Digimon Card Game

From Wikimon

The Digimon Card Game (デジモンカードゲーム Dejimon Kādo Gēmu) is a trading card game produced by Bandai, based on the Digimon franchise. It was introduced in 2020, and is currently ongoing.

Digimon Card Game cards' back design.




A diagram of elements on the Field.

The Fieldフィールド」 is the play area in which the card game takes place. The playing field is divided into your area 「自陣」 and the opponent's area 「敵陣」.
The Field consists of the following elements:

  • Securityセキュリティ」 (Dub: Security Stack):
    The Security is a defensive wall that protects the player; the number of cards in the Security decreases each time the player is attacked. If the player is attacked while they have 0 cards in their Security, they lose the game.
  • Memory Gaugeメモリーゲージ」:
    The Memory Gauge is used for the payment of Cost, and is shared between both players.
  • Deckデッキ」 (Dub: Deck Zone):
    Where the deck is placed. A Deck is made up of exactly 50 cards, consisting of Digimon Cards, Tamer Cards, and/or Option Cards. Up to 4 cards with the same Card Number can be included in the same Deck.
  • Trashトラッシュ」:
    A discard pile, where discarded cards are placed face-up.
  • Digitama Deckデジタマデッキ」 (Dub: Digi-Egg Deck Zone):
    Where the Digitama Deck is placed. A Digitama Deck is made up of 0~5 Digitama Cards, and is not mandatory for gameplay. Up to 4 cards with the same Card Number can be included in the same Digitama Deck.
  • Raising Area育成エリア」 (Dub: Breeding Area):
    Digimon hatched from the Digitama Deck are placed in this area. Digimon placed in the Raising Area cannot activate any effects, but are also not affected by the effects of other cards unless the effect in question specifically targets Digimon placed in the Raising Area.
  • Battle Areaバトルエリア」:
    Digimon and Tamer Cards can be placed into the Battle Area, where they are put into play and considered "Digimon" and "Tamers" respectively.

Digimon Cards and Digitama Cards[edit]

Example Digimon Card:
EX3-060 Ex-Tyranomon.

Digimon Cardsデジモンカード」 and Digitama Cardsデジタマカード」 are cards depicting Digimon that are used in-game to battle.

  • Play Cost登場コスト」:
    The Cost required to play a Digimon, allowing it to enter the Battle Area from the hand.
  • Digimon Power (DP)デジモンパワー」:
    The Digimon's attack power. During Battle, victory is determined by which side has higher DP. While a Digimon's DP does not decrease when it is attacked, there are effects that can reduce a Digimon's DP. During the game, if a Digimon's DP is reduced to 0 by any sort of effect, that Digimon is destroyed and sent to the discard pile (DP will not become negative).
  • Evolution Requirements進化条件」 (Dub: Digivolution Requirements):
    States the [Color] and [Level] of Digimon that are able to evolve into this Digimon, as well as the Cost required for evolution.
  • Effects効果」:
    Any special effects this Digimon possesses.
  • Level (Lv.):
    A value identifying the Digimon's current stage of evolution progression, given as a number between 3 and 7 (for Digimon Cards) or 2 (for Digitama Cards). Digimon will evolve into a Digimon one level higher than itself during Evolution.
  • Card Nameカード名
  • Card Numberカードナンバー
  • Rarityレアリティ
  • Characteristics特徴」 (Dub: Traits)
    A set of properties that describe the Digimon, usually Form, Attribute, and Type at minimum. Some card effects target specific Characteristics.
  • Evolution Base Effect進化元効果」 (Dub: Inherited Effect):
    An effect that can be used after this Digimon has evolved into a higher Level Digimon.

Example Tamer Card:
EX2-062 Akiyama Ryo.

Tamer Cards[edit]

Tamer Cardsテイマーカード」 are cards depicting human characters, used to support Digimon Cards in battle.

  • Play Cost登場コスト」:
    The Cost required to play a Tamer, allowing it to enter the Battle Area from the hand.
  • Effects効果」:
    Any special effects this Tamer possesses.
  • Card Nameカード名
  • Card Numberカードナンバー
  • Rarityレアリティ
  • Security Effectセキュリティ効果」:
    An effect that is triggered when this card is flipped face-up while in Security.

Option Cards[edit]

Option Cardsオプションカード」 are support cards with various effects.

  • Usage Cost使用コスト」:
    The Cost required for this Option Card to be used.
  • Effects効果」:
    The effects that result from using this Option Card.
  • Card Numberカードナンバー
  • Rarityレアリティ
  • Security Effectセキュリティ効果」:
    An effect that is triggered when this card is flipped over while in Security.


Card Types

  • Digimon Cardデジモンカード」:
    Cards depicting Digimon.
  • Digitama Cardデジタマカード」 (Dub: Digi-Egg Card):
    Cards depicting Baby level Digimon. Digitama Cards have a different card back from regular cards, and are used only in the Digitama Deck.
  • Option Cardオプションカード」:
    Use-and-throw cards whose effects are mainly triggered when they are played from the player's hand.
  • Tamer Cardテイマーカード」:
    Cards depicting Tamers. While they cannot attack, they are able to bestow effects onto the player's or opponent's Digimon. They cannot be attacked by the opponent's Digimon.
  • Digimonデジモン」:
    A Digimon Card is treated as a "Digimon" when it is played from the player's hand or deck and placed into the Battle Area, or when it is deployed from the Raising Area.
  • Tamerテイマー」:
    A Tamer Card is treated as a "Tamer" when it is played from the player's hand or deck and placed into the Battle Area.

Activation Timings

  • When Played登場時」:
    When the Digimon directly enters the Battle Area from the player's hand. Evolution and moving a Digimon from the Raising Area do not count as [When Played].
  • When Evolving進化時」:
    When the Digimon on the Field undergoes evolution. Evolution that takes place in the Raising Area will not trigger effects that activate [When Evolving].
  • When Attackingアタック時」:
    When the Digimon performs an attack. Effects triggered [When Attacking] are carried out before the battle with the opponent Digimon begins, or the Check on the opponent's Security is performed.
  • After Attackingアタック終了時」:
    When the Digimon with the [After Attacking] effect finishes its attack. If the Digimon with this effect disappears while the attack is still in progress, such as when the Digimon loses the battle, the activation timing does not occur.
  • When Destroyed消滅時」:
    When the Digimon is destroyed, whether by losing a battle, or by the effects of a card.
  • Your Turn自分のターン」:
    The entire period from the beginning of your turn to the end of your turn.
  • Both Players' Turnsお互いのターン」:
    An effect with this activation timing continues to remain in effect during the span of both your turn and the opponent's turn.
  • Opponent's Turn相手のターン」:
    The entire period from the beginning of the opponent's turn to the end of the opponent's turn.
  • Beginning of Your Turn自分のターン開始時」:
    An effect with this activation timing is triggered the moment your turn begins.
  • Securityセキュリティ」:
    When the card is flipped face-up during a Security Check. When a card that has an effect with this activation timing is flipped face-up while in Security, the effect is triggered without payment of Cost.
  • Mainメイン」:
    Effects with this activation timing can be activated during your Main Phase. They are activated when an Option card with such an effect is played, or when a Digimon or Tamer has such an effect, and you choose to trigger the effect anytime during the Main Phase.

Card State

  • Restレスト」 (Dub: Suspend):
    The action of tapping a Digimon or Tamer, turning a card to the horizontal position in order to perform an attack or use a Main effect.
  • Rest Positionレスト状態」 (Dub: Suspended State):
    The state of a Digimon or Tamer that has been placed horizontally after being Rested.
  • Turn Activeアクティブ」 (Dub: Unsuspend):
    The action of untapping a Digimon or Tamer in the Rest position, turning the card to the vertical position and allowing it to act again.
  • Active Positionアクティブ状態」 (Dub: Unsuspended State):
    The state of a Digimon or Tamer that has been placed in the vertical position, denoting that it has not attacked or acted yet.
  • Evolution Base進化元」 (Dub: Digivolution card(s)):
    A card is situated below a Digimon that has evolved from it. If the card has an Evolution Base Effect, it is now able to activate its Evolution Base Effect.
  • Destroyed消滅」 (Dub: Deleted):
    A Digimon that is sent to the Trash due to either having lost a battle, or receiving an effect that causes destruction.
  • Security Digimonセキュリティデジモン」:
    When a Digimon card is flipped face-up during a Security Check, that card becomes a Security Digimon. Security Digimon differ from regular Digimon in that Security Digimon are not affected by effects that target Digimon, and Security Digimon cannot activate any of their own effects aside from their Security Effects.

