Digimon Analyzer

From Wikimon
For the LCD toy based on the Digimon Adventure version, see Digimon Analyzer Toy.
For the LCD toy based on the Digimon Savers version, see DigiWindow.

The Digimon Analyzer (デジモンアナライザー Dejimon Anaraizā) is a recurring feature in Digimon anime and live-action productions. It provides the audience with information about Digimon species as they are encountered in the course of an episode or film's events.

Digimon Analyzer profiles are most frequently non-diegetic: that is, they exist only as part of the narration for the benefit of the audience, and the characters in the show itself are not seeing or hearing any of the information. In some cases, however, they are diegetic and the feature or information is also available to the main cast in some form.



Digimon Adventure[edit]


For the majority of Digimon Adventure, Digimon Analyzer screens are non-diegetic. They are narrated by the series' narrator.[N 1]

The Digimon Analyzer also becomes a diegetic feature available to the main cast as of "Breaking Through! Atlur Kabuterimon", as a program on Izumi Kōshirō's laptop.

In "Adventure! Patamon and I", when Patamon and Takaishi Takeru try to imagine what Patamon will evolve into, two joke Digimon Analyzer screens depicting their ideas—"Tabun Konnamon" and "Kitto Konnamon"—are displayed. The screens are crudely hand-drawn, the two characters diegetically describe to each other what they think the evolution would do in voiceover instead of the narrator, and Kitto Konnamon's screen ends with it sucking up the rest of the Analyzer screen into its nostrils.

There are two different styles of Digimon Analyzer screen in Adventure. The first style (pictured bottom-left) is used for the first 24 episodes. The second style (pictured bottom-right) debuts in "Perfect Evolution! Metal Greymon" and is used for the remainder of the series; until "The Sleeping Tyrant! Tonosama Gekomon", both styles continue to be used within the same episodes. In terms of content presented, the only difference between the two styles is that the second style does not present Latin-alphabet Digimon names.

Digimon analyzer da elecmon jp.jpg
Digimon analyzer da gekomon jp.jpg


Following his encounter with Vademon, Gennai sends the Digimon Analyzer software to Izumi Kōshirō's laptop, enabling him to view its profiles on Digimon that he has personally encountered.[1] Going forward, he peridocally uses the Analyzer to support the group in battle.[2][3][4]

During the group's stay at Gennai's Home the night before returning to the Real World, Kōshirō asks Gennai if there is something that he could do about the Analyzer's inability to get information on Digimon that he has not personally encountered. During the night, Gennai acquiesces and installs the two-prong Digivice adapter on the laptop.[5]

The next day, when the group enters Vamdemon Castle to unlock the gate to the Real World, Kōshirō browses the Digimon Analyzer for ideas to solve the gate's card puzzle, and notices a link between the engravings on the pedestal's card columns (lion, centaur, ape) and the Attributes of Digimon based on the same creatures as those engravings (Leomon, Centalmon, Etemon). Using the Analyzer, as well as the Digivice port on the laptop to access Analyzer data on Tonosama Gekomon and Digitamamon from Kido Jo's Digivice, he identifies the Attributes of the Digimon depicted on the cards and, aside from the Agumon/Gomamon double-up on the Vaccine/Child card slot, solves the card combination required to open the gate successfully, leaving the decision of choosing between the Agumon (incorrect) and Gomamon (correct) cards to Yagami Taichi.[5]

It is when they view Venom Vamdemon's Digimon Analyzer profile, at the prompting of his father, that Kōshirō and the others learn that the Ultimate level exists. They are shocked to learn of the existence of an Evolution Stage above Perfect.[3]

Once the group returns to the reformatted Digital World following Venom Vamdemon's defeat, as the Dark Masters appear one-by-one to attack them, Kōshirō checks the Digimon Analyzer to identify them as also being Ultimates; in the case of Pinochimon, Pinochimon himself uses his puppeteering abilities to mockingly force Kōshirō to open his laptop and look him up.[4]

The Digimon Analyzer's entry for War Greymon also includes information on his Dramon Killers, including their effectiveness against Dramon-type Digimon. Kōshirō discovers this information and shares it with the rest of the group as an idea to help them fight the Dark Masters.[6]

The Digimon Analyzer running on Izumi Kōshirō's laptop.
Kido Jo's Digivice, plugged into Izumi Kōshirō's laptop, to add data to the Digimon Analyzer.
The Digimon Analyzer giving additional data on the Dramon Killers.

Digimon Adventure 02[edit]

As in Digimon Adventure, Digimon Analyzer screens in Digimon Adventure 02 are narrated by the series' narrator (a.k.a. Takaishi Takeru as an adult). They are entirely non-diegetic.[N 1]

In "Dangerous Picnic", a Digimon Analyzer profile is also shown for Tachikawa Mimi—who, up to this point, had been absent from Adventure 02—as a joke.

Digimon analyzer zt deltamon jp.jpg

Digimon Tamers[edit]

In Digimon Tamers, the Digimon Analyzer is entirely diegetic.

