Ohwada Lui

From Wikimon
Ohwada Lui
Ohwada Lui
Kanji/Kana 大和田 ルイ
Dub Name Lui Ohwada
Age 20 (The Beginning)
Date of birth February 29, 1992
Partner Digimon Ukkomon
Digivice Digivice
Voice Actor Japanese Ogata Megumi (緒方 恵美)
English A.J. Beckles, Erin Yvette (young)

Ohwada Lui is a character from Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning.

Shimomura Eri, one of the producers of Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, was asked about Lui's claim to being the first ever Chosen Child with the interviewer pointing out he was younger than Himekawa Maki, Nishijima Daigo, and their friends. Eri's response was "It turns out that Lui is not exactly the first Chosen Child but rather the first child who has formed a friendship contract with a Digimon. So, he's supposed to not be a Chosen Child but rather a special and unique case."[1] This theoretically makes him a Tamer like Akiyama Ryo, since he has a Digivice and Partner Digimon but isn't considered a Chosen Child.


Card Game Evolution[edit]



Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]

Digimon Adventure -Beyond-[edit]

Lui met with Takaishi Takeru and Kido Shuu in a park or forest.

Takaishi Takeru and Kido Shuu
Takaishi Takeru, Kido Shuu and Ohwada Lui


Image Gallery[edit]


Owada rui.jpg Owada rui concept art.png Owada rui reference art.png
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
(concept art)
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
(reference art)


M11 poster.jpg M11 poster clean.jpg Ohwada lui ukkomon beginning karatetsu.jpg Ohwada lui ukkomon halloween.jpg
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
(Promotional Artwork)
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
(Promotional Artwork)
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
Karaoke no Tetsujin Collab
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
Halloween ver.
Ohwada lui graffart halloween.jpg Ohwada lui ukkomon yukata.jpg Ohwada lui graffart happi.jpg Ohwada lui ukkomon digimon partners digigift.jpg
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
GraffArt Halloween
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
Yukata ver.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
GraffArt Happi ver.
Digimon Partners DigiGift Wallpaper

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Adventure 02
Main Characters Motomiya DaisukeInoue MiyakoHida IoriYagami HikariTakaishi TakeruIchijouji KenOhwada Lui
Partner Digimon V-monHawkmonArmadimonTailmonPatamonWormmonUkkomon
Original Chosen Children Yagami TaichiAgumonIshida YamatoGabumonTakenouchi SoraPiyomonIzumi KōshirōTentomonTachikawa MimiPalmonKido JoGomamon
International Chosen Children Michael Barton Jr.WallaceTerriermonLopmonTatumSamMariaLouSteveHoi BrothersYuehonDienMinaDingoCatherine DeneuveChichosAnnaLaraYuri
Supporting Characters Motomiya JunInoue MantarouInoue ChizuruInoue MomoeHida HirokiHida FumikoHida ChikaraIchijouji OsamuGennaiYagami YuukoYagami SusumuIshida HiroakiTakaishi NatsukoTakaishi MichelTakenouchi HaruhikoTakenouchi ToshikoIzumi KaeIzumi MasamiTachikawa KeisukeTachikawa SatoeKido ShinKido ShuuQinglongmonYoshizawa TakashiKawada NorikoShibata HiroshiKurata Keiko
Antagonists Digimon KaiserDagomonChimairamonOikawa YukioArchnemonMummymonBlack War GreymonDemon • Demon Corps (Skull SatamonLady DevimonMarin Devimon) • Belial VamdemonArmagemon
Terms Chosen ChildD-3D-TerminalDigimentalDark SeedDark TowerDigital GateEvil RingJogress EvolutionSmartphone Digivice
Other List of EpisodesDigimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden DigimentalsDigimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes BackDigimon Adventure 02: The BeginningList of CharactersJapanese Cast