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Digimon Reference Book
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⇨ Japanese Although it was originally a high-ranking Angel Digimon that ruled over death, it despaired against the unreasonable justice of the world and rebelled against God. It then received the scourge of God and eternally lost one of its eyes and half of its body, and has since replaced that half with an artificial body cut from a sacred ash tree. Its long, artificial right arm can catch hold of ghostly forms, and rip the soul out of a living Digimon's body. The extracted soul can be sent to heaven or hell as Bagramon pleases, and can even be placed in another Digimon's body, a Signature Move of Bagramon's named "Astral Snatcher". The large ruby that it replaced its lost eye which conceals its "Invisible Snake-eyes", a power that allows it to observe anywhere within the Digital World, and with this ability, Bagramon is able to instantly obtain any information it wants to know. Due to these, Bagramon is known across the Digital World as the "Sage of Death". Although Bagramon's sins will be forgiven if it repented before God, Bagramon will not go back to submission under God. This is because Bagramon still seeks to replace the "Unreasonable Justice of the World" that God constructed, and its goal in life is to banish God from the world with its "New Justice".
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 元々は死を司る高位の天使型デジモンであったが、理不尽な世界の理(ことわり)に絶望し神に謀反した。その時に神の罰を受けて片目と半身を永遠に失い、以降は霊木から削り出した義体を半身の代わりとしている。長い義手の右腕は霊体を掴むことができ、生きているデジモンの身体から魂だけ抜き去る。抜かれた魂はバグラモンの自由で天国へも地獄へも、他のデジモンの身体にも送り込むことができ、「アストラルスナッチャー」と呼ばれるバグラモンの得意技である。失った片目の代わりにはめ込んでいる大粒のルビーは、デジタルワールド内ならばどこでも覗き見る力「インビジブルスネークアイズ」を秘めており、この能力によってバグラモンは知りたい情報を瞬時に知ることができる。このことからバグラモンは「死を司る賢者」としてデジタルワールドで広く知られている。神へ謝罪すればバグラモンの罪は許されるのだが、バグラモンが神の元へ再び下ることはない。なぜならば、バグラモンは神の造った『理不尽な世界の理』に替わるものを探求し続けており、『新たな理』によって世界から神を追放することを目的として生きているからだ。
⇨ Japanese Although it was originally a high-ranking Angel Digimon that ruled over death, it despaired against the unreasonable justice of the world and rebelled against God. It then received the scourge of God and eternally lost one of its eyes and half of its body, and has since replaced that half with an artificial body cut from a sacred tree. Its right arm catches hold of ghostly forms, and rips the soul out of a living Digimon's body. That soul can be sent to heaven or hell as Bagramon pleases, and can even be placed in another Digimon's body, referred to as "Astral Snatcher". The large ruby that it replaced its lost eye with conceals its "Invisible Snake-eyes", a power that allows it to observe anywhere within the Digital World. Due to these, Bagramon is known across the Digital World as the "Sage of Death".
Toei Animation | Digimon Xros Wars
⇨ English 元は死を司る高位の天使型デジモンであったが、理不尽な世界の理(ことわり)に絶望し神に謀反した。その時に神の罰を受けて片目と半身を永遠に失い、以降は霊木から削り出した義体を半身の代わりとしている。右腕は霊体を掴み、デジモンの身体から魂を抜き去る。その魂はバグラモンの自由で天国へも地獄へも、他のデジモンの身体にも送り込むことができ、「アストラルスナッチャー」と呼ばれる。失った片目の代わりにはめ込んでいる大粒のルビーは、デジタルワールド内ならばどこでも覗き見る力「インビジブルスネークアイズ」を秘めている。このことからバグラモンは「死を司る賢者」としてデジタルワールドで広く知られている。
⇨ Japanese The supreme leader of the evil empire, the Bagra Army
Although it was originally a high-ranking Angel Digimon that ruled over death, it despaired against the unreasonable justice of the world and rebelled against God. Its "Astral Snatcher" is a Signature Move which can send a soul, ripped out of a living Digimon's body, to heaven or hell, or even place it in another Digimon's body. The large ruby that it replaced its lost eyes with conceals its "Invisible Snake-eyes", a power that allows it to observe anywhere within the Digital World.
TV Asahi | Digimon Xros Wars
⇨ English 悪の帝国・バグラ軍の総大将
⇨ English 元々は死を司る高位の天使型デジモンであったが、理不尽な世界の理に絶望し神に謀反した。その時に神の罰を受けて片目と半身を永遠に失い、義体を半身の代わりとしている。
Bagramon's design and overall background concept seem to be inspired by the Archangel Samael, the "Angel of Death" in Talmudic lore. Although many of Samael's functions resemble the Christian notion of Satan, to the point of being sometimes identified as a fallen angel, in others the Archangel is not necessarily evil, since his functions are also regarded as resulting in good, such as destroying sinners, hence it is often forgiven by the Crhstian figure of God itself. He is also traditionally related to the snake of the Tree of Knowledge, factually reflected into Bagramon's design by its "Invisible Snake-eyes". Much like Bagramon, Samael is claimed to be the one who seduced Lilith (note Lilithmon) and made her eventually being "banished" from the Garden of Eden for not complying and obeying Adam, and in some sources, the Archangel was depicted to be castrated by God itself, in the same way the Digital World's God castrated half of Bagramon's body after questioning and challenging them about the existence of evil in the World. Ultimately, Samael is portrayed to be the leader of all the Satans according to the Talmud, in the same fashion Bagramon is the ruler of an evil empire.
