Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese An otherworldly Digimon rumored to have turned up from another world. Since both its language and thinking patterns are completely different, it is regarded as fundamentally impossible to communicate with Cyberdramon. It is dangerous, with extreme combativeness befitting its otherworldly appearance. Because its goal in battle is to acquire a lot more energy, it is a Hunter that tries to prey on any Digimon that meet its eyes. Also, because it is able to sneak up on its enemies by taking on the colors of its surroundings, Cyberdramon is very difficult to capture. It makes sport of the opponent with its tricky, hard-to-predict movements, such as cutting the opponent to pieces by riding on its spinning tail while holding its lance in its hands (Cyber Blader), spinning around its lance's shaft and attacking with its tail (Death Divider), or suddenly extending its ribs from its chest and skewering the opponent (Glutton Fang), and specializes in surprise attacks which inflict a single strike of one of its unusual techniques.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 異世界からやって来たと噂される異質のデジモン。言語、思考回路共に異質のため、サイバードラモンとコミュニケーションを取ることは実質不可能とされている。異質な外見通り非常に好戦的で危険である。戦いの目的はより多くのエネルギーを得るためであり、目に映るおよそすべてのデジモンを捕食しようとするハンターである。また、周囲の色と同化して敵に近づくことができるため、サイバードラモンを捕捉することは難しい。回転する尾に乗って回りながら手にした槍で敵を切り裂く「サイバーブレーダー」や、槍を軸に回転して尾で攻撃する「デスディバイダー」、胸から突然肋骨を伸ばして敵を串刺しにする「グラットンファング」など予測の難しいトリッキーな動きで敵を翻弄して、変則的な技で一撃を与える奇襲を得意とする。
⇨ Japanese An otherworldly Digimon rumored to have turned up from another world. Since both its language and thinking patterns are completely different, it is regarded as fundamentally impossible to communicate with Cyberdramon. It is dangerous, with extreme combativeness befitting its otherworldly appearance. Because its goal in battle is to acquire a lot more energy, it is a Hunter that tries to prey on any Digimon that meet its eyes. It makes sport of the opponent with its tricky, hard-to-predict movements, such as cutting the opponent to pieces by riding on its spinning tail while holding its lance in its hands (Cyber Blader), spinning around its lance's shaft and attacking with its tail (Death Divider), or suddenly extending its ribs from its chest and skewering the opponent (Glutton Fang), and specializes in surprise attacks which inflict a single strike of one of its unusual techniques.
Digimon Life
⇨ English 異世界からやって来たと噂される異質のデジモン。言語、思考回路共に異質のため、サイバードラモンとコミュニケーションを取ることは実質不可能とされている。異質な外見通り非常に好戦的で危険である。戦いの目的はより多くのエネルギーを得るためであり、目に映るおよそすべてのデジモンを捕食しようとするハンターである。回転する尾に乗って回りながら手にした槍で敵を切り裂く「デスディバイダー」や、槍を軸に回転して尾で攻撃する「サイバーブレーダー」、胸から突然肋骨を伸ばして敵を串刺しにする「グラットンファング」など予測の難しいトリッキーな動きで敵を翻弄して、変則的な技で一撃を与える奇襲を得意とする。
⇨ Japanese A dangerous Digimon with extreme combativeness befitting its otherworldly appearance
An otherworldly Digimon rumored to have turned up from another world. It is extremely combative. It makes sport of the opponent with its tricky, hard-to-predict movements, such as cutting the opponent to pieces by riding on its spinning tail while holding its lance in its hands (Cyber Blader), spinning around its lance's shaft and attacking with its tail (Death Divider), or extending its ribs and skewering the opponent (Glutton Fang), and specializes in surprise attacks which inflict a single strike of one of its unusual techniques.
TV Asahi | Digimon Xros Wars
⇨ English 異質な外見通り好戦的で危険なデジモン
⇨ Japanese It makes sport of the opponent with its tricky, hard-to-predict movements, such as cutting the opponent to pieces by riding on its spinning tail while holding its lance in its hands (Cyber Blader), spinning around its lance's shaft and attacking with its tail (Death Divider), or suddenly extending its ribs from its chest and skewering the opponent (Glutton Fang), and specializes in surprise attacks which inflict a single strike of one of its unusual techniques.
Digimon Xros Figure Series 08 - Cyberdramon
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Cyber Blader
Saibā Burēdā
Spinning Stinger/Cyber Blade[5]
Cuts the opponent to pieces by riding on its spinning tail while holding its lance in its hands.
Death Divider
Desu Dibaidā
Tail of Terror
Spins around its lance's shaft and attacks with its tail.
Glutton Fang
Guratton Fangu
Fang Crusher/Body Spikes[6]
Suddenly extends its ribs from its chest and skewers the opponent.
Eraser Claw
Ireizā Kurō
Cyber Talons
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Cyberdramon is a partner Digimon of Aonuma Kiriha and a member of Blue Flare.
Cyberdramon from Digimon Adventure:
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Super Digica Taisen
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Digimon believed to have come from another world. It is a violent and extremely dangerous Digimon, befitting its fearsome appearance.
Quote (⇨ English): 異世界からやってきたとされているデジモン。見た目の恐ろしさ通り、凶暴で非常に危険なデジモンだ。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): An offense-oriented Digimon that Kiriha controls. As it flies around in the air, it slashes at its opponents with the large lance it holds in its hands.
Quote (⇨ English): 蒼沼キリハが操る攻撃的なデジモン。空中を飛びまわりながら、手にする大型の槍で相手を切り裂く。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): An extremely cruel and dangerous mutant Digimon, it captures any Digimon that enter its sight in order to convert them into its energy.
Quote (⇨ English): 目に映る全てのデジモンを捕まえてエネルギーにしようとする、非常に残酷で危険な異形のデジモン。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It uses all sorts of tricky techniques, such as its Special Move 'Glutton Fang', where its ribcage bones extend and pierce the opponent.
Quote (⇨ English): 肋骨を伸ばして相手を串刺しにする必殺技「グラットンファング」など、トリッキーな技を多く使う。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Digimon belonging to Blue Flare that wields a sharp lance, and is clad in armor made out of a special rubber. It pierces its tail into the ground and spins it, riding on it to dish out various attacks.
Quote (⇨ English): 特殊なゴム装の鎧をまとい、鋭い槍を持つブルーフレアのデジモン。シッポを突き立てて回転させ、自らがその上に乗って多彩な攻撃を繰り出す。
Digimon Xros Archive
Digimon Jintrix
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]