
From Wikimon


Songwriter Chiwata Hidenori (千綿 偉功)
Composer Chiwata Hidenori (千綿 偉功)
Arranger Watanabe Cher (渡部 チェル)
Artist(s) Wada Kouji (和田 光司)
Track Numbers

"Butter-Fly" (バタフライ Butter-Fly) is the opening song for Digimon Adventure, sung by Wada Kouji and composed by Chiwata Hidenori. It is also featured in the soundtracks for various Digimon Adventure-related media, including Digimon Adventure tri. and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna.

Opening Description[edit]

The opening begins with Taichi flying into the sky, which transitions into a floating space of various moving letters featuring prominent landscapes of the Digital World. Taichi is later joined by Sora, Yamato, Koushirou, Mimi, Jou, and Takeru as they all fall deep into the black void. The next scene shows the logo for Digimon Adventure with a 3D animated water background, and the words "Digital Monsters" in 3D flying across the screen.

The opening then shows Taichi, Sora, Koushirou, Jou, Takeru, Mimi, and Yamato in order as they descend onto File Island, where Devimon then looms over with his Black Gears. The next few shots shows everyone's partner Digimon evolving from Baby II to Child, and it ends with Tokomon evolving to Patamon as the Chosen Children are cornered by Kuwagamon, Meramon, Seadramon, Shellmon, and Numemon. Later, the 3D animation of a Digivice as it starts an evolution is shown before each of the children's Digimon partner circles around a beam of light. Small glimpses of every Digimon's Adult evolution is shown at a rapid pace.

In the next scene, Taichi looks as Greymon breaks through a mountainous terrain. He rushes after him as Birdramon carries Sora from her feet. Koushirou is then seen riding on Kabuterimon, while Yamato and Garurumon ride below them and jump beneath a full moon. Ikkakumon rescues Jou from the depth of icy water, while Togemon walks and carries Mimi on one of her hands. Finally, Takeru stares in awe at Angemon, as he releases feathers from his wings. Following that scene, every Adult Digimon but Angemon are shown using their special attack. It then transitions to the Chosen Children's Digimon partners in their Baby II form, their Child form, and finally, after Taichi and the other children appear, their Adult form.


ゴキゲンな蝶になって きらめく風に乗って
今すぐ キミに会いに行こう
余計な事なんて 忘れた方がマシさ
これ以上 シャレてる時間はない

何が WOW WOW この空に届くのだろう
だけど WOW WOW 明日の予定もはからない

無限大な夢のあとの 何もない世の中じゃ
そうさ愛しい 想いも負けそうになるけど
Stayしがちなイメージだらけの 頼りない翼でも
きっと飛べるさ On my love

ウカレタ蝶になって 一途な風に乗って
どこまでも キミに会いに行こう
曖昧な言葉って 意外に便利だって
叫んでる ヒットソング聴きながら

何が WOW WOW この街に響くのだろう
だけど WOW WOW 期待してても仕方ない

無限大な夢のあとの やるせない世の中じゃ
そうさ常識 はずれも悪くはないかな
Stayしそうなイメージを染めた ぎこちない翼でも
きっと飛べるさ On my love

無限大な夢のあとの 何もない世の中じゃ
そうさ愛しい 想いも負けそうになるけど
Stayしがちなイメージだらけの 頼りない翼でも
きっと飛べるさ Oh yeah

無限大な夢のあとの やるせない世の中じゃ
そうさ常識 はずれも悪くはないかな
Stayしそうなイメージを染めた ぎこちない翼でも
きっと飛べるさ On my love



Butter-fly 01.jpg Butter-fly 02.jpg Butter-fly 03.jpg Butter-fly 04.jpg Butter-fly 05.jpg Butter-fly 06.jpg
Butter-fly 07.jpg Butter-fly 08.jpg Butter-fly 09.jpg Butter-fly 10.jpg Butter-fly 11.jpg Butter-fly 12.jpg
Butter-fly 13.jpg Butter-fly 14.jpg Butter-fly 15.jpg Butter-fly 16.jpg Butter-fly 17.jpg Butter-fly 18.jpg


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