Card Characteristics: All Cards

  • Color」:
    The color category to which the card belongs: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, White, Purple, or Black. A minority of cards have multiple colors.
  • Play Cost登場コスト」:
    The Cost required to play a Digimon or Tamer, allowing them to enter the Battle Area from the hand.
  • Rarityレアリティ」:
    The rarity of the card.
  • Effects効果」:
    Effects found on Digimon, Tamers, and Option Cards. Evolution Base Effects are not considered "Effects".
  • Security Effectセキュリティ効果」:
    An effect that is triggered when a card is flipped face-up during a Security Check.
  • Once per Turnターンに1回」:
    Denotes that this effect can only take effect once per turn. Such effects can only be triggered once, even if the conditions to trigger the effect are fulfilled multiple times within the same turn.
  • Twice per Turnターンに2回」:
    Denotes that this effect can only take effect twice per turn.

Card Characteristics: Digimon Cards

  • Typeタイプ」:
    A characteristic that generally denotes a Digimon's Type; some Digimon also have additional Types that mark them as members of particular Digimon groups.
  • Attribute属性」:
    A characteristic that generally denotes a Digimon's Attribute.
  • Form形態」:
    A characteristic that generally denotes a Digimon's Evolution Stage by name. Each Evolution Stage Form, aside from Hybrid, correlates with one numerical Level.


  • Attackアタック」:
    The action of using your Digimon to attack either the opponent player, or one of the opponent's Digimon currently in Rest position.
  • Blockブロック」:
    The action of using the <<Blocker>> effect to take the attack of an opponent Digimon that was intended for another target.
  • Battleバトル」:
    A "Battle" refers to the match that takes place between 2 Digimon or between a Digimon and a Security Digimon, when a Digimon performs an attack. During a battle, the DP of both Digimon are compared to determine the winner of the battle.
  • Play登場」:
    The action of placing a Digimon or Tamer from your hand into the Battle Area by paying their Play Cost.
  • Hatching孵化」:
    The action of flipping 1 card from your Digitama deck face-up, and placing it into your Raising Area during your Raising Phase.
  • Evolution進化」 (Dub: Digivolution):
    The action of turning a Digimon into another Digimon of a Level higher by 1. During evolution, a Digimon card is placed atop a Digimon that meets its Evolution Requirements, and the Evolution Cost is paid. When evolution takes place, the player draws 1 card from their deck as an Evolution Bonus.
  • Discard破棄」:
    The action of discarding a card.
  • Passパス」:
    The action of declaring and voluntarily passing your turn to the opponent during your Main Phase. When a Pass is performed, regardless of the Counter's current position on the Memory Gauge, it is moved to the [3] position on the opponent's Memory Gauge.
  • Checkチェック」:
    The action of flipping a Security card face-up when an attack is performed on a player.

Keyword Effects

  • <<Blocker>><<ブロッカー>>」:
    When the opponent Digimon performs an attack, if this Digimon is in the Active position, you may Rest this Digimon and change the target of the attack to this Digimon.
    This effect can be activated when the opponent's Digimon performs an attack. The target of that attack then becomes the Digimon that used <<Blocker>>, instead of the original target.
  • <<Security Attack +x>><<セキュリティアタック+>> or <<Sアタック+>>」:
    The number of Security cards this Digimon Checks increases by X.
    This effect increases by X the number of Security cards checked when performing an attack on the opponent player. If the number of Security cards to be Checked becomes 2 or more as a result of this effect, perform the Checks one at a time. If the attacking Digimon is destroyed or returned to the hand during a Check, the attack ends at that point.
  • <<Security Attack -x>><<セキュリティアタック->> or <<Sアタック->>」:
    The number of Security cards this Digimon Checks decreases by X.
    This effect decreases by X the number of Security cards checked when performing an attack on the opponent player. If the number of Security cards to be Checked becomes 0 as a result of this effect (it will not turn negative), you will be unable to Check the opponent's Security, and in the event that the opponent has 0 cards remaining in their Security, you will not win the game even by attacking the player.
  • <<Recovery +x (Deck)>><<リカバリー+《デッキ》>>」:
    Take X cards from the top of your deck and place them onto Security.
    When this effect is triggered, take X cards from the top of your deck and place them onto your Security without looking at their contents. This effect allows for the recovery of Security cards; there is no upper limit to the number of cards that can be placed in Security.
  • <<Pierce>><<貫通>>」:
    When this Digimon attacks and initiates a battle, if the opponent Digimon is the only Digimon destroyed in that battle, this Digimon Checks Security.
    When this effect is triggered, when attacking, if the opponent Digimon is the only Digimon destroyed in the battle between it and the attacking Digimon, the attacking Digimon proceeds to Check the opponent's Security cards. This effect is triggered even when the attacking Digimon is blocked; however, it will not be triggered in a battle with a Security Digimon.
  • <<Draw x>><<ドロー>>」:
    Draw X cards from your deck.
    When this effect is triggered, draw X cards from your deck and add them to your hand. There is no upper limit to the number of cards you can hold in your hand.
  • <<Jamming>><<ジャミング>>」:
    This Digimon cannot be destroyed in a battle with a Security Digimon.
    A Digimon with this effect will not be destroyed even when it loses a battle against a Security Digimon. If you are still able to perform another Security Check due to the effect of <<Security Attack +X>>, this Digimon can continue performing the next Check.
  • <<Absorb Evolution -x>><<吸収進化->>」 (Dub: Digisorption):
    When you play this card from your hand to evolve your Digimon, you may Rest 1 of your Digimon; if you do, reduce the Evolution Cost to be paid by X.
  • <<Reboot>><<再起動>>」:
    Turn this Digimon Active during the opponent's Active Phase.
  • <<Revert x>><<退化x>>」 (Dub: De-Digivolve):
    Discard up to X cards from the top of the opponent Digimon's card stack. You may not discard any further once there are no more Evolution Bases remaining, or the Digimon becomes Lv.3.
  • <<Retaliation>><<道連れ>>」:
    If this Digimon is the only Digimon destroyed in a battle, the opponent Digimon that battled it is also destroyed.
  • <<Digiburst x>><<デジバーストx>>」 (Dub: Digi-Burst):
    Choose X of this Digimon's Evolution Bases and discard them. If you do, activate the following effect.
  • <<Rush>><<速攻>>」:
    This Digimon can attack on the turn it is played.
  • <<Blitz>><<進撃>>」:
    This Digimon may attack even if the Memory is 1 or higher on the opponent's side.
  • <<Delay>><<ディレイ>>」:
    Discard this card from your Battle Area; if you do, activate the following effect. This effect cannot be activated on the turn this card was placed.
  • <<Decoy (x)>><<デコイ《x》>>」:
    When one of your other (X) Digimon with would be destroyed by an opponent's effect, you may destroy this Digimon to prevent that from being destroyed.
  • <<Armor Purge>><<アーマー解除>>」:
    When this card would be destroyed, you may trash the top card of this Digimon's Evolution Base to prevent this Digimon from being destroyed.
  • <<Save>><<セーブ>>」:
    You may place this card under one of your Tamers.
  • <<Material Save x>><<マテリアルセーブx>>」:
    When this Digimon would be destroyed, you may place X cards in this Digimon's DigiXros requirements from this Digimon's Evolution Base under 1 of your Tamers.
  • <<Evade>><<回避>>」:
    When this Digimon would be destroyed, you may Rest it to prevent that from being destroyed.
  • <<Dash>><<突進>>」 (Dub: Raid):
    When this Digimon attacks, you may change the target of the attack to 1 of the opponent's Active Digimon with the highest DP.
  • <<Alliance>><<連携>>」:
    When this Digimon attacks, by Resting 1 of your other Digimon, add the Rested Digimon's DP to this Digimon and it gains <<Security Attack +1>> for the attack.
  • <<Barrier>><<防壁>>」:
    When this Digimon would be destroyed in battle, by trashing the top card of your Security stack, prevent that from being destroyed.
  • <<Blast Evolution>><<ブラスト進化>>」:
    Your Digimon may evolve to this card without paying its Cost.
  • <<Overflow -x>><<オーバーフロー->>」:
    When this card is sent from the Battle Area or under your cards to another place, Memory decreases by X.
    This effect decreases by X Memory when a card which has this effect remove to outside of Battle Area, except it is placed to the bottom of Tamer card or another Digimon card.
  • <<Mind Link>><<マインドリンク>>」:
    Place this Tamer as the bottom Evolution Base of a target Digimon with no Tamer in its Evolution Bases.
  • <<Indomitable>><<不屈>>」 (Dub: Fortitude):
    When this Digimon with Evolution Bases is destroyed, play this card without paying the cost.
  • <<Partition (Jogress requirement)>><<パーティション>>」:
    When this Digimon that has 1 of each specified card in its Evolution Bases would leave the Battle Area other than by your own effects or by battle, you may play 1 of each card without paying their costs.
  • <<Collision>><<衝突 >>」:
    During this Digimon's attack, all of your opponent's Digimon gain <<Blocker>> and your opponent blocks if possible.
  • <<Scapegoat>><<スケープゴート>>」:
    When this Digimon would be destroyed other than by your effects, by destroying 1 of your other Digimon, prevent that from being destroyed.
  • <<Blast Jogress (Jogress requirement)>><<ブラストジョグレス>>」:
    1 of your specified Digimon and 1 of the specified card in the hand may perform Jogress Evolution into this card.
  • <<Vortex>><<ヴォルテクス>>」:
    At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack an opponent's Digimon. This Digimon may attack with this effect on the turn it was played.
  • <<Overclock (x)>><<オーバークロック《x》>>」:
    At the end of your turn, by destroying 1 of your Tokens or 1 of your other (X) Digimon, this Digimon attacks a player without Resting.
  • <<Ice Suit>><<氷装>>」 (Dub: Ice Clad):
    This Digimon compares the number of Evolution Bases instead of DP in battles with non-Security Digimon.
  • <<Decode (x)>><<デコード《x》>>」:
    When this Digimon would leave the Battle Area other than in battle, you may play 1 (X) Digimon card from this Digimon's Evolution Bases without paying the cost.
  • <<Fragment (x)>><<フラグメント《x》>>」:
    When this Digimon would be destroyed, by trashing any (X) of its Evolution Bases, it is not destroyed.
  • <<Execute>><<エグゼキュート>>」:
    At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack. At the end of that attack, destroy this Digimon. Your opponent's Active Digimon can also be attacked with this effect.


