Magna Garurumon

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Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
Digimon Reference Book Digimon Life Video Games
⇨ Japanese
A Transcendent-species Digimon that possesses power over Light which is said to have surpassed even the might of the legendary Ten Warriors. It specializes in moving at light speed, and when its aviation unit is equipped it is able to fly at subluminal speeds. Also, its chest armor, its long-range firing "Sniper Phantom" on its right arm, and its mid-range firing "Strike Phantom" on its left arm are capable of being detached, although this decreases a portion of its firepower. By spinning at high altitudes, the "Laser Sights" on its chest are capable of locking onto all anti-air and anti-ground targets, so as soon as it spins at an extremely high altitude and confirms its targets, it commences a full-scale attack. It seems that it's already too late to escape from Magna Garurumon. Its Special Moves are conducting a simultaneous firing of all its guns at all the locked targets, then violently pulverizing the main target at high speed (Machine Gun Destroy), and after detaching its chest armor, accelerating to speeds that exceed the subluminal and reach the superluminal level, then erasing everything that comes in contact with any of the bands of light (Starlight Velocity).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Machine Gun Destroy [1] マシンガンデストロイ Mashin Gan Desutoroi Feral Fire/Magna Missiles/Magna Rockets,[7][N 1] Mega Shot,[8] Machinegun Destroyer[1]
Simultaneously fires all its artillery weapons at all locked targets, then pulverizes its main target at high speed.[1]
Empties each of its artillery weapons in turn, discards them, then fires twin beams from its chest armor before entering its Detached state.[10]
While airborne, fires a barrage from its Strike Phantom at the target.[9]
Starlight Velocity [1] スターライトベロシティ Sutāraito Beroshiti Starburst Hunter,[7] Ultimate Velocity,[8] Ultimate Victory,[11] Starlight Velocity[1] In its Detached state, charges through the enemy at superluminal speeds. Anything that touches the bands of light in its wake is erased.[1]
Magna Blade [9] マグナブレード Maguna Burēdo
In its Detached state, slashes repeatedly with the light sword hidden in its arm.[9]
Magna Cannon [9] マグナキャノン Maguna Kyanon Magna Cannon[12] Fires energy bullets from its Sniper Phantom.[9]
Aero Magna Blade [9] エアロマグナブレード Earo Maguna Burēdo
In its Detached state, performs Magna Blade in mid-air.[9]


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Frontier[edit]

Magna Garurumon is Minamoto Kouji's Transcendent Form Hybrid form, which he Hyper Spirit Evolves into by using the ten Legendary Spirits of Light, Darkness, Thunder, Water, and Steel together.

Kouji acquires the ability to become Magna Garurumon in "Spirits Become One! Takuya and Kouji's Ultimate Evolution!", when Ofanimon upgrades his and Kanbara Takuya's D-Scanners into New D-Scanners, so that he and Takuya (in his own Transcendent Form, Kaiser Greymon) can defeat Cherubimon. Subsequently, Kouji regularly uses his Magna Garurumon form in his many duels with Lord Knightmon of the Royal Knights.

Magna Garurumon in Digimon Frontier.
Magna Garurumon and Kaiser Greymon facing the Royal Knights in Digimon Frontier.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

Magna Garurumon is Minamoto Kouji's Transcendent Form Hybrid form, which he Hyper Spirit Evolves into by using the ten Legendary Spirits of Light, Darkness, Thunder, Water, and Steel together.

In "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!", Kouji uses his Magna Garurumon form to fight Quartzmon's Giant Cucumbers at the Digimon Xros Wars reality's incarnation of the Arc de Triomphe, together with Hida Iori and Ankylomon. His Spirits are subsequently passed on to Kanbara Takuya during the final battle between the "legendary heroes" and Quartzmon's Belial Vamdemon army, so that Takuya can become Susanoomon.

Magna Garurumon with Hida Iori and Ankylomon in Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time.

