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Digimon Reference Book
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Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese The general of the Fire-fury Army of the "Big Death-Stars". It leads a multitude of dragon Digimon in perfect order, and destroys its enemies with its overwhelming battle strength, in any kind of combat situation. It excels in both power and speed, and with its wealth of combat experience its powers of intuition is outstanding, so that it can easily handle battles where it must adapt to the moment. Due to a personality that prefers the flames of destruction surging across the battlefield, it stirs up battles when it comes across a peaceful area. And although it's a Digimon, it obtains pleasure from gazing on the sight of the world being incinerated.
Its "Tyrant Collbrande", which uses the anger it works up in battle as a flaming sword, demonstrates its power depending on the might of its rage. It unfolds in battle that it is a match for one thousand warriors, as it modifies the terrain and inflicts damage on groups of enemies with its "Burning the Dragon", in which it stabs a dragon's vein within the land, and instantly reduces anything touched by its ultra-high-temperature "Dragon Breastonic Fire" to ashes.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 「ビッグデスターズ」火烈軍団将軍。数多のドラゴンデジモンを一糸乱れず統率し、どんな戦況下でも圧倒的な戦力で敵を討ち滅ぼしてきた。パワー・スピードはどれも長け、戦闘経験も豊富で直感力も優れており臨機応変に戦いをこなす。戦場に迸る破滅の炎を好む性格で、平穏な地域を見つけては戦闘を起こしていく。そしてデジモンが、世界が燃え死んでいく様を眺めて快楽を得ている。 戦闘において昂る怒りを炎の剣とした「タイラントコルブラント」はドルビックモンの激怒と同期し強大な威力を発揮する。地形に龍脈を突く「バーニング・ザ・ドラゴン」で地形変動させ敵団体にダメージを与え、超高熱の「ドラゴンブレストニックファイア」で触れた者を一瞬にして焼き払うなど一騎当千な戦いを繰り広げる。
⇨ Japanese The general of the Fire-dragon Army of the "Big Death-Stars". It leads a multitude of dragon Digimon in perfect order, and destroys its enemies with its overwhelming battle strength, in any kind of combat situation. It excels in both power and speed, and with its wealth of combat experience its powers of intuition is outstanding, so that it can easily handle battles where it must adapt to the moment. Due to a personality that prefers the flames of destruction surging across the battlefield, it stirs up battles when it comes across a peaceful area. And although it's a Digimon, it obtains pleasure from gazing on the sight of the world being incinerated.
Its "Tyrant Collbrande", which uses the anger it works up in battle as a flaming sword, demonstrates its powerful depending on the might of its rage. It unfolds in battle that it is a match for one thousand warriors, as it modifies the terrain and inflicts damage on groups of enemies with its "Burning the Dragon", in which it stabs a dragon's vein within the land, and instantly reduces anything touched by its ultra-high-temperature "Dragon Breath Tonic Fire" to ashes.
Digimon Life
⇨ English 「ビッグデスターズ」火龍軍団将軍。数多のドラゴンデジモンを一糸乱れず統率し、どんな戦況下でも圧倒的な戦力で敵を討ち滅ぼしてきた。パワー・スピードはどれも長け、戦闘経験も豊富で直感力も優れており臨機応変に戦いをこなす。戦場に迸る破滅の炎を好む性格で、平穏な地域を見つけては戦闘を起こしていく。そしてデジモンが、世界が燃え死んでいく様を眺めて快楽を得ている。 戦闘において昂る怒りを炎の剣とした「タイラントコルブラント」はドルビックモンの激怒と同期し強大な威力を発揮する。地形に龍脈を突く「バーニング・ザ・ドラゴン」で地形変動させ敵団体にダメージを与え、超高熱の「ドラゴンブレストニックファイア」で触れた者を一瞬にして焼き払うなど一騎当千な戦いを繰り広げる。
⇨ Japanese The Fire-fury Death General that rules Dragon Land!
It leads a multitude of dragon Digimon in perfect order, and destroys its enemies. Due to a personality that prefers the flames of destruction surging across the battlefield, it stirs up battles when it comes across a peaceful area. And although it's a Digimon, it obtains pleasure from gazing on the sight of the world being incinerated. Its Special Moves are things like using the anger it works up in battle as a flaming sword (Tyrant Collbrande).
TV Asahi | Digimon Xros Wars
⇨ English ドラゴンランドを支配する火烈のデスジェネラル!
⇨ Japanese The general of the Fire-fury Army who leads a multitude of dragon Digimon in perfect order. Due to a personality that prefers the flames of destruction surging across the battlefield, it stirs up battles when it comes across a peaceful area. In addition, it gains pleasure from watching its enemies suffer and die.
Digimon Web Official Twitter
⇨ English 数多のドラゴンデジモンを一糸乱れず統率する火烈軍団将軍。戦場に迸る破滅の炎を好む性格で、平穏な地域を見つけては戦闘を起こしていく。そして敵が苦しみ死んでいく様を眺めて、快楽を得ている。
Dorbickmon's design is based on the mythological Welsh Dragon.
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Tyrant Collbrande
Tairanto Koruburanto
Dragon's Fury Blade
Transforms its anger into a flaming sword and attacks with it.
Burning the Dragon
Bāningu za Doragon
Stabs a dragon's vein within the land to modify the terrain and attack enemies.
Dragon Breastonic Fire
Doragon Buresutonikku Faia
Dragon Infernal Fire
Fires streams of flame from symbols on its chest.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Dorbickmon is one of the seven Death Generals, ruling over Dragon Land.
Dorbickmon in Digimon Xros Wars.
Individual Appearances[edit]
Dorbickmon appears in the omakes of the manga.
Video Games[edit]
Dorbickmon can only be obtained as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Big Death-Stars (ビッグデスターズ Biggu Desutāzu) set.
Available as a collectable card.
Available as a collectable card.
Available as a collectable card.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Dorbickmon is an unobtainable Boss Digimon.
Digimon Jintrix
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The general in charge of the Fire-fury Army. It leads the Dragon Digimon, and fights with its wealth of battle experience. It enjoys instigating battles in peaceful areas, using its overwhelming battle force to bring forth the flames of destruction.
Quote (⇨ English): 火烈軍団将軍。ドラゴンデジモンを統率し、豊富な戦闘経験で戦う。平和な地域に戦闘を巻き起こし、圧倒的な戦力で破滅の炎を生み出すことを好む。
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Latest Big Picture 2 |
Digimon Xros Wars Digimon Latest Big Picture 2 (Promo)
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]