See also: the official rulebooks (Japanese/English).

After performing the Game Setup, each player will take turns performing actions, starting from the player who goes first. Each turn consists of four phases: Active Phase, Draw Phase, Raising Phase, and Main Phase, after which the turn ends.

Game Setup[edit]

Before the start of the game, each player will carry out the following steps. If there are any discrepancies or contradictions between the rules and card text, the card text takes priority.

  1. Shuffle your Deck and place it in the [Deck] area.
  2. Shuffle your Digitama Deck and place it in the [Digitama Deck] area.
  3. Draw 5 cards from the top of your Deck and place them face-down in your [Security] without looking at their contents.
  4. Decide who goes first and second through a game of rock-paper-scissors; the player who wins the game goes first.
  5. Draw 5 cards from your Deck. In February 2022 a Mulligan rule was added. If a player is not happy with their opening hand, they can place it at the bottom of their deck and draw a new one. They can only do this once.
  6. Place the Counter on the [0] position on the [Memory Gauge], and begin the game.

Active Phase[edit]

During the Active Phaseアクティブフェイズ」 (Dub: Unsuspend Phase), the player untaps all of their cards currently in the Rest position 「レスト状態」, turning them Active.

Draw Phase[edit]

During the Draw Phaseドローフェイズ」, the player draws 1 card from their Deck. If during this Phase, the player's Deck is out of cards and the player is unable to draw a card, the player loses the game. The player who goes first does not draw a card during Draw Phase, only on their first turn.

Raising Phase[edit]

During the Raising Phase育成フェイズ」 (Dub: Breeding Phase), the player can choose to perform one of the following three acts only once: [Hatch a Digitama], [Deploy a Digimon from the Raising Area], or [Do nothing].

Hatch a Digitama[edit]

This act can only be performed if there are no Digimon in the player's Raising Area. The player flips 1 card from the top of their Digitama Deck face-up, and places it in their Raising Area.

Deploy a Digimon from the Raising Area[edit]

A Digimon in the Raising Area can be deployed to the Battle Area if it has evolved to Level 3 or higher; Level 2 or lower Digimon cannot be deployed to the Battle Area. However, deploying Digimon from the Raising Area does not count as "entry"; as such, it will not trigger effects that are triggered upon entry, and the Digimon deployed to the Battle Area can attack on the same turn they are deployed.

Do nothing[edit]

No actions are performed, and the player proceeds to the next Phase.

Main Phase[edit]

During the Main Phaseメインフェイズ」, the player can choose to perform the following five acts in any order they wish, and as many times as they are able: [Digimon Entry], [Digimon Evolution], [Tamer Entry], [Use an Option Card], and [Attack]. The Main Phase, and subsequently the player's turn, automatically ends when the Cost paid for an action causes the Counter to move to position [1] or further on the opponent's side of the Memory Gauge. If the Counter is still on the player's side of the Memory Gauge, and the player has no more actions they wish to perform during this turn, they can declare to [Pass] their turn.

Digimon Entry[edit]

In this act, a Digimon Card is made to enter the Battle Area from the player's hand. The player places the Digimon Card they wish to enter from their hand onto the Battle Area in the Active position, and pays their Entry Cost to complete the entry. There is no limit on the number of Digimon that can be placed in the Battle Area, and Digimon cannot attack on the same turn they enter.

Digimon Evolution[edit]

In this act, the player evolves a Digimon in their Battle Area or Raising Area.

  1. The player looks at the Evolution Requirements of the Digimon card in their hand; that card can be used to evolve a Digimon matching the required color and Level that the player currently has in play.
  2. The player places that card onto a Digimon card in play that meets the Evolution Requirements, such that the bottom Digimon's Evolution Base Effect is visible.
  3. The player pays the Evolution Cost, and the evolution is completed.
  4. As an "evolution bonus", after performing an evolution, the player draws 1 card from their deck and adds it to their hand.

When a card is stacked atop another card during evolution, the cards below become "Evolution Bases", and their Evolution Base Effect become usable. A Digimon card and its Evolution Bases are all treated as a single Digimon; when a Digimon is destroyed, it is sent to the discard pile along with all of its Evolution Base cards.

Tamer Entry[edit]

In this act, a Tamer Card is made to enter the Battle Area from the player's hand. The player places the Tamer Card they wish to enter from their hand onto the Battle Area in the Active position, and pays their Entry Cost to complete the entry. There is no limit on the number of Tamers that can be placed in the Battle Area, and Tamers cannot attack or block.

Use an Option Card[edit]

In this act, players can activate the main effect on their Option Cards. In order to use an Option Card from their hand, the player must have a Digimon or Tamer of the same color as the Option Card already in play. By deploying an Option Card from their hand and paying the Usage Cost, players may trigger the card's main effect. After its effect is triggered, the Option Card is sent to the discard pile and placed in the Trash area. Security effects on Option cards cannot be triggered when the card is played from the player's hand.


In this act, players attack using the Digimon placed in their Battle Area.

  1. The player chooses a Digimon in the Active position to use for the attack, places it in the Rest position, and announces the attack.
  2. If there are any effects that are triggered "when attacking", they will take effect at this point of time.
  3. The player chooses the target of the attack; attacks can either target one of the opponent player's Digimon placed in their Battle Area in the Rest position, or the opponent player themselves.
  • When attacking the opponent's Digimon:
    A battle between the attacking Digimon and the target Digimon begins. The Digimon with higher DP wins the battle, and the losing Digimon is destroyed and sent to the Trash area. Should both Digimon have the same DP, the battle ends in a draw and both Digimon are destroyed.
  • When attacking the opponent player:
  1. If the opponent player has 1 or more cards remaining in their Security, the opponent flips the top card of their Security face-up. This action of flipping a Security card face-up when attacked is called a [Check].
  2. If the card produced by a Check has a Security Effect, that Security Effect is triggered. Security Effects can be triggered without the need to pay any Cost, and are not affected by color restrictions in the case of Option Cards.
  3. After the card's Security Effect has been triggered, or if the card produced by the Check does not have a Security Effect, the following occurs depending on the type of card produced by the Check:
    • Digimon Card:
      When a Digimon Card is produced by the Check, the Digimon becomes a [Security Digimon], and enters a battle with the attacking Digimon. The battle flow here is the same as the battle flow when attacking a Digimon in the Battle Area, and the Digimon with higher DP wins the battle. Security Digimon are not considered regular Digimon, and are not affected by effects that target Digimon; however, Security Digimon cannot trigger effects aside from their own Security Effect. If the attacking Digimon loses the battle, the attacking Digimon is destroyed and the battle ends. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the Security Digimon is discarded after the battle ends.
    • Option Card or Tamer Card:
      The card is discarded. (However, if the card has a Security Effect that allows it to enter play or be added to the player's hand, it will not be discarded)

If an attack on the opponent player succeeds when the opponent player has 0 cards left in their Security, the attacking player wins the game.

