Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
Digimon Adventure: Our War Game![N 1] (デジモンアドベンチャー ぼくらのウォーゲーム! Dejimon Adobenchā Bokura no Wō Gēmu!) is the second film of the Digimon Adventure television series and set after the its conclusion. It is part of the Digimon Adventure continuity.
It premiered on March 4, 2000 as part of the 2000 Spring Toei Anime Fair, alongside One Piece: The Movie.
• Takenouchi Sora
• Yagami Taichi
• Yagami Hikari
• Yagami Yuuko
• Izumi Kōshirō
• Kido Jou
• Takaishi Takeru
• Ishida Yamato
• Takenouchi Toshiko
• Tachikawa Mimi
• Kinu
• Noriko
• Hori Senri
• Shou
• Yasuko
Misc | Gennai |
Child | Agumon, Tentomon, Piyomon, Gabumon, Palmon, Gomamon, Patamon |
Adult | Tailmon, Kabuterimon, Greymon |
Perfect | Metal Greymon, Atlur Kabuterimon |
Ultimate | Metal Garurumon, War Greymon |
Adult | Garurumon |
Perfect | Were Garurumon |
It is March 2000, in the springtime, half a year after the Chosen Children returned from the Digital World.[N 2] Yagami Taichi is on his father's computer, writing an apology email to Takenouchi Sora for an incident that occurred a few days prior:
When Yagami Hikari interrupts him, however, he accidentally adds a love heart to its end. Hikari tells him that she is about to leave for a birthday party, and he attempts to snatch the present she is bringing. Once he gives up, she reaches around and clicks to send the email, complete with the unwanted love heart, and Taichi panics. As Hikari leaves and their mother, Yagami Yuuko, returns home from grocery shopping, Taichi is notified that the email was rejected and could not be sent.
Meanwhile, Izumi Kōshirō is browsing the internet at home. When he examines the source of a web page, it suddenly turns into rapidly moving gibberish. On closer examination, a webpage opens that reveals a Digitama generating as people around the world look on. The Digitama hatches, and sends Kōshirō an email consisting of only one word:
Act One[edit]
As Taichi laments that Hikari is getting cake at the birthday party, Yuuko volunteers to bake him a cake. At that moment, Kōshirō arrives at the Yagami residence, having rushed over to talk to Taichi about the Digitama.
On Kōshirō's laptop, the two examine the hatched Digimon, Kuramon: a species of Digimon that neither have ever seen before, which they nickname "the jellyfish" 「海月」. Kōshirō shares with Taichi the results of a Russian friend's analysis of the the Digitama's data, which indicates that it was formed by the conglomeration of various computer bugs. At that moment, it evolves into Tsumemon and sends them an email (from the email address @@@@@@djm.factorymark.co.jp):
It begins eating massive amounts of data from the internet, making computers and electronic systems everywhere go haywire. The disruptions that it causes make the television news. Kōshirō surmises that eating data is how it evolves.
Taichi and Kōshirō rush to the study to use Taichi's father's computer again (on the way, Kōshirō accepts a glass of Oolong tea from Yuuko). By the time they arrive, the Digimon has evolved into its Child form, Keramon. Gennai, Agumon and Tentomon contact Taichi and Kōshirō, and the partner Digimon volunteer to enter the internet to track it down and destroy it, to repay the Chosen Children for saving the Digital World.
While Gennai initiates the process of transferring Agumon and Tentomon into the internet, Taichi attempts to contact the other six Chosen Children to recruit them. However, none of them are available:
- Kido Jo is taking his middle school entrance exam
- Ishida Yamato and Takaishi Takeru are visiting their grandmother, Kinu, in Shimane Prefecture; Taichi gets Kinu's number and reaches her, but she hangs up on him by mistake
- Tachikawa Mimi is not home, and Taichi gets her answering machine
- Taichi succeeds in reaching Hikari at the birthday party, but she feels obliged to stay at the party
- Kōshirō reaches Takenouchi Toshiko (Taichi insists that he call instead), but when she tells Sora that "the Yagami residence" is calling, Sora refuses to take the call and tells her mother to say that she is "not home"
Sora checks her emails, expecting an apology from Taichi, but no new emails arrive.
Agumon and Tentomon arrive in the internet and track down Keramon to a site where it is consuming data. It does not notice their entry, so they attack it while it is distracted. Their attacks have no apparent effect. Keramon sends Taichi and Kōshirō another email:
Agumon and Tentomon evolve into their Adult forms, Greymon and Kabuterimon. Just as Greymon hits it with his Mega Flame, Keramon evolves again, into Infermon. Kōshirō initially assumes that it is also Adult level, but Infermon proves to be completely invulnerable to Greymon and Kabuterimon's attacks, and its own Hell's Grenade technique causes the two significant damage. Kōshirō realizes that he misjudged Infermon's level and that it is actually Perfect, having skipped a level. In response, Taichi and Kōshirō have Greymon and Kabuterimon Super Evolve to catch up, but Infermon attacks them while they are still in the process of evolving, causing them to devolve back into Agumon and Tentomon. Infermon flees the scene.
Act Two[edit]
Taichi and Kōshirō begin receiving emails from children around the world who witnessed the fight, as well as a new email from Infermon:
Kōshirō notices Infermon's email address—@@@@@@djm.ntt.co.jp/sys/switchboard—and realizes that it has gotten into NTT's telephone system. Taichi attempts to get ahold of the others again, but other than Hikari (who still cannot get away from the party), he is unable to reach any of the others because their lines are busy. They soon learn why: Infermon is spamming all of NTT's phone numbers, including Taichi's, with calls from a computerized voice that repeats the word "hello" 「もしもし」 over and over, in an attempt to bring the system down. Infermon's tactic also disconnects their internet connection and renders it unusable going forward.
Meanwhile, Yamato attempts to call Taichi back, but fails to get through because of Infermon.
Kōshirō runs home for reasons he does not immediately explain. Taichi walks in on Yuuko watching a news bulletin talking about the problems with the phone system, and overhears it talking about the emergency voice mail system. Inspired, he uses it to get messages to the other Chosen Children.
Sora receives Taichi's message and comes to his apartment. However, just as she is about to knock on the door, she decides against it due to her grudge against Taichi, and walks away in a huff.
As Taichi tries sending Mimi a message, his mother overhears and shares with him a postcard from her that just arrived, revealing that all along, she has been out of the country in Hawaii:
Kōshirō returns to the apartment with a satellite cell phone, which enables direct connections to foreign access points, allowing them to bypass NTT's clogged switchboard for their internet connection, but unable to help with making calls within Japan. At Kōshirō's suggestion, Taichi checks the emergency voicemail, and finds that Yamato has left them a message. Taichi and Kōshirō, and Yamato and Takeru, exchange messages to update the latter two on the situation and ask them to find a PC with an internet connection. Yamato is skeptical of their odds of finding a computer in Shimane, but they head out to try anyway.
When the satellite internet connection is established, Taichi and Kōshirō find that Infermon is gone. Infermon then emails them:
Kōshirō notices that the email address has changed again, to @@@@@@djm.dot.gov.ny.us, and concludes that Infermon is now in the United States of America.
Yamato and Takeru visit households and businesses in Shimane, trying to find a computer. The only one that they find, inside an electrical appliance store, is not hooked up to the internet. The shop's deliveryman, Shou, volunteers to take them on a ride to find a computer with internet.
Meanwhile, Infermon begins causing havoc in the US. Its face appears on screens around the place.
Yamato and Takeru find an internet-enabled computer in a barbershop, and are permitted to use it while Shou has a shave. They contact Taichi and Kōshirō via video chat. Kōshirō asks Taichi if he can have his Oolong tea.
