Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon!

From Wikimon
Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon!
Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon!
Kanji/Kana デジモンキャッチ がんばれモニタモン!
Dub Name Digimon Catch Monitamon!

Set-Up and Game Play[edit]

This device runs on 2 LR44s. There are only two buttons used to operate Monitamon, the button on the left side of its belt and the battery cover (movement of the battery cover is what functions as the traditional A button, while the belt button is the B button. (Note: the A button was originally made to be triggered by tapping the head of the device; though it only works as intended while the device is standing.)) When batteries are inserted, you will be prompted to set the time. You will set one digit at a time using the A button to cycle through them and the B button to confirm. You will then be taken to the screensaver of the device which resembles a switched-off CRT screen with glare on it.


Pressing the B button on the screensaver will allow you to cycle through a 5 icon menu.

  • Tapping Monitamon - Icon shows finger tapping Monitamon's head. This option allows you to interact with the device by using the A button. This cause the device to play several animations. This mode can be exited by holding down the B button.
  • Camera - The catch minigame. Digimon slide past the screen and can be caught using the A button. Digimon will only be caught if it is in the centre of the screen. All Digimon caught can be viewed in the notebook. This mode can be exited by holding down the B button on the screen which displays how many (x/50) Digimon you have caught so far.
  • Notebook - Can view all Digimon you have caught so far in a set of categories labelled 01-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, and ???. Scroll using the A button, select a group of Digimon with the B button, scroll through the Digimon in that set that you have captured with the A button and select it with the B button. You will be shown the selected Digimon's attack sprite and then the Digimon's name (in Japanese) will scroll across the screen. This mode can be exited by scrolling to the end of any list, where there is a "BACK" button that can be selected with the B button.
  • Clock - View the time.
  • Speaker - Turn sound On or Off.

List of Obtainable Digimon[edit]

ID Name
01 Shoutmon
02 Starmon
03 Ballistamon
04 Dorulumon
05 Dondokomon
06 Cutemon
07 Beelzebumon
08 Sparrowmon
09 Chibickmon
10 Pickmon
11 Greymon
12 Mail Birdramon
13 Bombmon
14 Cyberdramon
15 Monitamon
16 Skull Knightmon
17 Deadly Axemon
18 Phascomon
19 Garudamon
20 Igamon
21 Agumon
22 Guilmon
23 Garurumon
24 Holy Angemon
25 Marin Angemon
26 Tailmon
27 Leviamon
28 Impmon
29 Mirage Gaogamon
30 Numemon
31 Gazimon
32 Patamon
33 Nanimon
34 Gomamon
35 Kabuterimon
36 Dracomon
37 V-mon
38 Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode
39 Shakomon
40 Octmon
41 Shoutmon X2
42 Shoutmon X4
43 Shoutmon X4B
44 Metal Greymon
45 Examon
46 Metal Garurumon
47 War Greymon
48 Devimon
49 Knightmon
50 Duftmon
51 Shoutmon X5
52 Dark Knightmon
53 Sakuteki Monitamon
54 Monimon
55 Omegamon

Image Gallery[edit]


Digimon catch ganbare monitamon box.jpg Digimon catch ganbare monitamon closeup.jpg Digimon catch ganbare monitamon promo.jpg
Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon! Digimon Catch Ganbare Monitamon! Promo


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