
From Wikimon



Digimon Adventure original continuity[edit]

In Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Adventure tri., Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna and Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, the ability to evolve is mostly tied to both the strength of the bond between the Chosen Child and their Digimon, and to the maturity and psychological growth of the Chosen Children themselves. For example:

  • The Crests that are required for Super Evolution embody a trait that each child displayed when they were younger, and unlocking Super Evolution requires bringing out the best of those qualities in themselves for the right reasons, rather than misusing them.[1]
  • The ability to Jogress requires that each pair of Chosen Children "synchronize" with each other, and truly understand their thoughts and feelings.[2]
  • Takenouchi Sora, Izumi Kōshirō, Tachikawa Mimi, Kido Jo, Takaishi Takeru, and Yagami Hikari's attainment of Ultimate Evolution is linked to a cryptic message in Digimoji that is emailed to Kōshirō from an unknown address in the Digital World:[3]
To seek true power...
Know the darkness...
And make it through...
As the message hints, each of them is tested by a personal crisis that puts their philosophies and what they hold dear in jeopardy, and after learning from and navigating the experience, they become able to Ultimate Evolve their partner Digimon.[4]

Evolution can also be triggered, especially for the first time, when a Chosen Child is in danger. Their partner Digimon will evolve to protect them. The Chosen Children become aware of this, and on one occasion Yagami Taichi unsuccessfully tries to exploit this to force Greymon to Super Evolve.[6]

Higher levels of evolution also often require some sort of intervention by some other force. For instance, the Chosen Children initially require physical Crests to unlock Super Evolution. Agumon and Gabumon need to be shot with arrows of hope and light by Angemon and Angewomon to fulfill a prophecy and unlock their Ultimate forms,[7] and it takes one of Qinglongmon's Digicores to grant Paildramon the ability to evolve to Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode, and to enable the original eight partner Digimon to Super Evolve again after surrendering their Crest power.[8]

Evolving requires a great amount of energy, so if a Digimon does not have the energy left to do so, the evolution will fail.[9] Higher levels require higher amounts of energy; as a result, when partner Digimon Super Evolve to Perfect or higher, it is common for them to devolve to their Baby II forms when they are finished, and when they Jogress to Perfect or higher, they usally revert to their Baby I forms. The exception is Tailmon, who usually just devolves back to Tailmon and only devolves to Plotmon after Jogressing or other significant expenditures of her power, or Nyaromon on two exceptionally taxing occasions. She attributes this to her having greater self-discipline than the other partner Digimon.[7] The energy requirements also mean that generally, the Digimon cannot evolve if they are hungry,[6] and that they must rest to recover the energy needed to evolve the next time.[7]

It is possible for a partner Digimon to be attacked while evolving, which causes the evolution to fail.[10]

Several independent Digimon also undergo evolution in the various series:

Types of evolution in the Digimon Adventure original continuity
Type Description Digimon's Call Example First Appearance

(Dub: Digivolution)

A Digimon evolves into a Digimon of the next Evolution Stage. (e.g. Baby I to Baby II, Baby II to Child, Child to Adult) (x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) digivolve to...! (y)!")

DA06 Evo Adult Togemon 01.jpgDA06 Evo Adult Togemon 02.jpg
(Digimon Adventure)
TRI01 Evo Adult Togemon 01.jpgTRI01 Evo Adult Togemon 02.jpg
(Digimon Adventure tri.)
M10 Evo Adult Greymon 01.jpgM10 Evo Adult Greymon 02.jpg
(Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna)
Digimon Adventure: "Adrift?! The Island of Adventure!"
Dark Evolution

(Dub: Dark Digivolution)

  Main article: Dark Evolution
A Digimon evolves into a powerful but malicious and uncontrollable form due to a negative or dark influence (e.g. intense negative emotions or abusive tactics from their Chosen Child, the negative feelings of the Digimon themself, being forced to by the Digimon Kaiser using an Evil Ring or Evil Spiral).
DA16 Evo Dark Skullgreymon 01.jpgDA16 Evo Dark Skullgreymon 02.jpg
Greymon + Crest of Courage
Skull Greymon
(Digimon Adventure)
TRI05 Evo Dark OfanimonFM 01.jpgTRI05 Evo Dark OfanimonFM 02.jpg
Ofanimon: Falldown Mode
(Digimon Adventure tri.)
Digimon Adventure: "Dark Evolution! Skull Greymon"
Super Evolution

(Dub: Digivolution[N 1])

An Adult Digimon evolves into a Perfect Digimon, using the activated power of a Crest (either a physical Crest in a Tag, or the essence of it that resides in the Chosen Child).

Digivice changes: The Digivice enters an activated state, where it changes color to (usually) match the Chosen Child's Crest. In the case of the D-3, it instead changes some coloured parts to white.

(x)、超進化…! (y)!」
("(x), Super Evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) digivolve to...! (y)!")

TRI03 Evo Super Atlurkabuterimon 01.jpgTRI03 Evo Super Atlurkabuterimon 02.jpg
Kabuterimon + Crest of Knowledge
Atlur Kabuterimon
(Digimon Adventure tri.)
M10 Evo Super Metalgreymon 01.jpgDA Kizuna Metal Greymon.jpg
Greymon + Crest of Courage
Metal Greymon
(Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna)
Digimon Adventure: "Perfect Evolution! Metal Greymon"
Warp Evolution

(Dub: Warp Digivolution)

A Digimon evolves directly into an Ultimate Digimon, skipping at least one Evolution Stage (e.g. Child to Ultimate, Adult to Ultimate).

Digivice changes: The Digivice enters an activated state, where it changes color to (usually) match the Chosen Child's Crest.

(x)、ワープ進化…! (y)!」
("(x), Warp Evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) Warp Digivolve to...! (y)!")

DA38 Evo Warp Metalgarurumon 01.jpgDA Metal Garurumon.jpg
GabumonMetal Garurumon
(Digimon Adventure)
M03 Evo Warp Seraphimon 01.jpgM10 Evo Warp Seraphimon 02.jpg
(Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals)
Digimon Adventure: "Revival! The Devil Venom Vamdemon"

(Dub: DNA Digivolution[N 2])

Two Digimon of any Evolution Stage, most commonly Ultimate,[N 3][N 4] combine into a stronger Ultimate Digimon. This combined Digimon is controlled by the consciousnesses of both component Digimon, who act as one.