Act Three[edit]
Agumon and Tentomon return to the internet to track down Infermon, and are joined by Gabumon and Patamon. Kōshirō guides the four to Infermon's location. They find Infermon standing in the middle of the area, with a large arrow pointing to him and a pop-up that reads:
Yamato realizes that Infermon is toying with them, so he and Taichi have Gabumon and Agumon Warp Evolve into their Ultimate forms, Metal Garurumon and War Greymon. Children all around the world are tuned into their computers, ready to watch the battle.
Patamon attempts to evolve as well, but before he can finish, Infermon evolves into its own Ultimate form, Diablomon, and squashes both Patamon and Tentomon, taking them out of the fight. In retaliation, War Greymon and Metal Greymon press a fierce offensive against Diablomon and are evenly matched. Meanwhile, Kōshirō is left with no choice but to run to the bathroom because of all the Oolong tea that he has drunk.
War Greymon and Metal Garurumon have Diablomon pinned down and are charging their attacks to hit, but something is slowing them down, and their attacks miss Diablomon entirely. In frustration, Taichi shakes his computer's monitor, and the computer crashes entirely, cutting them off from the fight. Unbeknownst to Taichi, War Greymon has stopped moving.
When Kōshirō returns, he is enraged at the sight of the crashed computer, and accuses Taichi of having caused it. The two bicker about it, and Kōshirō accuses Taichi's attitude of being the reason that he and Sora are bickering. This stops Taichi in his tracks, and he admits the reason that he and Sora are not getting along is that he had gotten her a hairclip as a birthday present, and she had interpreted it as meaning that he does not like her hat.
Once the computer is rebooted and Kōshirō re-establishes the connection, they log back in and find that in their absence, Diablomon has overwhelmed and caused major damage to both War Greymon and Metal Garurumon. Taichi laments that he had not been there to help. Meanwhile, Kōshirō reads through the emails that they are receiving from the children watching the fight, most of which are disparaging the two for having failed when they had the advantage over Diablomon. Taichi snaps at Kōshirō for reading them out loud at such an inappropriate moment, and Yamato breaks up the fight.
Meanwhile, somewhere else, Diablomon is holding a clock.
Taichi, Kōshirō, Yamato and Takeru receive an email from Diablomon:
A ten-minute countdown appears on their screens, and behind it, an image of Diablomon begins multiplying. Kōshirō receives an email from a middle-schooler in Taiwan, who has found through hacking into the Pentagon's computers that thirty minutes prior, a bug in their system—which Kōshirō realizes is Diablomon itself—triggered the launch of a Peacekeeper nuclear missile from a US military base. They have no information on its present location or target, and conclude that with its specifications, it could strike anywhere on the planet.
Emails continue to roll in, taking on a more supportive tone, cheering them on to finish the fight.
Kōshirō concludes that as long as the fuse does not activate, the missile will not detonate, and that Diablomon is challenging them to a game to find the one Diablomon who is holding the clock that governs the detonation countdown. If they can kill that Diablomon, they can stop the countdown and prevent the missile from detonating.
Despite their injuries, War Greymon and Metal Garurumon get to their feet and volunteer to stop Diablomon. Kōshirō sends them the address.
7:00 to go on the missile countdown. The timer, coincidentally, lines up with both the remaining cook time on Yuuko's cake and the time left in Jo's exam. War Greymon and Metal Garurumon travel through the internet in pursuit of Diablomon, while massive numbers of emails from children around the world—including Inoue Miyako and Akiyama Ryo—pour into Kōshirō's inbox.
6:30 to go on the missile countdown. War Greymon and Metal Garurumon arrive in an environment whose walls are swarming with countless Diablomons. Kōshirō estimates that they number in the 16,000s. All of the Diablomons begin bombarding War Greymon and Metal Garurumon with their Catastrophe Cannon attacks, easily overwhelming them. Takeru notices that something is not right with War Greymon and Metal Garurumon's movement, and Kōshirō realizes that all of the incoming emails are slowing down their processing speed. Kōshirō attempts to communicate to all of their viewers that they must stop sending emails.
The Diablomons stop firing, and the dust clears. War Greymon and Metal Garurumon have stopped moving and are critically wounded.
5:00 to go on the missile countdown. Distraught, Taichi, breathing heavily, silently reaches out to his computer screen, as if to reach War Greymon.
Yuuko enters the computer room and finds that Kōshirō is muttering to himself about the emails, and Taichi is gone.
Through their computer screens, Taichi and Yamato enter the internet and try to rouse War Greymon and Metal Garurumon, promising that they will be there to fight with them. All of the supportive emails manifest around them, forming an egg-like cocoon, and War Greymon and Metal Garurumon are empowered by Taichi, Yamato and the emails to fuse together into a new Digimon: Omegamon.
1:50 to go on the missile countdown. The Diablomons resume firing on Omegamon, but Omegamon deploys its Grey Sword and swings it to deflect their blasts back at them, wiping out a significant number of them. Omegamon finishes off the rest of the Diablomon copies with several Garuru Cannon blasts.
1:00 to go on the missile countdown. When the dust clears, only one Diablomon is left: the one with the clock. Omegamon attempts to aim at it, but it is moving too fast for Omegamon's response time to track. Meanwhile, the missile begins its descent.
0:30 to go on the missile countdown. Kōshirō realizes that they can turn the same processing speed weakness that War Greymon and Metal Garurumon had against Diablomon. He redirects all of the children's emails to Diablomon's email address, which immediately slows it to a crawl.
0:10 to go on the missile countdown. Omegamon finds Diablomon and pounces upon it.
0:02 to go on the missile countdown. Diablomon attempts to retaliate with Catastrophe Cannon, but it is too slow. Omegamon plunges the Grey Sword into its head, shattering the clock and stopping the countdown. Diablomon's lifeless body splits in half and sloughs off the clock.
The missile lands in Tokyo Bay. At first, Kōshirō thinks that they did not make it in time, but the missile does not detonate. Taichi returns to the apartment, and the two collapse over their balcony as they watch the missile sink into the bay.
Yuuko's cake is ruined, and she is confused as to how, since her microwave has computer control. Meanwhile, Sora finally receives Taichi's apology email. She sees the love heart that he left in, and is amused. She replies to the email, apologizing and thanking him for the gift, and encloses a photograph of herself wearing the hairpin.
