
From Wikimon
The kana version of the Digimoji writing system.

Digimoji[1] (デジ文字 Dejimoji, lit. "DigiLetters"; Dub: DigiCode) is a writing system that is used in the Digital World.[2]

Phrases in Digimoji are often seen inscribed on the bodies, armor, and weapons of certain species of Digimon.



Digimoji consists of two separate sets of logographic glyphs:

  • One set for the kana syllabary that is used to write the Japanese language (applied identically to both hiragana and katakana)
  • One set for the Latin alphabet that is used to write English and many other European languages

Every letter/symbol from both of these writing systems is represented in Digimoji. However, regular Arabic numerals are still used instead of having a special Digimoji equivalent.[2]

Writing in Digimoji is a simple cipher that directly replaces each kana/Latin letter with the matching Digimoji glyph. All punctuation is excluded in both languages.

For Japanese, size differences in kana are completely ignored when writing in Digimoji. This means that all cases of "small kana" (e.g. the sokuon っ/ッ, yō-on) are presented in Digimoji in the exact same size as regular kana.


Kana Latin Alphabet
a i u e o ya yu yo
Dca w.png Test3.png Dcu w.png Dce w.png Dco w.png Dcya w.png Dcyu w.png Dcyo w.png
ka ki ku ke ko キャ kya キュ kyu キョ kyo
Dcka3 w.png Dcki w.png Dcku2 w.png Dcke w.png Dcko w.png Dcki w.pngDcya w.png Dcki w.pngDcyu w.png Dcki w.pngDcyo w.png
sa shi su se so シャ sha シュ shu ショ sho
Dcsa w.png Dcshi w.png Dcsu w.png Dcse w.png Dcso w.png Dcshi w.pngDcya w.png Dcshi w.pngDcyu w.png Dcshi w.pngDcyo w.png
ta chi tsu te to チャ cha チュ chu チョ cho
Dcta2 w.png Dcchi w.png Dctsu w.png Dcte w.png Dcto w.png Dcchi w.pngDcya w.png Dcchi w.pngDcyu w.png Dcchi w.pngDcyo w.png
na ni nu ne no ニャ nya ニュ nyu ニョ nyo
Dcna w.png Dcni w.png Dcnu w.png Dcne w.png Dcno w.png Dcni w.pngDcya w.png Dcni w.pngDcyu w.png Dcni w.pngDcyo w.png
ha hi fu he ho ヒャ hya ヒュ hyu ヒョ hyo
Dcha w.png Dchi3 w.png Dcfu w.png Dche w.png Dcho w.png Dchi3 w.pngDcya w.png Dchi3 w.pngDcyu w.png Dchi3 w.pngDcyo w.png
ma mi mu me mo ミャ mya ミュ myu ミョ myo
Dcma2.png Dcmi w.png Dcmu w.png Dcme w.png Dcmo w.png Dcmi w.pngDcya w.png Dcmi w.pngDcyu w.png Dcmi w.pngDcyo w.png
ra ri ru re ro リャ rya リュ ryu リョ ryo
Dcra w.png Dcri w.png Dcru2 w.png Dcre w.png Dcro w.png Dcri w.pngDcya w.png Dcri w.pngDcyu w.png Dcri w.pngDcyo w.png
ga gi gu ge go ギャ gya ギュ gyu ギョ gyo
Dcga w.png Dcgi w.png Dcgu w.png Dcge w.png Dcgo w.png Dcgi w.pngDcya w.png Dcgi w.pngDcyu w.png Dcgi w.pngDcyo w.png
za ji zu ze zo ジャ ja ジュ ju ジョ jo
Dcza w.png Dcji w.png Dczu w.png Dcze w.png Dczo w.png Dcji w.pngDcya w.png Dcji w.pngDcyu w.png Dcji w.pngDcyo w.png
da ディ di ドゥ du de do デュ dyu
Dcda w.png Dcde w.pngTest3.png Dcdo w.pngDcu w.png Dcde w.png Dcdo w.png Dcde w.pngDcyu w.png
ba bi bu be bo ビャ bya ビュ byu ビョ byo
Dcba w.png Dcbi w.png Dcbu w.png Dcbe w.png Dcbo w.png Dcbi w.pngDcya w.png Dcbi w.pngDcyu w.png Dcbi w.pngDcyo w.png
pa pi pu pe po ピャ pya ピュ pyu ピョ pyo
Dcpa w.png Dcpi3 w.png Dcpu w.png Dcpe w.png Dcpo w.png Dcpi3 w.pngDcya w.png Dcpi3 w.pngDcyu w.png Dcpi3 w.pngDcyo w.png
ヴァ va ヴィ vi vu ヴェ ve ヴォ vo ヴャ vya ヴュ vyu ヴョ vyo
Dcvu w.pngDca w.png Dcvu w.pngTest3.png Dcvu w.png Dcvu w.pngDce w.png Dcvu w.pngDco w.png Dcvu w.pngDcya w.png Dcvu w.pngDcyu w.png Dcvu w.pngDcyo w.png
wa wo
Dcwa w.png Dcwo w.png
Dcchouon2 w.png Test4a.png
Dca r w.png Dcb r w.png Dcc r w.png Dcd r w.png Dce r w.png Dcf r w.png
Dcg r w.png Dch r w.png Dci r w.png Dcj r w.png Dck r w.png Dcl r w.png
Dcm r w.png Dcn r w.png Dco r w.png Dcp r w.png Dcq2 r w.png Dcr r w.png
Dcs r w.png Dct r w2.png Dcu r w.png Dcv r w.png Dcw r w.png Dcx r w.png
Dcy r w.png Dcz r w.png

List of Digimon with Digimoji inscriptions[edit]

Digimon inscribed with Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png — "Digital Monster" 「デジタルモンスター
Digimon Location
Angemon [Ribbon]
Angewomon [Holy Ring, Ribbon]
Anubimon [Sirwal]
Bakumon [Holy Ring]
Baluchimon [Ribbons]
Black Growmon [Stripes]
Black Megalo Growmon [Stripes]
Breakdramon [Knee-segment]
Chaosmon [Holy Ring]
Chaos Dukemon [Gorgon]
Cherubimon (Virtue) [Holy Ring]
Cherubimon (Virtue) (X-Antibody) [Light Holy Ring]
Dagomon [Trident] (Variant: Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngデジタルモンスタ」)
Dukemon [Aegis]
Fantomon [Cape][N 1]
Fros Velgrmon [Anklet]
Goddramon [Holy Ring]
Growmon/Growmon (Data) [Stripes]
Holy Angemon [Excalibur, Holy Ring, Ribbon, Heaven's Gate[N 2]]
Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode [Positron Laser]
Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode [Positron Laser]
Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode [Positron Laser]
Lilithmon [Nazar Nail]
Liollmon [Holy Ring]
Lovely Angemon [Ribbon]
Lucemon [Holy Rings]
Lucemon: Larva [Orbital cavity, Magic circle]
Lucemon (X-Antibody) [Holy Rings]
Kudamon/Kudamon (2006 anime) [Holy Cartridge]
[Holy Ring]
Marin Angemon [Holy Ring]
Megalo Growmon/Megalo Growmon (Data) [Stripes]
Minervamon (X-Antibody) [Shield]
Musyamon [Sword]
Parrotmon [Holy Rings]
Pidmon [Ribbon]
Plotmon [Holy Ring]
Rapidmon Armor [Holy Rings]
Rasielmon [Magic circles]
Sorcerimon [Cape][N 1]
Tailmon [Holy Ring]
Ultimate Chaosmon [Holy Ring]
Witchmon [Dress]
Wizarmon [Cape][N 1]