Digivice changes: The Digivice enters an activated state, where it changes color to match the Chosen Child's Crest.[17]

(N/A)[N 5][N 4]
M02 16.jpgM02 Evo Fusion Omegamon 02.jpg
War Greymon + Metal Garurumon
(Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!)
TRI05 Evo Fusion Omegamon 01.jpgTRI05 Evo Fusion Omegamon 02.jpg
War Greymon + Metal Garurumon
(Digimon Adventure tri.)
M10 Evo Fusion Omegamon 01.jpgM10 Evo Fusion Omegamon 02.jpg
Agumon + Gabumon
(Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna)
Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
Armor Evolution

(Dub: Armor Digivolution[N 6])

A Child or de-powered Adult Digimon evolves into an Armor Digimon, using a Digimental.
Chosen Child's evolution command: 「デジメンタル・アップ!」 ("Digimental up!"; Dub: "Digi-Armor energize!")[N 6]
(x)、アーマー進化…! (epithet), (y)!」
("(x), Armor Evolve...! (epithet), (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) Armor Digivolve to...! (y), (epithet)!"[N 6])

ZT14 Evo Armor Shurimon 01.jpgZT14 Evo Armor Shurimon 02.jpg
Hawkmon + Digimental of Purity
(Digimon Adventure 02)
Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage"
Ultimate Evolution

(Dub: Mega Digivolution)

A Perfect Digimon evolves into an Ultimate Digimon. (x)、究極進化…! (y)!」[N 7]
("(x), Ultimate Evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) Mega Digivolve to...! (y)!")

M03 Evo Ultimate Holydramon 01.jpgM10 Evo Ultimate Holydramon 02.jpg
(Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals)
ZT39 Evo Ultimate Imperialdramon 01.jpgZT39 Evo Ultimate Imperialdramon 02.jpg
(Digimon Adventure 02)
TRI06 Evo Ultimate Holydramon 01.jpgHolydramon PV.jpg
(Digimon Adventure tri.)
M11 Evo Ultimate Imperialdramon 01.jpgM11 Evo Ultimate Imperialdramon 02.jpg
(Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning)
Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals
Jogress Evolution

(Dub: DNA Digivolution[N 2])

Two Adult Digimon combine into a Perfect Digimon. This combined Digimon is controlled by the consciousnesses of both component Digimon, who act as one.

Digivice changes: Both D-3s or Smartphone Digivices enter an activated state where they both change into an identical color scheme that features colors associated with both participating Chosen Children.

(x)(y)! ジョグレス進化…! (z)!」
("(x)! (y)! Jogress Evolve...! (z)!")

(Dub: "(x)! (y)! DNA Digivolve to...! (z)!")

ZT36 Evo Jogress Shakkoumon 01.jpgZT36 Evo Jogress Shakkoumon 02.jpg
Ankylomon + Angemon
(Digimon Adventure 02)
M11 Evo Jogress Shakkoumon 01.jpgM11 Evo Jogress Shakkoumon 02.jpg
Ankylomon + Angemon
(Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning)
Digimon Adventure 02: "Jogress Evolution, Two Hearts become One"
Mode Change

(Dub: Mode Change)

A Digimon shifts into an alternate mode of the same species. (x)、モードチェンジ…! (y)!」[N 8]
("(x), Mode Change...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) Mode Change to...! (y)!")

M11 Evo Modechange ImperialdramonFM 01.jpgM11 Evo Modechange ImperialdramonFM 02.jpg
Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode
(Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning)
Digimon Adventure: "Invasion of the Demon Army"

(Dub: Mutation)

Meicoomon (or one of her previously mutated forms) undergoes an aberrant evolution into an uncontrollable and extremely destructive Digimon of the next Evolution Stage due to some provocation, such as fear for herself or Mochizuki Meiko.

Digivice changes: None, although Meiko's Digivice had previously entered a unique "activated" state upon Meicoomon entering her Saltation state

TRI05 Evo Mutation Raguelmon 01.jpgTRI05 Evo Mutation Raguelmon 02.jpg
Meicrackmon: Vicious Mode
(Digimon Adventure tri.)
Digimon Adventure tri.: "Confession"
Last Evolution

(Dub: Final Digivolution)

A Child Digimon evolves into a powerful "Kizuna" Ultimate variant of itself.

Digivice changes: The Digivice changes color to a bright orange, and cracks that glow in the color of the Chosen Child's Crest form all over it. The cracks are permanent, although they stop glowing after the Digimon has devolved.

M10 Evo Last AgumonGabumonYK 01.jpgM18 16.jpg
Agumon -Yuki no Kizuna-
Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna-
(Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna)
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna

Digimon Tamers[edit]

In Digimon Tamers, the source of all evolution is the Digi-Entelechy, or "light of evolution". The existence of the Digi-Entelechy is what enables Digimon to evolve. Before the start of the series, the Digi-Entelechy is transformed into Culumon by the Digignomes in accordance with the wishes of Qinglongmon, who wanted to prevent any evolution from occurring to avoid provoking the D-Reaper.[18] As a result, normally no Digimon evolve at all, but sometimes Culumon accidentally causes evolutions to occur around him just by emotionally reacting to events around him (sadness, curiosity, etc.)

As the series progresses, the Tamers become able to trigger evolutions at will by Slashing certain cards. They use the "Super Evolution Plug-In S" card (St-100) to evolve their Digimon to the Adult level, and Blue Cards to evolve them to the Perfect Level. Sometimes, when they do this, it is shown that the slashing of the card has triggered Culumon into using his powers on the partner Digimon.

Devolution is also significantly harder in Tamers. Unlike in other series, where a partner Digimon is likely to devolve as soon as the action is over, it is common for the Tamers' partner Digimon to remain in their evolved forms (mainly Adult) for hours at a time afterward with no way to force themselves to devolve, even if their Tamer is no longer present. Lee Jianliang theorizes that it is entirely possible for their Digimon to remain evolved indefinitely, but that after a while it becomes too hard to maintain an evolved form, so they devolve into a more stable form.[19]

Initially, it is impossible for a Digimon to maintain an evolved form while inside the D-Reaper Zone.[20] Mizuno Gorou develops the Red Card algorithm to counteract this by altering the wavelengths of Digimon to be closer to those of the D-Reaper itself.[21]

Several independent Digimon evolve in the series. This is usually caused by Culumon's power.

Types of evolution in Digimon Tamers
Type Description Digimon's Call Example First Appearance

(Dub: Digivolution)

A Child Digimon evolves into an Adult Digimon, using Culumon's power. (x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) digivolve to...! (y)!")

DT03 Evo Adult Galgomon 01.jpgDT03 Evo Adult Galgomon 02.jpg
Digimon Tamers: "Renamon vs Guilmon! Battle is a Digimon's Life"
Matrix Evolution

(Dub: Matrix Digivolution)

A Child or Adult Digimon evolves into a Perfect Digimon, using Culumon's power via a Blue Card. (x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) Matrix Digivolve to...! (y)!")