Home Media Box Art[edit]
Position | Name | Kanji/Kana |
Production | Takaiwa Tan (Toei) Tomari Tsutomu (Toei Animation) Tamamura Teruo (Shueisha) Mitsui Yasushi (Fuji Television) Shibasaki Makoto (Bandai) |
高岩 淡 (東映) 泊 懋 (東映アニメーション) 玉村輝雄 (集英社) 三ッ井 康 (フジテレビジョン) 柴崎 誠 (バンダイ) |
Planning | Seki Hiromi | 関 弘美 |
Original Concept | Hongo Akiyoshi (Serialized in Shueisha's "Monthly V-Jump") |
本郷あきよし (集英社「月刊Vジャンプ」連載) |
Screenplay | Yoshida Reiko | 吉田玲子 |
Music | Arisawa Takanori | 有澤孝紀 |
Production Manager | Takanashi Yoichi | 高梨洋一 |
Editor | Fukumitsu Sinichi [sic] | 福光伸一 |
Audio Recording | Kuramoto Teiji | 蔵元貞司 |
Digital Director of Photography | Takahashi Motoi | 高橋基 |
Color Design | itasak Yasue [sic] | 板坂泰江 |
Art Director | Tamura Seiki | 田村せいき |
Digital Art Director | Yoshino Mitsuo | 芳野満雄 |
Character Design & Animation Director | Yamashita Takaaki Nakayama Hisashi |
山下高明 中山久司 |
Director | Hosoda Mamoru | 細田 守 |
End credits: | ||
Key Animators | Hamasu Hideki Matsuda Soichiro Ishikawa Shingo Sakazaki Tadashi Hane Yukiyoshi Hashimoto Takashi Konishi Kenichi Ikeda Shiori Takahashi Aika Ito Nobutake Masuda Nobuhiro Ishihama Masashi Ando Masahiro Okura Masahiko Suzuki Tsutomu Fukuda Michio Takeuchi Nobuyuki Namatame Yasuhiro Yamamoto Keiko Tanaka Takahiro Hamatsu Takehiro Usami Koichi Irie Yasuhiro Komatsu Kozue Ouchi Tomomi Nakayama Katsuichi Okuno Hiroyuki Oishi Tatsuya Iwakura Kazunori Sai Fumihide Hasegawa Shinya Arai Koichi |
濱洲英喜 松田宗一郎 石川晋吾 坂崎 忠 羽根章悦 橋本敬史 小西賢一 池田詩織 高橋愛佳 伊東伸高 増田信博 石浜真史 安藤正浩 大倉雅彦 鈴木 勤 福田道生 武内宣之 生田目康裕 山本径子 田中孝弘 浜津武広 宇佐美皓一 入江泰弘 小松こずえ 大内智美 中山勝一 奥野浩行 尾石達也 岩倉和憲 崔ふみひで 長谷川眞也 新井浩一 |
In-Between Animation Checker | Yamada Maki | 山田真紀 |
In-Between Animators | Ajiri Takashi Sato Kyoko Shinohara Etsuko Kaneta Rika Kitahara Yukari Hirano Tomoko Shimohira Yuko Yoshikawa Manami Yukawa Jun Yamaguchi Mami Ishiwata Kiyomi Shirane Miki Kawai Rie Ota Kenji Mawatari Hisashi Ebe Ken Yamamoto Atsushi Yamagishi Masaya Ishikawa Asami |
阿尻隆司 佐藤恭子 篠原悦子 兼高里佳 北原由加里 平野智子 下平夕子 吉川真奈美 湯川 純 山口真未 石渡清美 白根美希 河合利恵 大田謙治 馬渡久史 江部 賢 山本篤史 山岸昌也 石川麻実 |
Ink and Paint Artists | Totsuka Tomoko Fujihashi Kiyomi Matsuyama Kumiko Ida Masayo Hayashi Emi Akiyama Yoshitaka Mimuro Takako Muramoto Oriko Hoshikawa Asami Otani Kazuya Oikawa Mayumi Kokubo Maki Suzuki Yoko Tsuki Nami Kimura Hiroko Omura Noriko Ohori Yoko Motohashi Masae Yoshizawa Keiko Seguchi Aiko |
戸塚友子 藤橋清美 松山久美子 井田昌代 林 恵美 秋山宜隆 三室貴子 村本織子 星川麻美 大谷和也 及川眞由美 小久保真希 鈴木陽子 露木奈美 木村紘子 大村規子 大堀陽子 本橋政江 吉沢啓子 瀬口愛子 |
Special Effects | Shimokawa Nobuhiro | 下川信裕
遠山秀徳 |
In-Between/Ink and Paint Progress | Doi Katsuhiko | 土井克彦 |
Background Artists | Tamura Seiki Yoshino Mitsuo Nakamura Chieko Suwada Makoto Tokushige Masaru Fukuzawa Kumiko Kawasaki Michiyo Ito Masato Ito Shinji Hanamatsu Yugo Sawada Eiko Ueno Keiko |
田村せいき 芳野満雄 中村千恵子 須和田 真 徳重 賢 福沢久美子 川崎美千代 伊藤雅人 伊藤信治 花松裕吾 沢田栄子 上野恵子 |
Art Progression | Kitayama Reiko | 北山礼子 |
Digital Photography | Kaku Nakatoku
Fukui Masatoshi |
福井政利 |
CG Production | ||
CG Producer | Hattori Toyokazu | 服部豊和 |
CG Assistant Producer | Himi Takeshi | 氷見武士 |
CG Technical Director | Morita Nobuhiro | 森田信廣 |
CG Animators | Miyahara Naoki Watanabe Toshio Inohara Hidefumi Kasano Hironori Kawasaki Kentaro |
宮原直樹 渡辺敏雄 猪原英史 笠野博徳 川崎健太郎 |
CG Production Cooperation | CSK Image Craft Co., Ltd. | (株)CSK Image Craft |
CGI | Katada Toshiaki | 片田利明 |
Title Designers | Kanamatsu Shigeru Kurashina Hidenori |
金松滋 蔵品秀典 |
Sound Effects | Ito Katsumi Okuda Iki |
伊藤克己 奥田維城 |
Music Selection | Nishikawa Kosuke | 西川耕祐 |
Negative Editing | Aso Yoshihiro | 麻生芳弘 |
Sound Recording Assistant | Matsuda Satoru | 松田悟 |
Record Keeper | Ogawa Mamiko | 小川真美子 |
Assistant Director | Sato Tetsuya | 佐藤哲哉 |
Production Manager | Sumi Kojiro | 隅幸二郎 |
Assistant Producer | Sakurada Hiroyuki | 桜田博之 |
Dialect Coach | Honda Hisako | 本田久子 |
Casting | Arisako Toshihiko | 有迫俊彦 |
Planning Cooperation | Kawakami Daisuke (Fuji Television) Takiyama Madoka (Fuji Television) |
川上大輔 (フジテレビジョン) 瀧山麻土香 (フジテレビジョン) |
The use of the "Windows® 98" and "Internet Explorer" screens complies with Microsoft Computer's guidelines. | ||
Production Cooperation | Snow Light Staff Actas Seigasha Studio Bogey Studio Live Kagura Märchen-Sha Peacock Tamazawa Dogasha Oh Five Swara Production EEI-TOEI Aoni Productions Sabara Music Xpedtion Inc. Sanko Production Toms Photo ACC Productions Hoei Sangyo Co., Ltd. Celsys Inc. |
スノーライト・スタッフ アクタス 菁画舎 スタジオ・ボギー スタジオ・ライブ かぐら メルヘン社 ピーコック 玉沢動画舎 オーファイブ スワラプロダクション EEI-TOEI 青二プロダクション 娑婆羅 音楽探検隊 三晃プロダクション エーシーシプロダクション トムスフォト 報映産業(株) セルシス(株) |
Work Cooperation | NEC | NEC |
Sponsorship | Biglobe | BIGLOBE |
Music Work Cooperation | NEC Interchannel | NECインターチャネル |
Recording Studios | Toei Audio Visual Art Center (TAVAC) Toei Tokyo Film Studio |
タバック 東映東京撮影所 |
Film Development | Toei Chemical | 東映化学 |
©Toei, Toei Animation 2000 [Eirin: 26581] |
Seiyū | Kanji/Kana | Character | English Voice Actor (Digimon: The Movie, 2000) |
English Voice Actor (Our War Game, 2024) |
Fujita Toshiko | 藤田淑子 | Yagami Taichi | Joshua Seth | |
Takenouchi Toshiko | Elizabeth Rice | Marissa Lenti | ||
N/A | Operator | N/A | ||
Mizutani Yūko | 水谷優子 | Takenouchi Sora | Colleen O'Shaughnessey | |
Yagami Yuuko | Dorothy Elias-Fahn | |||
Kazama Yūto | 風間勇刀 | Ishida Yamato | Michael Reisz | |
Tenjin Umi | 天神有海 | Izumi Kōshirō | Mona Marshall | |
Maeda Ai | 前田愛 | Tachikawa Mimi | Philece Sampler | Elsie Lovelock |
Kikuchi Masami | 菊池正美 | Kinu | ||
Kido Jō | Michael Lindsay | Eli Farmer | ||
Konishi Hiroko | 小西寛子 | Takaishi Takeru | Wendee Lee | |
N/A | Noriko | |||
Araki Kae | 荒木香恵 | Hikari | Lara Jill Miller | |
Sakamoto Chika | 坂本千夏 | Agumon | Tom Fahn (Agumon) | |
Michael Lindsay (Greymon) Joseph Pilato (MetalGreymon) |
Bradley Gareth (Greymon/MetalGreymon) | |||
Lex Lang (WarGreymon) | ||||
Shigematsu Atori | 重松花鳥 | Piyomon | Tifanie Christun | Cherami Leigh |
N/A | Hori Chisato | Madeline Dorroh | ||
Inoue Miyako | Jessica Peterson | |||
Yamaguchi Mayumi | 山口眞弓 | Gabumon | Kirk Thornton | |
