Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese An Ultimate Digimon born from the data of the fairy tale "Cinderella". Despite its appearance, it inhabits volcanic regions. It is based at "Cinderella Castle", which is made of volcanic ash, and lives quietly so as to not attract the attention of others. However, when other Digimon visit the castle, it holds fighting tournaments called "Balls", and spends all of its time battling in search of its Prince—the Digimon that can defeat it.
The large number of familiars that accompany Cendrillmon are always wandering around vast areas, searching for candidates that could be its Prince, and distribute glass slippers in areas where strong Digimon that could win Cendrillmon's favor may live, and go around directly handing out glass slippers to the powerful. The glass slippers are troublesome items in that they forcibly transport those who possess them to Cinderella Castle, if they have a certain level of strength.
Its Special Moves are skewering the opponent with its glass slippers, which also serve as weapons due to their high hardness (Marriage Strike), and placing its familiars on pumpkin carriage-shaped bombs and having them perform a self-sacrificing attack (Noble Familiarts). In addition, it can also transform a large glass clock into a gigantic launcher, and uses its "Prism Date Break", in which it fires an extremely powerful laser beam from the large clock it holds, to eradicate the candidates for Prince in its surroundings.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 童話「シンデレラ」のデータから生まれた究極体デジモン。見た目とは裏腹に火山地帯に棲息する。火山灰で作られた「灰かぶりの城」を拠点にし、他者の目に触れないようにひっそりと暮らしている。しかし、他のデジモンが城を訪れると舞踏会という名の武闘大会を開き、自分を打ち負かすデジモン=王子様を求めて戦いに明け暮れる。 従えている大量の使い魔達はサンドリモンの王子様候補を探して常に広い地域を徘徊しており、サンドリモンの眼鏡にかなう強いデジモンが棲息していそうな地域にガラスの靴をばらまいたり、強者に直接ガラスの靴を渡してまわっている。ガラスの靴は、手にした者が一定の強さを持つ者であれば、強制的に灰かぶりの城へと転送する厄介なアイテムだ。 必殺技は、その高い硬度ゆえに武器としても機能するガラスの靴で相手を串刺しにする『マリッジストライク』、使い魔達をカボチャの馬車型爆弾に乗せて特攻させる『ノーブルファミリアーツ』。また、ガラスの大時計は巨大なランチャーに変形させることも可能で、構えた大時計から超強力なレーザービームを放つ『プリズムデイトブレイク』で周囲の王子様候補を一掃する。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)