  • When Checking 2 or more Security cards in 1 attack: When multiple Security cards have to be Checked in one attack, such as in the case where the attacking Digimon has <<Security Attack +1>>, perform the Checks 1 card at a time. If the attacking Digimon is destroyed or returned to the attacking player's hand by the card produced by the first Check, the attack ends at that point.
  • When the Security becomes 0:
    When the number of cards in the Security is reduced to 0, the attack ends, ignoring effects such as <<Security Attack +1>> that allow the Checking of additional Security cards. The game continues even when the Security reaches 0; when the player whose Security has reached 0 is attacked once more in that state, the attacking player wins the game.
  • Blocking with <<Blocker>>:
    Some Digimon have the <<Blocker>> effect, which allows them to [Block] the opponent's attack, taking the attack in place of the original target. When a Block is carried out, the target of the opponent Digimon's attack becomes the Blocking Digimon, and the battle commences. Blocking can be used to defend against attacks that can potentially destroy Digimon or attack Security.


When the player has no more actions they wish to perform during this turn, they can declare to Pass their turn, passing the turn to the opponent. When a Pass is carried out, the Counter is moved to the [3] position on the opponent's side of the Memory Gauge, regardless of the Counter's current position.

Turn End[edit]

During a player's turn, if the Counter moves to position [1] and beyond on the opponent's side of the Memory Gauge after a Cost is paid, the player's turn automatically ends, and the opponent's turn begins after any effects that were in the process of being triggered have been completed. The position of the Counter on the Memory Gauge remains in the position it was in when the turn ended (excluding when a Pass had been carried out). E.g. If a Cost of 5 is paid while the Counter is in the [1] position, the Counter moves to the [4] position on the opponent's side, and the opponent begins their turn with the Counter in the [4] position.

Game End[edit]

A player wins the game by fulfilling one of the following conditions:

  • Successfully performing an attack on the opponent player while the opponent player's Security is 0
  • The opponent is unable to draw a card during their Draw Phase due to their Deck having 0 cards remaining

Card Sets[edit]

Start Decks[edit]

Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
ST-1 Japanese | Start Deck: Gaia Red
スタートデッキ ガイアレッド
English | Starter Deck: Gaia Red
16 Japan April 24, 2020
United States February 2021[N 1]
Europe January 29, 2021[N 1]
Primary theme(s): Red deck, featuring Yagami Taichi and Agumon/War Greymon from Digimon Adventure: [1]
ST-2 Japanese | Start Deck: Cocytus Blue
スタートデッキ コキュートスブルー
English | Starter Deck: Cocytus Blue
16 Japan April 24, 2020
United States February 2021[N 1]
Europe January 29, 2021[N 1]
Primary theme(s): Blue deck, featuring Ishida Yamato and Gabumon/Metal Garurumon from Digimon Adventure: [2]
ST-3 Japanese | Start Deck: Heaven's Yellow
スタートデッキ ヘブンズイエロー
English | Starter Deck: Heaven's Yellow
16 Japan April 24, 2020
United States February 2021[N 1]
Europe January 29, 2021[N 1]
Primary theme(s): Yellow deck, featuring Takaishi Takeru and Patamon/Holy Angemon from Digimon Adventure: [3]
ST-4 Japanese | Start Deck: Giga Green
スタートデッキ ギガグリーン
English | Starter Deck: Giga Green
16 Japan November 27, 2020
United States June 4, 2021
Europe June 4, 2021
Primary theme(s): Green deck, featuring Izumi Koshiro and Tentomon/Herakle Kabuterimon from Digimon Adventure: [4]
ST-5 Japanese | Start Deck: Mugen Black
スタートデッキ ムゲンブラック
English | Starter Deck: Machine Black
16 Japan November 27, 2020
United States June 4, 2021
Europe June 4, 2021
Primary theme(s): Black deck, featuring Yagami Taichi and Agumon/Blitz Greymon from Digimon Adventure: [5]
ST-6 Japanese | Start Deck: Venom Violet
スタートデッキ ヴェノムヴァイオレット
English | Starter Deck: Venomous Violet
16 Japan November 27, 2020
United States June 4, 2021
Europe June 4, 2021
Primary theme(s): Purple deck, featuring Ishida Yamato and Gabumon/Cres Garurumon from Digimon Adventure: [6]
ST-7 Japanese | Start Deck: Dukemon
スタートデッキ デュークモン
English | Starter Deck: Gallantmon
16 Japan April 23, 2021
United States December 10, 2021
Europe October 8, 2021
Primary theme(s): Red deck, featuring Dukemon and its evolution family [7]
ST-8 Japanese | Start Deck: Ulforce V-dramon
スタートデッキ アルフォースブイドラモン
English | Starter Deck: UlforceVeedramon
16 Japan April 23, 2021
United States December 10, 2021
Europe October 8, 2021
Primary theme(s): Blue deck, featuring Ulforce V-dramon and its evolution family [8]
ST-9 Japanese | Start Deck: Ultimate Ancient Dragon
スタートデッキ 究極の古代竜
English | Starter Deck: Ultimate Ancient Dragon
16 Japan October 29, 2021
United States May 20, 2022
Europe May 6, 2022
Primary theme(s): Blue and Green deck, featuring the V-mon and Wormmon evolution families and their Jogressed form, Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode [9]
ST-10 Japanese | Start Deck: Tactician from Another World
スタートデッキ 異世界の軍師
English | Starter Deck: Parallel World Tactician
16 Japan October 29, 2021
United States May 20, 2022
Europe May 6, 2022
Primary theme(s): Purple and Yellow deck, featuring Angewomon, Lady Devimon, and their Jogressed form Mastemon [10]
ST-11 Japanese | Start Deck: Special Entry Set
スタートデッキ スペシャルエントリーセット
16 Japan November 26, 2021
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
Primary theme(s): Red deck consisting of reissued cards from earlier releases
  • The first Special Entry Set, a cheaper entry-level starter deck.
ST-12 Japanese | Start Deck: JESmon
スタートデッキ ジエスモン
English | Starter Deck: Jesmon
16 Japan April 22, 2022
United States October 21, 2022
Europe October 14, 2022
Primary theme(s): Primarily Red deck, featuring JESmon of the Royal Knights and its allies [12]
ST-13 Japanese | Start Deck: Ragna Lordmon
スタートデッキ ラグナロードモン
English | Starter Deck: RagnaLoardmon
16 Japan April 22, 2022
United States October 21, 2022
Europe October 14, 2022
Primary theme(s): Red and Black deck, featuring the Zubamon and Ludomon evolution families and their fused form, Ragna Lordmon [13]
ST-14 Japanese | Advance Deck: Beelzebumon
アドバンスデッキ ベルゼブモン
English | Advanced Deck: Beelzemon
16 Japan December 9, 2022
United States March 24, 2023
Europe March 24, 2023
Primary theme(s): Purple cards, featuring Beelzebumon
  • The first Advance Deck, a deluxe Start Deck with extra pack-ins.
ST-15 Japanese | Start Deck: War Dragon of Courage
スタートデッキ 勇気の戦竜
English | Starter Deck: Dragon of Courage
16 Japan May 26, 2023
United States October 13, 2023
Primary theme(s): Black cards, featuring Yagami Taichi and Agumon/War Greymon from Digimon Adventure
  • Introduces ACE cards to the game.
ST-16 Japanese | Start Deck: Metal Wolf of Friendship
スタートデッキ 友情の鋼狼
English | Starter Deck: Wolf of Friendship
16 Japan May 26, 2023
United States October 13, 2023
Primary theme(s): Purple cards, featuring Ishida Yamato and Gabumon/Metal Garurumon from Digimon Adventure
  • Introduces ACE cards to the game.
ST-17 Japanese | Advance Deck: Double Typhoon
アドバンスデッキ ダブルタイフーン
English | Advanced Deck: Double Typhoon
17 Japan November 24, 2023
United States March 8, 2024
Europe March 15, 2024
Primary theme(s): Green deck, featuring the Terriermon and Lopmon evolution families and related characters [17]
ST-18 Japanese | Start Deck: Guardian Vortex
スタートデッキ 旋風の守護者(ガーディアンヴォルテクス)
English | Starter Deck: Guardian Vortex
Chinese (中文) | START DECK 旋风守护者
16 Japan April 26, 2024
United States September 13, 2024
Mainland China September 2024
Primary theme(s): Green cards, featuring Kazama Shoto and Pteromon/Zephagamon from Digimon Liberator [18]
ST-19 Japanese | Start Deck: Fable Waltz
スタートデッキ 童話の舞踏(フェイブルワルツ)
English | Starter Deck: Fable Waltz
Chinese (中文) | START DECK 童话舞蹈家
16 Japan April 26, 2024
United States September 13, 2024
Mainland China September 2024
Primary theme(s): Yellow cards, featuring Kinosaki Arisa and Shoemon/Cendrillmon from Digimon Liberator
ST-20 Japanese | Start Deck: Protector of Light
スタートデッキ PROTECTOR(プロテクター) OF(オブ) LIGHT(ライト)
English | Starter Deck: Protector of Light
15 Japan April 19, 2025
United States April 18, 2025
ST-21 Japanese | Start Deck: Hero of Hope
スタートデッキ HERO(ヒーロー) OF(オブ) HOPE(ホープ)
English | Starter Deck: Hero of Hope
15 Japan April 19, 2025
United States April 18, 2025

