
From Wikimon
For other Digivice models, see List of Digivices.
For the toys based on this item, see Digivice Toy (Japan), Interactive Digivice Toy (international), and Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- (Japan).
Kanji/Kana デジヴァイス
Dub Name Digivice

The Digivice (デジヴァイス Dejivaisu), sometimes referred to as the "holy device" (聖なるデヴァイス Seinaru devaisu), is a model of Digivice that is used by the Chosen Children in Digimon Adventure and its sequels (Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Adventure tri., Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning). It also appears in some other media.



This Digivice is a small, palm-sized model with some ornate detailing, including two lines of Digimoji in a ring around its screen, each of which reads "Digital Monster" (Dcde w.pngDcji w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcru2 w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.pngDcsu w.pngDcta2 w.pngDcchouon2 w.png). It is controlled by a set of three buttons. On its back is a clip, so that it can be worn on its user's belt or bag.

Some Chosen Children who predate Yagami Taichi's group of Chosen Children from 1999 use older variants of this Digivice model with slightly different designs, including:

  • Ohwada Lui's Digivice model (1996), the first Digivice to exist, has two extra buttons, and the Digimoji around its screen is split up into the words "Digital" and "Monster."[1]
  • The Digivice model used by Himekawa Maki and Nishijima Daigo's group of five Chosen Children (date unknown) has a totally circular screen.[2]

Unlike the majority of Digivice models in other Digimon media, these Digivices do not have any personalized colors for their user in their default state. The Digivices only become colored when they enter an "activated" state, when the partner Digimon Super Evolves to the Perfect level or higher. They also undergo other design/coloration changes for certain other special evolutions:

When the countdown to the end of a Chosen Child's time with their Digimon begins, their Digivice projects a countdown ring (if they are using a replacement device, such as a smartphone Digivice, the ring will also be simultaneously projected on that device). At the end of the countdown, their Digivice will fossilize and become useless.[4]

Digivice the beginning lui.jpg TRI04 Old Digivice.jpg M10 Digivice Fossilized.jpg
Ohwada Lui's Digivice, broken Himekawa Maki's earlier model of Digivice Yagami Taichi's Digivice, fossilized


  • Channeling the emotional energy of the Chosen Child to:
  • Allowing the Chosen Child to enter the Digital World through a gate that is already open[5]
  • Releasing its potent light energy to:
    • Repel or damage dark Digimon, and Digimon under the influence of a Black Gear;[11] can also purge Black Gears from Digimon entirely[12]
      • If a Digimon is repeatedly exposed to the light of Digivices, this can grant them the ability to evolve as well[13]
    • Power up the attacks of a holy Digimon[12]
    • Together with other Digivices, project a cage of light that can safely contain anything contained within it, including attacks from within[14]
  • Displaying a bar gauge of unknown purpose, which appears to fill and empty in response to stimuli such as the Factorial Town program[15] or the emotional state of the Digivice's owner[16][N 1]
  • Using built-in tracker functions to:
    • React with a light and beeping noise to the presence of another Chosen Child nearby, even if that Chosen Child does not presently have their Digivice on them;[17] or to the presence of another Digivice nearby, even if that Digivice's owner is not present.[18] When in the real world, the range of this feature is severely limited.[19]
    • Plot the locations of other nearby Digivices relative to the user as red dots on a simple map[19]
  • Adding data on any Digimon that the Digivice's owner has previously encountered to the Digimon Analyzer program on Izumi Kōshirō's laptop, via the two-prong adapter added in Gennai's upgrade[20]
  • Triggering a reaction with a Crest, signalling to the bearer of one of these items that the other is nearby[18]
  • Displaying a digital clock which counts seconds, using a series of five bars to visually represent the passing of every ten seconds[21][N 2]
  • Receiving SOS messages from the owner's partner Digimon in the Digital World[22]
  • Send evolution data to other Digivices[23]

Whenever these Digivices are responding to something or are alerting the user, they make a distinctive series of four rapid beeps.[19]

DA12 Digivice Gauge.jpg DA29 Digivice Laptop.jpg DA31 Digivice Locator.jpg DA33 Digivice Clock.jpg DA54 Digivice Cage.jpg
Bar gauge, filling Connecting to the Digimon Analyzer on Izumi Kōshirō's laptop Map tracking the relative location of another Digivice user Clock display Eight Digivices projecting a cage to stop Apocalymon's Grand Death Big Bang