Sakurai Takahiro | 櫻井孝宏 | Tentomon | Jeff Nimoy | |
N/A | Diablomon | Brianne Siddall (Kuramon) Paul St. Peter (Keramon/Infermon/Diaboromon) | ||
Mizowaki Shihomi | 溝脇しほみ | Palmon | Anna Garduno | |
Yasuko | ||||
Matsumoto Miwa | 松本美和 | Patamon | Laura Summer | |
Takeuchi Junko | 竹内順子 | Gomamon | R. Martin Klein | |
Tokumitsu Yuka | 徳光由禾 | Tailmon | Edie Mirman | |
N/A | Recorded Operator | |||
Yanami Jouji | 八奈見乗児 | Gennai | Mike Reynolds | Jason Marnocha |
Hirata Hiroaki | 平田広明 | TV Announcer | Ralph Garman | |
N/A | Omegamon | Lex Lang Kirk Thornton | ||
N/A | Additional Voices | Michael Sorich (Miko) Colleen O'Shaughnessey (Male Student) Jeff Nimoy (Phone Voice 1/Floyd the Barber/Barney) Bob Buchholz (Male Customer/Phone Voice 2/Voice Mail Operator/Uncle Al/Andy/Squad Leader) Wendee Lee (Little Girl 1) Elizabeth Rice (Boy 1) Anna Garduno (Boy 2) Neil Kaplan (Twin Boy 1/Computer Voice 2/Professor) Tifanie Christun (Grocery Girl) Steven Jay Blum (Computer Voice 1) |
Wendee Lee (Girl 2A) Jeff Nimoy (Floyd/Elderly Husband 2A) Cherami Leigh (Female Employee 2B/Little Girl 2C) R. Martin Klein (Male Neighbor 2A/others) Brianne Siddall (Little Girl 2D) Marissa Lenti (Grocery Girl/Little Girl 2B/others) Valory Pierce (Female Employee 2C/Little Boy 2A/others) Peggy O'Neal (Female Neighbor 2A/others) Kayleigh McKee (Female Shopper 2A/Little Boy 2B) Molly Zhang (Female Shopper 2B/Little Brother 2A/others) Neil Kaplan (Professor/Little Boy 2C) Michelle Marie (Little Girl 2A/others) David Lodge (Male Elderly Neighbor 2B) Bryce Papenbrook (Older Brother 2A/others) Clifford Chapin Mark Allen Jr. Alexis Tipton Tom Fahn Eli Farmer |
- Main article: Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! - Original Soundtrack
Volcano Ota has described Our War Game! as being known to Digimon fans as the "monumental work" of the Digimon films 「ご存知のデジモン映画の金字塔」.[2]
Our War Game! and the preceding short film have been credited with bringing director Hosoda Mamoru to the attention of Studio Ghibli head producer Suzuki Toshio, who is said to have identified him as a potential successor to Miyazaki Hayao on the basis of his work on the two short films. This led to a brief tenure at Studio Ghibli in which Hosoda was, for a time, attached as the director of Howl's Moving Castle, although he departed both the project and the studio over creative differences before its completion.[3]
In light of Hosoda's subsequent high-profile career, Our War Game! and the Adventure short film—in their original incarnations, independent of the recut versions in Digimon: The Movie—have attracted a small degree of retrospective critical interest from Western anime and pop culture press. Such retrospectives typically praise Our War Game! for its charisma and emotional resonance, its representation of the perspectives, emotions, and relationships of children, its atmosphere and visual storytelling, and how these traits set it apart from its origins as a tie-in to a toyetic multimedia franchise. It is commonly characterized as an early demonstration of Hosoda's directorial style and talents.[4][5][6][7]
Comparisons with Hosoda's Summer Wars are also frequent due to the significant conceptual relationship between the two films. Our War Game! is often characterized as a "blueprint,"[8] "prototype" or "early draft" of Summer Wars.[5] As a counterpoint, two critics—Geoffrey G. Thew, writing in Anime Impact: The Movies and Shows that Changed the World of Japanese Animation; and Jehros, writing for the French edition of Crunchyroll—have argued that Summer Wars could be viewed instead as a thematic extension and modernization of Our War Game! in the sense that although they are both fundamentally the same story, the fact that they are set years apart from each other enables them to serve as time capsules of the Internet, and how communities come together through it, in different periods of both its own evolution and society's evolving relationship with it.[5][7] Thew also opined that the self-contained nature of Summer Wars was advantageous for its broader appeal, compared to Our War Game!'s reliance on prior familiarity with the Adventure television series' character development work for its emotional stakes.[7]
In May 2020, Our War Game! won an informal Digimon Web poll in which users voted on their favorite Digimon films, earning 30% of the vote.[9]
- Agumon → Greymon → Metal Greymon → War Greymon
- Tentomon → Kabuterimon → Atlur Kabuterimon
- Gabumon → Metal Garurumon
- Kuramon → Tsumemon → Keramon → Infermon → Diablomon
- War Greymon + Metal Garurumon → Omegamon
In Other Media[edit]
The events of Our War Game! are discussed on several occasions in Digimon Adventure 02.
- In "Shurimon's Hurricane" , when the Chosen Children are trading stories about encounters that they had with Digimon prior to becoming Chosen Children, Inoue Miyako mentions that in the spring of 2000, she witnessed the fight with Diablomon and sent emails of support to the Chosen Children, as she was depicted doing in Our War Game! The group theorizes that these events, including Miyako's experience with Diablomon, are the reasons that they become Chosen Children. A flashback is shown which recreates Miyako's Our War Game! cameo, complete with Inoue Momoe at her side. Miyako's comments in this episode are part of the evidence that establishes the dating of Our War Game!
- In "The Unparalleled Union! Paildramon" , Izumi Kōshirō tells Motomiya Daisuke's group of Chosen Children that Paildramon is not the first time that two Digimon have fused together to evolve, and that there is precedent in Omegamon (this is also the first time that Omegamon's name is spoken on-screen).
- In "Today Miyako is in Kyoto" , Kōshirō shares the aforementioned theory about the cause of becoming Chosen Children with Ichijouji Ken, and mentions Miyako's experience with the Diablomon battle. Ken mentions that he also had an experience around that time, in August 2000, but can no longer recall it.
Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers opens with Ken and Akiyama Ryo watching the Diablomon battle. This may have been intended to indicate that the events of Our War Game! are the mentioned experience that he could no longer recall from "Today Miyako is in Kyoto" (although the August 2000 date that Ken gives in that episode would not fit with the previously established dating of the film). While Ryo does indeed make a cameo watching the battle in Our War Game!, the location is radically different: Tag Tamers depicts him and Ken watching on a PC in Ken's bedroom, but Our War Game! depicts Ryo on a laptop in the mountains, with another child who is not Ken.
Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back is a direct sequel to Our War Game! It also features a battle between Omegamon and Diablomon in the internet, which plays out similarly to the Our War Game! battle and replicates some of its shots of Omegamon.
The PlayStation Portable game adaptation of Digimon Adventure includes a chapter that adapts Our War Game!
In Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, the first encounter with Eosmon is an homage to Our War Game! The battle also occurs in a non-Digital World cyberspace, the same four Chosen Child/partner Digimon pairs as in Our War Game! (Yagami Taichi and Agumon, Ishida Yamato and Gabumon, Kōshirō and Tentomon, and Takaishi Takeru and Patamon) participate in the fight, they travel to the site of the battle through virtual tunnels of the same style as those in Our War Game!, and the fight culminates in the formation of Omegamon.
The second and third episodes of the reboot Digimon Adventure: are based on Our War Game!, differing in that the Algomons replace Diablomon, and that this version of events is Taichi, Yamato and Koshiro's first experience with Digimon. The title of the second episode, "War Game," further emphasizes the connection.
The Digimon Universe Appli Monsters manga pays homage to Our War Game! in its fifth chapter. In the moments before DoGatchmon becomes Globemon for the first time, there is a scene in which Shinkai Haru descends from a ray of light upon the heavily wounded DoGatchmon, like Taichi did upon War Greymon.
Taichi and Yamato's Omegamon is a playable character in Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit and Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5 (as the temporary evolution of Yamato's Gabumon and a special version of Agumon) and Digimon Tamers: Battle Evolution (as a separate unlockable playable character in its own right). In Battle Evolution, when Omegamon is selected, Taichi and Yamato are depicted in their Our War Game! attire on the pre-battle screen by default (if the L1 Button is held when selecting Omegamon, they are instead depicted in their Digimon Adventure 02 school uniforms).
Outside the Digimon franchise, later in his career, director Hosoda Mamoru revisited the basic plot and premise of Our War Game! in another, non-Digimon film: Summer Wars. In an interview, Hosoda described Summer Wars as "the feature-length version" of the idea that he had for Our War Game!, free of the constraints of the 40-minute runtime that Toei Animation imposed on him for Our War Game![8] Hosoda's studio, Studio Chizu, has also claimed a common lineage between Our War Game!, Summer Wars, and his 2021 film The Dragon and the Freckled Princess/Belle in a press release announcing the latter, describing the three as Hosoda exploring "themes of modern society" using the digital world as a "backdrop."[10]
A line of dialog spoken by Yamato during the Shimane computer search sequence—「島根にパソコンなんてあるわけないじゃん!」 (in context: "We're never gonna find a computer in Shimane!" / out of context: "There's no way there's a computer in Shimane!")—has, out of context, become a meme in Japan. Google routinely experiences a spike in searches for the key words "Shimane computer" 「島根 パソコン」 every year around August, and quotes and references to the line can be found in some Japanese media.[11] Digimon Adventure tri. also references this line: early in "Determination", Taichi pokes fun at Yamato about it when they are talking about Mochizuki Meiko's home prefecture of Tottori.
Home Media Releases[edit]
Image | Name | ID No. | Format | RRP | Release Date | Notes |
Running Time | Picture Track | Audio Track | Distributor | |||
![]() |
Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! 「デジモンアドベンチャー ぼくらのウォーゲーム!」 |
VCTM02583[12] | VHS | ¥2,940[12] | ![]() |
40 minutes[12] | Unknown, Color[13] | Stereo sound (Japanese)[13] | Toei Video[12] | |||
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Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! 「デジモンアドベンチャー ぼくらのウォーゲーム!」 |
DSTD02003[14] | DVD | ¥4,725 (2000s)[15] ¥2,695 (2020s)[14] |
![]() |
Compilation release which includes the Digimon Adventure short film.[14]
Bonus Features:[14]
Bonus Pack-ins:
60 minutes (total)[14] | 16:9 (letterboxed), Color[14] | Surround sound (Japanese)[14] | Toei Video[15] | |||
![]() |
Digimon THE MOVIES Blu-ray 1999-2006 「デジモン THE MOVIES Blu-ray 1999-2006」 |
BSTD03773[16] | Blu-ray Disc | ¥27,500[16] | ![]() |
Included on Disc 1 with the Digimon Adventure short film. |
301 minutes (total)[16] | 16:9 1080p, Color[16] | Disc 1: 1) Linear PCM stereo sound (Japanese) 2) Dolby TrueHD Pseudo-5.1 surround sound (Japanese)[16] |
Toei Video[16] | |||
![]() |
Digimon THE MOVIES Blu-ray Vol.1 「デジモン THE MOVIES Blu-ray Vol.1」 |
BSTD03891[17] | Blu-ray Disc | ¥5,500[17] | ![]() |
Individual release of Disc 1 of the Digimon THE MOVIES Blu-ray 1999-2006 boxed set. Compilation release which also includes the Digimon Adventure short film. Bonus Features:[17]
62 minutes (total)[17] | 16:9 1080p, Color[17] | 1) Linear PCM stereo sound (Japanese) 2) Dolby TrueHD Pseudo-5.1 surround sound (Japanese)[17] |
Toei Video[17] | |||
![]() |
Digimon the Movies 1-3 Collection | B0DGW7SQFC[18] | Blu-ray Disc | $29.95[19] | ![]() |
Compilation release, which includes Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! in both its original individual form—along with the Digimon Adventure short and Digimon Adventure 02: Vols. 1 and 2—and the American Digimon: The Movie recut. Produced by With the Will administrator MarcFBR.[20]
For the individual original films, both the original Japanese audio tracks and new English dub tracks are provided, with subtitles for the Japanese audio track by onkeikun.[21][20] |
129 minutes (total)[19] | 16:9, Color[19] | 1) Linear PCM stereo sound (English) 2) Linear PCM stereo sound (Japanese)[22] |
Discotek Media[21] |
American English[edit]
- Main article: Digimon: The Movie
Saban Entertainment used Our War Game! as Part 2 ("Four Years Later") of Digimon: The Movie.
The extent of the edits and rewrites to the films that comprised The Movie was such that in 2000, before The Movie's release, the resulting dissimilarity to the original films was used by the Screen Actors Guild as grounds for a legal action against Saban Entertainment. SAG argued that The Movie no longer constituted a "dub" under the terms of their dubbing agreement with Saban due to the "significant" extent of its "revisions, reformatting, additions, deletions and modifications," and on those grounds sought remuneration for the English voice cast (who were members of SAG) commensurate with the greater remuneration owed to performers in non-dub productions but not those in dub productions, namely residuals.[23] The outcome of this action is unknown.
- As usual for American English dubbed Digimon productions, the score is totally replaced and nothing remains of the Japanese soundtrack in The Movie. Unlike other dubbed productions, The Movie uses licensed pop songs from the US in addition the usual background music from Saban's dubs of the Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 television series.