DT14 Evo MatrixP Megalogrowmon 01.jpgDT14 Evo MatrixP Megalogrowmon 02.jpg
GrowmonMegalo Growmon
Digimon Tamers: "Stand Up Tamer! The Super Evolved Megalo Growmon"
Dark Evolution

(Dub: Dark Digivolution)

  Main article: Dark Evolution
A Digimon evolves into a powerful but uncontrollable form due to the intense anger and negativity of their Tamer. This also triggers Culumon into using his power, but in an unpleasant way.
DT34 Evo Dark Megidramon 01.jpgDT34 Evo Dark Megidramon 02.jpg
Megalo GrowmonMegidramon
Digimon Tamers: "The Kindhearted Hero Leomon Dies!"
Matrix Evolution

(Dub: Biomerge Digivolution)

A Child or Perfect Digimon evolves into an Ultimate Digimon by fusing with their Tamer.

Tamer's evolution command: 「マトリックスエボリューション!」 ("Matrix Evolution!"; Dub: "Biomerge activate!")

(x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) Biomerge to...! (y)!")

DT39 Evo MatrixU Sakuyamon 01.jpgDT39 Evo MatrixU Sakuyamon 02.jpg
Renamon + Makino Ruki
Digimon Tamers: "The Name's Dukemon! The True Ultimate Evolution"
Mode Change
A Digimon shifts into a more powerful mode of the same species, typically as a result of drawing power from another item or entity. (y)!」[N 9]

(Dub: (TBA))

DT50 Evo Modechange DukemonCM 01.jpgDT50 Evo Modechange DukemonCM 02.jpg
Dukemon + ZERO-ARMS: Grani
Dukemon: Crimson Mode
Digimon Tamers: "Connected Hearts: The Revival of Beelzebumon"

Digimon Frontier[edit]

Digimon Frontier focuses on the use of the twenty Legendary Spirits to undergo Spirit Evolution into Hybrid Digimon. Both human Chosen Children and ordinary Digimon are capable of Spirit Evolution. The series focuses on six human Chosen Children who use Spirits.

Digimon are also capable of using the Spirits to become Hybrid Digimon, and this occurs on several occasions:

  • Cherubimon created four of the five Evil Warriors (Mercuremon, Ranamon, Grottemon, and Arbormon) by bonding Spirits to Digimon. He also tried to bond the Spirits of Darkness to various Digimon, but none of these attempts succeeded;[28] the broken data remains of these Digimon inhabit the dungeons of Cherubimon's castle at the Rose Morning Star.[29]
    • On one occasion, Mercuremon also fuses with the scanned data of Seraphimon to evolve into Black Seraphimon, in a process that he announces as "Advent of the Fallen Angel" 「堕天使降臨」.[30]
  • A Shamamon finds the Beast Spirit of Fire in the temple where he works as a fortune teller, and is involuntarily bonded to it and evolves into Vritramon. He runs wild until Takuya (as Agnimon) subdues and purifies him and takes the Beast Spirit.[31]

Conventional Digimon evolution still exists in the series, although it is downplayed and the concept of Evolution Stages is not mentioned. Several independent Digimon characters undergo evolution:

Both conventional evolution and Spirit Evolution are often depicted with the motif of a cocoon of Digicode forming around the evolving individual.

Types of evolution in Digimon Frontier
Type Description Chosen Child's Call Example First Appearance
Spirit Evolution

(Dub: Spirit Evolution)

A Chosen Child or Digimon evolves into a Human Form Hybrid Digimon, or Beast Form Hybrid, by bonding with one Legendary Spirit. 「スピリット… エボリューション! (y)!」
("Spirit... Evolution! (y)!")

(Dub: "Execute! Spirit Evolution! (y)!")[N 10]

DF04 Evo Spirit Fairimon 01.jpgDF04 Evo Spirit Fairimon 02.jpg
Orimoto Izumi + H. Spirit of Wind
Digimon Frontier: "The Legendary Warrior! Agnimon of Flame"

(Dub: Digivolution)

A Digimon evolves into a stronger species of Digimon. (Varies)
DF44 Evo Normal Insekimon 01.jpgDF44 Evo Normal Insekimon 02.jpg
Digimon Frontier: "Wolfmon of Light, The Underground Labyrinth Battle!"
Slide Evolution

(Dub: Slide Evolution)

a) A Hybrid Digimon who possesses another Legendary Spirit of the same element as their current form activates that Spirit to evolve into the corresponding Hybrid Digimon without reverting to their base form.
b) A non-Hybrid Digimon who has access to multiple forms transitions into another form.
(x)、スライドエボリューション! (y)!」
("(x), Slide Evolution! (y)!")

(Dub: (TBA))

DF33 Evo Slide Kaiserleomon 01.jpgDF33 Evo Slide Kaiserleomon 02.jpg
Löwemon + B. Spirit of DarknessKaiser Leomon
a) Digimon Frontier: "The Five Legendary Warriors VS The New Warrior!"
Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!!
Double Spirit Evolution

(Dub: Fusion Evolution)

A Chosen Child who possesses two Legendary Spirits of the same element evolves into Fusion Form Hybrid Digimon by bonding with both Spirits. The ability to Double Spirit Evolve is granted by Seraphimon's Digitama. 「ダブルスピリット… エボリューション! (y)!」
("Double Spirit... Evolution! (y)!")

(Dub: "Execute! Fusion Evolution! (y)!")[N 11]

DF27 Evo Double Beowolfmon 01.jpgDF27 Evo Double Beowolfmon 02.jpg
Minamoto Kouji +
(H. Spirit of Light + B. Spirit of Light) →
Digimon Frontier: "Double Spirit Miracle! Beowolfmon is Born"
Hyper Spirit Evolution

(Dub: Unified Spirit Evolution)

A Chosen Child evolves into a Transcendent Form Hybrid Digimon by bonding with ten Legendary Spirits in certain combinations. The ability to Hyper Spirit Evolve is restricted to Chosen Children who own New D-Scanners. 「ハイパースピリット… エボリューション! (y)!」
("Hyper Spirit... Evolution! (y)!")

(Dub: "Unity execute! Unified Spirit Evolution! (y)!")