Digimon Adventure original continuity[edit]

Pre-1999 Models[edit]

Japanese Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Ohwada Lui N/A Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning The first Digivice to exist. Broken by Lui himself in March 2003.
Himekawa Maki N/A Digimon Adventure tri.: "Loss" Earlier model used by Maki's Chosen Child group.
Nishijima Daigo N/A Digimon Adventure tri.: "Loss" Earlier model used by Himekawa Maki's Chosen Child group.

1999 Model[edit]

Japanese Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Yagami Taichi Orange shell; blue buttons Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!" Also used by Akiyama Ryo in Digimon Adventure: Anode/Cathode Tamer.

Turned to stone and rendered unusable during Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.

Ishida Yamato Blue shell; white buttons Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!" Turned to stone and rendered unusable during Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.
Izumi Kōshirō Purple shell; orange buttons Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!"
Takenouchi Sora Red shell; yellow buttons Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!" Turned to stone and rendered unusable during Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.
Kido Jo Gray shell; black buttons Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!"
Tachikawa Mimi Green shell; orange buttons Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!"
Takaishi Takeru Yellow shell; teal buttons Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!" Transformed into a D-3 in Digimon Adventure 02: "Digimental Up".
Yagami Hikari Pink shell; white buttons Digimon Adventure: "Koromon, the Great Clash in Tokyo!" Transformed into a D-3 in Digimon Adventure 02: "Digimental Up".
Ichijouji Ken N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "When a Digivice is Infected by Darkness" Transformed into a D-3 prior to the start of Digimon Adventure 02 (seen in flashback in "When a Digivice is Infected by Darkness").
Mochizuki Meiko
  • Black shell
  • Red buttons
Digimon Adventure tri.: "Reunion" Meiko's Digivice has a unique pattern of a cross of DNA strands over its screen. The pattern is especially pronounced when the Digivice enters its activated state whenever her partner, Meicoomon, runs wild.
USA Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Michael N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "Shurimon's Hurricane"
Wallace N/A Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!
Tatum N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Sam N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Maria N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Lou N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Steve N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Menoa Bellucci N/A Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna Turned to stone and rendered unusable during her childhood.
Hong Kong Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Hoi Brothers N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Chinese Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Yuehon N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Vietnamese Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Dien N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Indian Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Mina N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
Australian Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Dingo N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "Coral and Versailles, The Battle Royal!"
French Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Catherine N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "Coral and Versailles, The Battle Royal!"
Mexican Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Chichos N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "Love and Borscht, The Great Fierce Battle!"
Russian Chosen Children
Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Anna N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "Love and Borscht, The Great Fierce Battle!"
Lara N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "Love and Borscht, The Great Fierce Battle!"
Yuri N/A Digimon Adventure 02: "Love and Borscht, The Great Fierce Battle!"


Owner Activated Color Episode Notes
Player (Digimon World) N/A Digimon World



Digimon Adventure[edit]

Takenouchi Sora, Izumi Kōshirō, and Yagami Taichi receive their Digivices.

The origin of the eight Chosen Children's Digivices is depicted in flashback. Shortly after the 1995 Hikarigaoka battle between Greymon and Parrotmon, Homeostasis's servants (Gennai and the others like him) created the Digivices along with the Chosen Children's Tags and Crests, and the Digitama of the partner Digimon, in a laboratory in the dungeons of what would eventually become Vamdemon's castle. When Piemon's forces assaulted the laboratory, Gennai escaped with the Digivices and Digitama, but he lost Yagami Hikari's Digivice and Tailmon's Digitama. The other seven Digimon looked after their Digivices after hatching until the time came for the Chosen Children to enter the Digital World.[24]

While they are at summer camp in 1999, seven Digivices appear from a wormhole in the sky and land in front of seven of the Chosen Children (Yagami Taichi, Ishida Yamato, Izumi Kōshirō, Takenouchi Sora, Kido Jo, Tachikawa Mimi, and Takaishi Takeru). When the children touch the Digivices, they are drawn into the Digital World. Soon after, they all trigger their Digivices' powers for the first time to evolve their partner Digimon to the Child level.[5]