Digimon inscribed with other words or phrases
Digimon Digimoji Location
Agumon Hakase Dcde w.png — "D" (デ De) [Badge]
Betsumon [Ring]
Breakdramon Dcwa w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcni w.pngTest4a.pngDcgu w.png — "Warning" (ワーニング Wāningu) [Foot]
Bushi Agumon Dcde w.png — "D" (デ De) [Crest]
Chaosmon Dcka3 w.pngDco w.pngDcsu w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png — "Chaosmon" (カオスモン Kaosumon) [BAN-TYO Blade[N 3]]
Craniummon (X-Antibody) Dcx r w.pngDce r w.pngDcv r w.pngDco r w.pngDcl r w.pngDcu r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png — "XEVOLUTION" [Shield]
Garudamon Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png — "Digimon" (デジモン Dejimon)

(Variant: Dcde w.pngDcgi w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png — 「デギモン」)[N 4]

[Shoulder and knee stripes]
Gerbemon 01 Dcde w.pngDcgi w.png — "01 Digi" (01デギ 01Degi) [Garbage can lid]
Holy Angemon Dche w.pngDcbu w.pngTest4a.pngDczu w.pngDcge w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.png — "Heaven's Gate" (ヘブンズゲート Hebunzu Gēto)[N 2] [Heaven's Gate]
Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode Dci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDci r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDca r w.pngDcl r w.pngDci r w.pngDcz r w.pngDce r w.png — "INITIALIZE" [Omega Blade]
Invisimon Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png — "Digimon" (デジモン Dejimon) [Torso]
JESmon Dcf r w.pngDco r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcc r w.pngDce r w.pngDcd r w.png Dct r w2.pngDce r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcm r w.pngDci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDca r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png — "FORCED TERMINATION" [Tail-blade]
Dci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDci r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDca r w.pngDcl r w.pngDci r w.pngDcz r w.pngDce r w.png — "INITIALIZE" [Blade on its left wrist]
Dco r w.pngDcv r w.pngDce r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcw r w.pngDcr r w.pngDci r w.pngDct r w2.pngDce r w.png — "OVERWRITE" [Blade on its right wrist]
Dct r w2.pngDcr r w.pngDca r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcs r w.pngDcf r w.pngDce r w.pngDcr r w.png — "TRANSFER" [Blade on its left leg]
Dcc r w.pngDco r w.pngDcm r w.pngDcp r w.pngDcr r w.pngDce r w.pngDcs r w.pngDcs r w.pngDci r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png — "COMPRESSION" [Blade on its right leg]
JESmon (X-Antibody) Dcf r w.pngDco r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcc r w.pngDce r w.pngDcd r w.png Dct r w2.pngDce r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcm r w.pngDci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDca r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png — "FORCED TERMINATION" [Tail-blade]
Dci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDci r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDca r w.pngDcl r w.pngDci r w.pngDcz r w.pngDce r w.png — "INITIALIZE" [Blade on its left wrist]
Dco r w.pngDcv r w.pngDce r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcw r w.pngDcr r w.pngDci r w.pngDct r w2.pngDce r w.png — "OVERWRITE" [Blade on its right wrist]
Dci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDci r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDca r w.pngDcl r w.pngDci r w.pngDcz r w.pngDce r w.png — "INITIALIZE" [Blade on its left wrist (Unlimitive Gauntlet Sword Mode)]
Dco r w.pngDcv r w.pngDce r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcw r w.pngDcr r w.pngDci r w.pngDct r w2.pngDce r w.png — "OVERWRITE" [Blade on its right wrist (Unlimitive Gauntlet Sword Mode))]
Kongoumon Dcko w.pngTest4a.pngDcgo w.pngDcu w.png — "Kongou" (コンゴウ Kongou) [Breechcloth]
Metal Mamemon (X-Antibody) [Visor]
Mimicmon Dcz r w.pngDci r w.pngDcp r w.png — "ZIP" [Stickers]
Omegamon Dco w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcde w.pngDcri w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.png — "All Delete" (オールデリート Ōru Derīto) [Grey Sword]
Omegamon (X-Antibody) Dco w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcde w.pngDcri w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.png — "All Delete" (オールデリート Ōru Derīto)[N 5] [Grey Sword]
Omegamon Zwart Dct r w2.pngDce r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcm r w.pngDci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDca r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png — "TERMINATION" [Grey Sword]
Omegamon Zwart D Dct r w2.pngDce r w.pngDcr r w.pngDcm r w.pngDci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDca r w.pngDct r w2.png — "TERMINAT" [Grey Sword]
Omekamon Dco w.png — "O" (オ O) [Chest]
Plotmon [Collar]
Plotmon (X-Antibody) [Collar]
Publimon Dcb r w.pngDca r w.pngDcn r w.png — "Ban" [Sweatshirt]
Punkmon Dcp r w.pngDcu r w.pngDcn r w.pngDck r w.png — "PUNK" [Brass knuckles]
Rhinomon (X-Antibody) Dcx r w.pngDce r w.pngDcv r w.pngDco r w.pngDcl r w.pngDcu r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png — "XEVOLUTION"[3] [Blade-horn]
Seraphimon Dcsu w.pngDcbe w.pngDcte w.pngDcha w.pngDcwa w.pngDcre w.pngDcto w.pngDcto w.pngDcmo w.pngDcni w.png — "All shall be one with me" (全ては我と共に Subete wa Ware to Tomoni) [Breechcloth]
Silphymon Dca w.pngTest3.pngDczu w.png — "Eyes" (アイズ Aizu) [Holy Goggles]
Terriermon Joshu Dcde w.png — "D" (デ De) [Badge]
Thunderballmon (X-Antibody) [Wires]
Trailmon (C-89 Model) Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDce w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcsu w.pngDcpu w.pngDcre w.pngDcsu w.png — "Digital Express" (デジタルエクスプレス Dejitaru Ekusupuresu) [Cabin]
Tylomon Dcde w.pngDce w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcpu w.png2000 — "Deep 2000" (デエープ2000 Deīpu2000) [Horn]


Goatmon's gorget reads

Dcka3 w.pngDcri w.pngDcto w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcge w.pngDcwo w.pngDcmu w.pngDcsu w.pngDcbi w.pngDcto w.png
Dcni w.pngDcmu w.pngDcka3 w.pngTest3.pngDcshi w.pngDcma2.pngDcna w.pngDcko w.pngDcni w.pngDcwa w.pngDcre w.pngDcwo w.png

These lines are fragments of a quote from Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro which reads in full "When Light and Shadow are joined, set us in the eyes of the goat that faces the high sun." (光と影を結び時つぐる、高き日に向かいし山羊の眼に我を収めよ Hikari to kage wo musubi tokitsugeru, takaki nichi ni mukaishi yagi no manako ni ware wo osame yo)

Thus, on Goatmon they would read "Wh- / -ght and shadow are joined, / us in the eyes / that faces /"




Digimon Adventure[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Adventure
Image Transcription Translation Context Episode
M01 Digimoji Digitama.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png デジタル―
This Digimoji word briefly flashes on the screen when Botamon's Digitama is realizing on the Yagami family's PC. Digimon Adventure
DA38 Digimoji Digivice.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png デジタルモンスター
Digital Monster
This Digimoji phrase is inscribed twice on the shell of Digivices, on the ring that surrounds their screens. Many episodes starting from "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!"
DA02 Digimoji Evostock1.jpg
DA04 Digimoji Evostock2.jpg
(TBA) (TBA) Parts of the stock footage for evolutions into Child and Adult Digimon include vortexes made up of Digimoji glyphs. Many episodes starting from "Explosive Evolution! Greymon"
DA05 Digimoji Battery.jpg (TBA) (TBA) The programming code that powers Andromon's factory is written, in multiple writing systems including Digimoji, on the wall panels inside a battery in the factory. When Izumi Kōshirō accidentally erases part of a Digimoji letter, the factory's power is disrupted until he completes the letter. "Lightning! Kabuterimon"
DA10 Digimoji Inscriptions.jpg (TBA) (TBA) Digimoji inscriptions cover the interior walls of the Digivice temple. "Centalmon the Guardian"
Prophecy stone digiletters.jpg (TBA) (N/A) Gennai sends Izumi Kōshirō an image of a prophetic inscription in Digimoji that was found in ancient ruins. Dialog in the episode says that it is meant to be read as follows:




