File Island
File Island (ファイル島, Fairu Tou) is a massive island in the Digital World that is broken up into smaller areas with vastly differing landscapes.
An island broken into vastly differing landscapes, it varies from Digital World to Digital World.
Digimon Adventure[edit]
- Tropical Jungle
- Unwavering Forest
- Gear Savannah
- Misty Trees
- Freezeland
- Great Canyon
- Overdell Cemetery
- Infinity Mountain
Video Games[edit]
Digimon World[edit]
- Unwavering Forest
- Gear Savannah
- Geko Swamp
- Misty Trees
- Freezeland
- Great Canyon
- Overdell Cemetery
- Tropical Jungle
- Infinity Mountain
Digimon World: Digital Card Battle[edit]
- Village of Beginnings
- Unwavering Forest
- Drill Tunnel
- Outlook Mountain
- Beetle Land
- Gear Savannah
- Factorial Town
- Geko Swamp
- Misty Trees
- Freezeland
- Great Canyon
- Overdell
- Tropica Jungle
- Ancient Dino Region
- Infinity Mountain
Digimon World 2[edit]
- Village of Beginnings
- Lex Hole
- Coupler Hole
- GIPS Hole
- SysAd Hole
- MIMD Hole
- Reverb Hole
- Bias Hole
- Noise Hole
- Cluster Hole
- Archive Ship
Digimon Masters[edit]
- Silver Lake
- Infinity Mountain
- Village of Beginnings
- Silent Forest
- Lost Historic Site
- File Island Waterfront
Digimon Collectors[edit]
Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]
- Village of Beginnings
- Railroad Plains
- Signpost Woods
- Submerged Ruins
- Ancient Bone Swamp
- Underground Waterway Labyrinth
- Fluorescent Cave
- Gravel Wasteland
- Night Canyon
- Boncano Volcano
- Powdery Cliff
- Binary Castle
Digimon Crusader[edit]
- Forest of Beginnings (はじまりの密林 Hajimari no Mitsurin)
- Copper Mine of Beginnings (はじまりの銅山 Hajimari no Douzan)
- Grassland of Beginnings (はじまりの草原 Hajimari no Sougen)
- Monkey Mountain (サル山 Saru Yama)
Digimon Adventure[edit]
- Tropical Jungle
- Unwavering Forest
- Gear Savannah
- Toy Town
- Freezeland
- Ancient Dino Region
- Infinity Mountain
Digimon Adventure & Digimon Adventure 02[edit]
File Island is the first place that the Chosen Children come to when they are transported from the Real World. At that time, the island is under the control of Devimon, who at one point, splits the island apart to separate the Chosen Children, but it is eventually brought back together. Afterwards, the Chosen Children use Whamon to travel to the Server Continent.
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]
While not actually visited, Gabou mentions that all of the Digimon in Yagami Taichi's Pendulum notebook are File Island monsters, and that they are on the Folder Continent.
Digimon Universe Appli Monsters[edit]
Digimon Chronicle X[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Digimon World[edit]
File Island is where the entire game takes place, centered around the Village of Beginnings. You can journey to different areas of File Island, recruiting Digimon to help rebuild and populate the Village of Beginnings, giving you more options and bonuses.
Digimon World: Digital Card Battle[edit]
Digimon World 2[edit]
File Island is accessed through the portal of Archive Port from the Directory Continent, which connects to the Archive Ship in the Beetle Land area of File Island.
Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[edit]
Digimon Story[edit]
Old Canyon was originally a part of File Island, but then an evil Chimairamon appeared and turned it into an evil place. Then, a Tamer and an Andiramon fought the Chimairamon, but they lost. While the area should've been erased from the Digital World alongside File Island, it instead returned to the Digital World, and Andiramon was reborn as well as Pagumon.
Digimon Masters[edit]
Digimon Collectors[edit]
Digimon World Re:Digitize and Decode[edit]
File Island is once again where the entire game takes place, centered around the Village of Beginnings. The different areas of File Island has changed drastically by the time of Re:Digitize, with the Village of Beginnings prospering into an impressive city and Infinity Mountain remodeled into the DigiTower. An unknown creature is causing trouble to the various Memorial Steles in each area of the island. You must journey to different areas of File Island to check on the Memorial Steles, and recruit Digimon on the way to help populate and expand the city.
Digimon Crusader[edit]
Digimon Adventure[edit]
The Devimon arc of the game happens in File Island, almost identically to how it did in the Digimon Adventure anime.
Digimon New Century[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Battle Spirits
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Data Carddass Appli Monsters[edit]
- The setting from the RPG videogame Digimon Universe from Digimon Universe Appli Monsters seems to be inspired by the File Island depiction of Digimon Adventure.