DF35 Evo Hyper Kaisergreymon 01.jpgDF35 Evo Hyper Kaisergreymon 02.jpg
Kanbara Takuya +
(H. Spirit of Fire + B. Spirit of Fire +
H. Spirit of Wind + B. Spirit of Wind +
H. Spirit of Ice + B. Spirit of Ice +
H. Spirit of Earth + B. Spirit of Earth +
H. Spirit of Wood + B. Spirit of Wood) →
Kaiser Greymon
Digimon Frontier: "Spirits Become One! Takuya and Kouji's Ultimate Evolution!"
Ancient Spirit Evolution

(Dub: Ancient Spirit Evolution)

One or more Chosen Children, or an already-evolved Hybrid Digimon, evolves into Susanoomon by bonding together with all twenty Legendary Spirits. 「エンチェントスピリット… エボリューション! スサノオモン!」
("Ancient Spirit... Evolution! Susanoomon!")

(Dub: "Execute! Ancient Spirit Evolution! Susanoomon!")[N 12]

DF48 Evo Ancient Susanoomon 01.jpgDF48 Evo Ancient Susanoomon 02.jpg
(Kanbara Takuya + Minamoto Kouji + Shibayama Junpei + Orimoto Izumi + Himi Tomoki +
All 20 Legendary Spirits) →
Digimon Frontier: "Light and Darkness are One! Kouichi's Last Wish"

Digimon Savers[edit]

A key theme of Digimon Savers is the influence of human emotions on Digimon. Digisoul is a power that comes from human emotion, and Digimon respond to that power. Tamers must learn to focus their emotions and Digisoul, and direct it toward a clear purpose, in order to evolve their partner Digimon.[38] Evolution is initiated by manifesting their Digisoul as an aura around themselves, and then charging it into their Digivice iC.

Savers also features a high number of independent Digimon, usually enemies, who evolve. Many of these are Digimon who have infiltrated the real world and are feeding on the negative emotions of humans, whose dark wishes they are often trying to fulfill.

Types of evolution in Digimon Savers
Type Description Digimon's Call Example First Appearance

(Dub: Evolution/Digivolution[N 13])

A Child Digimon evolves into an Adult Digimon, using some Digisoul.

Tamer's evolution command: 「デジソウル、チャージ!」 ("Digisoul, charge!"; Dub: "DNA, charge!")

(x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) digivolve to...! (y)!")

DS14 Evo Adult Peckmon 01.jpgDS14 Evo Adult Peckmon 02.jpg
Digimon Savers: "I am Masaru! Cockatrimon Strikes"
Perfect Evolution

(Dub: Perfect Evolution/Ultimate Digivolution[N 13])

A Child or Adult Digimon evolves into a Perfect Digimon, using a "full charge" of Digisoul.

Tamer's evolution command: 「デジソウル、フル・チャージ!」 ("Digisoul, full charge!"; Dub: "DNA, full charge!")

(x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) digivolve to...! (y)!")[N 14]

DS17 Evo Perfect Lilamon 01.jpgDS17 Evo Perfect Lilamon 02.jpg
Digimon Savers: "Masaru's New Power, Evolve! Rize Greymon"
Ultimate Evolution

(Dub: Ultimate Evolution/Mega Digivolution[N 13])

A Child Digimon evolves into an Ultimate Digimon, using an "overdrive" of Digisoul.

Tamer's evolution command: 「デジソウル、チャージ! オーバードライブ!」 ("Digisoul, charge! Overdrive!"; Dub: "DNA, charge! Overdrive!")

(x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) Double Warp Digivolve to...! (y)!")

DS31 Evo Ultimate Miragegaogamon 01.jpgDS31 Evo Ultimate Miragegaogamon 02.jpg
GaomonMirage Gaogamon
Digimon Savers: "Resurrected Digivices, A New Shining Light"
Dark Evolution

(Dub: Dark Digivolution)

  Main article: Dark Evolution
A Digimon evolves into a powerful but uncontrollable form due to the intense anger and negativity of their Tamer.
DS34 Evo Dark ShinegreymonRM 01.jpgDS34 Evo Dark ShinegreymonRM 02.jpg
Shine Greymon
Shine Greymon: Ruin Mode
Digimon Savers: "The Day of Parting, The Strongest Enemy - Thoma!"
Burst Evolution

(Dub: Burst Evolution/Burst Digivolution[N 13])

An Ultimate Digimon evolves into a Burst Mode Ultimate Digimon, using a massive quantity of Digisoul.

Tamer's evolution command: 「チャージ!デジソウル・バースト!」 ("Charge! Digisoul Burst!"; Dub: "Charge! DNA... Burst Mode!")

("(y): Burst Mode!")

(Dub: "(y): Burst Mode!")

DS38 Evo Burst ShinegreymonBM 01.jpgDS38 Evo Burst ShinegreymonBM 02.jpg
Shine Greymon
Shine Greymon: Burst Mode
Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!!

(Dub: (TBA))

An artificial Adult Digimon evolves into a Perfect Digimon using artificial Digisoul. (N/A)
DS25 Evo Psuedo GizmonXT 01.jpgDS25 Evo Psuedo GizmonXT 02.jpg
Gizmon: ATGizmon: XT
Digimon Savers: "Smash Kurata's Ambition, Yatagaramon takes Flight"
Hyper Bio Evolution

(Dub: Bio Hybrid Digivolution)

A human whose DNA has been infused with the data of an Armor Digimon evolves into that Bio-Hybrid Digimon. 「ハイパーバイオエボリューション! (y)!」
("Hyper Bio Evolution! (y)!")

(Dub: "Bio Hybrid DNA, Charge! (y)!")

DS27 Evo Hyperbio Biothunderbirmon 01.jpgDS27 Evo Hyperbio Biothunderbirmon 02.jpg
KoukiBio Thunderbirmon
Digimon Savers: "Pursue Kurata, The Digimon Extermination Scheme Begins!"
Hyper Bio Extra Evolution

(Dub: (TBA))

A human whose DNA has been infused with the data of an Ultimate Digimon evolves into that Bio-Hybrid Digimon. 「ハイパーバイオエキスツラエボリューション! (y)!」
("Hyper Bio Extra Evolution! (y)!")

(Dub: "Bio Hybrid DNA, Full Charge! (y)!")

DS31 Evo HyperBioExtra Biolotusmon 01.jpgDS31 Evo HyperBioExtra Biolotusmon 02.jpg
NanamiBio Lotusmon
Digimon Savers: "Genius Showdown! Thoma VS Nanami"

Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

The primary focus of Digimon Xros Wars is on its main gimmick of DigiXrossing, where humans use Xros Loaders to temporarily combine their Digimon allies. The series features DigiXros combinations of more and more Digimon as it goes on. Later in the series, it is common for both Super Evolutions and DigiXrossing to be used together to create even stronger composite Digimon.