There exists a temple dedicated to the Digivice on a separated portion of File Island. Centalmon is its guardian. Kōshirō and Mimi are sent to the temple, Devimon splits the group up. When they free Centalmon from his Black Gear, he explains to them the legend of the Digivices, and how they "guide this world toward light and dispel darkness" 「この世界に光を導き、闇を払う」. When Leomon attacks the children and Centalmon under the influence of a Black Gear, Kōshirō and Mimi discover that the Digivices can emit a light that repels Black Gears.[11] They later share this discovery with Taichi and Yamato when they reunite, and they use their Digivices to free Leomon from the Black Gears for good.[12] Leomon later discovers that his repeated exposure to the light of the Digivices has granted him the ability to Warp Evolve into Saber Leomon, although he has poor control over it and is unable to maintain the Saber Leomon form for long.[13]

When Patamon evolves into Angemon for the first time in his final battle with Devimon, he calls upon the holy powers of all seven Digivices to power up his Heaven's Knuckle so that he can destroy Devimon once and for all. However, doing this uses up all of his energy, and he reverts to a Digitama.[12]

When the Chosen Children separate following Taichi's disappearance, Takeru throws away his Digivice, Tag and Crest when Pico Devimon manipulates him to abandon Tokomon. Tokomon holds onto them until Taichi and Agumon reunite him with Takeru, who then takes the items back.[17]

Hikari's Digivice eventually appears in the Real World.[25] Hikari herself never had the opportunity to find it before it goes missing: her cat, Miiko, accidentally knocks it off the balcony while playing with it, and then chases another cat across Tokyo to get it back until a dog scares her off, forcing her to abandon the Digivice in a shipping container alley in Tokyo Bay. A crow then finds the Digivice and takes it for itself,[18] and leaves the Digivice in its nest.[18]

When the hunt for the "eighth Chosen Child" (nobody knowing at the time that it is Hikari) begins, both the Chosen Children and Vamdemon rely on finding the Digivice, assuming (incorrectly, as it eventually happens) that the Child will have their Digivice. Vamdemon, who possesses the Chosen Child's Tag and Crest of Light, creates replicas of the Tag and Crest that, like the original, will react when the Digivice is nearby, and distributes these replicas to his minions so that they can search Tokyo.[26] Meanwhile, after both Raremon's fake Crest and Kōshirō's Digivice detect the presence of the Digivice at Tokyo Bay, the Chosen Children incorrectly conclude that the eight Child must live in the Shiba-ura area and focus their search efforts there, to no avail.[27]

Wizarmon eventually finds the Digivice first in the crow's nest, but due to his loyalty to Tailmon (who he believes to be the Child's partner Digimon), does not reveal that he has it to Vamdemon or any of his other minions. Instead, he brings Tailmon and Hikari together, and the Digivice reacts to both of their presences, confirming Hikari and Tailmon's identities. In order to protect Hikari, Taichi temporarily looks after the Digivice.[28] Later, Taichi tries to return the Digivice to Hikari for the final confrontation with Vamdemon at the Fuji TV headquarters in Odaiba, but Pico Devimon snatches it away. The Digivice reacts to Hikari's grief at Wizarmon's death and emits a light that forces Pico Devimon to drop it, allowing Taichi to take it back and return it to Hikari, where she uses it with her Crest for the first time to Super Evolve Tailmon into Angewomon.[29]

The Chosen Children are given the opportunity to witness and learn about the origins of their Digivices, as well as those of their partner Digimon, when Homeostasis (possessing Hikari) shows them a holographic recording of Piemon's attack on the Gennais' laboratory. Homeostasis describes the true purpose of Digivices as matching the special traits of the children with their Digimon, so that their Digimon can evolve correctly.[24]

In the last moments of the final battle with Apocalymon, the Chosen Children's Crests and Digivices react to their determination to not let Apocalymon's Grand Death Big Bang attack destroy everything that they fought so hard to protect, and the Digivices project a cage of light that safely contains the attack, letting it harmlessly explode and take Apocalymon with it.[14]

Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

At the start of the series, the eight Japanese Chosen Children still possess their original Digivices. However, it becomes apparent that this model of Digivice is at a disadvantage because it does not have some of the features of the new D-3 model of Digivice, such as the ability to open Digital Gates; users of original Digivices can generally only enter the Digital World at will by following a D-3 user who opens a Digital Gate for them.[30] When it speaks to the Chosen Children after it is released, Qinglongmon implies that the original Digivice model is also not compatible with the ancient evolutionary technique of Armor Evolution.[31][N 3]

When Agumon desperately calls out for Yagami Taichi while trying to escape an attack by the Digimon Kaiser, Taichi (in the Real World) is alerted to the danger that Agumon is in via a notification on his Digivice that displays Agumon's name in red Digimoji on the screen (Dca w.pngDcgu w.pngDcmo w.pngTest4a.png).[22] Other partner Digimon, like Gomamon, are also able to send SOS messages to the Digivices of their partners in the Real World via televisions in the Digital World.[32]

The story of how Ichijouji Ken received his Digivice is told in flashbacks. In August 2000,[33] the Digivice appeared to him on the screen of the computer belonging to his brother, Ichijouji Osamu, but Osamu assumed it was his and forbade Ken from touching it. Ken did so anyway when Osamu was not looking, and was taken into the Digital World, where he had his first adventure with Wormmon.[34] However, when he returned from his adventure, Osamu discovered him holding the Digivice and lost his temper at him over it, creating a rift that led to Ken feeling guilty when Osamu died in a car crash. Later, Ken was lured back into the Digital World by an anonymous email, where he submerged his Digivice in the Dark Ocean, transforming it into the first D-3, the "Dark Digivice".[35] When Ken tells this story to Izumi Kōshirō, Kōshirō theorizes that the other D-3s came into existence specifically because the Chosen Children needed the same type of Digivice in order to stand a chance against Ken, and that the shape of D-3s is the result of Ken's subconscious desires when the transformation of his Digivice occurred.[33]

When Takaishi Takeru and Yagami Hikari find the Digimentals of Hope and Light, their Digivices react to them and are transformed into D-3s.[36] Qinglongmon later reveals that it was responsible for transforming their Digivices, so that they could use Armor Evolution.[31]

As the Japanese Chosen Children meet other Chosen Children from around the world, they find that all of them possess original model Digivices, not D-3s. According to Michael, he had become a Chosen Child and received his Digivice in 2001,[37] as had some of the other USA Chosen Children.[38]

Digimon Adventure 02: Digimon Hurricane Touchdown!! Supreme Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals[edit]

Wallace possesses an original-model Digivice. During his travels with Motomiya Daisuke and his fights with Chocomon, he learns to use it to evolve Gummymon into Galgomon for the first time.

Original-model Digivices react to the presence of Chocomon by beeping and flashing, often right before Chocomon's wind abducts their owners.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

Yagami Taichi, Ishida Yamato,[39] and Tachikawa Mimi[40] all still have their original Digivices when the Old Clock Shop Man brings them into DigiQuartz.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Yagami Taichi, Ishida Yamato, Izumi Kōshirō, Takenouchi Sora, Kido Jo, and Tachikawa Mimi all still possess their original Digivices. Kōshirō observes that in the year leading up to the events of tri., the Digivices had begun malfunctioning as one of six unusual events related to the closing off of the Digital World, but when the Infected Digimon start emerging and the partner Digimon return from the Digital World, they are able to use their Digivices for evolution again with no problems.

Mochizuki Meiko also possesses an original-model Digivice. According to various flashbacks, she received it in or before the year 1999,[N 4] when she heard its beeping sound coming from somewhere in the woods near her home. The sound brought her to Meicoomon, and her Digivice appeared in her hand.[41] Unlike the other Digivices, her Digivice enters its activated state whenever Meicoomon goes wild, rather than just when she evolves to Perfect or higher.[42]

When the Reboot occurs, Kōshirō and Takaishi Takeru observe that it has no effect on Takeru or Yagami Hikari's D-3s, as they are not "rebooted" into their original forms.[41]

Another flashback reveals that the original group of five Chosen Children, including Nishijima Daigo and Himekawa Maki, possess the circular-screened variant of the original model Digivices. In the aftermath of their final battle with the Dark Masters, when Maki's Bakumon is sacrificed, cracks are visible on the screen of Maki's Digivice.[2]

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

The countdown to the end of his partnership with Agumon appears on Yagami Taichi's Digivice.

