Smartphone Digivice

From Wikimon
Smartphone Digivice
Smartphone Digivice
Kanji/Kana スマホ型デジヴァイス

The smartphone Digivice (スマホ型デジヴァイス Sumaho-gata dejivaisu) is a model of Digivice that is used by the Chosen Children in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna and Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning. It is a replacement for the Chosen Children's original Digivices and D-3s. Izumi Kōshirō developed these Digivices himself.[1]



The smartphone Digivice resembles a conventional smartphone. The back of the chassis is colored white, and is partially covered by a grip case consisting of an outermost layer which is usually colored to match the color of the Chosen Child's activated Digivice or D-3, on top of a black inner layer. There are two slightly different styles of case: one with a triangular pattern on which one Crest is printed (used by the majority of Chosen Children), and one with a slightly different parallelogram pattern on which multiple Crests are printed (used by Motomiya Daisuke, Inoue Miyako, and Hida Iori).[1]

Unlike original Digivices or D-3s, smartphone Digivices do not change color when a partner Digimon undergoes evolution to the Perfect level or higher. However, like D-3s, Jogress Evolving two Adult Digimon into a Perfect Digimon still causes both participating Chosen Children's smartphone Digivices to enter an "activated" state where their colors change into an identical color scheme featuring colors associated with the two Chosen Children.[2]

Smartphone Digivices have a user interface similar to a contemporary early-2010s smartphone, with a touchscreen, one large face button, and a side-mounted power button. When the phone is turned, off, a splash screen for Kōshirō's company, Izumi, is displayed.


Smartphone Digivices are said to have all the same functionality as the Digivices that they replace.[1] They also integrate the features of a conventional smartphone. Known features include:

The home screen of Yagami Taichi's smartphone Digivice features an icon that reads Dcde w.png de (short for 「デジモン Dejimon」, "Digimon") in Digimoji.

When the countdown to the end of a Chosen Child's time with their Digimon begins, both original Digivices and smartphone Digivices project an identical, synchronized countdown ring.

DAMS01 Smartphone Digivice Lock.jpg M10 Smartphone Digivice Home.jpg DAMS01 Smartphone Digivice Text.jpg M10 Smartphone Digivice Splash.jpg
Lock screen Home screen Group chat interface "Izumi" splash screen when powering off


Owner Design Activated Color Episode Notes
Yagami Taichi None seen Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Ishida Yamato None seen Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Izumi Kōshirō None seen Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Takenouchi Sora None seen Digimon Adventure 20th Memorial Story: "To Sora"
Kido Jou None seen (Never depicted on-screen)[N 1]
Tachikawa Mimi None seen (Never depicted on-screen)[N 1]
Takaishi Takeru None seen Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
None seen Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[N 1]
Yagami Hikari None seen Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[N 1]
Motomiya Daisuke Jogress Evolution:
  • Dark green outer grip
  • Dark blue inner grip
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
Ichijouji Ken Jogress Evolution:
  • Dark green outer grip
  • Dark blue inner grip
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
Inoue Miyako None seen Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[N 1]
Hida Iori None seen Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[N 1]



Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project[edit]

In "To Sora", Takenouchi Sora has adopted a smartphone Digivice as her regular phone. Piyomon tries to alert her to the messages that she is receiving from the other Chosen Children as they face a Digimon who has appeared in Tokyo, but she is too focused on perfecting her ikebana to engage in time. She also has a video call with Tachikawa Mimi (who is calling from her laptop).

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

The countdown to the end of his partnership with Agumon appears on Yagami Taichi's smartphone Digivice.

As of the start of the film, all twelve of the core group of Japanese Chosen Child are regularly using smartphone Digivices as both their main phones and as a day-to-day replacement for their original Digivices. Izumi Kōshirō uses them to help coordinate the Chosen Children's efforts to stop Digimon who have appeared in Tokyo, sending live information and updates to the Digivices. They still keep their original Digivices in safe places.

During their initial battle with Eosmon, the countdown rings appear on the backs of Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato's smartphone Digivices, as well as their original Digivices in storage.