Antagonist access to DigiXrossing is mostly limited to Forced DigiXrossing, where a Darkness Loader is used to force a DigiXros to occur regardless of whether any of the constituent Digimon want it. Before the Darkness Loader is introduced, antagonists absorb other Digimon.

Xros Wars does not use the concept of Evolution Stages. Instead, evolution is characterized as a permanent growth into new forms that Digimon undergo as they age, which takes a very long time. Unlike other Digimon series, evolution as a power available to the human cast and their partner Digimon is entirely absent from the series until "A New Journey!! The Great Tokyo Showdown!!", where Super Evolutions are introduced as the ability to skip over all of the time that is normally needed to evolve and immediately become the mature form that the Digimon will have in the future. As a result, each partner Digimon only has one conventional evolved form (not counting Mode Changes).

During the first season of Xros Wars, some Digimon transform into new, more powerful forms. These are not treated by the story as conventional evolutions, but rather as being caused by special circumstances, although both examples are considered normal evolution in both prior and subsequent material.

During the Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms season, only the partner Digimon of the protagonists evolve.

In the Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time season, some independent Digimon evolve as well, mostly those created by Quartzmon. Despite the lack of human element to them, other than the first one, they are still called Super Evolutions in-series:

  • Knight Chessmon absorbs the greed from Hiroya after pushing him towards becoming more and more obsessed with victory, turning from White to Black before Super Evolving into Rook Chessmon. Unlike other Super Evolutions, this one appears to be permanent, as it keeps the form after Amano Yuu captures it.[50]
  • A Tsumemon created by Quartzmon evolves into Keramon, Chrysalimon, Infermon and finally Diablomon during several fights against the Digimon Hunters, making it the only Digimon seen in the series to evolve multiple times.[51]
  • Several Vamdemon created by Quartzmon evolve into Belial Vamdemon, with three of them instead becoming giant Venom Vamdemon.[52]

The guest characters from prior Digimon series who appear in Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time all follow the same rules and mechanisms for evolution from their respective original series.

Types of evolution in Digimon Xros Wars
Type Description Digimon's Call Example First Appearance

(Dub: (TBA))

One lead Digimon forcibly absorbs and consumes one or more other Digimon, killing them all in exchange for taking a new form in which it acquires temporary new weapons, equipment, and powers from them. (N/A)
XW01 Evo Absorption Madleomon armed 01.jpgArmedmadleomon.jpg
Mad Leomon + Mammon + Chikurimon + Troopmon
Mad Leomon: Armed Mode
Digimon Xros Wars: "Taiki, Go to Another World!"

(Dub: DigiFuse)

  Main article: DigiXros
One lead Digimon temporarily combines with one or more other Digimon/DigiXros Units to create a composite Digimon, at the command of one Xros Loader user.

Special variants:

「デジクロス! (z)!」
("DigiXros! (z)!")

(Dub: "DigiFuse! (z)!")

XW44 Evo DigiXros Gcutemon 01.jpgXW44 Evo DigiXros Gcutemon 02.jpg
Cutemon × Dondokomon × (Knightmon × Pawn Chessmons) × Bastemon × Chibi Kamemon × Jijimon
Digimon Xros Wars: "Taiki, Go to Another World!"
Super Evolution[N 15]

(Dub: Digivolution)

A Digimon evolves into the form that they will have in the future. The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms:
(x)、超進化…! (y)!」
("(x), Super Evolve...! (y)!")

(Dub: "(x) digivolve to...! (y)!")

The Young Hunters who Leapt through Time:
「超進化! (y)!」
("Super Evolve! (y)!")

XW30 Evo Super Omegashoutmon 01.jpgXW30 Evo Super Omegashoutmon 02.jpg
ShoutmonOmega Shoutmon
Digimon Xros Wars: "A New Journey!! The Great Tokyo Showdown!!"
Mode Change
A Digimon shifts into a more powerful mode of the same species. (N/A)
XW76 Evo Mode ArresterdramonSM 01.jpgXW76 Evo Mode ArresterdramonSM 02.jpg
Arresterdramon: Superior Mode
Digimon Xros Wars: "The Golden Insect! The Mystery of Metallife Kuwagamon"
Component Digimon listed in bold are the lead Digimon of the respective absorption/DigiXros.
Component Digimon listed in (parentheses) are treated as a single DigiXros Unit for the purposes of the respective DigiXros.

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters has its own version of Evolution Stages, called "Grades", but unlike other Digimon series, there is not quite any directly "evolving" a single Appmon into a single new form. Instead, all progression to higher Grades revolves around two compatible Appmon (or their Appmon Chips) undergoing AppGattai to combine together.

Unlocking a Buddy Appmon's higher-Grade form via AppGattai creates an Appmon Chip of that form, and as the series progresses, that chip (when activated, for instance in an Appmon Band) can be used to Appliarise the Buddy Appmon directly into that form instead of having to AppGattai them again. This basically works how evolution works in other Digimon series.

When an Ultimate AppGattai/Appliarise is performed with a regular Appli Drive, the ability of the Appmon to remain in their Ultimate form is limited to 60 seconds, and a countdown is displayed on the screen of the Appli Drive.[53] The Appli Drive DUO removes this limitation.[54]

If a Buddy Appmon is exhausted, they are unable to take their Ultimate Grade form until they have rested and recovered the energy needed to do so.[55]

Several independent Appmon, primarily villains, undergo AppGattai or are Appliarised:

A single Digimon appeared in the series: Agumon. It follows conventional Digimon evolution rules to undergo Warp Evolution, instead of Appmon rules.[58]