Booster Series[edit]

Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
BT-01 Japanese | Booster: New Evolution
ブースター NEW(ニュー) EVOLUTION(エヴォリューション)
115 Japan May 15, 2020
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
BT-02 Japanese | Booster: Ultimate Power
ブースター ULTIMATE(アルティメット) POWER(パワー)
112 Japan July 22, 2020
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
BT-03 Japanese | Booster: Union Impact
ブースター ユニオンインパクト
112 Japan October 30, 2020
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
BT-04 Japanese | Booster: Great Legend
ブースター グレイトレジェンド
English | Booster: Great Legend
115 Japan December 18, 2020
United States June 4, 2021
Europe June 4, 2021
Primary theme(s): Greymon-species Digimon and other related Digimon [22]
BT-05 Japanese | Booster: Battle of Omega
ブースター バトルオブオメガ
English | Booster: Battle of Omni
112 Japan February 26, 2021
United States July 23, 2021
Europe July 23, 2021
Primary theme(s): Omegamon and related Digimon [23]
BT-06 Japanese | Booster: Double Diamond
ブースター ダブルダイヤモンド
English | Booster: Double Diamond
113 Japan May 28, 2021
United States November 26, 2021
Europe October 8, 2021
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna [24]
BT-07 Japanese | Booster: Next Adventure
ブースター ネクストアドベンチャー
English | Booster: Next Adventure
112 Japan August 27, 2021
United States March 4, 2022
Europe March 4, 2022
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Frontier
  • Introduces certain abilities that enable Tamer cards to evolve into Digimon
BT-08 Japanese | Booster: New Hero
ブースター ニューヒーロー
English | Booster: New Awakening
112 Japan November 26, 2021
United States May 27, 2022
Europe May 13, 2022
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Adventure 02
  • Introduces multi-color cards
BT-09 Japanese | Booster: X Record
ブースター (エックス)レコード
English | Booster: X Record
112 Japan February 25, 2022
United States July 29, 2022
Europe July 29, 2022
Primary theme(s): X-Antibody Digimon; characters and Digimon from Digimon Adventure tri. [27]
BT-10 Japanese | Booster: Xros Encounter
ブースター クロスエンカウンター
English | Booster: Xros Encounter
113 Japan May 27, 2022
United States October 21, 2022
Europe October 14, 2022
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Xros Wars [28]
BT-11 Japanese | Booster: Dimensional Phase
ブースター ディメンショナルフェイズ
English | Booster: Dimensional Phase
115 Japan September 30, 2022
United States February 17, 2023
Europe February 17, 2023
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Xros Wars, as well as characters and Digimon from various Digimon World games [29]
BT-12 Japanese | Booster: Across Time
ブースター アクロス・タイム
English | Booster: Across Time
112 Japan November 25, 2022
United States April 28, 2023
Europe May 19, 2023
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time, including the five crossover "legendary heroes" [30]
BT-13 Japanese | Booster: VS Royal Knights
ブースター VS(バーサス)ロイヤルナイツ
English | Booster: Versus Royal Knights
112 Japan February 24, 2023
United States July 21, 2023
Europe July 21, 2023
Primary theme(s): The Royal Knights; characters and Digimon from Digimon Savers [31]
BT-14 Japanese | Booster: Blast Ace
ブースター BLAST(ブラスト) ACE(エース)
English | Booster: Blast Ace
104 Japan June 30, 2023
United States November 17, 2023
Europe November 17, 2023
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Adventure and Digimon Seekers [32]
BT-15 Japanese | Booster: Exceed Apocalypse
ブースター エクシード・アポカリプス
English | Booster: Exceed Apocalypse
110 Japan September 29, 2023
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Adventure and Digimon Seekers [33]
BT-16 Japanese | Booster: Beginning Observer
ブースター BEGINNING(ビギニング) OBSERVER(オブザーバー)
English | Booster: Beginning Observer
107 Japan December 22, 2023
United States May 24, 2024
Europe June 3, 2024
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning and Digimon Seekers [34]
BT-17 Japanese | Booster: Secret Crisis
ブースター シークレットクライシス
English | Booster: Secret Crisis
106 Japan March 29, 2024
United States August 9, 2024
Europe August 9, 2024
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from various Digimon movies (X-evolution, Adventure 3D, Savers 3D, tri., and TB are excluded[1]) and Digimon Seekers [35]
BT-18 Japanese | Booster: Element Successor
ブースター エレメントサクセサー
107 Japan June 28, 2024
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Frontier and Digimon Liberator [36]
BT-19 Japanese | Booster: Xros Evolution
ブースター クロスエボリューション
107 Japan September 27, 2024
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from the Digimon Xros Wars manga, Digimon Tamers, and Digimon Liberator [37]
BT-20 Japanese | Booster: Over the X
ブースター OVER(オーバー) THE() (エックス)
109 Japan January 31, 2025
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Seekers, Digimon Chronicle/Digimon Chronicle X, Digimon Liberator, and Digimon Accel[2] [38]
BT-21 Japanese | Booster: World Convergence
ブースター WORLD(ワールド) CONVERGENCE(コンバージェンス)
English | Booster: World Convergence
113 Japan April 19, 2025
United States April 25, 2025
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from various Digimon TV animes (including, for the first time, Digimon Universe Appli Monsters and Appmon species) and Digimon Liberator
BT-22 Japanese | Booster: Cyber Eden
ブースター CYBER(サイバー) EDEN(エデン)
English | Booster: Cyber Eden
107 Japan July 19, 2025
United States July 25, 2025
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth [3]
BT-23 TBA TBA Japan October 2025
United States October 2025
BT-24 TBA TBA Japan January 2026
United States January 2026

Theme Booster Series / Extra Booster Series[edit]

Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
EX-01 Japanese | Theme Booster: Classic Collection
テーマブースター クラシックコレクション
English | Theme Booster: Classic Collection
73 Japan July 30, 2021
United States January 21, 2022
Europe December 10, 2021
Primary theme(s): Cards using Bandai stock art from the 1990s/early 2000s, including Parallel Cards that homage the Digital Monster Card Game [39]
EX-02 Japanese | Theme Booster: Digital Hazard
テーマブースター デジタルハザード
English | Theme Booster: Digital Hazard
74 Japan December 24, 2021
United States June 24, 2022
Europe June 24, 2022
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Tamers, in commemoration of the series' 20th anniversary [40]
EX-03 Japanese | Theme Booster: Dragon's Roar
テーマブースター ドラゴンズロア
English | Theme Booster: Draconic Roar
74 Japan July 29, 2022
United States November 11, 2022
Europe November 11, 2022
Primary theme(s): Digimon from the Pendulum Progress 1.0: Dragon's Roar; the Four Great Dragons; other draconic Digimon; characters and Digimon from Digimon Linkz [41]
EX-04 Japanese | Theme Booster: Alternative Being
テーマブースター オルタナティブビーイング
English | Theme Booster: Alternative Being
74 Japan December 23, 2022
United States June 23, 2023
Europe June 23, 2023
Primary theme(s): Subspecies, variations, and alternate evolution lines for familiar Digimon species [42]
EX-05 Japanese | Theme Booster: Animal Colosseum
テーマブースター アニマルコロシアム
English | Theme Booster: Animal Colosseum
74 Japan August 25, 2023
United States January 19, 2024
Europe January 19, 2024
Primary theme(s): Digimon from the Pendulum Progress 3.0: Animal Colosseum; other bestial Digimon; characters and Digimon from Digimon Story: Sunburst and Moonlight [43]
EX-06 Japanese | Theme Booster: Infernal Ascension
テーマブースター インファナル・アセンション
English | Theme Booster: Infernal Ascension
79 Japan February 23, 2024
United States 28 June, 2024
Europe 28 June, 2024
Primary theme(s): Conflict between angelic and demonic Digimon; the Three Archangels; the Seven Great Demon Lords; Legend-Arms Digimon; Digimon from the Pendulum Progress 2.0: Armageddon Army; other angelic and demonic Digimon [44]
EX-07 Japanese | Extra Booster: Digimon Liberator
エクストラブースター デジモンリベレイター
English | Extra Booster: Digimon Liberator
Chinese (中文) | 额外补充包 数码宝贝界放者
78 Japan May 31, 2024
United States September 13, 2024
Europe September 13, 2024
Mainland China September 2024
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Liberator, Digimon Pendulum COLOR 1 Nature Spirits, and the Three Musketeers [45]
EX-08 Japanese | Extra Booster: Chain of Liberation
エクストラブースター CHAIN(チェーン) OF(オブ) LIBERATION(リベレーション)
English | Extra Booster: Chains of Liberation
Chinese (中文) | 额外补充包 CHAIN OF LIBERATION
78 Japan November 29, 2024
United States January 10, 2025
Europe January 10, 2025
Mainland China January 2025
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Liberator, Digimon Pendulum COLOR 2 Deep Savers, Digimon Pendulum COLOR 3 Nightmare Soldiers, and Ultimate level X-Antibody Digimon [46]
EX-09 Japanese | Extra Booster: Versus Monsters
エクストラブースター VERSUS(バーサス) MONSTERS(モンスターズ)