However, the inscription as seen on-screen actually consists of random Digimoji characters. The contents provided in dialog would read in Digimoji as follows:

Dcha w.pngDcji w.pngDcme w.pngDcni w.pngDcko w.pngDcu w.pngDcmo w.pngDcri w.pngDcno w.pngDcmu w.pngDcre w.pngDcga w.pngDcso w.pngDcra w.pngDcwo w.pngDco w.pngDco w.pngDctsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDctsu w.pngDcdzu w.pngTest3.pngDcte w.pngDchi3 w.pngDcto w.pngDcbi w.pngDcto w.pngDcga w.pngDca w.pngTest4a.pngDcde w.pngDctsu w.pngDcdo w.pngDcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcno w.pngDco w.pngDcu w.pngDcno w.pngDcna w.pngDcwo w.pngDcto w.pngDcna w.pngDce w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcso w.pngDcshi w.pngDcte w.pngDcto w.pngDcki w.pngDca w.pngDcke w.pngDcmo w.pngDcno w.pngDcno w.pngDcsu w.pngDcu w.pngDcji w.pngDcwo w.pngDcki w.pngDcza w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngDcto w.pngDcki w.pngDca w.pngTest4a.pngDcde w.pngDctsu w.pngDcdo w.pngDcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcno w.pngDco w.pngDcu w.pngDcha w.pngDcke w.pngDcmo w.pngDcno w.pngDcno w.pngDcshi w.pngDcyo w.pngDcu w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest3.pngDcwo w.pngDco w.pngDcra w.pngDcwa w.pngDcshi w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcte w.pngTest4a.pngDcshi w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchi w.pngDcga w.pngDcso w.pngDcno w.pngDcma2.pngDcmo w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcbe w.pngDcki w.pngDchi3 w.pngDcto w.pngDcno w.pngDcmo w.pngDctsu w.pngDcto w.pngDcmo w.pngDca w.pngTest3.pngDcsu w.pngDcru2 w.pngDchi3 w.pngDcto w.pngDche w.pngDchi3 w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcri w.pngDcto w.pngDcki w.pngDcbo w.pngDcu w.pngDcno w.pngDcya w.pngDcwo w.pngDcha w.pngDcna w.pngDctsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcki w.pngDcse w.pngDcki w.pngDcha w.pngDco w.pngDcki w.pngDcta2 w.png

"Revival! The Devil Venom Vamdemon"
DA38 Digimoji Warp.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png デジタルモンスター
Digital Monster
In the stock footage for Warp Evolutions into Ultimate Digimon, two instances of this phrase form a ring that appears on the Digivice's screen. Many episodes starting from "Revival! The Devil Venom Vamdemon"
Clean Energy.png Dcku2 w.pngDcri w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngTest4a.pngDce w.pngDcne w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcgi w.pngDcchouon2 w.png クリーンエネルギー
Clean Energy
Inside the Numemon forced labor facility run by Waru Monzaemon, this Digimoji inscription is seen on the domes. "Farewell Numemon"
M02 Digimoji Monitor 01.jpg Dcda w.pngDcu w.pngTest4a.pngDcro w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcdo w.png ダウンロード
In Kōshirō's program for monitoring the status of the Digimon involved in the battle on the internet, these messages pop up on top of the avatars of each Digimon. Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
M02 Digimoji Monitor 02.jpg Dcda w.pngDcu w.pngTest4a.pngDcro w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcdo w.png
Dce w.pngDco w.pngDcdo w.png
(Random kana, no meaning)
M02 Digimoji Monitor 03.jpg Dca w.pngTest3.pngDcu w.pngDcku2 w.pngDce w.pngDcki w.pngDco w.png
Dcka3 w.pngDcki w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcke w.pngDcko w.pngDce w.pngDca w.png
Dcsa w.pngDcshi w.pngDcsu w.pngDcse w.pngDcso w.pngDcri w.pngDcchi w.png
Dcta2 w.pngDcchi w.pngDctsu w.pngDcte w.pngDcse w.pngDcso w.pngDcto w.png
Dcra w.pngDcri w.pngDcre w.pngDcru2 w.pngDctsu w.pngDcto w.pngDcro w.png
(Random kana, no meaning)
M02 Digimoji Monitor 04.jpg Dcno w.pngDco w.pngDce w.pngTest4a.png
Dcto w.pngDcri w.pngTest3.png
(Random kana, no meaning)

Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Adventure 02
Image Transcription Translation Context Episode
DA38 Digimoji Digivice.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png デジタルモンスター
Digital Monster
As in Digimon Adventure, this Digimoji phrase is inscribed twice on the shell of Digivices, on the ring that surrounds their screens. Many episodes starting from "The Inheritor of Courage"
Digimon analyzer zt sunimon jp.jpg (Various)
Pictured example:
Dcsu w.pngDcna w.pngTest3.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png
Pictured example:
Digimon names are provided in Digimoji, in addition to Japanese and English, on their Digimon Analyzer profiles, in the lower-left corner. Many episodes starting from "The Inheritor of Courage"
ZT01 Digimoji SOS.jpg Dca w.pngDcgu w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png アグモン
When Agumon cries out for Yagami Taichi during a Digimon Kaiser attack, Taichi's Digivice receives an SOS message, and Agumon's name in Digimoji flashes on its screen. "The Inheritor of Courage"
DA02 Digimoji Evostock1.jpg
DA04 Digimoji Evostock2.jpg
(TBA) (TBA) As in Digimon Adventure, parts of the stock footage for evolutions into Child and Adult Digimon include vortexes made up of Digimoji glyphs (although the first of these vortexes is not present in the new stock footage for D-3s). Many episodes starting from "King of Darkness, Digimon Kaiser"
Wanted sign code.jpg Test3.pngDcni w.pngDcshi w.pngDce w.pngDcno w.png
Dcno w.pngDcna w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcfu w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcgi w.pngDca w.pngDcra w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcme w.pngDcba w.png
Dca w.pngDcra w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcma2.pngDcra w.pngTest4a.pngDcya w.pngDcno w.pngDcna w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcfu w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcgi w.png
If I revisit the old clothing in the fields
A wanted poster for Piyomon in Starmon's saloon is written in Digimoji. Its contents are placeholder text taken from a tanka, found in the Kokin Wakashū, that Emperor Kanmu recited to a woman whom he had once admired named Kudara no Konikishi Myōshin (百済王 明信), wife of statesman Fujiwara no Tsuginawa, during a banquet in 795. The tanka reads:
Japanese Romanization Translation
Inishie no
nonaka furumichi
aratamaran ya
nonaka furumichi
If I tread again
The old path across the fields
Trodden in days past
Might it be renewed—
the old path across the fields?

However, the Digimoji on the wanted sign misspells "furumichi" (古道) as "furugi" (古着, lit. "old clothing").