- In Our War Game!, insert songs for evolution scenes are used only once, when Agumon and Gabumon Warp Evolve for the final fight with Infermon/Diablomon ("Brave heart" is played); otherwise, the currently-playing instrumental score is not interrupted at any time that anyone evolves. In The Movie, all instances of allied Digimon digivolving (evolving) interrupt the score with the Saban "Digimon Theme" to accompany their evolutions. These reflect common practices of each version of the rest of the anime: the Japanese version does not exclusively use its evolution insert songs every time that evolutions occur, and only chooses to do so when it fits the tone, context and plot beats of a given scene; while American English dubs almost exclusively use their designated theme songs or leitmotifs for evolution scenes, regardless of tone.
- As usual for contemporary American English Digimon dubs, dialogue is generally significantly longer-winded, previously nonexistent jokes (sometimes of a scatological nature) are often added, and previously nonexistent dialog is often added over what were originally moments of silence.
- In Our War Game!, there is no narration. In The Movie, consistent with the other parts of it, Kari Kamiya (Yagami Hikari)—specifically, her eleven-year-old self from Adventure 02—provides narration throughout the film, often irreverent in tone and explaining in detail what is happening or about to happen.
- When she introduces this part of The Movie, a title card declaring "Four Years Later" is superimposed on top of its first shot. This is inconsistent with the timeline established in the original films, which place the gap between the Digimon Adventure short film and Our War Game! at approximately five years.
- The first scene of Our War Game! is a non-diegetic throwback to the Digimon Adventure short film: leading in from the production logos while Boléro plays, the giant Digitama from the first film is shown descending from the sky while the lights in the Odaiba apartment complex go haywire, then when it opens, the film cuts to the same scene, but in daytime in the present day. This is cut entirely from The Movie.
- In Our War Game!, when Yagami Taichi is writing his email to Takenouchi Sora, he is finished with it just before Hikari enters the room, but when Hikari enters, he accidentally hits his keyboard in such a way that a love heart is added to his signoff. In The Movie, Tai (Taichi) struggles with some sort of auto-replace feature in the email client impacting his intention to sign off saying "From", instead of "Love", all before Kari enters the room.
- The email that Tai writes in The Movie differs drastically from Taichi's email in Our War Game! It is significantly longer, and adds a second mention of a made-up emetological incident from Part 1 of The Movie (the Adventure short film):
Dear Sora,
I'm sorry about what happened. I haven't felt this bad
since the time I accidentally threw up in your hat and
didn't tell you about it until you put it on. I know our
relationship has been a little stormy lately. You say you
love thundershowers, so, what's a few
raindrops between friends?
From Love, Tai - In addition to editing the footage to replace the Japanese email with English text, The Movie also cuts a few seconds of footage in which Taichi notices that when he typed his given name in (in kana), his computer's IME selected the wrong kanji, and he cycles through different kanji renderings of "Taichi" until he finds the right one. Since The Movie edited the email to be written in English, this would have had no place.
- In both versions, Taichi/Tai reads out the email as he writes it, but the delivery differs. In Our War Game!, Taichi's delivery is halting as he is sounding the message out syllable-by-syllable as he types. In The Movie, Tai reads it out naturally.
- In Our War Game!, after Hikari leaves the computer room, there is a brief shot of the computer reporting that it could not deliver the email to Sora. Although this plot point remains in The Movie (Tai immediately comments on the non-delivery), the footage is cut.
- The email that Tai writes in The Movie differs drastically from Taichi's email in Our War Game! It is significantly longer, and adds a second mention of a made-up emetological incident from Part 1 of The Movie (the Adventure short film):
- In Our War Game!, Hikari makes no mention of what is in the birthday gift she has gotten for her friend. In The Movie, Kari says that it is "a pink Power Ranger," right as Tai begins reaching out to snatch it from her. This is added product placement: at the time of The Movie's production, Saban Entertainment also held the rights to the Super Sentai franchise, which they retooled into Power Rangers.
- In Our War Game!, Izumi Kōshirō is almost entirely silent when he first comes across the Kuramon Digitama while browsing on his computer. The Movie adds extensive running commentary from Izzy (Kōshirō) over this scene which completely recontextualizes what he is observing and sets up a totally different origin story for Diaboromon (Diablomon): first, he claims to have encountered a "computer virus on the internet" which is attacking something, and the Digi-Egg (Digitama) is brought up on his screen specifically because he is attempting to get a visual on what the virus is attacking.
- In Our War Game!, Kuramon only vocalizes one line of dialog in its Diablomon form, and otherwise, the only vocalization that it makes in any form is faint giggling. In The Movie, it has significantly more spoken dialog.
- A consequence of this is that, in Our War Game!, the Chosen Children never have any way to learn or know the names of any of Diablomon's forms, and only ever refer to it as "the jellyfish" 「海月」, a "Digimon," or simply "it" 「やつ」. In The Movie, since it verbally introduces itself to them as Keramon upon attaining that form, and says its names when it announces its subsequent evolutions, the DigiDestined call it by its current form's name from Keramon onward, although they still use the "jellyfish" nickname for its Kuramon form on two occasions.
- Our War Game!'s opening credits are removed, as The Movie had its own opening credits with its own made-up footage prior to Part 1. The footage played between the credit slides in Our War Game! is repurposed as a montage over which a licensed pop song, Barenaked Ladies' "One Week", plays.
- During the opening credits of Our War Game!, there is a scene of the front door of Tachikawa Mimi's apartment. Next to the door is a heart-shaped plaque identifying the inhabitants (Mimi and her parents), which falls off the wall while they are on holiday. In The Movie, the writing on the plaque is edited to turn it into a Valentine from Joe Kido (Kido Jo).
- The Movie adds a reference to the Digimon Analyzer: when Izzy is first showing Kuramon to Tai, he says, "The Digimon Analyzer doesn't even recognize it!"
- In Our War Game!, Kōshirō's contact who gave him insight into what Kuramon is is Russian, but they are unnamed and nothing is made of their identity. In The Movie, the character is instead identified as Willis (Wallace) from Digimon Hurricane Landing!! and Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals, which comprise Part 3 of The Movie ("Present Day"). As part of The Movie's efforts to merge the plots of Our War Game! and Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!! into a single narrative, it rewrites Our War Game! to greatly expand the role of this contact under the Willis identity in the rest of the film:
- Some emails that Izzy (Kōshirō) receives are edited to make Willis their sender, and the respective footage is edited to replace the avatar on the relevant emails with his face.
- In both versions, the contact is described as a prodigy who is taking university/college classes despite being in elementary school. In the case of The Movie, while the line itself is otherwise accurate to the Japanese version (aside from naming a specific university, Colorado State University), its retention in a context where Willis is the character it is describing attributes a previously non-existent detail to his profile, as Wallace is not indicated to be anything academically special or to have any particular affinity for computers in Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!!
- In Our War Game!, Taichi responds to Kōshirō's discussion of the Russian friend's academic background by lamenting that he only gets to take elementary school classes despite their similarity in age. The Movie changes this into Tai attempting to brag, "So what? I'm in junior high school, and I take classes in junior high school!" (At this point in the Digimon Adventure timeline, Taichi is not in junior high school.)
- For the rest of the runtime of The Movie's version, Izzy's dialog is periodically changed to add further references to Willis's significance in events:
- In Our War Game!, after the first fight with Infermon, Kōshirō remarks on Infermon's childish nature and on how, even if others recognize the nature of the havoc being played with electronic systems, nobody else is likely to know that a Digimon is responsible. In The Movie, these points are replaced entirely with Izzy tracking Infermon's movements to the United States, and him deciding to warn Willis that Infermon is headed toward him.
- In The Movie, Izzy credits Willis with giving him the idea to find a way to slow Diaboromon (Diablomon) down.