English | Extra Booster: Versus Monsters
79 Japan June 26, 2025
United States June 26, 2025
Primary theme(s): Digimon from Digital Monster, and characters/Digimon from Digimon Adventure [3]
EX-10 Japanese | Extra Booster: Sinister Order
エクストラブースター SINISTER(シニスター) ORDER(オーダー)

English | Extra Booster: Sinister Order
78 Japan September 20, 2025
United States September 19, 2025
Primary theme(s): Villainous Digimon from the Digimon TV animes[4] [3]
EX-11 TBA TBA Japan February 2026
United States February 2026

Reboot Booster Series[edit]

Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
RB-01 Japanese | Reboot Booster: Rising Wind
リブートブースター ライジングウインド
English | Resurgence Booster
Japan 122
United States Europe 123
Japan January 27, 2023
United States September 2023
Europe September 2023
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Ghost Game; reissued cards from earlier releases [47]

Limited Card Series[edit]

Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
LM-01 Japanese | Limited Card Pack: Digimon Ghost Game
リミテッドカードパック デジモンゴーストゲーム
Chinese (中文) | LIMITED BOOSTER
30 Japan July 22, 2023
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
Mainland China December 2023
Primary theme(s): Characters and Digimon from Digimon Ghost Game, with anime-style art [48]
LM-02 Japanese | Limited Card Pack: Death-X-mon
リミテッドカードパック デクスモン
33 Japan November 12, 2023
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
LM-03 Japanese | Limited Card Set 2024
12 Japan March 2, 2024
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
LM-04 Japanese | Limited Card Pack: Torrid Weiss
リミテッドカードパック トリッドヴァイス
33 Japan August 11, 2024
United States (See note)[N 2]
Europe (See note)[N 2]
LM-05 Japanese | Limited Card Pack: Final Elysion
リミテッドカードパック ファイナル・エリシオン
31 Japan March 15, 2025 [52]
LM-06 Japanese | Limited Card Pack: Billion Bullet
リミテッドカードパック ビリオンバレット
English | Limited Card Pack: Billion Bullet
33 Japan October 2025
United States October 2025
Europe October 2025


Main article: Digimon Card Game Promo


Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
PB-01 Japanese | Tamer's Evolution Box
English | Tamer's Evolution Box
8 Japan January 2021
United States February 2021
PB-02 Japanese | Tamer Goods Set
English | Tamer's Set
0 Japan April 2021
United States May 2021
PB-03 Japanese | Playmat: War Greymon
プレイマット ウォーグレイモン
English | Official WarGreymon Playmat
0 Japan June 2021
United States September 2021
PB-04 Japanese | Tamer Goods Set 2
English | Tamer's Set Vol.2
0 Japan September 2021
United States December 2021
PB-05 Japanese | Tamer Goods Set 3
English | Tamer's Set Vol.3
0 Japan November 2021
United States April 2022
PB-06 Japanese | Tamer's Evolution Box 2
English | Tamer's Evolution Box2
8 Japan January 2022
United States May 2022
PB-07 Japanese | Tamer Goods Set EX
English | Tamer's Set EX
0 Japan March 2022
United States June 2022
PB-08 Japanese | Playmat: Digimon Tamers
プレイマット デジモンテイマーズ
English | Playmat and Card Set 1 Digimon Tamers
0 Japan March 2022
United States (See note)[N 2]
PB-09 Japanese | Playmat: Memorial Collection 01
プレイマット メモリアルコレクション01
English | Playmat and Card Set 2 Floral Fun
0 Japan June 2022
United States (See note)[N 2]
PB-10 Japanese | Tamer Goods Set 4
English | Tamer's Set Vol.4
0 Japan June 2022
United States September 2022
PB-11 Japanese | Tamer Goods Set 5
English | Tamer's Set Vol.5
0 Japan September 2022
United States December 2022
N/A Japanese | Memorial Collection 25th Anniversary
メモリアルコレクション 25th Anniversary
English | 25th Special Memorial Pack
12 Japan November 2022
United States October 2022
PB-12 Japanese | Digimon Frontier 20th Memorial Set
デジモンフロンティア20th メモリアルセット
8 Japan December 2022
United States (See note)[N 2]
PB-13 Japanese | Royal Knights Binder Set
ロイヤルナイツ バインダーセット
English | Royal Knights Binder Set
8 Japan February 2023
United States June 2022
PB-14 Japanese | Tamer Goods Set EX2
English | Tamer Goods Set Angewomon & LadyDevimon
2 Japan April 2023 [67]
PB-15 Japanese | 3rd Anniversary Set 9 Japan June 2023 [68]
PB-16 Japanese | Tamer Goods Set EX3
English | Tamer Goods Set Diaboromon
3 Japan November 2023 [69]
N/A Japanese | Premium Binder Set 2023
English | Premium Binder Set
4 Japan February 2024 [70]
PB-17 Japanese | Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Set
デジモンアドベンチャー02 THE BEGINNING セット
English | Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Set
15 Japan March 2024 [71]
PB-18 Japanese | Premium Heroines Set
English | Premium Heroines Set
13 Japan August 2024 [72]
N/A Japanese | Memorial Legend Collection
7 Japan August 2024 [73]
N/A Japanese | Digimon Liberator D-STORAGE Set
デジモンリベレイター D-STORAGE セット
6 Japan November 2024 [74]
PB-19 Japanese | Omegamon Binder Set
オメガモン バインダーセット
English | Omnimon Binder Set
9 Japan January 2025 [75]
PB-20 Japanese | DIGIMON ANIMATION SERIES 25th set 10 Japan March 2025 [76]



An English-language edition of the Digimon Card Game has been marketed in the Americas, Europe and Oceania since 2021, following a commemorative limited pre-sale launch on November 27, 2020.[5]


Unlike past card games (such as the Digital Monster Card Game), no changes have been made to the game's rules or mechanics, or to its design aesthetic, and the Japanese and English editions remain fully compatible with each other.

Sistermon Noir[edit]

The only significant change made in the English localization process is that all of Sistermon Noir and Sistermon Noir (Awaken)'s cards are edited to replace these Digimon with, respectively, Sistermon Ciel and Sistermon Ciel (Awaken). This change is made out of Bandai's concerns about religious sensitivities in North America, with respect to the former two Digimon and their resemblance to traditional Catholic nuns.[6]

Except for the different Card Name and change of Attribute from Virus (Noir) to Data (Ciel), both versions of each card have identical stats, properties and effects. In order to accommodate for this replacement in international tournament play, Bandai has established a ruling that Japanese Sistermon Noir cards and their English Sistermon Ciel counterparts are to be treated as one and the same, and as having all of the properties (including Card Name) of their counterpart in the other edition of the game.[7]

Dcg-BT6-084.jpg Dcg-BT6-084 (english).jpg
Example: BT6-084 (Japanese version)
Sistermon Noir
Example: BT6-084 (English version)
Sistermon Ciel

Other Japanese-edition cards whose art also features appearances by Sistermon Noir, such as BT6-011 Bao Huckmon, are also sometimes edited to remove Sistermon Noir from the artwork.

Classic Collection[edit]

The English edition also changes the designs and layouts of the Parallel Cards in EX-01 Classic Collection to maintain the cards' theme of throwing back to an earlier Digimon trading card game for the foreign audience. Whereas the Japanese Parallel cards mimic the style and layout of the Digital Monster Card Game, the English cards instead mimic its American adaptation, the Digi-Battle Card Game. Changes in the service of this adaptation include:

  • Changing the card's frame to that of the Digi-Battle Card Game, which itself came from the background style used on contemporary American Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 merchandising
  • Adding a "Digivolve Cost" header box to the Evolution Requirements box, although the main body text still retains a redundant "Digivolves from:" introduction like the Japanese version
  • Adding a black shape (circle for Red/A, square for Green/B, triangle for Yellow/C) to the faux-Battle Type background of the Play Cost
  • Adding a second instance of the Card Name along the edge of the card, in the same style as on Digi-Battle Card Game cards
  • Removing the flavor text blurbs since, unlike the Digital Monster Card Game, the Digi-Battle Card Game did not have those
Dcg-EX1-029 2.jpg Dcg-EX1-029 2 (english).jpg
Example: EX1-029 (Japanese version)
Holy Angemon
Example: EX1-029 (English version)

However, some cards from outside the Classic Collection which use the same Digital Monster Card Game theming (e.g. the Parallel BT3-111 Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode box topper from EX-03 Draconic Roar (Dragon's Roar)) were not subject to these changes and retain the same design in the English edition.

