Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-

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Digivice 25thcolorevolution logo.png

Series Digivice Toy
Colors Original
Yagami Taichi orange
Ishida Yamato blue
Release Date Japan July 29, 2024
Language Japanese
List of Virtual Pets
Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- (デジヴァイス -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- Dejivaisu -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-) is an LCD quest game device that was produced by Bandai, and sold exclusively via Premium Bandai, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Digimon Adventure in 2024. It is based on the Digivice from Adventure, and combines elements of traditional Digivice LCD toy gameplay with the light, sound, voice-acting and music features of Complete Selection Animation Series Digivice toys.


Three versions of the Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- were released simultaneously. The contents of the devices themselves are almost entirely identical, and the only difference between them is that some collectible cosmetic items are exclusive to certain versions.

Firmware Ver. Branding Version Release Date Styles RRP
(TBA) Japanese | Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-
デジヴァイス -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-
Japan July 29, 2024
  • Pearl white/blue (standard unactivated)
(TBA) Japanese | Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- DX Set: Yagami Taichi Color
デジヴァイス -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- DXセット 八神太一カラー
Japan July 29, 2024 ¥16,500
(TBA) Japanese | Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- DX Set: Ishida Yamato Color
デジヴァイス -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- DXセット 石田ヤマト カラー
Japan July 29, 2024 ¥16,500

The two DX Set releases were bundled with two additional pack-in items: a replica Tag and Crest set, and an Anniversary Art Book documenting the device's sprites and art assets.

All menu text on all versions of the Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- is in English, not Japanese.

Set-Up and Game Play[edit]

The Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- can be turned on by pressing and holding the B Button (bottom-right) for 5 seconds, and can be turned off at will by selecting the "Power Off" option in the main menu. All progress is saved when the device is turned off.

Every time the device is turned on, the player is prompted to set the in-game clock.

Partner Digimon[edit]

When the device is first turned on, the player is prompted to select one of seven partner Digimon/Chosen Child duos to play as. The player is able to freely switch to playing as any other partner Digimon available to them at any time during gameplay, except when in a battle or event.

Agumon vpet vb.png Taichi vpet dv color.png Agumon & Yagami Taichi
Gabumon vpet vb.png Yamato vpet dv color.png Gabumon & Ishida Yamato
Piyomon vpet vb.png Sora vpet dv color.png Piyomon & Takenouchi Sora
Tentomon vpet vb.png Koshiro vpet dv color.png Tentomon & Izumi Kōshirō
Palmon vpet vb.png Mimi vpet dv color.png Palmon & Tachikawa Mimi
Gomamon vpet dv color.png Joe vpet dv color.png Gomamon & Kido Jo
Patamon vpet vb.png Takeru vpet dv color.png Patamon & Takaishi Takeru
Tailmon vpet vb.png Hikari vpet dv color.png Tailmon & Yagami Hikari Tailmon must be unlocked by clearing Shibuya Area 3 on the Tokyo map.[1]
Wizarmon vpet vb.png Wizarmon Wizarmon must be unlocked by clearing the Network map.[1]
Vdramon vpet vb.png V-dramon V-dramon must be unlocked by clearing every secret area and unlocking every partner Digimon evolution.[1]


When the pedometer is shaken (either by walking with the device, or by manually shaking it), steps are recorded and the player character walks toward a destination Area within a particular stage of the current map. The game measures how many steps remain until the player reaches the Area's event; it is displayed when the player presses the B Button while on the home screen.

Each Area has a pre-set event that will occur when the player reaches 0 steps remaining: generally speaking, these are either a brief cutscene event in which the player's partner Digimon interacts with another Digimon and/or Chosen Child, or a battle with an enemy Digimon. Once the Area is cleared (for cutscene events, it is immediately cleared; for battles, it is cleared once the enemy Digimon is defeated), the player is prompted to select their next Area destination. Winning a battle generally also unlocks the defeated Digimon as a Friend Digimon.

The game is divided into seven maps, which are divided into stages set in different locations on the map, and each stage contains between 4 and 13 Areas. These stages follow the basic plot of Digimon Adventure and, for the final map, Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!


Menus are accessed by pressing the A button (top-right) while on the home screen.

  • Digimon:
    • Partner: Manage the playable partner Digimon.
      • Change: Select an available partner Digimon to play as.
      • Digivolution: View all evolved forms for partner Digimon that the player has unlocked.
      • Bond: View the current partner Digimon's progress toward unlocking their next evolved form, represented in bars of "memory." One bar of memory is filled each time that partner Digimon wins a certain number of battles; the number of wins required varies depending on the Level of the next evolved form and, sometimes, the partner Digimon in question. Once enough battles have been won to fill all five bars of memory, the next evolved form is unlocked.
    • Friend: View unlocked Friend Digimon (i.e. previously defeated enemy Digimon), and select one to assist the partner Digimon in battle with additional attacks (marked with a star). The player may freely deselect the selected Friend Digimon, or select a different one.
  • Map: View the world map and the Areas that the player must clear. The player may select another Area to set as their destination, but doing so resets any step count progress made toward their previous destination Area.
  • Recover: Heal injuries sustained from losing a battle.
  • Link: Play multiplayer with a compatible device. There are two options: vs Digivice to play with another Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- device, and vs Others to play with any other compatible device.
  • Playmode: View evolution cutscenes (Digivolution), voice clips and music (Sound) and, after completing the game, the Ending cutscene.
  • Setting: Access options to:
    • Adjust the device's Sound Volume
    • Adjust the device's Display Brightness
    • Enable/disable the device's light-up LED effects that accompany voice clips, battle events and alerts
    • Enable/disable the Vibration of the device for alerts and battle effects
    • Adjust the time on the device (Clock Setting)
    • Enable/disable a Step Speed multiplier that counts 1 actual step as 5 in-game steps
    • Reset the device and wipe all progress (Clear All)
  • Power Off: Turns off the Digivice. All progress made in the game is saved for when it is next turned on.




The Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION- is a two-prong device. It is only compatible with other color Digimon devices from the 2020s, as follows:

Obtainable Digimon[edit]

Partner Digimon[edit]

Friend Digimon[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]

Digivice 25thcolorevolution.jpg Digivice 25thcolorevolution yagami taichi.jpg Digivice 25thcolorevolution ishida yamato.jpg
Anime Original Color Yagami Taichi Color Ishida Yamato Color

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes

External Links[edit]

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