- Although Part 2 of The Movie does not explain why he is involved, Part 3 rewrote Transcendent Evolution!! to reveal that in The Movie's version of events, Willis was responsible in the first place for the creation of the Digi-Egg that, as noted above, was attacked by a virus and thus became Diaboromon.
- In The Movie, the content of email that they receive from Infermon once the satellite internet connection is established is completely changed, replacing what was originally Infermon taunting them ("NOT HERE NOT HERE BOO" 「イナイイナイバー」) with a threat that Infermon is actively seeking out Willis: "I'm close to him."
- The Movie makes numerous changes in its treatment of Diaboromon that it shares in common with Kokomon, The Movie's recharacterized and rewritten version of Wallace's Chocomon from Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!!, to highlight the written-in connection between the two.
- During the first montage of Tsumemon's impact on electronic systems, in Our War Game!, there is a brief scene where a woman in a grocery store finds packets of tuna belly and chub mackerel that are drastically overpriced at ¥1,000,000 each. This is cut entirely from The Movie.
- A sequence where several civilians are trapped on the malfunctioning Daikanransha Ferris wheel, demonstrating the havoc on digital systems that Kuramon is causing, is cut entirely from The Movie.
- In Our War Game!, the food and drink that Yagami Yuuko prepares or offers to prepare is entirely normal, and Kōshirō spends the movie drinking Oolong tea that she serves. In The Movie, this is all replaced with jokes about her making bizarre and unappetizing culinary creations, including "spinach cookies," "beef jerky shakes" and "potato juice," and an unspecified unpleasant drink replaces the Oolong tea from Our War Game! as the drink that Izzy consumes throughout the The Movie version, with multiple instances of dialog changed to add Tai calling attention to how disgusting it is.
- In Our War Game!, during Gennai's conversation with Taichi and Kōshirō, when the other partner Digimon come through a door to join the call, Taichi acknowledges their arrival. In The Movie, this is replaced with each of them saying their own name.
- A side effect of this is that Gomamon, Palmon, Biyomon (Piyomon) and Gatomon (Tailmon) only have dialog in The Movie version of Our War Game!, even if it consists only of their own name (however, their Japanese voice actors are credited for the roles in Our War Game!). This is also the only dialogue that Gomamon, Palmon and Biyomon have in any part of The Movie.
- In The Movie, during Gennai's conversation with Taichi and Kōshirō, there is an added reference to the Dark Masters, in which Agumon says that they were "cupcakes compared to (Keramon)."
- In Our War Game!, when Taichi calls Jo's family, he is told that Jo is away taking his middle school entrance exam. In The Movie, this is changed to Tai just being told that Joe is taking a "test", to which he laments that Joe is "the only kid I know who volunteers for summer school!"
- In Our War Game!, when Taichi is attempting to reach Hikari, he calls the house where the birthday party is taking place, as it is written in a notepad near the phone. In The Movie, dialog indicates that instead, Kari has a cell phone which Tai is attempting to reach, although the footage of her at the birthday party, in which she is holding a landline telephone's handset, is unchanged.
- The Movie also cuts a few seconds of footage from this scene which depict Jo outside the exam building, rushing to get to the exam in time. Instead, it starts its view of Joe's whereabouts inside the exam room.
- In Our War Game!, unlike the televised Digimon Adventure anime, none of the Digimon ever announce the names of their attack techniques. The Movie adds technique announcements.
- In both versions of the film, Keramon sends Taichi and Kōshirō an email with technically similar content relating to "playing", but with divergent tones. In Our War Game!, the email simply reads "PLAY?" 「アソブ?」, indicating a simplistic, childlike tone. In The Movie, the sentiment is altered to make its message more defiant and less immature: "So you like to play games, huh?"
- In Our War Game!, Greymon and Kabuterimon do not speak while evolving into their Perfect forms, Metal Greymon and Atlur Kabuterimon. In The Movie, Greymon announces his evolution in the usual style.
- One of the emails that Kōshirō receives after Infermon defeats Metal Greymon and Atlur Kabuterimon—a Singaporean girl berating them for losing even though the fight was two against one—is cut from The Movie.
- In Our War Game!, after the first fight with Infermon, Taichi makes a second call to Hikari at the birthday party which interrupts a game of cards that she is winning. This scene is cut entirely from The Movie.
- A B-roll shot of a crosswalk in Odaiba, originally shown while Taichi leaves a voicemail for Jo, is cut from The Movie.
- In Our War Game!, the contents of Mimi's postcard are shown on-screen and Taichi continues to talk while examining the card; the scene then cuts to Mimi in Hawaii, where she remarks on how nice it is there. In The Movie, the footage is the same, but Mimi's dialog is changed to be her narrating the contents of the postcard over both the footage of the card and the footage of her in Hawaii.
- The Movie completely rewrites Mimi's postcard to be significantly shorter and less detailed:
Hawaii is paradise!
I don't have a care
in the world!
And I'm wishing
you were here!
- The Movie completely rewrites Mimi's postcard to be significantly shorter and less detailed:
- The scene where Taichi, Kōshirō, Yamato and Takeru have their voicemail conversation is shortened in The Movie, removing 21 seconds of their conversation and, along with it, footage of Taichi and Kōshirō in the computer room.
- In Our War Game!, there is an extended sequence of Yamato and Takeru going around Shimane, trying to find a computer with internet access. This is cut entirely from The Movie.
- The Movie splits the character of Shou into two characters: "Uncle Al", when he is taking Matt (Yamato) and T.K. (Takeru) into town on his motorbike; and "Andy", an unrelated barbershop patron. Both characters are still voiced by the same actor, Bob Buchholz.
- In Our War Game!, when Kōshirō is using a satellite cell phone to re-establish an internet connection, he says that it enables them to directly connect to a foreign access point instead of going through a NTT network switch. In The Movie, Izzy calls it a "satellite uplink" and claims that it will get them back online by "tapping into the military's satellite systems."
- In Our War Game!, when Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon and Tentomon arrive to confront Infermon, it is silently standing next to a sign that reads "OVER HEEERE" 「コッチダヨーン」.
In The Movie, while the sign is unedited and left in Japanese, Infermon's intended messaging at that moment is changed because, in addition the sign's meaning not being conveyed at all for the purposes of an English-speaking audience, a spoken line of dialog with radically different content is dubbed in for Infermon: "I'm looking for the programmer—don't interfere!" This is one of the common phrases that both Diaboromon and Kokomon speak during The Movie.- Despite this change, Matt's next line reacting to it—"He's teasing us!"—is accurate to the Japanese script, as if the content of Infermon's messaging, as far as the narrative of The Movie is concerned, were still taunting to the effect of the original "OVER HEEERE" popup.
- In Our War Game!, in the first stage of the Diablomon fight building up to the computer crash, the film toys with its use of "Brave heart". It plays normally over the evolution sequence, cuts out when Patamon is injured, comes back in to its second verse when War Greymon and Metal Garurumon begin to overwhelm Diablomon in retaliation, begins stuttering and skipping repeatedly at the "Show me your brave heart" line when Kōshirō leaves for the bathroom and the computer is about to crash, then cuts out entirely once the computer crashes. The Movie makes no attempt to replicate this with its own score.
- In Our War Game!, the reason that Kōshirō needs to leave for the bathroom is simply to relieve himself due to all of the Oolong tea he has drunk. In The Movie, it is because he needs to vomit after consuming Yuuko's comically grotesque drinks.
- In Our War Game!, when Diablomon begins multiplying, its email to Taichi and Kōshirō reads "WHOOO'S GOT THE CLOCK?" 「トケイ ヲ モッテイル ノハ ダーレダ?」. In The Movie, it reads "Who can count backwards from ten?"