The ability to project Digimon Analyzer profile displays is a standard feature of D-Arks that is available to Tamers.[7] Being able to view the profile is dependent on being able to read the target Digimon's data, which appears to be tied to whether the Tamer's partner Digimon is able to clearly see them.[8][9] With the Deva in particular, it appears to be more difficult to read their data compared to other Digimon.[10]

When Makino Ruki attempts to consult the Digimon Analyzer about Guilmon, it has no data on him at all, likely due to his origins as a creation of Matsuda Takato's.[8]

On-screen, the only textual information that the Digimon Analyzer display shows is the Digimon's name. However, judging from their recitation of the information on the Digimon that they are receiving, the characters are evidently somehow being provided with further data.

Digimon analyzer dt musyamon jp.jpg

Digimon Frontier[edit]

Digimon Frontier's Digimon Analyzer screens are purely non-diegetic. They are narrated by the series' narrator.[N 2]

Digimon analyzer df wizarmon jp.jpg

Digimon Savers[edit]


Digimon Savers' Digimon Analyzer screens are, for the most part, non-diegetic. They are narrated by the series' narrator.[N 3]

Digimon analyzer ds togemon jp.jpg


The computer systems at DATS' headquarters have a Digimon Analyzer utility which matches detected Digimon signals to Digimon that have been recorded in their database. Like the other DATS systems, it is operated by Shirakawa Megumi, Kurosaki Miki and the two Pawn Chessmons.[11] The DATS database is not comprehensive, as it has no record of Bancho Leomon.[12]

Thoma H. Norstein also has a Digimon Analyzer utility on his laptop, which he occasionally uses while performing field work. Its interface is identical in style to the aforementioned non-diegetic narration Digimon Analyzer screens.[13]

The DATS computer systems' Digimon Analyzer utility.
The Digimon Analyzer utility on Thoma H. Norstein's laptop.

Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

Digimon Analyzer profiles do not appear in the main body of episode content in Digimon Xros Wars. Instead, they are part of a comedic bonus segment included at the end of most episodes. As the series progresses, different segments appear.

  • Digimon Xros Wars (episodes 1-12):
    In Monitamon's Reconnaissance is Wonderfulモニタモンの索敵ってステキ」 (pictured bottom-left), data for one Digimon who played an important role in the episode is displayed on a Monitamon's monitor. The Monitamons generally make inane comments about the Digimon, which frustrate the members of Xros Heart, especially Shoutmon.
  • Digimon Xros Wars (episodes 13-30) and Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms:
    In Digimon Data Collectionデジモンデータコレクション」 (pictured bottom-center), the DigiMelody of one Digimon (who does not necessarily appear in the episode, or even in Xros Wars at all other than in this segment) is played three times for use with audience members' Digimon Xros Loader toys, while data about that Digimon is shown on-screen. Once the DigiMelody stops playing, one Monitamon describes the Digimon in more detail, then two more Monitamons chime in with inane comments about it (the Monitamons are usually wearing silly costumes).
  • Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time:
    In Digimon Introduction Cornerデジモン紹介コーナー」 (pictured bottom-right), the hosts—either the Old Clock Shop Man or a Xros Heart Digimon Hunter, plus their respective partner Digimon—introduce one Digimon who played a major role in the episode, while data about that Digimon is displayed on-screen. Then, Akashi Tagiru, Kudou Taiki or Amano Yuu perform a joke DigiXros between the featured Digimon and one other Digimon previously featured in any of the three Xros Wars seasons, to the horror of the others.
Monitamon's Reconnaissance is Wonderful.
Digimon Data Collection.
Digimon Introduction Corner.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

In Digimon Adventure tri., the Digimon Analyzer is entirely diegetic.

Izumi Kōshirō has a new Digimon Analyzer program, titled D-Analyzer, on his laptop. However, its information appears to be limited, as it has no data on Alphamon[14] or JESmon[15] other than their names.

Digimon analyzer tri jesmon jp.jpg

Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]

The Digimon Analyzer-style profiles in Digimon Universe Appli Monsters are non-diegetic, but are shown to the audience while the characters describe or discuss the featured Appmon.

These profiles also appear non-diegetically at the end of the stock footage for Appliarising or AppGattai-ing of allied Appmon. In this case, the Appli Drive's voice also narrates a brief profile of the Appmon in question.

Digimon analyzer apm uratekumon jp.jpg

Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna[edit]

In Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, the Digimon Analyzer is entirely diegetic.

The DM_GATE_SYSTEM interface on Izumi Kōshirō's computer includes a Digimon Analyzer feature, titled DIGITAL_MONSTER_STATUS. A new addition to this system is that they also include brief blurbs describing the Digimon.

M10 Digimoji Analyzer.jpg

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

Digimon Analyzer profiles do not appear in the main body of episode content in Digimon Adventure:. Instead, they are the focus of a bonus segment titled the Great Digimon Reference Bookデジモン大図鑑」 which is introduced in "The Perfect Attacks", replacing introductory narration about Digimon and the Digital World. From episodes 9 to 17, the Great Digimon Reference Book is played at the beginning of each episode; from the 18th episode onwards, it is moved to the end of each episode.

