyamon (X-Antibody)
  93. Digimon Adventure:: "Soaring Hope"
  94. 4G-004
  95. Digimon Reference Book: Prince Mamemon
  96. Digimon Reference Book: Pteranomon
  97. Digimon Reference Book: Rafflesimon
  98. Digimon Reference Book: Raihimon
  99. Digimon Reference Book: Rapidmon Perfect
  100. Digimon Reference Book: Ravmon
  101. Digimon Ghost Game: "The Black Dragon of Destruction"
  102. 4G-006
  103. D6-50
  104. 1-081
  105. Digimon Reference Book: Scorpiomon
  106. Digimon Reference Book: Shootmon
  107. D5-14
  108. DP-M8
  109. Digimon Reference Book: Shroudmon
  110. Digimon Adventure 02: "Shurimon's Hurricane"
  111. Digimon Adventure 02: "Submarimon's Escape from The Bottom of the Sea"
  112. Digimon Reference Book: Tankmon
  113. Digimon Reference Book: Thunderballmon
  114. Digimon Reference Book: Titamon
  115. Digimon Reference Book: Tobiumon
  116. Digimon Reference Book: Tobucatmon
  117. Digimon Reference Book: Tortamon
  118. Digimon Reference Book: Tuskmon
  119. Digimon Reference Book: Tylomon
  120. Digimon Reference Book: Tyrant Kabuterimon
  121. Digimon Reference Book: Vademon (X-Antibody)
  122. Digimon Reference Book: Velgrmon
  123. Digimon Reference Book: Victory Greymon
  124. Digimon Liberator: "GODDESS FROM THE ICE AGE"
  125. Digimon Reference Book: Vulturemon
  126. Digimon Reference Book: Zephagamon