Release Changes[edit]

Unlike other localizations of the game, English set releases usually do not include an identifying suffix in their set numbers to distinguish them from the Japanese set releases. On the rare occasions that they do, such as the PB-12E 2nd Anniversary Set, the suffix is "E."

On occasion, cards from a given Japanese set have been repackaged for the English edition of the Digimon Card Game into different sets and/or released under different circumstances.

Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
BT01-03 English | Release Special Booster Ver.1.0 187 United States February 12, 2021[N 1]
Europe January 29, 2021[N 1]
Repackaging of half of the cards from each of BT-01 New Evolution, BT-02 Ultimate Power, and BT-03 Union Impact, which did not receive individual English-edition releases. [77]
BT01-03 English | Release Special Booster Ver.1.5 187 United States March 12, 2021
Europe March 12, 2021
Repackaging of half of the cards from each of BT-01 New Evolution, BT-02 Ultimate Power, and BT-03 Union Impact, which did not receive individual English-edition releases. [78]
PB-08 English | Playmat and Card Set 1 -Digimon Tamers- 8 United States June 2022 Repackaging of the Japanese Playmat: Digimon Tamers, which also includes reprint promotional cards originating from the Japanese Memorial Collection 02: BT2-009, ST7-09, BT5-036, BT5-044, BT3-046, BT3-057, BT2-068, and BT1-035 [79]
PD-01 English | Premium Deck Set 3 United States September 30, 2022 Bundle of: [80]
PB-09 English | Playmat and Card Set 2 -Floral Fun- 8 United States September 2022 Repackaging of the Japanese Playmat: Memorial Collection 01, which also includes alternate-art card reprints originating from the Japanese Memorial Collection 01: ST4-03, ST3-04, P-004, ST1-02, ST4-04, BT1-010, BT2-036, and BT1-029 [81]
ST-11 English | Special Entry Pack 17 United States October 21, 2022
Europe October 14, 2022
Repackaging of the contents of the Japanese ST-11 Start Deck Special Entry Set, distributed as an extra box topper in BT-10 Xros Encounter instead of as an individual set release. Two cards are enclosed in each individual ST-11 pack:
  • 1x guaranteed copy of P-065 Gammamon
  • 1x random card drawn from the sixteen other cards from the Special Entry Set
PB-12E English | 2nd Anniversary Set 22 United States March 2023 Repackaging of the card storage box and the eight cards from PB-12 Digimon Frontier 20th Memorial Set with several unique items: [83]
BT-15 English | Booster: Exceed Apocalypse 130 United States February 16, 2024
Europe February 16, 2024
The 20 LM cards from LM-01 are included alongside the 110 cards from BT-15 for a total of 130 cards [84]
BT18-19 English | Release Special Booster Ver.2.0 150 United States November 1, 2024
Europe November 1, 2024
Repackaging of BT-18: Element Successor and half of the cards from BT-19, which did not receive individual English-edition releases. [85]
English | Digimon Card Game Special Limited Set 36 United States December 13, 2024
Europe December 13, 2024
Repackaging of LM-02, LM-03, and LM-04 [86]
BT19-20 English | Release Special Booster Ver.2.5 150 United States February 2025
Europe February 2025
Repackaging of BT-20 and the other half of the cards from BT-19, which did not receive individual English-edition releases.

Simplified Chinese[edit]

Bandai and Shanghai Windo Entertainment have marketed a Simplified Chinese edition of the Digimon Card Game in the People's Republic of China (excluding Hong Kong, where the Japanese edition is marketed instead) since April 2022.[8]

Release Changes[edit]

Chinese set releases are distinguished from those of other regions with an identifying "C" in their set number.

To date, the Chinese booster set range also differs drastically from the other editions, as each is a compilation of cards from multiple Japanese booster sets.

Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
STC-01 Chinese (中文) | START DECK RED 16 Mainland China April 2022 Chinese edition of ST-1 Gaia Red. [87]
STC-02 Chinese (中文) | START DECK BLUE 16 Mainland China April 2022 Chinese edition of ST-2 Cocytus Blue. [88]
STC-03 Chinese (中文) | START DECK YELLOW 16 Mainland China April 2022 Chinese edition of ST-3 Heaven's Yellow. [89]
STC-04 Chinese (中文) | START DECK GREEN 16 Mainland China August 2022 Chinese edition of ST-4 Giga Green. [90]
STC-05 Chinese (中文) | START DECK BLACK 16 Mainland China August 2022 Chinese edition of ST-5 Mugen Black. [91]
STC-06 Chinese (中文) | START DECK PURPLE 16 Mainland China August 2022 Chinese edition of ST-6 Venom Violet. [92]
STC-07 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Dukemon
16 Mainland China October 2022 Chinese edition of ST-7 Start Deck Dukemon. [93]
STC-02 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Ulforce V-dramon
16 Mainland China October 2022 Chinese edition of ST-8 Start Deck Ulforce V-dramon. [94]
STC-09 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Ultimate Ancient Dragon
“START DECK 究极的古代龙”
16 Mainland China January 2023 Chinese edition of ST-9 Start Deck Ultimate Ancient Dragon. [95]
STC-10 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Tactician from Another World
“START DECK 异世界的军师”
16 Mainland China January 2023 Chinese edition of ST-10 Start Deck Tactician from Another World. [96]
STC-12 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck JESmon
16 Mainland China April 2023 Chinese edition of ST-12 Start Deck JESmon. [97]
STC-13 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Ragna Lordmon
“START DECK 诸神之主兽”
16 Mainland China April 2023 Chinese edition of ST-13 Start Deck Ragna Lordmon. [98]
STC-14 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Beelzebumon
“基本卡组 别西卜兽”
16 Mainland China July 2023 Chinese edition of ST-14 Advance Deck Beelzebumon. [99]
STC-15 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck War Dragon of Courage
“基本卡组 勇气的战龙”
16 Mainland China December 2023 Chinese edition of ST-15 Start Deck War Dragon of Courage. [100]
STC-16 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Metal Wolf of Friendship
“基本卡组 友情的钢狼”
16 Mainland China December 2023 Chinese edition of ST-16 Start Deck Metal Wolf of Friendship. [101]
STC-17 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Terriermon & Lopmon
“基本卡组 梗犬兽&垂耳兔兽”
17 Mainland China March 2024 Chinese edition of ST-17 Advance Deck Double Typhoon. [102]
STC-18 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Guardian Vortex
“START DECK 旋风守护者”
16 Mainland China September 2024 Chinese edition of ST-18 Start Deck Guardian Vortex. [103]
STC-19 Chinese (中文) | Start Deck Fable Waltz
“START DECK 童话舞蹈家”
16 Mainland China September 2024 Chinese edition of ST-19 Start Deck Fable Waltz. [104]
BTC-01 Chinese (中文) | ULTIMATE EVOLUTION 227 Mainland China April 2022 Repackaging of all cards from BT-01 New Evolution and BT-02 Ultimate Power. [105]
BTC-02 Chinese (中文) | DIGITAL IMPACT 226 Mainland China August 2022 Repackaging of a selection of cards from BT-03 Union Impact, BT-04 Great Legend, and BT-05 Battle of Omega. [106]
BTC-03 Chinese (中文) | DIAMOND LEGEND 226 Mainland China December 2022 Repackaging of a selection of cards from BT-03 Union Impact, BT-04 Great Legend, BT-05 Battle of Omega, and BT-06 Double Diamond. [107]
BTC-04 Chinese (中文) | NEXT HERO 232 Mainland China February 2023 Repackaging of all cards from BT-07 Next Adventure and BT-08 New Hero. [108]
BTC-05 Chinese (中文) | XROS RECORD 225 Mainland China May 2023 Repackaging of all cards from BT-09 X Record and BT-10 Xros Encounter. [109]
BTC-06 Chinese (中文) | ACROSS DIMENSION 227 Mainland China August 2023 Repackaging of all cards from BT-11 Dimension Phase and BT-12 Across Time. [110]
BTC-07 Chinese (中文) | GREAT WARRIOR 222 Mainland China October 2023 Repackaging of all cards from BT-13 VS Royal Knights, RB-01 Rising Wind, and EX-04 Alternative Being. [111]
BTC-08 Chinese (中文) | BEYOND ACE 104 Mainland China December 2023 Chinese edition of BT-14 Blast Ace. [112]
BTC-09 Chinese (中文) | EXCEED APOCALYPSE 110 Mainland China February 2024 Chinese edition of BT-15 Exceed Apocalypse. [113]
BTC-10 Chinese (中文) | BEGINNING OBSERVER 107 Mainland China May 2024 Chinese edition of BT-16 Beginning Observer. [114]
BTC-11 Chinese (中文) | SECRET CRISIS 106 Mainland China August 2024 Chinese edition of BT-17 Secret Crisis. [115]
EXC-01 Chinese (中文) | EXTRA BOOSTER 147 Mainland China March 2023 Repackaging of all cards from EX-01 Classic Collection and EX-02 Digital Hazard. [116]
EXC-02 Chinese (中文) | EXTRA BOOSTER 2 Draconic Roar 74 Mainland China June 2023 Chinese edition of EX-03 Dragon's Roar. [117]
EXC-03 Chinese (中文) | EXTRA BOOSTER 3 BEAST NOVA 74 Mainland China January 2024 Chinese edition of EX-05 Animal Colosseum. [118]
EXC-04 Chinese (中文) | EXTRA BOOSTER 4 Infernal Ascension 79 Mainland China June 2024 Chinese edition of EX-06 Infernal Ascension. [119]