"Duel on the Digimon Ranch"
ZT12 Digimoji Ranch.jpg Dcri w.pngDcbo w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcbo w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcji w.pngDcyo w.pngDcu w.png リボルモン牧場
Revolmon Ranch
Outside Revolmon's ranch, there is a sign identifying it as such. "Duel on the Digimon Ranch"
ZT13 title2.jpg

Dcfu w.pngTest4a.pngDcgu w.pngDcru2 w.pngTest3.png
Dcmu w.pngDcgu w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcu w.pngDcna w.pngDcfu w.png
Dcku2 w.pngDcto w.pngDcu w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcu w.png
Dcru2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngTest3.pngDce w.png
Dcu w.pngDcga w.pngDcfu w.pngDcna w.pngDcgu w.pngDcru2 w.png
Dcfu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcgu w.pngTest4a.png

フングルイ ムグルウナフ クトゥルウ ルルイエ ウガフナグル フタグン
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
The title card for "The Call of Dagomon" briefly displays this text before Dagomon's silhouette appears. It is a phonetic transcription of an occult phrase taken from H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu, which translates to "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming". "The Call of Dagomon"
Innsmouth sign digiletters.jpg Test3.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcma2.pngDcu w.pngDcsu w.png インスマウス
When Yagami Hikari is wandering through the Dark Ocean shore area, she passes a sign that reads this. Innsmouth is a fictional town in the Cthulhu Mythos. "The Call of Dagomon"
ZT32 Digimoji Holy Stone.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png デジタルモンスター
Digital Monster
The Holy Rings that surround each Holy Stone are inscribed with this phrase. Many episodes starting from "The Call of Dagomon"
Chinese soup spring.jpg 中華スープの
Test3.pngDczu w.pngDcmi w.png

Dcse w.pngTest3.pngDcna w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcchi w.pngDcyu w.pngDcu w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcna w.pngTest3.pngDczu w.pngDcmi w.pngDcno w.pngDcsu w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcpu w.pngDcwo w.png
Dcno w.pngDcmu w.pngDcko w.pngDcto w.pngDcwo w.pngDcki w.pngTest4a.pngDczu w.png
Dcmu w.pngDcda w.pngTest4a.pngDcde w.pngDcno w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngDcmo w.pngDcno w.pngDcha w.pngDcba w.pngDctsu w.pngDcsu w.pngDcru2 w.png


The Chinese Soup Spring
It is forbidden to drink the soup of the sacred Chinese Spring without permission and those who drink it without permission will be punished.

This warning is signposted near a spring that naturally gives forth soup. Archnemon and Mummymon fail to notice the warning until alerted to it by Digitamamon. Unlike other uses of Digimoji, the sign's header is also still partially written in Japanese.

There is a small typo in the sign's transcripton into Digimoji: Dcmu w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest4a.pngDcde w.png (mutan de) should read Dcmu w.pngDcda w.pngTest4a.pngDcde w.png (mudan de, "without permission").

"Steel Angel, Shakkoumon
DA38 Digimoji Warp.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png デジタルモンスター
Digital Monster
As in Digimon Adventure, in the stock footage for Warp Evolutions into Ultimate Digimon, two instances of this phrase form a ring that appears on the Digivice's screen. "Black War Greymon VS War Greymon"

Digimon Tamers[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Tamers
Image Transcription Translation Context Episode
DT04 Digimoji Arkscreen.jpg Dce w.pngDcbo w.pngDcri w.pngDcyu w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcshi w.pngDco w.pngTest4a.png エボリューション
At the start of the stock footage for evolutions into Adult Digimon, this word in Digimoji appears on the D-Ark's screen. The text appears in fragments: Dce w.pngDcbo w.pngDcri w.pngDcyu w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcshi w.png ("Evoluti-"), followed by Dcchouon2 w.pngDcshi w.pngDco w.pngTest4a.png ("-tion") shown vertically to the left of the screen.
This text is a rare exception to the usual Digimoji treatment of small kana, as the small yu (ュ) that is used to create the リュ (ryu, "lu") sound in in the word "evolution" name is still represented smaller than the other Digimoji kana.
Many episodes starting from "Renamon vs Guilmon! Battle is a Digimon's Life"
DT06 Digimoji Evolution 01.jpg
DT06 Digimoji Evolution 02.jpg
Dca w.pngDcji w.pngDcke w.pngDcru2 w.pngTest3.pngDcbu w.pngDcge w.pngTest4a.pngDcri w.pngDcno w.pngDcfu w.png あじけるいぶげんりのふ
(Random kana, no meaning)
Also in the Adult evolution stock footage, the D-Ark emits rings that form a cocoon around the Digimon as it evolves. This sequence of random Digimoji characters is inscribed on the rings. Many episodes starting from "Renamon vs Guilmon! Battle is a Digimon's Life"
Zhuqiaomon digiletters name.jpg Dcsu w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDctsu w.pngDce w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png. スーツェーモン
Zhuqiaomon's name is engraved on the ground in front of the Southern Gate of the Four Holy Beasts' domain. Lee Shaochung encounters this text when she arrives in the Digital World.
This text is a rare exception to the usual Digimoji treatment of small kana, as the small e (ェ) that is used to create the ツェ (tse) sound in Zhuqiaomon's name is still represented smaller than the other Digimoji kana.
"Where's Terriermon! Shaochung goes to the Digital World"
Takato new darc digiletters name.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcte w.pngTest3.pngDcma2.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDczu w.png デジモンテイマーズ
Digimon Tamers
Unlike other D-Arks, Matsuda Takato's second D-Ark has this text engraved on the golden rim around its screen. Many episodes starting from "Final Fight! Dukemon vs. Beelzebumon"

Digimon Frontier[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Frontier
Image Transcription Translation Context Episode
Bolgmon digimoji.gif Dcsu w.pngDcgo w.pngTest3.pngDcyo w.pngDcchouon2 w.png
Dcde w.pngDcsu w.pngDcto w.pngDcro w.pngTest3.png
Dcya w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcda w.pngDczo w.pngDcu w.png
Dcfu w.pngTest3.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcdo w.png
Dcbo w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcgu w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png
When Bolgmon charges his Field Destroyer, these text strings are displayed one after the other in the bottom-left corner of his targeting display. "Thunder! Even Rock Breaks! Bolgmon's Do-or-Die Challenge"

Digital Monster X-evolution[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digital Monster X-evolution
Image Transcription Translation Context
Message dukemon to omegamon.png Dcde w.pngDcyu w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcka3 w.pngDcra w.png
Dco w.pngDcme w.pngDcga w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDche w.pngDcno w.png
Dcho w.pngDctsu w.pngDcto w.pngDcra w.pngTest3.pngTest4a.png
Dca w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcse w.pngDcsu w.png
Dcko w.pngDcne w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcto w.pngDcblank.png
コネクト オーケー
From Dukemon/To Omegamon/Hotline/Access/Connect OK
This is the text of a message from Dukemon which Omegamon receives after his fight with War Greymon (X-Antibody).

Digimon Savers[edit]

Digimoji is the official language of the Digital World. According to Gaomon, Digimoji is one of the 170+ languages in which he and Thoma H. Norstein are fluent. Agumon, on the other hand, is unable to to read it, and is amazed to see that Gaomon can. Gaomon is surprised that Agumon, despite being a Digimon, is illiterate in his own world's language.[4]

Miscellaneous places where Digimoji can be seen include evolution stock footage, Digital Dives, DATS's computer screens, and Thoma's netbook computer.