Individual Appearances[edit]

Digimon Frontier

Digimon Xros Wars


Video Games[edit]

Battle Spirit: Digimon Frontier[edit]

Magna Garurumon is the Slide Evolved form of the unlockable "Extra" Wolfmon. While Slide Evolution is active, each of this Wolfmon's attacks are temporarily replaced with brief Slide Evolutions to perform one corresponding attack of Magna Garurumon's.

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Magna Garurumon is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Wolfmon Evolution (ヴォルフモン進化 Vorufumon Shinka) set.

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

In the version of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth available in the Japanese Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 versions of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory and the western Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition, Magna Garurumon and Magna Garurumon (Detached) may be transferred from Hacker's Memory and used, or evolved from a previously transferred-over Garummon.

Otherwise, Magna Garurumon only appears as a collectible Digimon Medal.

Digimon World -next 0rder-‎‎[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder-‎‎ International Edition[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Magna Garurumon is an obtainable Digimon, divided into two Modes:

  • The default version, simply named Magna Garurumon, in which it is equipped with its armor
  • Magna Garurumon (Detached) (マグナガルルモン(分離) Magunagarurumon (Bunri); Dub: MagnaGarurumon (SV)), its armorless Detached state

The two variants can be freely Mode Changed between in the DigiLab's Evolution menu.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory Magna Garurumon stat data
Magna Garurumon's base stats
Level 1 HP 900 SP 78
Gen. Ultimate Element Light Attribute Free Equip Slots 3 Memory 18
Attack 112 Defense 60 Speed 125 Intelligence 75 Aptitude 0
Magna Garurumon's Support Skill
Darkness to Light, Thunder to Cannon
Dub: Dark-Lgt, Thunder-Cannon)
Increases damage dealt by Electric, Water, Light and Dark techniques by 8%
Magna Garurumon's special techniques
Technique SP Element Type Effect Learn at
Machine Gun Destroy
Dub: Machinegun Destroyer)
20 Fire Physical 1 attack of 150 base damage to one foe / Decreases foe's Defense by 10% 1
Magna Garurumon's inheritable technique learnset
Saint Knuckle III
Dub: Saint Knuckle III)
9 Light Physical 1 attack of 105 base damage to 1 foe / 95% accuracy 20
Destroy Cannon II
Dub: Destruction Cannon II)
9 Dark Physical 1 attack of 85 base damage to 1 foe / 95% accuracy 35
Dub: Aura)
40 Heal Heal Restores a small amount of HP to all Digimon in battle 50
Chain Max
Dub: Chain Max)
8 Status Status Fills 1 ally's Combo Gauge to 100% 65
Thunder Fall III
Dub: Thunder Fall III)
7 Electric Physical 1 attack of 75 base damage to all foes / 95% accuracy 80
Magna Garurumon's evolution unlock criteria
Devolutions Evolutions
Digimon Requirements Digimon Requirements
Garummon Garummon has previously been discovered Susanoomon Jogress Evolution
Level is 60 or higher; Max HP is 1000 or higher; Attack is 150 or higher; Intelligence is 150 or higher; Ability is 100 or higher; Camaraderie is 100%; Player has a Kaiser Greymon whose Camaraderie is 100%
Magna Garurumon (Detached) Mode Change
No restrictions
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory Magna Garurumon (Detached) stat data
Magna Garurumon (Detached)'s base stats
Level 1 HP 580 SP 85
Gen. Ultimate Element Light Attribute Free Equip Slots 3 Memory 18
Attack 114 Defense 58 Speed 155 Intelligence 70 Aptitude 0
Magna Garurumon (Detached)'s Support Skill
Darkness to Light, Thunder to Cannon
Dub: Dark-Lgt, Thunder-Cannon)
Increases damage dealt by Electric, Water, Light and Dark techniques by 8%
Magna Garurumon (Detached)'s special techniques
Technique SP Element Type Effect Learn at
Starlight Velocity
Dub: Starlight Velocity)
20 Light Physical 1 attack of 130 base damage to one foe / Increases own Speed by 10% 1
Magna Garurumon (Detached)'s inheritable technique learnset
Saint Knuckle III
Dub: Saint Knuckle III)
9 Light Physical 1 attack of 105 base damage to 1 foe / 95% accuracy 20
Destroy Cannon II
Dub: Destruction Cannon II)
9 Dark Physical 1 attack of 85 base damage to 1 foe / 95% accuracy 35
Dub: Aura)
40 Heal Heal Restores a small amount of HP to all Digimon in battle 50
Chain Max
Dub: Chain Max)
8 Status Status Fills 1 ally's Combo Gauge to 100% 65
Thunder Fall III
Dub: Thunder Fall III)
7 Electric Physical 1 attack of 75 base damage to all foes / 95% accuracy 80
Magna Garurumon (Detached)'s evolution unlock criteria
Devolutions Evolutions
Digimon Requirements Digimon Requirements
(No devolutions) Magna Garurumon Mode Change
No restrictions