- In Our War Game!, the film is silent when the email is displaying, except for a beeping noise as each kana appears. In The Movie, Tai reads the email out as it appears, and then adds a snide comment, "Is he giving us a math test?"
- In Our War Game!, after the missile countdown begins, there is a brief incidental scene in the Shimane barbershop where clouds begin to gather and Yasuko, an elderly woman in the barbershop, asks Yamato and Takeru to give Kinu a bag from her. This is cut from The Movie.
- The estimated count of Diablomon copies is greatly inflated in The Movie.
In Our War Game!, the only estimate that Kōshirō ever gives is 16,000, given when War Greymon and Metal Garurumon arrive to confront the copies.
In The Movie, Izzy estimates that at the time of the countdown beginning, there are 75,000 Diaboromon copies, and then that at the time of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon's arrival to confront them, there are "over a million." - In Our War Game!, Kōshirō surmises that the detonation of the missile is linked to a counting-down clock that is in the possession of one of the Diablomon copies, and that finding that Diablomon is their goal. In The Movie, Izzy instead talks about destroying the original Diaboromon to make all of the others disappear, and the clock and its significance to the missile are not mentioned at all, even though all footage involving the clock itself is still present and unedited.
- The Movie rewrites dialog to change the nature of the missile threat:
- In Our War Game!, Diablomon launches only the one Peacekeeper missile, and its target is a mystery to Taichi and Kōshirō until its crash in Tokyo Bay, defused, at the end of the film confirms that their location, Odaiba, was the target. In The Movie, Diaboromon launches two missiles: the Odaiba one (albeit with Tai and Izzy now knowing that it is aimed at them), and a second one that is targeting Colorado in the US, i.e. Willis's location. Izzy, however, says that he has "no idea" what in Colorado that missile could be targeting, but that it will take the same time to travel to its destination as the missile aimed at themselves.
- The Movie also omits Kōshirō's discussion about the missile's specifications, including the "Peacekeeper" name.
- During the explanation of the missiles, The Movie adds additional voiceover to the B-roll shot of Mimi witnessing the missile fly over Hawaii, to have her inanely react, "Ooh, fireworks!"
- In Our War Game!, when War Greymon and Metal Garurumon arrive for the final confrontation against the Diablomon copies, they all repeat the line "Over here" 「こっちだよー」 in a high, cartoony, barely audible computerized voice. In The Movie, the Diaboromon copies are instead all saying "Go back to the beginning," another of the repeated phrases shared with Kokomon, in its usual dubbed voice, which is deep and gruff.
- In Our War Game!, the Chosen Children do not realize that the emails are impairing War Greymon and Metal Garurumon's processing speed until the last fight with the Diablomon copies, when Takeru points out that something is wrong. In The Movie, Izzy has this realization earlier, in the scene where WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are preparing to pursue Diaboromon, replacing Kōshirō's Our War Game! dialog about how he is sending the two Digimon Diablomon's current address. His dialog for the subsequent realization in the last Diaboromon fight is not substantially changed from Our War Game! despite this alteration, so in The Movie, he effectively comes to this conclusion twice.
- In Our War Game!, the scene where Taichi reaches out to War Greymon in the computer and begins to enter the internet is silent, except for Taichi's breathing. The Movie adds dialog from Tai over this scene.
- In Our War Game!, Taichi and Yamato's Omegamon does not speak or make any vocalizations at all, as is customary; as such, its name is never spoken or revealed in the film. In The Movie, Omnimon (Omegamon) speaks, voiced by both WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon's voice actors, Lex Lang and Kirk Thornton, speaking the same lines simultaneously.
- At the one minute mark on the missile countdown, Our War Game! has no dialog over the footage of the missile beginning its descent. The Movie adds radio chatter from an anonymous military squad leader, a character who does not exist in Our War Game!, who reports that he had attempted and failed to destroy the missile and prevent it from impacting.
- In The Movie, some footage from the final scene when the countdown is stopped is cut and rearranged.
- In Our War Game!, the sequence of cuts is as follows:
- The missile crashes into Tokyo Bay
- Sora receives Taichi's apology email
- Kōshirō runs out to the balcony to witness the landing of the missile, thinking that they did not make the deadline
- In the internet, Diablomon's corpse falls apart to reveal that Omegamon's sword has pierced the clock
- A close-up of Taichi's email on Sora's computer, followed by her reaction to it
- The missile topples over into the bay
- Kōshirō and Taichi collapse on the balcony, relieved
- In The Movie, the sequence is as follows:
- In the internet, Diaboromon's corpse falls apart to reveal that Omnimon's sword has pierced the clock
- The missile crashes into Tokyo Bay
- Sora receives Taichi's apology email
- A close-up of Taichi's email on Sora's computer, followed by her reaction to it
- The missile topples over into the bay
- Izzy and Tai collapse on the balcony, and talk about needing to vomit
- The first shot of Kōshirō running out to the balcony is cut entirely from The Movie.
- In Our War Game!, the sequence of cuts is as follows:
- In Our War Game!, as in most of the rest of the movie, Diablomon is entirely silent when it is killed. In The Movie, Diaboromon has two lines when it is killed: when Omnimon stabs it, it says "Connection... terminated..." and when its corpse sloughs off the clock, it says its last word, "Willis..." in a continuation of The Movie's merging of its story and Willis's.
- Our War Game!'s closing credits are cut entirely, in favor of the combined closing credits of The Movie which run after Part 3. The footage that plays in the background of the original credits is not repurposed anywhere (The Movie's credits are played over a black background).
- As a consequence of this, the payoff of Our War Game's Taichi/Sora subplot—Sora's email reply, and the photo in which she is wearing the hairclip—is entirely absent from The Movie.
Discotek Media redub[edit]
An individual American English dub of Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!! was produced in 2023 for Discotek Media's "Digimon The Movies Collection 1" Blu-ray release, along with individual dubs of the Digimon Adventure short film and Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!, and Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals The new dubs were recorded at Sound Cadence Studios with "as much of the original cast [of the Saban Entertainment dubs] as possible."[20]
This dub was announced and premiered at a screening event at Otakon 2023.[20]
- The redub retains the original Japanese soundtrack.[24]
- Terminologies and names used in The Movie (e.g. Tai Kamiya, digivolution, Digimon level terms) are retained in the Discotek dub.
- This has the added side effect of the subs for the English dub having to scrub the name "YAGAMI" on the family's nameplate in favor of "The Kamiya Family"
- The Digimons all announce the names of their attack techniques (e.g. Electro Shocker), as was the case in The Movie.
- Kuramon and its evolution speaking roles are relegated to their attack calls and occasional grunts, as well as when it evolves to Diaboromon and its taunting near the end of the film.
- Omnimon also speaks, though only its attack names.
- In Our War Game!, Kōshirō is told that Kuramon is a compilation of various computer bugs that somehow transmutated into a Digimon. The Discotek dub changes it to a bunch of viruses forming Kuramon.
- In Our War Game!, Kōshirō's contact about who Kuramon is is Russian, while in the Discotek dub changes their nationality to American. This keeps in line with how The Movie originally stated it as Willis, an American.
- The comment that Agumon makes about the Dark Masters being "cupcakes compared to (Keramon)" in The Movie was retained in the Discotek dub.
- Izzy does not state how many Diaboromon copies there are in the Discotek dub compared to the original dub.
- Izzy's line "You got mail!" from The Movie is retained as he sends the email at Diaboromon.
Additional Information[edit]
References | Notes |
External links[edit]
- 2000 Spring Toei Anime Fair official website
- Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! on the Toei Animation Production Lineup website
- Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! on Wikipedia
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