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Savers
Image Transcription Translation Context Episode
DS OP01 Digimoji Digital.jpg Dcd r w.pngDci r w.pngDcg r w.pngDci r w.pngDct r w2.pngDca r w.pngDcl r w.png DIGITAL Each of these words is successively displayed on both the top and bottom (spelled backwards) of the OP's screen during scenes depicting action in DATS' headquarters. Opening credits #1 ("Gōing! Going! My Soul!!")
DS OP01 Digimoji Acciden.jpg Dca r w.pngDcc r w.pngDcc r w.pngDci r w.pngDcd r w.pngDce r w.pngDcn r w.png ACCIDEN
DS OP01 Digimoji Tactics.jpg Dct r w2.pngDca r w.pngDcc r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDcc r w.pngDcs r w.png TACTICS
DS OP01 Digimoji Squad.jpg Dcs r w.pngDcq2 r w.pngDcu r w.pngDca r w.pngDcd r w.png SQUAD
DS OP01 Digimoji Gaomon.jpg Dcg r w.pngDca r w.pngDco r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcg r w.pngDca r w.pngDco r w.pngDcg r w.pngDca r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcm r w.pngDca r w.pngDcc r w.pngDch r w.pngDcg r w.pngDca r w.pngDco r w.pngDcg r w.pngDca r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcm r w.pngDci r w.pngDcr r w.pngDca r w.pngDcg r w.pngDce r w.pngDcg r w.pngDca r w.pngDco r w.pngDcg r w.pngDca r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png GAOMONGAOGAMONMACHGAOGAMONMIRAGEGAOGAMON Four lines of this text runs along the top of the OP's screen when Thoma H. Norstein, Gaomon, and his evolutions are shown. Opening credits #1 ("Gōing! Going! My Soul!!")
DS OP01 Digimoji Lalamon.jpg Dcl r w.pngDca r w.pngDcl r w.pngDca r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcs r w.pngDcu r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcf r w.pngDcl r w.pngDco r w.pngDcw r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcl r w.pngDci r w.pngDcl r w.pngDca r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcr r w.pngDco r w.pngDcs r w.pngDce r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png LALAMONSUNFLOWMONLILAMONROSEMON Four lines of this text runs along the top of the OP's screen when Fujieda Yoshino, Lalamon, and her evolutions are shown. Opening credits #1 ("Gōing! Going! My Soul!!")
DS OP01 Digimoji Agumon.jpg Dca r w.pngDcg r w.pngDcu r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcg r w.pngDce r w.pngDco r w.pngDcg r w.pngDcr r w.pngDce r w.pngDcy r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcr r w.pngDci r w.pngDcz r w.pngDce r w.pngDcg r w.pngDcr r w.pngDce r w.pngDcy r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcs r w.pngDch r w.pngDci r w.pngDcn r w.pngDce r w.pngDcg r w.pngDcg r w.pngDcr r w.pngDce r w.pngDcy r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png AGUMONGEOGREYMONRIZEGREYMONSHINEGREYMON Four lines of this text runs along the top of the OP's screen when Daimon Masaru, Agumon, and his evolutions are shown. Opening credits #1 ("Gōing! Going! My Soul!!")
DS OP01 Digimoji Agumon.jpg Dcr r w.pngDco r w.pngDco r w.pngDck r w.pngDci r w.pngDce r w.pngDcc r w.pngDch r w.pngDca r w.pngDcm r w.pngDcp r w.pngDci r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.pngDcu r w.pngDcl r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDcm r w.pngDca r w.pngDct r w2.pngDce r w.pngDcm r w.pngDce r w.pngDcg r w.pngDca r w.png ROOKIECHAMPIONULTIMATEMEGA Four lines of this text run along the bottom of the OP's screen when each of the three main protagonists, their partner Digimon, and their evolutions are shown. Opening credits #1 ("Gōing! Going! My Soul!!")
Digisoul dojo digimoji sign.png Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcso w.pngDcu w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcdo w.pngDcu w.pngDcji w.pngDcyo w.pngDcu w.png デジソウル道場
Digisoul Dojo
A sign bearing this text is mounted near the door to Bancho Leomon's dojo. "Resurrected Digivices, A New Shining Light"
DS29 Digimoji Hanging.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcso w.pngDcu w.pngDcru2 w.png デジソウル
A wall hanging bearing this calligraphed text is hung inside Bancho Leomon's dojo. "Resurrected Digivices, A New Shining Light"
Belphemon chest digimoji.png Dca w.pngDcke w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcna w.png 開けるな
Do not open
As seen in a flashback, this is written on a sheet that is used to seal the treasure chest that holds Belphemon's Digitama. "Destructive Power, Shine Greymon Runs Wild"
Belphemon temple digimoji.png (N/A) (Table of the Digimoji alphabet) As seen in a flashback, this table is inscribed on the walls of the ancient ruins where the treasure chest containing Belphemon's Digitama is held. It is arranged in Japanese yokogaki. "Destructive Power, Shine Greymon Runs Wild"
DS47 Yggdrasil.jpg (TBA) (N/A) Random Digimoji strings start running along Yggdrasill's facial display when it goes berserk and begins referring to itself as the "WIZ9000 Computer". "Protect the Future! DATS' Final Battle"
Algomon digiletters.jpg (TBA) (N/A) Rings of Digimoji appear around Algomon when it evolves. Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!!

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Adventure tri.
Image Transcription Translation Context Episode
TRI02 Digimoji Evolution.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png デジタルモンスター
Digital Monster
As in Digimon Adventure, this Digimoji phrase is inscribed twice on the shell of Digivices, on the ring that surrounds their screens. Many chapters starting from "Reunion"
TRI02 Digimoji Evolution.jpg (Various)
Pictured example:
Dcgo w.pngDcma2.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png
Pictured example:
In the stock footage for evolutions into Adult and Perfect Digimon, the name of the Digimon's starting form runs across the screen in multiple languages and writing scripts, including Digimoji. Many chapters starting from "Reunion"
TRI02 Digimoji Email.jpg Dcshi w.pngTest4a.pngDcra w.pngDcba w.pngTest4a.pngDcshi w.pngDcyo w.pngDcu w.pngDcha w.png
Dchi3 w.pngDcyo w.pngDcu w.pngDcri w.pngTest3.pngDctsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest3.png
Dcshi w.pngTest4a.pngDcna w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcchi w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcra w.pngDcwo w.pngDcmo w.pngDcto w.pngDcme w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcni w.pngDcha w.png
Dca w.pngTest4a.pngDcko w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcwo w.pngDcshi w.pngDcri w.png Dcko w.pngDce w.pngDcte w.pngDcyu w.pngDcke w.png
All things in nature are two sides of one coin.
To seek true power, know the darkness, and make it through.
Izumi Kōshirō receives an anonymous email that contains this text. He translates it using a utility on his computer. The Chosen Children interpret it as a "prophecy" that describes how they can attain the ability to evolve their partner Digimon to the Ultimate level (aside from Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato, who are already able to do so). "Determination"

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Image Transcription Translation Context
M10 Digimoji Evolution 01.jpg (TBA) (TBA) When Agumon evolves into Greymon, a vortex of Digimoji is seen as part of the evolution sequence, as in Digimon Adventure.
M10 Digimoji Evolution 02.jpg (Various)
Pictured example:
Dca w.pngDcgu w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png
Dca r w.pngDcg r w.pngDcu r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png
Pictured example:
In evolution sequences, the name of the Digimon's starting form scrolling in the background starts out written in English and Japanese, and is then converted into Digimoji when then scrambles the letters. When the new form appears, scrambled Digimoji which turns into the new form's name in Digimoji, and is then converted into English and Japanese, is displayed. (This is a new addition that was not present in the original Digimon Adventure stock footage, which Kizuna otherwise imitates faithfully.)
M10 Digimoji Digivice.jpg Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png デジタルモンスター
Digital Monster
As in Digimon Adventure, this Digimoji phrase is inscribed twice on the shell of Digivices, on the ring that surrounds their screens.
M10 Digimoji Analyzer.jpg (Various)
Pictured example:
Dcpa w.pngDcro w.pngDctsu w.pngDcto w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png
Pictured example:
Izumi Kōshirō's Digimon analyzer program gives the Digimon's name in kana Digimoji in addition to Japanese and English. The first initial of the Digimon's name is also displayed, together with a three-digit number, in both kana and alphabet Digimoji.
Pictured example:
Dcpa w.png
Pictured example:

Pictured example:
Dcp r w.png
Pictured example:

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

Digimon Ghost Game[edit]


Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

Digimon Next[edit]

Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Xros Wars
Image Transcription Translation Context Chapter


Dca w.pngDcto w.pngDcri w.pngDce w.png アトリエ
Each of these phrases are inscribed on two of the ofuda that are attached to Amano Nene and Blossomon while Dark Knightmon is torturing her in an attempt to separate her from Shademon.[N 6] "Xros World! The Secret of the Two Worlds?!"
Dcho w.pngDcshi w.pngTest3.pngDcyo w.png ほしいよ
I want
Dcro w.pngDcro w.pngDcna w.png ロロナ
Dcto w.pngDcto w.pngDcri w.png トトリ
Dcme w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcru2 w.png メルル
Dctsu w.pngDce w.pngDctsu w.pngTest3.png ツェツィ
Dcmi w.pngDcmi w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest4a.png ミミたん
Dcke w.pngTest3.pngDcto w.png ケイと
Kae and
Dcku2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcde w.png クーデ
Dcri w.pngDco w.pngDcne w.pngDcra w.png リオネラ
Dcpa w.pngDcme w.pngDcra w.png パメラ
Dca w.pngTest3.pngDcsu w.png アイス
Ice cream
These four snippets of text appear near the end of the torture.[N 7] "Xros World! The Secret of the Two Worlds?!"
Dcta2 w.pngDcbe w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest3.png 食べたい
I want to eat
Dco w.pngDcna w.pngDcka3 w.png お腹
Dche w.pngDctsu w.pngDcta2 w.png 減った
Text.png Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngDcji w.pngDcha w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest3.pngDcte w.pngTest3.pngDca w.pngDcshi w.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest4a.pngDcto w.pngDcsa w.pngTest4a.pngDcni w.pngDcte w.pngDcki w.pngDcto w.pngDcu w.pngDcna w.pngDcko w.pngDcto w.pngDcwo w.pngDcka3 w.pngTest3.pngDcte w.pngDcmo w.pngDcra w.pngDctsu w.pngDcte w.pngTest3.pngDcma2.pngDcsu w.png デジ文字は大抵アシスタントさんに
Digimoji were something mostly appropriate written down for me by Ms. Assistant.
When Xros Heart enters the Real World, Wizarmon casts this Digimoji spell to disguise the Digimon, including himself, as humans and Earth animals. "Xros Shape!! Enjoy the Human World!!?"
Dce w.pngDcro w.pngTest3.pngDcmu w.pngDce w.pngDctsu w.pngDcsa w.pngTest3.pngDcmu w.pngDcwa w.pngDcre w.pngDcha w.pngDcmo w.pngDcto w.pngDcme w.pngDcu w.pngDctsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDce w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcri w.png エロイムエッサイム、我は求め訴えたり
Eloim, Essaim, I seek and beseech thee
This Digimoji text appears on the inner ring of a magic circle that Lilithmon casts to strike back at Shoutmon X7. The original text was a Latin black magic incantation, "Eloim, Essaim, frugativi et appellavi", which originates from the grimoire La Poule Noire; it was popularized in Japan by the manga series Akuma-kun. "Xros Wars!! The Prologue to the End!!"
Dcko w.pngTest4a.pngDcna w.pngDcto w.pngDcko w.pngDcyo w.pngDcmu w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcra w.pngTest3.pngDcna w.pngDcra w.pngDcna w.png
Dce w.pngTest3.pngTest4a.pngDcgo w.pngDcwo w.pngDco w.pngDcbo w.pngDce w.pngDcna w.pngDcsa w.pngTest3.png
Dcko w.pngDcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcmo w.pngDcji w.pngDcga w.pngDcyo w.pngDcme w.png
Dcru2 w.pngDcna w.pngDcra w.pngDce w.pngTest3.pngDcgo w.pngDcda w.pngDctsu w.pngDcte w.pngDcyo w.pngDcme w.pngDcru2 w.png
Dczu w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcshi w.pngTest3.pngDcka3 w.pngTest4a.pngDcji w.pngDcda w.pngDctsu w.pngDcte w.pngDcyo w.pngDcme w.pngDcru2 w.png
Dcbu w.pngTest4a.pngDcga w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcda w.pngDctsu w.pngDcte w.pngDcyo w.pngDcme w.pngDcchi w.pngDcya w.pngDcu w.pngDcyo w.png
Dcha w.pngDcna w.pngDcshi w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcwa w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcke w.pngDcdo w.pngDco w.pngDcna w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcsu w.png
Test3.pngDcta2 w.pngDcna w.pngDcni w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcbe w.pngDcmo w.pngDcno w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcda w.png
Dcsa w.pngTest3.pngDcna w.pngDcni w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcno w.pngDcmi w.pngDcmo w.pngDcno w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcda w.png
Dco w.pngDcka3 w.pngDcne w.pngDcha w.pngDcwa w.pngDcna w.pngTest3.pngDcke w.pngDcdo w.png
Dcdo w.pngDcu w.pngDcmo w.pngDcri w.pngDcgo w.png
If you can actually read what's written here, please go and learn English instead. If you can read these Digimon letters, then you could even read English. You could even read difficult kanji. You could even read proper literature. I'm changing the subject, but I'm hungry. Please give me something to eat. Please give me something to drink. I can't pay for it, though. Thank you very much.
As seen in a flashback to Bagramon's origins, this text is inscribed on a stone pillar in front of the remains of the Yggdrasill tree. "Xros Miracle!! Reel in a Sliver of Hope!"

Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Digimon Dreamers[edit]

Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~
Image Transcription Translation Context Chapter
Digimon Seekers Witch - Digimoji DIGIVOLVE.PNG Dcd r w.pngDci r w.pngDcg r w.pngDci r w.pngDcv r w.pngDco r w.pngDcl r w.pngDcu r w.pngDct r w2.pngDci r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png DIGIVOLUTION Appears in the pillar of light formed from Ryudamon's evolution into Hisyaryumon. Digimon Seekers ~Witch of the Crossroads~ - Episode 2

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer
Image Transcription Translation Context
DAACT Digimoji incantation.png Dcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcpe w.pngTest4a.pngDcde w.pngDcyu w.pngDcra w.pngDcmu w.png モンモンデジモンペンデュラム
Mon Mon Digimon Pendulum
Incantation shown when Toy Agumon activates the Gate to Server Continent for the first time

Digimon Adventure 02: D-1 Tamers[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Adventure 02: D-1 Tamers
Image Transcription Translation Context
ZTD1T Digimoji tree1.png Dcba w.pngDcto w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcchi w.pngDcyu w.pngDcu w.pngDcni w.png
Dcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.pngDcbo w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest4a.pngDcwo w.png
Dco w.pngDcsu w.pngDcto w.png Dcko w.pngDcu w.pngDcge w.pngDcki w.pngDcno w.png
Dcde w.pngDcmo w.pngDcwo w.png Dcka3 w.pngDctsu w.pngDcto w.pngDcde w.pngDcki w.pngDcru2 w.png
押すと 攻撃の
デモを 活とできる。

During battle, press
the Start button to
activate attack animations.
Hint Tree leaf #1
ZTD1T Digimoji tree2.png Dcko w.pngDcu w.pngDcge w.pngDcki w.pngDcwo w.pngDca w.pngDcta2 w.pngDce w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcto w.png
Dcko w.pngDcu w.pngDcge w.pngDcki w.pngDcri w.pngDcyo w.pngDcku2 w.pngDca w.pngDctsu w.pngDcpu w.png
Dcda w.pngDcme w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcji w.png Dcbo w.pngDcu w.pngDcgi w.pngDcyo w.png
Dca w.pngDctsu w.pngDcpu w.png Dcba w.pngDcto w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcni w.pngDcka3 w.pngDctsu w.png
Dcto w.png Dcta2 w.pngTest3.pngDcri w.pngDcyo w.pngDcku2 w.pngDca w.pngDctsu w.pngDcpu w.png
アップ。 バトルに勝つ
と 体力アップ。

