Makino Ruki

From Wikimon
Makino Ruki
Makino Ruki
Kanji/Kana 牧野 留姫
Dub Name Rika Nonaka
Title Digimon Queen (デジモンクイーン)
Age 10 (Dub: 13[1])
Partner Digimon Renamon
Digivice Blue D-Ark
Family Makino Rumiko (Mother), Hata Seiko (Grandmother), Father (Unnamed)
Voice Actor Japanese Orikasa Fumiko (折笠 富美子)
English Melissa Fahn

Makino Ruki is one of the main protagonists of Digimon Tamers. She is the partner of Renamon.


At the start, Ruki was cold and oftentimes competitive. Her initial goal was for Renamon to defeat as many Digimon as possible so that she can load their data and evolve. Unfriendly toward Matsuda Takato and Lee Jianliang in the beginning, she gradually opened up to them and her partner, softening her stance on them while retaining the confidence she held at the beginning. Eventually, she became a close ally to the group.


Card Game Evolution[edit]




Ruki was born to her mother and father when her mother was only 18 years old. However, after several years, her parents divorced, and Ruki seldom saw her father from that point onward.

A year before the series started, Ruki participated in the Digimon Grand Prix and got to the final round, but was defeated by Akiyama Ryo, who disappeared shortly afterwards. In the next Grand Prix, where he failed to appear, she was the winner, and was given the title of "the Digimon Queen".

Following her victory, Ruki was confronted by a multitude of Digimon, who all wanted her to tame them. Ruki declared that she only wanted a powerful Digimon partner, causing a Blue Card to appear. The Card, upon being slashed through her Card Reader, caused the Card Reader to transform into a D-Ark and allow her partner, Renamon, to enter the Real World. Ruki began to locate Digital Fields and destroy the Digimon that emerged in them, believing that their data would give Renamon the power to Evolve.

Digimon Tamers[edit]

Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle[edit]

Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express[edit]

Ruki being controlled by Parasimon.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

Ruki, Renamon, Mimi, and Palmon in DigiQuartz.

Drama CDs[edit]

Digimon Tamers Original Story: Message in the Packet[edit]

Digimon Series 1-4: Original Story Special ~with~[edit]

Digimon Tamers 15th Blu-ray BOX Special Drama CD ~Days -Information and the Unordinary-~[edit]


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

During "BONUS TRACK", Wizarmon saw other universes. In one of them, he saw Matsuda Takato travelling through the Digital World alongside Guilmon, Ruki and Shioda Hirokazu.

Wizarmon's vision in "BONUS TRACK".

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Pocket Culumon[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit[edit]

Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution[edit]

Ruki serves as Renamon's Tamer. As such, she appears in the character select menu alongside her Partner Digimon and when Renamon evolves into Sakuyamon.

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digital Monster Card Game Ver. WSC[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Ruki is available as a Tamer starting from August 25, 2020.[16]

Digimon New Century[edit]


Battle Spirits
Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]


Ruki.gif Makino ruki acrylickeychain.jpg Makino ruki and renamon.jpg Ruki Sunglasses Tamers.jpg
Digimon Tamers Digimon Tamers
Limited Base Acrylic Keychain
Digimon Tamers
(with Renamon)
Digimon Tamers
(Ruki's Sunglasses)
Makino ruki proto.png
Digimon Tamers
(Character Design Prototype)

Video Games[edit]

Ruki dmo.png
Digimon Masters


Makino Ruki Tamers OP.jpg Makino Ruki illustration by As'maria.jpg Ruki and Renamon Partners.jpg Makino ruki dp line stamp.png
Digimon Tamers
Illustration by As'maria Digimon Partners Digimon Line Stamps Together Project for Digimon Partners
Ruki otedama plush.jpg
Digimon Tamers
Otedama Plush


A character similar to Ruki wearing her D-1 Grand Prix winning outfit from Digimon Tamers makes a cameo in the first chapter of Digimon Liberator.

Ruki DL.jpg
Ruki DT6.jpg

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Tamers
Main Characters Matsuda TakatoMakino RukiLee JianliangKatou JuriShiota HirokazuKitagawa KentaLee ShaochungAi and MakotoAkiyama RyoAlice McCoyUehara MinamiMatsuda Takato (2018)
Partner Digimon GuilmonRenamonTerriermonLeomonGuardromonMarin AngemonLopmonImpmonCyberdramonDobermonLabramon
Supporting Characters CulumonMatsuda TakehiroMatsuda YoshieUrazoe KaiMakino RumikoHata SeikoLee MayumiLee RincheiLee JaarinKatou HajimeKatou ShizueKatou MasahikoGrani
Hypnos Yamaki MitsuoOotori ReikaOnodera Megumi
Wild Bunch Rob McCoy (Dolphin) • Lee Janyuu (Tao) • Mizuno Gorou (Shibumi) • Rai Aishuwarya (Curly) • BabelDaisy
Antagonists DevaFour Holy BeastsD-ReaperMephismonParasimonMalice BotPolitical Correctness
Terms D-ArcCard SlashBlue CardRealizationMetaphorizationZoneD-Reaper ZoneYuggothShaggaiTransphotic EddyOperation DoodlebugDigiGnomeGuilmon Bread
Other List of EpisodesList of CharactersJapanese cast
Other Media Digimon Tamers 1984Digimon Tamers 2018: Days -Information and the Unordinary-Digimon Tamers 2021