Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese The general of the Moon-light Army of the "Big Death-Stars". Its goal is to erase hostile forces without leaving a trace, so it has its army of Undead Digimon lurk everywhere and erase the Digimon that move against it, one by one.
It forgot its emotions as a consequence of always lurking in the dark, and even slaughter is becoming a part of its life that it neither likes nor dislikes. However, it feels fulfilled only when it watches the termination of a dying Digimon under the moon.
Neo Vamdemon can summon its familiar spirits, "Evilvil", which are brought forth in an inexhaustible supply, and naturally prefer the life energy of Digimon. The Digimon that experience its "Nightmare Raid", which fires the Evilvil at multiple enemies, become a terrible sight to behold. Its "Bloody Stream Glade", which freely extends both of its arms, is a technique that reliably captures its opponent, and wrenches them apart after forcing the captured opponent to divulge all their information. And then it collects dark energy, and when the moon on its chest is full, it fires off its certain-kill "Gardiac Raid". Although the opponent sees the flash of a beam of light from ahead of everything in its surroundings being changed to darkness, that light is not hope but the light of demise.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 「ビッグデスターズ」月光軍団将軍。敵対する勢力を痕跡残さず抹殺することを目的としており、アンデッド型デジモンの軍を各地に潜ませ不穏な動きをしたデジモンを次々と抹殺している。 常に暗闇に潜み生きたことから感情を忘れ、殺戮すら好きも嫌いもない生活の一部となっている。ただ月の下で死にゆくデジモンの消滅を見ることは唯一の充実と感じている。 ネオヴァンデモンは無尽蔵に生み出す使い魔「イビルビル」を召喚でき、デジモンの精気を好む性質を持っている。イビルビルを多く敵に向け放つ「ナイトメアレイド」にあったデジモンは見るも無残な姿となってしまう。両腕を自在に伸縮させる「ブラッディストリームグレイド」は敵を確実に捕縛し、捕縛した敵に情報を全て吐かせた後その爪で引き千切る技である。そして闇のエネルギーを集約し胸の月が満ちたとき必殺の「ギャディアックレイド」を撃つ。敵は周りを全て闇に変えられその先から一筋の閃光を見るが、その光は希望ではなく終焉の光である。
⇨ Japanese The general of the Moon-dark Army of the "Big Death-Stars". Its goal is to erase hostile forces without leaving a trace, so it has its army of Undead Digimon lurk everywhere and erase the Digimon that move against it, one by one.
It forgot its emotions as a consequence of always lurking in the dark, and even slaughter is becoming a part of its life that it neither likes nor dislikes. However, it feels fulfilled only when it watches the termination of a dying Digimon under the moon.
Neo Vamdemon can summon its familiar spirits, "Evilvil", which are brought forth in an inexhaustible supply, and naturally prefer the life energy of Digimon. The Digimon that experience its "Nightmare Raid", which fires the Evilvil at multiple enemies, become a terrible sight to behold. Its "Bloody Stream Glade", which freely extends both of its arms, is a technique that reliably captures its opponent, and wrenches them apart after forcing the captured opponent to divulge all their information. And then it collects dark energy, and when the moon on its chest is full, it fires off its certain-kill "Gardiac Raid". Although the opponent sees the flash of a beam of light from ahead of everything in its surroundings being changed to darkness, that light is not hope but the light of demise.
Digimon Life
⇨ English 「ビッグデスターズ」月闇軍団将軍。敵対する勢力を痕跡残さず抹殺することを目的としており、アンデッド型デジモンの軍を各地に潜ませ不穏な動きをしたデジモンを次々と抹殺している。 常に暗闇に潜み生きたことから感情を忘れ、殺戮すら好きも嫌いもない生活の一部となっている。ただ月の下で死にゆくデジモンの消滅を見ることは唯一の充実と感じている。 ネオヴァンデモンは無尽蔵に生み出す使い魔「イビルビル」を召喚でき、デジモンの精気を好む性質を持っている。イビルビルを多く敵に向け放つ「ナイトメアレイド」にあったデジモンは見るも無残な姿となってしまう。両腕を自在に伸縮させる「ブラッディストリームグレイド」は敵を確実に捕縛し、捕縛した敵に情報を全て吐かせた後その爪で引き千切る技である。そして闇のエネルギーを集約し胸の月が満ちたとき必殺の「ギャディアックレイド」を撃つ。敵は周りを全て闇に変えられその先から一筋の閃光を見るが、その光は希望ではなく終焉の光である。
⇨ Japanese The Moon-light Death General that rules Vampire Land!
Its goal is to erase hostile forces without leaving a trace, so it has its army of Undead Digimon lurk everywhere and erase the Digimon that move against it, one by one. It absorbs the data of other Digimon by performing forced DigiXroses with them, allowing to to enhance its own abilities. This is the reason it is called a "Vampire". Furthermore, it can be resurrected indefinitely due to the power of the undead that it obtained by doing a certain thing.
TV Asahi | Digimon Xros Wars
⇨ English ヴァンパイアランドを支配する月光のデスジェネラル!
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Nightmare Raid
Naitomea Reido
Nightmare Leeches
Fires the Evilvil at multiple enemies.
Bloody Stream Glade
Buraddi Sutorīmu Gureido
Blue Obliteration
Freely extends both of its arms, reliably captures its opponent, and wrenches them apart after forcing them to divulge all their information.
Gardiac Raid
Gyadiakku Reido
Doom Cannon
Zuì'è Zhī Zhǎo[N 1]
Evil Claw
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Neo Vamdemon is one of the seven Death Generals, ruling over Vampire Land.
Neo Vamdemon in Digimon Xros Wars.
Neo Vamdemon using Nightmare Raid.
Neo Vamdemon appears in the omakes of the manga.
Video Games[edit]
Neo Vamdemon can only be obtained as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Big Death-Stars (ビッグデスターズ Biggu Desutāzu) set.
Neo Vamdemon can only be obtained as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Big Death-Stars (ビッグデスターズ Biggu Desutāzu) set and the Lords of the Night (夜の貴公子 Yoru no Kikōshi) set.
Available as a collectable card.
Available as a collectable card.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Neo Vamdemon is an unobtainable Boss Digimon.
Digimon Jintrix
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The general in charge of the Moon-light Army. Its Undead Digimon forces lie in wait in various locations in order to kill off enemy forces. It has forgotten its emotions due to constantly lurking in the dark, and carries out its duties as if they were everyday activities.
Quote (⇨ English): 月光軍団将軍。アンデッド系デジモンを各地に潜伏させて敵対勢力を抹殺していく。常に闇の中に潜むことから感情を忘れて、任務も通常の活動として行う。
Image Gallery[edit]
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Latest Big Picture 2 |
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Latest Big Picture 2 (Promo)
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ The hanzi for this attack are the same as those for Neo Devimon's Guilty Claw.