Yagami Taichi, Ishida Yamato, Izumi Kōshirō, Takenouchi Sora, Kido Jo, and Tachikawa Mimi all still possess their original Digivices. However, as of the start of the film, they are no longer in regular use. Instead, the Chosen Children use new smartphone Digivices as a replacement that performs all of the functions of their original devices and more. They keep their original Digivices safely in storage; for example, Taichi keeps his in a drawer in his apartment, along with his old goggles.

When the Chosen Children are in their first fight with Eosmon, the end-of-partnership countdown begins for both Taichi and Yamato, and the rings appear on both their original Digivices and their smartphone Digivices. As a result of this, their Omegamon is disrupted and unable to maintain its form, and splits back into Koromon and Tunomon.

At some point during the film's events, the end-of-partnership countdown also begins for Sora and Piyomon. It ends before the final fight with Eosmon, and her Digivice is fossilized.

After Mimi is hospitalized with an Eosmon-induced coma (Eosmon having tracked and attacked her through her smartphone Digivice), Yamato advises the team that he puts together to help investigate Menoa Bellucci and Yamada Kyotaro (Taichi, Kōshirō, Motomiya Daisuke, Ichijouji Ken, Inoue Miyako, and Hida Iori) to discontinue use of their smartphone Digivices in order to avoid being attacked by Eosmon. Instead, Taichi and Yamato get their original Digivices out of storage and use them for their final fight with Menoa and Eosmon, which accelerates the countdown even faster. When they peform their "last evolution" and Agumon and Gabumon become Agumon -Yuki no Kizuna- and Gabumon -Yujo no Kizuna-, cracks form on their Digivices.

When they defeat Eosmon, Taichi and Yamato witness a flashback to Menoa's childhood and the end of her countdown with her partner, Morphomon, that shows that she also once had a Digivice of this model.

Some time after the battle, Taichi and Yamato's countdowns end, and their Digivices are fossilized.

Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning[edit]

Many Chosen Children outside of Japan still own their original Digivices.

As the first human to partner with a Digimon, Ohwada Lui owns the first Digivice to ever exist. It was created for him by his Partner Digimon, Ukkomon, on February 29 1996 in response to his wish for friends, as a way of forming a bond between them. Ukkomon's granting of the wish was also responsible for the existence of all other Digivices going forward, as part of its creation of partnerships between other humans and Digimon. In March 2003, Lui himself tried to destroy the Digivice with a baseball bat in an attempt to break his bond with Ukkomon, but accidentally knocked it into his own face, causing it to destroy his right eye.

By February 2012, Lui carries his broken Digivice with him and attempts to use it to communicate with Ukkomon's Digitama.

As a consequence of Lui traveling into the past and preventing himself from making his original wish to Ukkomon, every Digivice ceases to exist and vanishes once Big Ukkomon is destroyed in the present day.

Digimon Adventure -Beyond-[edit]

At some point between Digimon Adventure tri. and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[N 5], Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato used their Digivices to evolved Agumon and Gabumon into Greymon and Garurumon to fight a Yatagaramon.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

When Millenniumon takes over and captures the Chosen Children, Agumon retains Yagami Taichi's Digivice. He sends it to Akiyama Ryo through his computer screen to bring him into the Digital World, and then gives it to him for the duration of the game, so that he can use it to fight Millenniumon's forces and free Taichi and the other Chosen Children. However, since it is not his own Digivice, Ryo is unable to use it to evolve Agumon. Instead, its main purpose is to purify Millenniumon's servants and convert them into allies.

Taichi's Digivice, simply called the "Digivice", is a key item that is added to Ryo's inventory after the first dungeon is cleared. Points are added to it every time an enemy Digimon is defeated. The Digivice can be used on enemy Digimon from the Item menu, spending all of its points to attempt to convert one selected Digimon into an ally.

Digimon Racing[edit]

Original model Digivices are used as a motif in the game's HUD. When racing, Digivices pop up along the top of the screen to display the start-of-race countdown, when the player has started a new lap, and directions.