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Astral Snatcher
Asutoraru Sunacchā
Rips a living Digimon's soul from its body with its right arm, and sends it to heaven or hell as it pleases, or even places it within another Digimon's body.
Invisible Snake-eyes
Inbijiburu Sunēkuaizu
Observes any location within the Digital world using its ruby-eye, allowing it to instantly obtain any information it wants to know.
Scarlet Bloodwine
Sukāretto Buraddowain
Kyoku Invisible Snake-eyes
Extreme Invisible Snake-eyes
Kyoku Inbijiburu Sunēkuaizu
Choujigen Storm
Super-dimensional Storm
Choujigen Sutōmu
Savage Cyclone
Generates a dimensional storm anywhere within the Digital World through which it stretches its right arm to attack the opponent.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Bagramon is the ruler of the Bagra Empire. He aims to collect the Code Crown in order to take control over the Digital World and used the Death Generals as tools to transform the Code Crown into the Dark Stone in to initiate D5. He is also revealed to be the older brother of Dark Knightmon.
Bagramon's reveals himself in Digimon Xros Wars.
Bagramon in Digimon Xros Wars.
Bagramon in Digimon Xros Wars.
Bagramon's D5 scheme in Digimon Xros Wars.
Bagramon in Digimon Xros Wars.
Bagramon in Digimon Xros Wars.
Individual Appearances[edit]
Bagramon is the ruler of the Bagra Empire. He was originally a high-ranking angel Digimon, but was banished after questioning Homeostasis about the existence of evil in the world and challenging God. He then used the remains of the server tree of Yggdrasill to create anew the right side of his body that was burned by God's lightning. He started the Bagra Army in order to destroy the world he thought was built wrong, and to give a merciful end to the humans whose hearts he saw as something fallen into despair with no chance of recovery. At some point before the warfare, he went to ask Lucemon for help, but he refused and simply became a observer to see the consequences of Bagramon's plan. He was also the one who handed Shademon to Skull Knightmon to test his extent of despair. However, the human Generals and their Digimon partners managed to prove to him in the end that hope still exists within the human heart, and he used his last moments to make amends with his younger brother.
Individual Appearances[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Bagramon is only obtainable as a collectible DigiCard.
Bagramon is the leader of the Bagra Army. It is also a playable Digimon. There are two versions available, an Adult level Bagramon which is able to evolve to the Burst Mode level. The Burst Mode one can Jogress with Dark Knightmon to become Darkness Bagramon.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Bagramon is an unobtainable Boss Digimon.
Super Digica Taisen
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Digimon who schemes to turn the Digital World into a world of evil by gathering the Code Crowns from the various Zones.
Quote (⇨ English): 各ゾーンのコードクラウンを集め、デジタルワールドを邪悪な世界に変えようと企んでいるデジモン。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The ruby implanted in place of its lost right eye conceals the power to observe the entire Digital World.
Quote (⇨ English): 失った右目の代わりに埋め込まれたルビーは、デジタルワールドの全てを見通せる力を秘めている。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Demon Lord Digimon that serves as the emperor of the Bagra Empire. It was formerly an Angel Digimon that governed over death.
Quote (⇨ English): バグラ帝国の皇帝である魔王型デジモン。元々は死を司る天使型デジモンだった。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It used a super-dimensional storm to blow Taiki and his friends to another space, and took control of the Digital World. Its power knows no limits.
Quote (⇨ English): 超次元ストームでタイキ達を別空間へ飛ばし、デジタルワールドを支配した。その実力は底知れない。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The Digimon that rules over the Bagra Empire, and plans to take over the Digital World. It is also the elder brother of Dark Knightmon.
Quote (⇨ English): デジタルワールドの支配をたくらむバグラ帝国を統べるデジモン。ダークナイトモンの兄でもある。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Its long, artificial right arm is capable of grasping spiritual matter, allowing it to retrieve just the soul out of a living Digimon's body.
Quote (⇨ English): 長い義手の右腕は霊体を掴むことができ、生きているデジモンの身体から魂だけを抜き去ってしまう。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Demon Lord Digimon with the alias 'Sage of Death'. It lost one of its eyes and half of its body for eternity as punishment for disobeying God.
Quote (⇨ English): 「死を司る賢者」の異名を持つ魔王型デジモン。神に背いた罰として、片目と半身を永遠に失った。
Quote (⇨ Japanese):An Angel Digimon that originally governed over Death, it fell into despair with the order of the world and started a revolt against God, for which it was punished. Even now, it continues its search for a new world order, to take the place of the order set by God.
Quote (⇨ English): 元々死を司る天使型デジモンであったが、世界の理に絶望して神に反旗を翻したため、神の罰を受けた。神の理に代わる新たな理を探求し続けている。
Digimon Jintrix
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]