The Great Digimon Reference Book is usually hosted by Izumi Koshiro. He brings up a Digimon Analyzer profile about a Digimon who (usually) plays an important role in the episode on his tablet computer and gives a brief profile of them. Once a loading bar on the Digimon Analyzer screen fills, he gives an editorial which he calls his "checkpoint" in which, while footage of the Digimon in question plays, he either makes a comment about a particular element of the Digimon, or shares an anecdote about Tentomon getting jealous of it.

Digimon analyzer dac shakkoumon jp.jpg

Digimon Ghost Game[edit]

The Digimon Analyzer profiles in the first 32 episodes of Digimon Ghost Game are non-diegetic, but they are shown to the audience while the characters (usually Angoramon) share with each other what they know about the featured Digimon.

From "Whispers of the Dead" onward, Digimon Analyzer profiles no longer appear in the main body of episodes. Instead, they are the focus of a bonus segment entitled Hiro's Digimon Study Files宙のデジモン調査ファイル」, which runs after the end credits but before the preview of the next episode. In this segment, Amanokawa Hiro and Angoramon introduce the Digimon featured in the Digimon Analyzer screen, while Tsukiyono Ruli chats about related paranormal or conspiracy-theory phenomena and scares Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro.

Sistermon Ciel analyzer Ghost Game.jpg
Hiro's Digimon Study Files title card.

Live Action[edit]

Digimon Project[edit]

There are three separate usages of the Digimon Analyzer in Digimon Project.

  • When a Digimon appears, Digimon Analyzer information (name, Evolution Stage, Type, Attribute) is often depicted as appearing around them, as if holographically (pictured left). The diegetic status of this is unclear, as there is no indication as to whether the characters are able to see this information.
  • In "VITAL BRACELET Lab", a high-school girl gains access to holographically projected Digimon Analyzer profiles when she accesses the Vital Bracelet Lab (pictured center). She can push the projected profiles around to browse through them. These profiles are diegetic.
  • In "For a rematch:ESPIMON is here!", Espimon uses its Search Mode to bring up Digimon Analyzer data for Digimon that it sees (pictured right). These profiles are diegetic.

The Analyzer data that appears in Digimon Project is entirely in all-uppercase English, and uses names and terminology from North American localizations rather than native Japanese terminology (e.g. "MACHINEDRAMON" instead of "MUGENDRAMON," "CHAMPION" instead of "ADULT," "ANDROID" instead of "CYBORG").

DP02 Analyzer.jpg
DP03 Analyzer Lab.jpg
DP06 Analyzer Espimon.jpg

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

When Akiyama Ryo defeats Devimon and frees Izumi Kōshirō, Kōshirō loans him his Digimon Analyzer before returning to the Real World.

The Digimon Analyzer is a key item that is added to to the player's inventory after defeating Devimon and clearing the fourth File Island dungeon. It provides profiles of all Digimon, both playable/enemy and Variable Moves, in the game. A given playable Digimon must be obtained, or a given Variable Move must be learned, before its Digimon Analyzer profile may be read. Since certain Digimon are only available in one version, completing the Digimon Analyzer requires trading between versions.

Completing the Digimon Analyzer grants access to the fourth and final hidden dungeon, in which the player is able to battle and recruit duplicates of the Chosen Children's partner Digimon.

Digimon Adventure: Cathode Tamer and Digimon Anode/Cathode Tamer: Veedramon Version add the ability to use the Ancient Colosseum (v-pet connection menu) to transmit data to the Digimon Analyzer LCD toy.

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digimon Analyzer Toy[edit]

The Digimon Adventure version of the Digimon Analyzer, specifically in the form of Izumi Kōshirō's laptop, is the basis for the Digimon Analyzer LCD toy. It is a database companion to contemporary virtual pets and the Adventure Digivice toy, and is also compatible with certain WonderSwan video games.


Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 In "Digimon: Digital Monsters seasons 1 and 2", the English dubs of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02, the non-diegetic narration is generally replaced with diegetic voiceover from a main character (or the featured Digimon itself) sharing what they know about the featured Digimon with the others, while the Analyzer screen is non-diegetically displayed, in a similar style to what the original versions of Digimon Universe Appli Monsters and Digimon Ghost Game would later do. Also, aside from the featured Digimon's name, the stat data on Digimon Analyzer screens is generally not translated at all and is left in Japanese.
  2. In "Digimon: Digital Monsters season 4", the American English dub of Digimon Frontier, Ophanimon (Ofanimon) usually takes over the role of Digimon Analyzer narration voiceover. In some cases, the narration is instead replaced with diegetic voiceover from a main character (usually Bokomon) sharing what they know about the featured Digimon with the others, while the Analyzer screen remains non-diegetically displayed.
  3. In Digimon Data Squad, the American English dub of Digimon Savers, the non-diegetic narration is replaced with diegetic voiceover from a main character sharing what they know about the featured Digimon with the others, while the Analyzer screen remains non-diegetically displayed. Additionally, whereas the Japanese versions of Analyzer screens state a Digimon's name and Evolution Stage, the edited versions in this dub only state the name.

See Also[edit]