Digimon Adventure[edit]

The Digivice is used in the same way as it was in the original Digimon Adventure anime.

Digimon World Re:Digitize and Decode[edit]

While unseen, the Chosen Children from Digimon Adventure still own their Digivices. After defeating Yagami Taichi, Ishida Yamato, and Takenouchi Sora in the Colosseum 1st floor Free Battles where they use their evolved Partner Digimon ("Taichi and Agumon's Evolution!", "Yamato and Gabumon's Friendship!", and "Sora and Piyomon's Love!"), they send their evolution data from their Digivices to Taiga, unlocking said evolved Partner Digimon (War Greymon, Metal Garurumon, Garudamon) as evolutions for Digimaru. After "Quest for Knowledge", Izumi Koshiro theorizes that the differences between their Digivices and Taiga's own are why Digimaru can evolve into different forms based on Taiga's actions and emotions.

Taiga can also obtain Taichi's Digivice as an accessory for Digimaru to wear. He obtains it after defeating Yagami Hikari and Taichi in the Colosseum 30th floor Free Battle: "Thanks for helping my brother".

Digimaru wearing Taichi's Digivice

Digimon New Century[edit]

This Digivice is displayed on a desk in the real world, together with a D-3, D-Ark, D-Scanner, Digivice Burst (incorrectly stated to be a Digivice iC), and Digimon Xros Loader.

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digivice Toy[edit]

This Digivice model was the basis for the Digivice toy, the first of the LCD quest devices that tie into Digimon anime series. Two versions were produced in 1999. In the 2010s and 2020s, enhanced re-releases with additional Digimon and features were produced: the Digivice Ver.15th in 2014, tying into the fifteenth anniversary of Digimon Adventure; and the Digivice Ver.Complete in 2021, adding tie-in content for Digimon Adventure tri. and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.

Interactive Digivice Toy (International)[edit]

The Interactive Digivice, a different line of LCD quest devices based on this Digivice model, was sold in non-Japanese markets. These are greatly simplified compared to the Japanese toys.

Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-[edit]

The Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- is a premium line of LCD quest devices that was produced as a tie-in to the 25th anniversary of Digimon Adventure in 2024. These toys feature full-color LCD-screens, light and vibration effects, voice acting and music, and new gameplay and battle systems.


Appmon cardgame logo.png

Image Gallery[edit]

Digivice.jpg Digivice tri.png Digivice tri taichi.png Digivice tri yamato.png
Digimon Adventure
(control art)
Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure tri.
(Taichi's, activated)
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Yamato's, activated)
Digivice tri sora.png Digivice tri koushirou.png Digivice tri mimi.png Digivice tri jou.png
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Sora's, activated)
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Kōshirō's, activated)
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Mimi's, activated)
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Jo's, activated)
Digivice tri takeru.png Digivice tri hikari.png Digivice Adventure tri.jpg Digivice lastevolution.jpg
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Takeru's, activated, mockup)
Digimon Adventure tri.
(Hikari's, activated, mockup)
Digimon Adventure tri.
(activated, Omegamon: Merciful Mode)
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
(activated, Last Evolutions)
Digivice the beginning lui.jpg
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
(Lui's broken Digivice)