Types of evolution in Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters
Type Description Appli Drive's Call Example First Appearance
  Main article: Applink
Two Appmon (one in the form of an Appmon Chip) are linked together into a conglomerate entity by an Appli Drive user. Sometimes, the subordinate Appmon forms weapons, armor or new abilities for the lead Appmon.[59] Other times, the subordinate Appmon appears in a ghostly form floating behind the lead Appmon.[60]
APM02 Evo Applink Gatchmesse 01.jpgAPM02 Evo Applink Gatchmesse 02.jpg
Gatchmon + Messemon
Gatchmon + Messemon
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "The Mysterious Navigator! I am Navimon!"
Two Appmon (one in the form of an Appmon Chip) are combined into one conglomorate form, either by an Appli Drive user, or by the volition of the active Appmon. 「3-2-1! アプ合体! (z)!」
("3-2-1! AppGattai! (z)!")
APM08 Evo Appgattai Mediamon 01.jpgAPM02 Evo Appgattai Mediamon 02.jpg
Musimon + Recomon
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "The Mysterious Navigator! I am Navimon!"
Super Appliarise
  Main article: Appliarise
A Buddy Appmon is directly Appliarised from the Appli Drive in their Super Grade form, using an activated Appmon Chip of that form (usually obtained after a previous successful AppGattai).
「超…!アプリアライズ! (y)!」
("Super...! Appliarise! (z)!")
APM10 Evo Super Raidramon 01.jpgAPM10 Evo Super Raidramon 02.jpg
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "The Appmons' Aspiration! The Legendary Seven Code Gathering!"
Ultimate Appliarise
  Main article: Appliarise
A Buddy Appmon is directly Appliarised from the Appli Drive in their Ultimate Grade form, using an activated Appmon Chip of that form (usually obtained after a previous successful AppGattai).
「極…!アプリアライズ! (y)!」
("Ultimate...! Appliarise! (y)!")
APM31 Evo Ultimate Shutmon 01.jpgAPM31 Evo Ultimate Shutmon 02.jpg
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "Return the Seven Code Appmon! Showdown - Ultimate VS Ultimate!"
God Appliarise
  Main article: Appliarise
A Buddy Appmon is directly Appliarised from the Appli Drive in their God Grade form, using an activated Appmon Chip of that form. The Chip is generated from two Ultimate Grade Chips in the user's Seven Code Band.
「神…!アプリアライズ! (y)!」
("God...! Appliarise! (y)!")
APM49 Evo God Poseidomon 01.jpgAPM49 Evo God Poseidomon 02.jpg
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "The Miraculous Final Evolution! The God Appmon Descend!"
Warp Evolution
Agumon (a Child Digimon) evolves directly into War Greymon (an Ultimate Digimon), skipping the two intermediate Evolution Stages.

Digimon's evolution call: 「アグモン、ワープ進化…! ウォーグレイモン!」 ("Agumon, Warp Evolve...! War Greymon!")

APM45 Evo Warp Wargreymon 01.jpgWargreymon universe.jpg
AgumonWar Greymon
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "Legendary Battle!? Gatchmon VS Agumon!"

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

Evolution in Digimon Adventure: works similarly to how it does in the original Digimon Adventure. It is generally triggered by the Chosen Children by their emotional responses and willpower, especially as it relates to their Crest.

Unlike the original Adventure, Adventure: explores the idea of multiple routes of evolution for partner Digimon, as five of them have unlocked an second, alternate evolution to a given Evolution Stage. However, most of these evolutions have only been used once.

When an evolution is triggered, the outer central ring of the Digivice: will light up in a specific pattern that corresponds with the Evolution Stage that the Digimon is undergoing evolution into. It also lights up when their partner Digimon is gaining a temporary power boost from the Chosen Child's/their own determination and emotional drive. The lights are in the color of the Chosen Child's Crest.

During the final battle with Negamon, Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato's Omegamon also demonstrates the ability to replace its own Grey Sword and Garuru Cannon arms with the Garuru Sword and Grey Cannon arms of Omegamon Alter-S, shortly before it completely Mode Changes into a true Omegamon Alter-S.[61][62]

Several independent Digimon have undergone evolutions, including many of the series' villains. A common source of evolution for enemy Digimon is black lightning.

Types of evolution in Digimon Adventure:
Type Description Digimon's Call Example First Appearance
A Digimon evolves into a Digimon of the next Evolution Stage. (e.g. Baby I to Baby II, Baby II to Child, Child to Adult/Adult-equivalent "???")

Digivice: light-up sequence: Two lights spin around the ring at moderate speed.

(x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")
DA-08 Evo Adult Garurumon 01.jpgDA-08 Evo Adult Garurumon 02.jpg
Digimon Adventure:: "Tokyo Digital Crisis"
Two Digimon combine into a powerful Ultimate Digimon.

Digivice: light-up sequence: Two lights of different colors, each matching the Crest color of the Chosen Child contributing their partner Digimon to the fusion, spin rapidly around the ring on both Digivices:. On the final occasion that fusion is performed, lights in the shape of Omegamon's head features also appear on the Digivices:.[79]

DA-02 Evo Fusion Omegamon 01.jpgDA-02 Evo Fusion Omegamon 02.jpg
Greymon + Garurumon
Digimon Adventure:: "War Game"
Super Evolution
An Adult Digimon evolves into a Perfect Digimon.

Digivice: light-up sequence: Two lights pulse across either side from the bottom of the ring to the top, increasing in speed and frequency.

(x)、超進化…! (y)!」
("(x), Super Evolve...! (y)!")
DA-12 Evo Super Metalgreymon 01.jpgDA-12 Evo Super Metalgreymon 02.jpg
GreymonMetal Greymon
Digimon Adventure:: "The Steel-Solid Super Evolution"
Mode Change
A Digimon transforms into an alternate mode of the same species. (N/A)
DA-22 Evo Modechange WeregarurumonSM 01.jpgDA-22 Evo Modechange WeregarurumonSM 02.jpg
Were Garurumon
Were Garurumon: Sagittarius Mode
Digimon Adventure:: "The Tide-turning Update"
Dark Evolution
  Main article: Dark Evolution
A Digimon evolves into a powerful but malicious and uncontrollable form due to a negative or dark influence (e.g. intense negative feelings of the Digimon themself, the influence of miasma).
DA-24 Evo Dark Mugendramon 01.jpgDA-24 Evo Dark Mugendramon 02.jpg
Metal Greymon: Alterous ModeMugendramon
Digimon Adventure:: "The Final Stage, Done Devimon"
Ultimate Evolution
A Perfect Digimon evolves into an Ultimate Digimon.

Digivice: light-up sequence: Two lights rotate around the ring at rapidly increasing speed until the entire ring is glowing.

(x)、究極進化…! (y)!」
("(x), Ultimate Evolve...! (y)!")
DA-45 Evo Ultimate Metalgarurumon 01.jpgDA-45 Evo Ultimate Metalgarurumon 02.jpg
Were Garurumon: Sagittarius ModeMetal Garurumon
Digimon Adventure:: "The Ultimate, War Greymon"

Digimon Ghost Game[edit]

How evolution works in Digimon Ghost Game has not been explained yet, although Bokomon has speculated that evolution may be the result of the combination of the emotions of both a Digimon and their human partner.[80] Evolution appears to be related to a Vitals gauge readout on the human partner's Digivice-V- or Digivice-VV-, which is displayed and shown filling when an evolution is about to occur.

Ghost Game explores the idea of multiple routes of evolutions for partner Digimon, albeit only for Amanokawa Hiro's Gammamon. He currently has access to four different conventional Adult forms which are used for different situations.

