Akiyama Ryo

From Wikimon
Akiyama Ryo
Akiyama Ryo
Kanji/Kana 秋山 遼
Dub Name Ryo Akiyama
Age 14 (Tamers)
Partner Digimon Cyberdramon
Digivice Digivice, White/Blue D-3, Dark Blue D-Ark
Family Unnamed father
Voice Actor Japanese Kanemaru Jun-ichi (金丸 淳一)
English Steve Staley

Akiyama Ryo is a Tamer who starred as the protagonist of a series of Digimon video games for the Bandai WonderSwan and made several cameos in the Digimon Adventure anime series before becoming a protagonist of Digimon Tamers.



Card Game Evolution[edit]



Digimon Adventure: Our War Game![edit]

Ryo is one of the multiple people across the world that watched War Greymon and Metal Garurumon battle Diablomon and gave them encouragement through e-mails.

Akiyama Ryo as seen in Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!.

Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

In a flashback, Ryo is shown fighting Millenniumon alongside Ichijouji Ken and Wormmon. After being defeated, Millenniumon tried to infect Ryo with a Dark Seed but Ken took the blow instead, starting his later transformation into the Digimon Kaiser.

Akiyama Ryo as seen in Digimon Adventure 02.

Digimon Tamers[edit]

Akiyama Ryo as seen in Digimon Tamers.

Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express[edit]

Akiyama Ryo as seen in Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

Although Ryo does not appear himself, Justimon, his Matrix Evolved form with Cyberdramon, appears alongside Angemon and Angewomon among those brought by the Old Clock Shop Man to fight against Quartzmon.


Ryo's Story![edit]

Before Ryo met the Tamers, in the desert plain on the Digital World, Ryo and Cyberdramon fought Megadramon. With Ryo hiding behind a rock, Cyberdramon hit Megadramon with his Cyber Nail while telling them to bully a Digimon who could fight back instead of destroying defenceless villages. Megadramon told him that no one could defeat them and shot a cliff with their Darkside Attack (Genocide Attack), causing an avalanche to fall on top of Ryo. Cyberdramon blocked the avalanche with his body, causing both of them to be buried, while Megadramon took the chance to leave while laughing. Cyberdramon was knocked out, causing Ryo to break down, thinking there was no way out and realizing he was tired of all the fighting. His memories of how it all began came back at that point, of how he didn't come from the Digimon Tamers Earth but from the Earth of Digimon Adventure. There, in, his first adventure, he teamed up with Tai Kamiya's (Yagami Taichi) Agumon to defeat the evil Millenniummon (Millenniumon). Millenniumon then came back and Ryo fought him alongside Ichijouji Ken. Ryo was sure he would not come back, but he did, having digivolved (evolved) into Moon=Millenniummon (Moon Millenniumon). By that point, Ryo had been trained by Azulongmon (Qinglongmon) to defend the Digital World, but Moon=Millenniummon tricked him and opened a portal in time that hurled him to the ancient Digital World while he travelled to the future.

In the past, Ryo met Monodramon and ENIAC, the world's first computer, who taught him about the existence of multiple Digital Worlds and Earths and how Moon=Millenniummon was desperate to conquer them all. ENIAC then sent Ryo and Monodramon to the future to face Moon=Millenniummon in his final digivolved form: Xeedmillenniummon (Zeed Millenniumon), who Monodramon faced by shooting beams from his hands. Monodramon then forced a DNA Digivolution (Jogress Evolution) between himself and Xeedmillenniummon after realizing that it was the only way to defeat him. Together, they became Cyberdramon, and then he and Ryo ended up on an alternate Earth where Digimon was simply a TV cartoon and a card game.

In the present, as Cyberdramon woke up and freed himself from the rocks, Ryo explained that the part of Cyberdramon that was Xeedmillenniummon made him hard to control so he had to bring him to the Digital World they now lived in. However, he couldn't go on any further. Cyberdramon rescued Ryo and told him not to give up when he was around.

With his spirits renewed, Ryo got on Cyberdramon's back and they flew away to find and get revenge on Megadramon, who they found as he was destroying a Mushmon village, and immediately slashed them then shot them with a beam from his hand, finally defeating them. The Mushmon then hailed Ryo and Cyberdramon as heroes and invited them to a feast, which made Ryo realize that they needed to protect the weak and innocent of the Digital World, which became Ryo's true purpouse.

Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

Akiyama Ryo appears in an omake of the manga titled "Hot-Blooded! The Shining Battle!!".

Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Tamers Original Story: Message in the Packet[edit]

Digimon Series 1-4: Original Story Special ~with~[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

On Christmas Day, 1999, Ryo is summoned to the Digital World by Agumon who begs for him to save the Chosen Children who have been kidnapped by Millenniumon who has also revived their past enemies. After a series of fierce battles, and rescuing the majority of the Chosen Children he prepares for his final confrontation with Millenniumon, to save Yagami Taichi. He succeeds and after bidding his friends a tearful goodbye, he returns home.

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]

Ryo and Ichijouji Ken are watching the events of Digimon Adventure: Our War Game online when they are alerted by V-mon that another Diablomon has appeared in the Digital World. Ken and Ryo head to the Digital World where they learn that Diablomon is simply a trap set by Millenniumon who had survived his initial battle with Ryo. Ken meets his own partner, Wormmon, when he and Ryo are separated and the two go on separate adventures attempting to rebuild the Digimentals. Once completed, Ryo battles Millenniumon and once again, he succeeds in defeating him. However, in his last moments he sends out his Dark Seeds and aims them at Ryo. Ken shoves Ryo out of the way and takes a Dark Seed in the neck which would eventually lead to his transformation into the Digimon Kaiser.

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]

While Ken remains sick in bed, Ryo is once again invited back to the Digital World, this time, for a Digimon tournament in which the winner would receive one of the Four Holy Beasts as a partner. After battling Izumi Koushiro, Wallace, Tachikawa Mimi, Ishida Yamato, and Taichi it is revealed to have been a scam to train Ryo to prepare him for yet another battle with Millenniumon. Betrayed Ryo becomes mute and heads in for his battle. Though he succeeds, Millenniumon offers Ryo the chance to come with him through time and detonates his palace. Ryo disappears and Ken continues to hope to one day meet with him again[N 2].

Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Ryo was introduced as a usable Tamer on January 26, 2021.[13]

Digimon New Century[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]


Ryou.gif Akiyama ryo acrylickeychain.jpg Ryo.gif Ryo2.gif
Digimon Tamers Digimon Tamers
Limited Base Acrylic Keychain
Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer
Digimon Adventure: Cathode Tamer
Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers
Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers


Digimonadventureanodecathodetamer digimonweb.jpg
Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
  2. Seki Hiromi: "[...] At the same time Ryo defeated Millenniumon in D-1 Tamers, he was thrown beyond the space-time and lost his memory. That's why after that he met Takato and the others."[12]
Digimon Tamers
Main Characters Matsuda TakatoMakino RukiLee JianliangKatou JuriShiota HirokazuKitagawa KentaLee ShaochungAi and MakotoAkiyama RyoAlice McCoyUehara MinamiMatsuda Takato (2018)
Partner Digimon GuilmonRenamonTerriermonLeomonGuardromonMarin AngemonLopmonImpmonCyberdramonDobermonLabramon
Supporting Characters CulumonMatsuda TakehiroMatsuda YoshieUrazoe KaiMakino RumikoHata SeikoLee MayumiLee RincheiLee JaarinKatou HajimeKatou ShizueKatou MasahikoGrani
Hypnos Yamaki MitsuoOotori ReikaOnodera Megumi
Wild Bunch Rob McCoy (Dolphin) • Lee Janyuu (Tao) • Mizuno Gorou (Shibumi) • Rai Aishuwarya (Curly) • BabelDaisy
Antagonists DevaFour Holy BeastsD-ReaperMephismonParasimonMalice BotPolitical Correctness
Terms D-ArcCard SlashBlue CardRealizationMetaphorizationZoneD-Reaper ZoneYuggothShaggaiTransphotic EddyOperation DoodlebugDigiGnomeGuilmon Bread
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese cast
Other Media Digimon Tamers 1984Digimon Tamers 2018: Days -Information and the Unordinary-Digimon Tamers 2021