Bandai and Daewon Media have marketed a Korean edition of the Digimon Card Game in South Korea since February 2023.[9]

Release Changes[edit]

Korean set releases are distinguished from those of other regions with an identifying "K" in their set number.

Similar to the English edition, the Korean edition features some releases which repackage cards from multiple Japanese sets into one.

Set No. Set Name No. of cards Release Date Notes Link
STK-01 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Gaia Red
“스타트 덱 가이아 레드”
16 South Korea February 2023 Korean edition of ST-1 Gaia Red. [120]
STK-02 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Cocytus Blue
“스타트 덱 코큐토스 블루”
16 South Korea February 2023 Korean edition of ST-2 Cocytus Blue. [121]
STK-03 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Heaven Yellow
“스타트 덱 헤븐즈 옐로”
16 South Korea February 2023 Korean edition of ST-3 Heaven's Yellow. [122]
STK-04 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Giga Green
“스타트 덱 가이아 레드”
16 South Korea June 2023 Korean edition of ST-4 Giga Green. [123]
STK-05 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Mugen Black
“스타트 덱 파워 블랙”
16 South Korea June 2023 Korean edition of ST-5 Mugen Black. [124]
STK-06 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Venom Violet
“스타트 덱 베놈 바이올렛”
16 South Korea June 2023 Korean edition of ST-6 Venom Violet. [125]
STK-07 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Dukemon
“스타트 덱 듀크몬”
16 South Korea September 2023 Korean edition of ST-7 Dukemon. [126]
STK-08 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Ulforce V-Dramon
“스타트 덱 알포스브이드라몬”
16 South Korea September 2023 Korean edition of ST-8 Ulforce V-Dramon. [127]
STK-09 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Ultimate Ancient Dragon
“스타트 덱 궁극의 고대용”
16 South Korea January 2024 Korean edition of ST-9 Ultimate Ancient Dragon. [128]
STK-10 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Tactician from Another World
“스타트 덱 이세계의 군사”
16 South Korea January 2024 Korean edition of ST-10 Tactician from Another World. [129]
STK-12 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck JESmon
“스타트 덱 제스몬”
16 South Korea May 2024 Korean edition of ST-12 JESmon. [130]
STK-13 Korean (한국어) | Starter Deck Ragna Lordmon
“스타트 덱 라그나로드몬”
16 South Korea May 2024 Korean edition of ST-13 Ragna Lordmon. [131]
STK-14 Korean (한국어) | Advance Deck Beelzebumon
“어드밴스 덱 베르제브몬”
16 South Korea September 2024 Korean edition of ST-14 Beelzebumon. [132]
BTK-1.0 Korean (한국어) | SPECIAL BOOSTER VER 1.0
“스페셜 부스터 버전 1.0 ”
187 South Korea March 2023 Repackaging of a selection of cards from BT-01 New Evolution, BT-02 Ultimate Power and BT-03 Union Impact. [133]
BTK-1.5 Korean (한국어) | SPECIAL BOOSTER VER 1.5
“스페셜 부스터 버전 1.5 ”
152 South Korea May 2023 Repackaging of a selection of cards from BT-01 New Evolution, BT-02 Ultimate Power and BT-03 Union Impact. [134]
BTK-04 Korean (한국어) | Booster Great Legend
“부스터 팩 그레이트 레전드”
115 South Korea July 2023 Korean edition of BT-04 Great Legend. [135]
BTK-05 Korean (한국어) | Booster Battle of Omega
“부스터 팩 배틀 오브 오메가”
112 South Korea August 2023 Korean edition of BT-05 Battle of Omega. [136]
BTK-06 Korean (한국어) | Booster Double Diamond
“부스터 팩 더블 다이아몬드”
113 South Korea October 2023 Korean edition of BT-06 Double Diamond. [137]
BTK-07 Korean (한국어) | Booster Next Adventure
“부스터 팩 넥스트 어드벤처”
120 South Korea December 2023 Korean edition of BT-07 Next Adventure. [138]
BTK-08 Korean (한국어) | Booster New Hero
“부스터 팩 뉴 히어로”
112 South Korea February 2024 Korean edition of BT-08 New Hero. [139]
BTK-09 Korean (한국어) | Booster X Record
“부스터 팩 X레코드”
112 South Korea April 2024 Korean edition of BT-09 X Record. [140]
BTK-10 Korean (한국어) | Booster Xros Encounter
“부스터 팩 크로스 인카운터”
113 South Korea June 2024 Korean edition of BT-10 Xros Encounter. [141]
BTK-11 Korean (한국어) | Booster Dimensional Phase
“부스터 팩 디멘셔널 페이즈”
115 South Korea August 2024 Korean edition of BT-11 Dimensional Phase. [142]
BTK-12 Korean (한국어) | Booster Across Time
“부스터 팩 어크로스 타임”
112 South Korea September 2024 Korean edition of BT-12 Across Time. [143]
EXK-01 Korean (한국어) | Theme Booster Classic Collection
“테마 부스터 클래식 컬렉션”
73 South Korea November 2023 Korean edition of EX-01 Classic Collection. [144]
EXK-02 Korean (한국어) | Theme Booster Digital Hazard
“테마 부스터 디지털 해저드”
74 South Korea March 2024 Korean edition of EX-02 Digital Hazard. [145]
EXK-03 Korean (한국어) | Theme Booster Dragon's Roar
“테마 부스터 드래곤즈 로어”
74 South Korea July 2024 Korean edition of EX-03 Dragon's Roar. [146]
EXK-04 Korean (한국어) | Theme Booster Alternative Being
“테마 부스터 얼터너티브 비잉”
74 South Korea October 2024 Korean edition of EX-04 Alternative Being. [147]



Digimon Liberator[edit]

Digimon ReCollection[edit]


Digimon Liberator[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]

Omegamon Dual Tamer Goods Set 2.jpg PB-12 Playmat.jpg Royal Knights binder set.jpg DCG3rdanni keyvisual.jpg PB-15 cardboard.jpg PB-15 cardboard back.jpg
PB-04 Tamer Goods Set 2 PB-12 Digimon Frontier 20th Memorial Set PB-13 Royal Knights Binder Set Digimon Card Game 3rd Anniversary Key Visual illustration by sasasi PB-15 Digimon Card Game 3rd Anniversary Set PB-15 Digimon Card Game 3rd Anniversary Set
DCG World Championship 2024 promo.jpg DCG World Championship 2024 promo2.jpg DC-1 Grand Prix 2024 promo.jpg DCG5thanni keyvisual.jpg DCG5thanni keyvisual3.jpg DCG5thanni keyvisual2.jpg
June-August 2024 Regionals September - November 2024 Regionals DC-1 Grand Prix 2024 Digimon Card Game 5th Anniversary Key Visual Digimon Card Game 5th Anniversary Key Visual Digimon Card Game 5th Anniversary Key Visual

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 In the English edition of the Digimon Card Game, this set was also given a limited pre-sale launch on November 27, 2020 in select retailers, before the general release date (as noted in the list), as part of the Super Pre-Sale campaign.[5]
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 This set was not released in its original form in the English edition of the Digimon Card Game. Instead, its contents were repackaged into a different mode of release.

External Links[edit]

Japanese edition English edition Simplified Chinese edition Korean edition
Card Games
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Hyper Colosseum

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Super Digica Taisen

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Appli Monsters Card Game

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Data Carddass Appli Monsters

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Battle Spirits

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Digimon Card Game