Hiro has observed that there is a time limit to how long a Perfect evolution can be maintained before the Digimon will revert to a lower level.[81] When the time is nearly up and devolution from Perfect is imminent, the Vitals gauge readout will sound an alarm.[82]

Several independent Digimon undergo evolutions:

Types of evolution in Digimon Ghost Game
Type Description Digimon's Call Example First Appearance
A Child Digimon evolves into an Adult Digimon.

Digivice-V-/-VV- readout: The Vitals gauge fills with yellow.

(x)、進化…! (y)!」
("(x), evolve...! (y)!")
GG02 Evo Adult Betelgammamon 01.jpgGG02 Evo Adult Betelgammamon 02.jpg
GammamonBetel Gammamon
Digimon Ghost Game: "The Mystery of the Museum"
Super Evolution
An Adult Digimon evolves into a Perfect Digimon.

Digivice-V- readout: The Vitals gauge fills for a second time with a color that is personalized to the Digimon/user (red for Canoweissmon, purple for Thetismon and blue for Lamortmon).

(x)、超進化…! (y)!」
("(x), Super Evolve...! (y)!")
GG29 Evo Super Thetismon 01.jpgGG29 Evo Super Thetismon 02.jpg
Tesla JellymonThetismon
Digimon Ghost Game: "The Crimson Banquet"
Warp Evolution
A Child Digimon evolves directly into a Perfect Digimon, skipping the Adult stage.

Digivice-VV- readout: Not seen

(x)、ワープ進化…! (y)!」
("(x), Warp Evolve...! (y)!")
GG55 Evo Warp Lamortmon 01.jpgGG55 Evo Warp Lamortmon 02.jpg
Digimon Ghost Game: "Headless"
Ultimate Evolution
A Perfect Digimon evolves into an Ultimate Digimon.

Digivice-VV- readout: A rapidly flickering Vitals waveform, with very high peaks and troughs, is displayed.

(x)、究極進化…! (y)!」
("(x), Ultimate Evolve...! (y)!")
GG58 Evo Ultimate Diarbbitmon 01.jpgGG58 Evo Ultimate Diarbbitmon 02.jpg
Digimon Ghost Game: "Impurity"
Mode Change
A Digimon transforms into an alternate mode of the same species. (N/A)
Cerberumon Mode Change 1.pngCerberumon Mode Change 2.png
Cerberumon: Werewolf Mode
Digimon Ghost Game: "Impurity"
Slide Evolution
A Digimon transforms into an alternate Digimon of the same level. (N/A)
Betel Gammamon Slide Evolution 1.pngBetel Gammamon Slide Evolution 2.png
Betel Gammamon
Kaus Gammamon
Digimon Ghost Game: "The Devourer of All"