When attacks connect,
Attack Power
[AP] increases.
With damage, Protection
increases. When battles are won,
[HP] increases.
Hint Tree leaf #2
ZTD1T Digimoji tree3.png Dcji w.pngDcyo w.pngDcgu w.pngDcre w.pngDcsu w.pngDcha w.png
Dcre w.pngTest4a.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcde w.png Dcba w.pngTest3.pngDcni w.png
Dcna w.pngDcru2 w.png Dcto w.pngDcmo w.pngDcda w.pngDcchi w.pngDcto w.png
Dcre w.pngTest4a.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.png Dcshi w.pngDca w.pngDce w.pngDcba w.png
Dca w.pngDctsu w.pngDcto w.pngTest3.pngDcu w.pngDcma2.pngDcni w.png999
レンタルで 倍に
なる。 友達と
レンタル しあえば

Jogress [Points] are
doubled with
If you
[Jogress] with Rentals,
[Jogress Points] will reach 999 in no time at all.
Hint Tree leaf #3
ZTD1T Digimoji tree4.png Dcwa w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcge w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.png
Dchi3 w.pngDcmi w.pngDctsu w.pngDcno w.png Dcha w.pngTest4a.pngDcdo w.pngDcru2 w.png
Dcri w.pngDcyo w.pngDcu w.png
Dcta2 w.pngTest3.pngDcchi w.png
Dcda w.pngTest3.pngDcsu w.pngDcke w.png
秘密の ハンドル
・ 遼
・ 太一
・ 大輔

Secret handles:
Hint Tree leaf #4
ZTD1T Digimoji tree5.png Dcwa w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcge w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.png
Dchi3 w.pngDcmi w.pngDctsu w.pngDcno w.png Dcha w.pngTest4a.pngDcdo w.pngDcru2 w.png
Dca w.pngDcgu w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png
Dcbu w.pngTest3.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png
Dcwa w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcmu w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png
秘密の ハンドル
・ アグモン
・ ブイモン
・ ワームモン

Secret handles:
Hint Tree leaf #5
ZTD1T Digimoji tree6.png Dcwa w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcge w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.png
Dchi3 w.pngDcmi w.pngDctsu w.pngDcno w.png Dcha w.pngTest4a.pngDcdo w.pngDcru2 w.png
Dcwa w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcsu w.pngDcwa w.pngTest4a.png
Dcde w.pngTest3.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcsu w.pngDcri w.pngDcchouon2 w.png
Dcde w.pngTest3.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcmi w.pngDcna w.pngDcru2 w.png
秘密の ハンドル
・ ワンダースワン
・ ディースリー
・ ディーターミナル

Secret handles:
Hint Tree leaf #6
ZTD1T Digimoji tree7.png Dcwa w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcge w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.png
Dchi3 w.pngDcmi w.pngDctsu w.pngDcno w.pngDcha w.pngTest4a.pngDcdo w.pngDcru2 w.png
Dcba w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngTest3.png
Dcu w.pngTest3.pngDczu w.png
Dcshi w.pngDcmu w.pngDcsu w.png
秘密の ハンドル
・ バンダイ
・ ウィズ
・ シムス

Secret handles:
Hint Tree leaf #7
ZTD1T Digimoji tree8.png Dcwa w.pngTest4a.pngDcda w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcge w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcto w.png
Dchi3 w.pngDcmi w.pngDctsu w.pngDcno w.pngDcha w.pngTest4a.pngDcdo w.pngDcru2 w.png
Dcbo w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcke w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcno w.png
Dchi3 w.pngDcge w.pngDcke w.pngTest4a.pngDcji w.png
Dcki w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcga w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcme w.pngTest3.pngDcji w.pngTest4a.png
秘密の ハンドル
・ ボルケーノ
・ ひげけんじ
・ きたが―名人

Secret handles:
Hint Tree leaf #8

Digimon World 3[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution[edit]

Digimon Savers: Another Mission[edit]

Seal demon dsam.png
Seal DSAM2.png

The seal containing Lucemon displays N, S, E, and W (Dcn r w.png, Dcs r w.png, Dce r w.png and Dcw r w.png respectively) at the cardinal points, "DARKNESS" (Dcd r w.pngDca r w.pngDcr r w.pngDck r w.pngDcn r w.pngDce r w.pngDcs r w.pngDcs r w.png) clockwise along the outer circle, "SEAL" (Dcs r w.pngDce r w.pngDca r w.pngDcl r w.png) to the left, right, top, and bottom of the "octagon" formed within the central circle, and a Digital Hazard symbol in the middle, depicted similar to the diagram (right). Each time when Kagura uses the Seven Great Demon Lords' Code Keys to unlock the seal, Digimoji newly appear in vertical segments highlighted in red, but these are just random letters (ex: "r", "t", "h", "e", "l").

Digimoji also appears during evolution, but it is merely random sequencing of letters; for example, Dcd r w.pngDcf r w.pngDcs r w.pngDcl r w.pngDck r w.pngDcf r w.pngDcg r w.pngDch r w.pngDch r w.png ("dfslkfghh"). Lalamon's Special Move Sing-a-Song displays characters which include "sa", "ya", "su", "gi", "ra", "ri", "go", "ku", and "mu".

The Code Keys themselves also include Digimoji displayed in the format as depicted below:

Dcl r b.pngDcu r b.pngDcc r b.pngDce r b.pngDcm r b.pngDco r b.pngDcn r b.png Dcf r b.pngDcm r b.png
Crest of pride.png
Dcl r w.pngDcu r w.pngDcc r w.pngDce r w.pngDcm r w.pngDco r w.pngDcn r w.png Dcf r w.pngDcm r w.png : Dcp r w.pngDcr r w.pngDci r w.pngDcd r w.pngDce r w.png

Dcp r w.pngDca r w.pngDcr r w.pngDca r w.pngDcd r w.pngDci r w.pngDcs r w.pngDce r w.png Dcl r w.pngDco r w.pngDcs r w.pngDct r w.png
Dcd r w.pngDce r w.pngDca r w.pngDcd r w.png Dco r w.pngDcr r w.png Dca r w.pngDcl r w.pngDci r w.pngDcv r w.pngDce r w.png
Dcd r w.pngDce r w.pngDca r w.pngDcd r w.pngDcl r w.pngDcy r w.png Dcr r w.pngDco r w.pngDcl r w.pngDcl r w.png

Digimon Story[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize & Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Digimon Adventure[edit]