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Digimon Adventure tri.: "Loss"
  3. Digimon Adventure tri.: "Our Future"
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 Digimon Adventure: "Adrift? The Island of Adventure!"
  6. Digimon Adventure: "Explosive Evolution! Greymon"
  7. Digimon Adventure: "Perfect Evolution! Metal Greymon"
  8. Digimon Adventure: "The Final Dark Digimon"
  9. Digimon Adventure: "Revival! The Devil Venom Vamdemon"
  10. Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Digimon Adventure: "Centalmon the Guardian!"
  12. Jump up to: 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Digimon Adventure: "Angemon's Awakening!"
  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 Digimon Adventure: "Oh Wind! Oh Light! Saber Leomon"
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 Digimon Adventure: "A New World"
  15. Digimon Adventure: "Lightning! Kabuterimon"
  16. Digimon Adventure: "Adventure! Patamon and I"
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 Digimon Adventure: "The Whispering Imp, Pico Devimon"
  18. Jump up to: 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Digimon Adventure: "Raremon! The Surprise Attack on Tokyo Bay"
  19. Jump up to: 19.0 19.1 19.2 Digimon Adventure: "Digimon, the Great Tokyo Crossing"
  20. Digimon Adventure: "The Chase! Hurry to Japan"
  21. Digimon Adventure: "Pump and Gottsu are Shibuya-Type Digimon"
  22. Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "The Inheritor of Courage"
  23. Digimon World Re:Digitize
  24. Jump up to: 24.0 24.1 Digimon Adventure: "The Clashing Ultimates! War Greymon VS Metal Garurumon"
  25. Digimon Adventure: "Koromon, the Great Clash in Tokyo!"
  26. Digimon Adventure: "Mammon, the Great Clash at Hikarigaoka!"
  27. Digimon Adventure: "Tokyo Tower is Hot! Death Meramon"
  28. Digimon Adventure: "The Bonds of Fate! Tailmon"
  29. Digimon Adventure: "All Perfects Attack! Sparkling Angewomon"
  30. Digimon Adventure 02: "King of Darkness, The Digimon Kaiser"
  31. Jump up to: 31.0 31.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "Gigantic Ultimate, Qinglongmon"
  32. Digimon Adventure 02: "Destroy the Dark Tower"
  33. Jump up to: 33.0 33.1 Digimon Adventure 02: "Today Miyako is in Kyoto"
  34. Digimon Adventure 02: "Invasion of the Demon Army"
  35. Digimon Adventure 02: "When the Digivice is Infected by Darkness"
  36. Digimon Adventure 02: "Digimental Up"
  37. Digimon Adventure 02: "Shurimon's Hurricane"
  38. Digimon Adventure 02: "The Great Free-for-all Fight in New York and Hong Kong!"
  39. Digimon Xros Wars: "The Gathering of the Legendary Heroes! The Digimon All-star Showdown!!"
  40. Digimon Xros Wars: "The Golden Insect! The Mystery of Metallife Kuwagamon"
  41. Jump up to: 41.0 41.1 Digimon Adventure tri.: "Confession"
  42. Digimon Adventure tri.: "Determination"
  1. This gauge is seen twice, and on both occasions, its purpose is ambiguous.
    • In "Lightning! Kabuterimon", when the code that Izumi Kōshirō transcribes onto his laptop begins behaving abnormally and triggers a reaction in both his Digivice and Tentomon, he notices the gauge, full and blinking. It empties once he powers off his laptop to cut off the reaction. The gauge is not depicted again when Kōshirō types up the code for a second time to trigger Tentomon's evolution into Kabuterimon.
    • In "Adventure! Patamon and I", this gauge starts filling on Takaishi Takeru's Digivice while Patamon and Elecmon are fighting, and the amount that it fills appears to fluctuate with Takeru's stress and discomfort over the fighting. Once he cries out to them to stop fighting, it empties.
    The gauge strongly resembles the bar motif seen in Adult evolution stock footage, and its appearance in "Lightning! Kabuterimon" may corroborate a connection to evolution.
  2. This clock is near identical in style to the clocks on some real-life virtual pet models, such as the Digimon Pendulum Progress (which was produced years after Digimon Adventure aired).
  3. Despite Qinglongmon's implication in "Gigantic Ultimate, Qinglongmon" that only D-3s can perform Armor Evolution, Wallace (a user of an original model Digivice) is also depicted using Armor Evolution in Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals. However, his Digivice is not seen coming into play at all for to his use of the Digimental of Fate; this is also the case for both times that Motomiya Daisuke uses the Digimental of Miracles.
  4. A flashback to Mochizuki Meiko's childhood with Meicoomon at the beginning of Digimon Adventure tri.: "Coexistence" is dated to the fall of 1999, so she could not have met Meicoomon or received her Digivice after that point.
  5. Hida Iori mentions he's a high schooler to the unnamed International Chosen Child. As he's an adult in Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, this must happen before the movie. Furthermore, Agumon and Gabumon are still around, with no time to come back between both films, thus placing it also before Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. Yagami Taichi is also shown using a normal smartphone and his original Digivice instead of the Smartphone Digivice he owned in Last Evolution: Kizuna.