Digimon ReArise[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

D-Scanner 3.0[edit]

D-Tector Toy[edit]

MagnaGarurumon (Magna Garurumon) is a playable Spirit transformation from the ASIA V2.0x (Asian Version 2.0; Australian Version 3) firmware onward. In the V2.0x and V3.0x firmware, the player unlocks MagnaGarurumon's "Extra" Spirit after making a certain amount of progress. In V4.0x (Asian Version 4.0, Australian Version 4), this form is unlocked close to the beginning of the game, during the starting encounter with Kerpymon (Cherubimon (Vice)).


Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Z II[edit]

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]


Hyper Colosseum


Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]

Magnagarurumon hybrid digivolving figure box.jpg Magnagarurumon hybrid digivolving figure.jpg Spirit magnagarurumon toy.jpg Magnagarurumon spirit digivolving figure.jpg
Hybrid-Digivolving Figures: Magna Garurumon
Hybrid-Digivolving Figures: Magna Garurumon
Hybrid-Digivolving Figures: Magna Garurumon
Spirit-Digivolving Figures: Magna Garurumon
Susanoomon digimonweb.jpg Siriusmon Kaisergreymon magnagarurumon digimonweb.jpg PB-12 Cardsleeves.jpg
Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Digimon Card Game
(Official Deck Sleeve)

Virtual Pets[edit]

Magnagarurumon vpet dscan.gif Magnagarurumon vpet spirit.gif Magnagarurumon vpet penz.gif Magnagarurumon vpet vb.png
D-Scanner D-Tector & D-Spirit Digimon Pendulum Z II Vital Bracelet Digital Monster

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. In Digimon Frontier, as in other Japanese Digimon material, the attack technique name Machine Gun Destroy covers Magna Garurumon firing all of the artillery weapons equipped on its armor. The Walt Disney Company's English dub of Frontier, Digimon: Digital Monsters season 4, instead typically reframes each of these artillery weapons as its own separately-announced attack technique. In their first use in "Ice Ice Baby" ("Fly Towards Victory! Confrontation at Cherubimon's Castle"), the separated attack techniques are as follows:
    • Magna Missiles: Missiles mounted on wings
    • Feral Fire: Shots from Sniper Phantom
    • Magna Rockets: Shots from Strike Phantom
    • As in the original, no name is given to the twin beams on its chest armor
    However, subsequent episodes are routinely inconsistent about which name belongs to which weapon. Some episodes do not follow this practice, and simply apply one of these names to the entire Machine Gun Destroy sequence; which name is used in such cases is also inconsistent.
  2. 2.0 2.1 BT18-088 (DCG) Kanbara Takuya & Minamoto Kouji's name is also treated as "Kanbara Takuya" and "Minamoto Kouji" at the same time.
  3. This Wolfmon is known in the game as Extra Wolfmon (EXヴォルフモン EX Vorufumon).