Digimoji Adventure PSP.jpg

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Image Transcription Translation Context Chapter
Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png Dcshi w.pngTest4a.pngDcka3 w.png デジモン進化
Digimon Evolution
Appears as a visual effect when evolving, devolving, Armor Evolving, or Mode Changing a Digimon. DigiLab functions
Dcji w.pngDcyo w.pngDcgu w.pngDcre w.pngDcsu w.png Dcshi w.pngTest4a.pngDcka3 w.png ジョグレス進化
Jogress Evolution
Appears as a visual effect when Jogress Evolving a Digimon. DigiLab functions
"Dcki w.pngDco w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcno w.pngDcda w.pngTest4a.pngDcpe w.pngTest4a.png" has been inscribed. ”記憶の断片” has been inscribed.
"Memory Fragments" have been inscribed.
Appears after meeting Kamishiro Yuugo. Prologue
Dcbo w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcwo w.pngDcha w.pngDcya w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcmi w.pngDctsu w.pngDcke w.pngDcte w.png 僕を早く見つけて
Find me, quickly.
Spoken by Kamishiro Yuugo Chapter 4
Dcki w.pngDco w.pngDcku2 w.png, Dcku2 w.pngDcu w.png-Dcku2 w.pngDcwa w.pngDcse w.pngDcro w.png-Dcki w.pngDco w.pngDcku2 w.png- 記憶、食う―食わせろ―記憶―
Memory, eat-should we eat?-Memory-
Spoken by Clockmon (the "Baku"). Chapter 4 (sidequest "The Nightmare Eater")
Dcta2 w.pngDcbe w.pngDcru2 w.png-Dcki w.pngDco w.pngDcku2 w.png-Dco w.pngDcma2.pngDce w.png-Dcki w.pngDco w.pngDcku2 w.png-Dcku2 w.pngDcwa w.pngDcse w.pngDcro w.png 食べる―記憶―お前―記憶―食わせろ
Eat-Memory-You-Memory-Should we eat?
Dcki w.pngDcmi w.pngDcha w.pngDcda w.pngDcre w.png Dcbo w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcha w.pngDcda w.pngDcre w.png Dcda w.pngDcre w.pngDcha w.pngDcda w.pngDcre w.png Dcki w.pngDcmi w.pngDcno w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcme w.png Dcbo w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcno w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcme w.png Dcda w.pngDcre w.pngDcno w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcme w.png Dcda w.pngDcre w.pngDcda w.pngDcre w.pngDcda w.pngDcre w.png 君は誰? 僕は誰? 誰は誰? 君のため? 僕のため? 誰のため? 誰? 誰? 誰?
Who are you? Who am I? Who's who? For you? For me? For whom? Who? Who? Who?
Spoken by the "Raven-Haired Boy!?". Chapter 12
Dcbo w.pngDcku2 w.pngDcto w.png Dca w.pngDcso w.pngDcbo w.pngDcu w.png 僕と遊ぼう
Play with me.
Dcna w.pngDco w.pngDcsu w.png 直す
The EBEmon boss in the "Yamashina Makoto's Memory" dungeon has four unique special moves, all of which are named in Digimoji. Chapter 14
Dche w.pngTest4a.pngDcshi w.pngTest4a.png 返信
Dcmo w.pngDcdo w.pngDcsu w.png 戻す
Dca w.pngDcso w.pngDcbu w.png 遊ぶ
Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcwa w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcdo w.png デジタルワールド
Digital World
Written on the symbol that transports Aiba Takumi/Ami to the Digital World. Chapter 19
Dcshi w.pngTest4a.pngDcko w.pngDcgu w.pngDcna w.png Dce w.pngDcra w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcga w.png Dcha w.pngDctsu w.pngDcse w.pngTest3.png Dcke w.pngTest4a.pngDcsa w.pngDcgu w.png Dcha w.pngDctsu w.pngDcke w.pngTest4a.png Dcta2 w.pngDcda w.pngDcchi w.pngDcni w.pngDcha w.pngTest3.pngDcji w.pngDcyo w.png Dcsu w.pngDcru2 w.png 深刻なエラーが発生。検索… 発見。 直ちに排除する
A severe error has occurred. Searching... Detected, eliminate immediately.
Spoken by Yggdrasill_7D6. Chapter 20
Dcha w.pngTest3.pngDcji w.pngDcyo w.png Dcha w.pngTest3.pngDcji w.pngDcyo w.png Dcha w.pngTest3.pngDcji w.pngDcyo w.png Dcha w.pngTest3.pngDcji w.pngDcyo w.png 排除。 排除。 排除。 排除。
Eliminate. Eliminate. Eliminate. Eliminate.
Dcko w.pngDcko w.pngDcni w.png Test3.pngDcru2 w.pngDcyo w.png ここにいるの。
I'm here.
Spoken by Yuugo's Memory Fragments. Chapter 20

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Appearances of Digimoji in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
Image Transcription Translation Context Chapter
Dcma2.pngDcta2 w.pngDcyo w.pngDcshi w.png Dcke w.pngTest3.pngDcji w.png Dcno w.png Dca w.pngTest3.pngDcbo w.pngDcu w.png Dcno w.png Dcna w.pngDcma2.pngDce w.png 又吉刑事の相棒の名前
Detective Matayoshi's partner's name
Contents of a transmission from Date Makiko to Amazawa Keisuke's Digivice. Chapter 16 (main case "Mysterious Digital Face's Treasure")

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Digimon Linkz[edit]

Digimon ReArise[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

D-Terminal Toy[edit]

All models of the D-Terminal contain a "Translate" function, in which the player may enter a phrase of their choice and the device will output its spelling in Digimoji/DigiCode.

In Digimon Database entries on the international model of the device, pressing the C Button again when viewing a Digimon's name switches it into displaying the name in DigiCode.

Each model also has a table of Digimoji, and their equivalent letters/kana, on a sticker inside the screen cover. The Japanese model's table only covers the kana Digimoji, while the international model's table only covers Latin alphabet DigiCode.

D-Power Digivice Toy (EU/AS)[edit]

PowerEUV2 Evolution.gif

When attempting to evolve a Digimon in the Version 2 model of the D-Power Digivice, a cutscene plays where two instances of the word Dcd r w.pngDci r w.pngDcg r w.pngDci r w.pngDcv r w.pngDco r w.pngDcl r w.pngDcv r w.pngDce r w.png ("DIGIVOLVE") run across the screen (one forwards, one backwards).

Other Merchandise[edit]


Digital Monster Card Game[edit]

The card TS-2000 Digital Monster Card Game has the Digimoji (Dcka3 w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcdo w.pngDcge w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcmu w.png) (Card Game).


Gatchmon pipomon cameramon digimonweb.jpg

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 The various letters are scattered about the cape in no particular order.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 St-129 depicts the gate as reading "Digital Monster", as opposed to "Heaven's Gate".
  3. Digimon World Re:Digitize depicts the blade as reading "Chaos", as opposed to "Chaosmon".
  4. Various illustrations alternate between one of these being used throughout, or one being used for the shoulders and one for the knees.
  5. The Digimoji on Omegamon (X-Antibody)'s sword is depicted from hilt to tip, the reverse of Omegamon.
  6. The contents of the ofuda all reference the Atelier video game series. This is most likely an in-joke that refers to how Dark Knightmon's voice actor in the Digimon Xros Wars anime is Kosugi Jyurohta, who has voiced multiple Atelier characters, most notably the recurring supporting character Sterkenburg Cranach in The Alchemist of Arland games.
    For the ofuda other than the first two in the list, they name-drop several Atelier protagonists as follows:
    Digimoji Japanese Translation Atelier Character Location
    Dcro w.pngDcro w.pngDcna w.png
    Dcto w.pngDcto w.pngDcri w.png
    Dcme w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcru2 w.png
    Rororina Fryxell
    Totooria Helmold
    Merurulince Rede Arls
    Left arm
    Dctsu w.pngDce w.pngDctsu w.pngTest3.png
    Dcmi w.pngDcmi w.pngDcta2 w.pngTest4a.png
    Dcke w.pngTest3.pngDcto w.png
    Kae and
    Cecilia Helmold
    Mimi Houllier von Schwarzlang
    Kaena Swaya
    Dcku2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.pngDcde w.png
    Dcri w.pngDco w.pngDcne w.pngDcra w.png
    Dcpa w.pngDcme w.pngDcra w.png
    Cuderia von Feuerbach
    Lionela Heinze
    Pamela Ibis
    Right arm
  7. When taken together, the four snippets of text read "I want to eat ice cream, I'm hungry".