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Digimon Adventure: "The Clashing Ultimates! War Greymon VS Metal Garurumon"
  2. Digimon Adventure 02: "Jogress Evolution, Two Hearts become One"
  3. Digimon Adventure tri.: "Determination"
  4. Digimon Adventure tri.: "Confession"
  5. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 Digimon Adventure: "Dark Evolution! Skull Greymon"
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Digimon Adventure: "Revival! The Devil Venom Vamdemon"
  8. Digimon Adventure: "Everyone Advance Out! Imperialdramon"
  9. Digimon Adventure: "Farewell Numemon"
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
  11. Digimon Adventure: "All Perfects Attack! Sparkling Angewomon"
  12. Digimon Adventure 02: "Terror! Belial Vamdemon"
  13. Digimon Adventure: "Metal Etemon Strikes Back"
  14. Digimon Adventure: "Oh Wind! Oh Light! Saber Leomon"
  15. Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back
  16. Digimon Adventure tri.: "Coexistence"
  17. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
  18. Digimon Tamers: "True Enemy Gets to Move! The Battle of the Four Holy Beasts"
  19. Digimon Tamers: "Enter the Digital World! Goodbye to Our City"
  20. Digimon Tamers: "Stand Up to the D-Reaper, Charge into the Zone!"
  21. Digimon Tamers: "Dreaming Power is Our Future"
  22. Digimon Tamers: "Guilmon is Born! The Digimon that I Created"
  23. Digimon Tamers: "You are my Friend - Introducing Terriermon!"
  24. Digimon Tamers: "Impmon Evolves! The Shudder of Beelzebumon the Dark Lord"
  25. Digimon Tamers: "Here is the Ghost Castle! The Great Escape of Stray Culumon"
  26. Digimon Tamers: "Urgent Message from the Digital World, Culumon is..."
  27. Digimon Tamers: "Evolutionary Radiance - Shining Evolution"
  28. Digimon Frontier: "The New Warriors of Darkness! Löwemon & Kaiser Leomon"
  29. Digimon Frontier: "Spirits Become One! Takuya and Kouji's Ultimate Evolution!"
  30. Digimon Frontier: "Takuya's Fusion Evolution, Aldamon's Explosive Attack!"
  31. Digimon Frontier: "Defeat Me! Legendary Warrior Vritramon Runs Wild"
  32. Digimon Frontier: "Wolfmon of Light, The Underground Labyrinth Battle!"
  33. Digimon Frontier: "Bullying is Unforgivable! Evolve, Chackmon of Ice"
  34. Digimon Frontier: "My Painful Kick! Female Warrior Fairymon"
  35. Digimon Frontier: "Save Everyone! Evolve, Tunomon"
  36. Digimon Frontier: "Fight Together! Gottsumon and Kouji's Vow"
  37. Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!!
  38. Digimon Savers: "Resurrected Digivices, A New Shining Light"
  39. Digimon Savers: "Burn, Digisoul of Anger, The Flymon Hidden in Darkness"
  40. Digimon Savers: "Genius Thoma has Returned! Beat Meramon"
  41. Digimon Savers: "Rush into the Digital World! Drimogemon's Trap"
  42. Digimon Savers: "The Masaru-Agumon Combo Dissolves?! Squalling Garurumon"
  43. Digimon Savers: "Yoshino gets her Cinderella Story?! Chrysalimon's Shadow"
  44. Digimon Savers: "Masaru's New Power, Evolve! Rize Greymon"
  45. Digimon Savers: "One-on-one Match Between Man and Man! Masaru VS Suguru"
  46. Digimon Savers: "Once More, To the Digital World, Insekimon's Great Rampage"
  47. Digimon Xros Wars: "Warrior Beelzebumon, Dance!"
  48. Digimon Xros Wars: "Dark Knight Digimon, An Entrance!"
  49. Digimon Xros Wars: "Miraculous Digi Xros! Shoutmon X5 Flies!"
  50. Digimon Xros Wars: "The Rare Card is Gone! Invincible Rook Chessmon"
  51. Digimon Xros Wars: "All Will Be Revealed Now! The Secret of the Digimon Hunt!"
  52. Digimon Xros Wars: "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
  53. Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "The Net Ocean is in a Big Pinch! The "Time" has Come, Ultimate App Fusion!!"
  54. Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "The Appli Drive DUO! Offmon Appears"
  55. Jump up to: 55.0 55.1 Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "The Super Gigantic Cometmon Attacks!? Open the Door, Dantemon!"
  56. Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "I Will Have You in Costume! Cameramon's Halloween Scandal!"
  57. Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "Reclaim the 7code Appmon! Showdown—Ultimate VS Ultimate!"
  58. Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "Legendary Battle!? Gatchmon VS Agumon!"
  59. Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "Let's All Bring him Out! The Shut-in Offmon!"
  60. Digimon Universe Appli Monsters: "The Mysterious Navigator! I am Navimon!"
  61. Digimon Adventure:: "The End of the Adventure"
  62. https://digimon.net/journal/topic007/
  63. Digimon Adventure:: "War Game"
  64. Digimon Adventure:: "Contact from the Catastrophe"
  65. Digimon Adventure:: "The Great Catastrophe, Negamon"
  66. Digimon Adventure:: "The Jet-black Shadow Invades Tokyo"
  67. Digimon Adventure:: "Countdown to Tokyo's Annihilation"
  68. Digimon Adventure:: "The Unbeatable Blue Sagittarius"
  69. Digimon Adventure:: "The Messenger of Darkness, Devimon"
  70. Digimon Adventure:: "The Final Stage, Done Devimon"
  71. Digimon Adventure:: "The Ultimate, War Greymon"
  72. Digimon Adventure:: "A New Darkness, Millenniumon"
  73. Digimon Adventure:: "The Glowing Angewomon"
  74. Digimon Adventure:: "Jyagamon, Potato Hell"
  75. Digimon Adventure:: "King of Inventors, Gerbemon"
  76. Digimon Adventure:: "The God of Evil Descends, Millenniumon"
  77. Digimon Adventure:: "The End, The Ultimate Holy War"
  78. Digimon Adventure:: "The Angels' Determination"
  79. Jump up to: 79.0 79.1 Digimon Adventure:: "The Last Miracle, the Last Power"
  80. Digimon Ghost Game: "Warped Time"
  81. Digimon Ghost Game: "Labyrinth of Grief"
  82. Digimon Ghost Game: "Face Taker"
  83. Digimon Ghost Game: "The Land of Children"
  84. Digimon Ghost Game: "The White Bride"
  85. Digimon Ghost Game: "Payback"
  86. Digimon Ghost Game: "Impurity"
  87. Digimon Ghost Game: "Ghost Taxi"
  1. The English version of Digimon ReArise refers to this as "Super Digivolution" instead.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 English dubs of the Digimon Adventure anime productions do not keep the distinction between Fusion and Jogress Evolution, and refer to both as "DNA Digivolution".
  3. It is most common for Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato to form Omegamon by fusing War Greymon and Metal Garurumon. However, there have been three occasions where they instead fused to Omegamon directly from lower forms: from their Child selves (Agumon and Gabumon) in Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, and from their Adult forms (Greymon and Garurumon) once again in Kizuna.
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Original Japanese productions use no specific terminology to raise any distinctions between forming Omegamon from the Ultimate level or from lower Evolution Stages. Some English dub materials, such as Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon (Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back), do add such a distinction and add in dialog from Agumon and Gabumon where they announce it as "Warp DNA Digivolution" when they are evolving directly into Omnimon (Omegamon) from their Rookie (Child) or Champion (Adult) forms.
  5. In the original Japanese versions of Adventure anime productions, Agumon/War Greymon and Gabumon/Metal Garurumon never speak when becoming Omegamon. English dub productions often add in them calling out when becoming Omnimon (Omegamon).
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 6.2 In "Digimon: Digital Monsters season 2" (the American English dub of Digimon Adventure 02) and Digimon: The Movie, Veemon (V-mon) and Terriermon's transformations into Magnamon and Rapidmon are described uniquely as "Golden Armor Digivolution", the Chosen Child's evolution command is changed to the special "Golden Armor energize!", and special evolution calls for them are added in which they say "(x) Golden Armor Digivolve to...! (y)!" (In the original version of Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals, the two say nothing when Armor Evolving into these forms.)
  7. In Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals, Angewomon's call when evolving into Holydramon is just 「エンジェウーモン、進化…! ホーリードラモン !」 ("Angewomon, evolve...! Holydramon!"; Dub: "Angewomon digivolve to...! Magnadramon!"). She later uses the regular "Ultimate Evolve" call when she evolves into Holydramon again in Digimon Adventure tri.: "Our Future".
  8. Imperialdramon is the only Digimon to make a Mode Change call in any of the Digimon Adventure original continuity media, when he shifts from Dragon Mode to Fighter Mode. All others (Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode, Omegamon: Merciful Mode) say nothing.
  9. Dukemon says nothing when Mode Changing into Dukemon: Crimson Mode in "The Crimson Knight Dukemon Save Your Beloved Ones!", but does announce his new name in this way in Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express.
  10. In "Digimon: Digital Monsters season 4," the American English dub of Digimon Frontier, Spirit Evolving using a Beast Spirit is given its own separate call: "Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution! (y)!"
  11. In the American English Frontier dub, Takuya Kanbara's Fusion Evolution (Double Spirit Evolution) into Aldamon uses a slightly different call compared to Koji Minamoto: "Execute, now! Fusion Evolution! Aldamon!"
  12. The American English dubs of Frontier episodes 48 and 49 use an alternate call for Ancient Spirit Evolution: "Ancient spirits unite! Susanoomon!"
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Digimon Data Squad, the American English dub of Digimon Savers, does not edit the Digivice iC readouts in the evolution stock footage to reflect the change of terminology, so the Japanese terms are still seen on-screen even though all dialogue and other footage edits otherwise exclusively use English dub terms ("digivolution", etc.).
  14. In the Data Squad dub, if it is a Rookie (Child) Digimon who is evolving to the Ultimate (Perfect) level, the call is modified to acknowledge the level skipping: "(x) Warp Digivolve To...! (y)!"
  15. When Super Evolution is first performed in "A New Journey!! The Great Tokyo Showdown!!", it is just called Evolution進化」 (Dub: Digivolution) by all characters. In the next episode, Shoutmon brags that the ability to evolve at will could be called a "Super Evolution", and the "Super Evolution" term sticks for all characters for the rest of Digimon Xros Wars.