After Tachikawa Mimi is hospitalized with an Eosmon-induced coma (Eosmon having tracked and attacked her through her smartphone Digivice), Yamato advises the team that he puts together to help investigate Menoa Bellucci and Yamada Kyotaro (Taichi, Kōshirō, Motomiya Daisuke, Ichijouji Ken, Inoue Miyako, and Hida Iori) to discontinue use of their smartphone Digivices in order to avoid being attacked by Eosmon. Instead, these Chosen Children start using their original Digivices again, and use burner phones and public payphones as less traceable alternatives for phone communication.

Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]

Smartphone Digivices remain in use by Motomiya Daisuke's group of Chosen Children, although they choose to use their original D-3s instead when they gather for their mission to help Ohwada Lui with Ukkomon's Digitama.


Video Games[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]


Battle Spirits[edit]

While smartphone Digivices themselves do not have any cards, four cards from the Battle Spirits Collaboration Booster 11 series depict Chosen Children with their smartphone Digivices.

CB11-019.jpg CB11-020.jpg CB11-021.jpg CB11-022.jpg
CB11-019 Yagami Taichi CB11-020 Ishida Yamato CB11-021 Motomiya Daisuke CB11-022 Ichijouji Ken

Digimon Card Game[edit]

While smartphone Digivices themselves do not have any cards, one card from the Double Diamond booster series depicts two Chosen Children with their smartphone Digivices.

BT6-089 Takaishi Takeru & Yagami Hikari

Image Gallery[edit]


Smartphone Digivice reference art.jpg Smartphone Digivice.jpg Smartphonedigivice.jpg Lb pop up digivice.png
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
(reference art)
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
LB Pop-Up Theater


Smartphone Digivice case iphone taichi.jpg Smartphone Digivice case iphone yamato.jpg Smartphone Digivice case iphone sora.jpg Smartphone Digivice case iphone koushiro.jpg
Smartphone Digivice Case iPhone 13
Smartphone Digivice Case iPhone 13
Smartphone Digivice Case iPhone 13
Smartphone Digivice Case iPhone 13
Smartphone Digivice case iphone mimi.jpg Smartphone Digivice case iphone jou.jpg Smartphone Digivice case iphone takeru.jpg Smartphone Digivice case iphone hikari.jpg
Smartphone Digivice Case iPhone 13
Smartphone Digivice Case iPhone 13
Smartphone Digivice Case iPhone 13
Smartphone Digivice Case iPhone 13

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 This smartphone Digivice has either never been fully visible on-screen (e.g. is only seen out-of-focus or covered by the user's hand), or has never been depicted in an anime production at all. Because of this, some or all of its design information is derived from secondary sources, such as: These sources may not always be consistent with each other, or with anime productions.
Digimon Adventure 02
Main Characters Motomiya DaisukeInoue MiyakoHida IoriYagami HikariTakaishi TakeruIchijouji KenOhwada Lui
Partner Digimon V-monHawkmonArmadimonTailmonPatamonWormmonUkkomon
Original Chosen Children Yagami TaichiAgumonIshida YamatoGabumonTakenouchi SoraPiyomonIzumi KōshirōTentomonTachikawa MimiPalmonKido JoGomamon
International Chosen Children Michael Barton Jr.WallaceTerriermonLopmonTatumSamMariaLouSteveHoi BrothersYuehonDienMinaDingoCatherine DeneuveChichosAnnaLaraYuri
Supporting Characters Motomiya JunInoue MantarouInoue ChizuruInoue MomoeHida HirokiHida FumikoHida ChikaraIchijouji OsamuGennaiYagami YuukoYagami SusumuIshida HiroakiTakaishi NatsukoTakaishi MichelTakenouchi HaruhikoTakenouchi ToshikoIzumi KaeIzumi MasamiTachikawa KeisukeTachikawa SatoeKido ShinKido ShuuQinglongmonYoshizawa TakashiKawada NorikoShibata HiroshiKurata Keiko
Antagonists Digimon KaiserDagomonChimairamonOikawa YukioArchnemonMummymonBlack War GreymonDemon • Demon Corps (Skull SatamonLady DevimonMarin Devimon) • Belial VamdemonArmagemon
Terms Chosen ChildD-3D-TerminalDigimentalDark SeedDark TowerDigital GateEvil RingJogress EvolutionSmartphone Digivice
Other List of EpisodesDigimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden DigimentalsDigimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes BackDigimon Adventure 02: The BeginningList of CharactersJapanese Cast