Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
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⇨ Japanese The general of the Water-tiger Army of the "Big Death-Stars". By changing itself into a liquid and moving from liquid to liquid, it is able to take the shape of a human or Digimon at will. For this reason, spying is its specialty, and it puts all the information it acquired together, then relays it to its Cyborg Digimon to implement its strategies. No matter the tactics, it always puts being beautiful as its top priority, and its personality is such that it will reject tactics that sully its own beauty. Although it leads an army, its faith is only in its own beauty, so it doesn't have even an iota of anything like mutual trust, even for the Digimon in its army. The cute, multi-colored "Drippin" water-spirits composed and formed within its body, in contrast to their appearance, each possess an offensive ability of frightening degree, including close-combat, abnormal condition, and detonation abilities, according to their color. It has become a word-of-mouth rumor that among "Drippin" there exists one packed with Splashmon's obsession, the "Miraculous Beauty Fluid" that turns the skin glossy. The army of Drippin that are fired with its "Poisonous Force" paralyze the enemy force's chain of command, causing the battlefield to fall into chaos. Furthermore, with its "Hydro Pressure", which shoots water of high pressure and speed from its fingertips, and its "Bead-drown", which instantly gathers trace elements and converts them to liquid around the opponent's head, it possesses techniques that can cause abnormal conditions. When Splashmon gets wounded and is driven into a corner, it unzips the zippers all over its body and reveals the true form of Splashmon lying within. Those who saw this form, let alone the one who wounded it, are driven to death with its "Tiger Typhoon", which consumes everything. However, because its true form is, against its will, simply hideous, it absolutely hates exposing this form.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 「ビッグデスターズ」水虎軍団将軍。自らを液体に変化し液体から液体への移動から、人やデジモンに自在になることも出来る。このためスパイ活動を得意とし、入手した情報を自らがまとめるサイボーグ型デジモンに伝達し作戦を実行している。どんな作戦であれ常に美しくいることが最優先事項で、自身の美貌が汚れる作戦は拒絶する性格にある。軍団は率いているものの信じる物は己の美貌のみで、軍のデジモンといえど信頼関係など微塵も持っていない。体内で構成し形成された色とりどりで可愛らしい水精霊「ドリッピン」は見た目とは裏腹に色によって格闘・状態異常・大爆発と恐ろしいほどの攻撃能力を保有している。「ドリッピン」の中にはスプラッシュモンこだわりの「奇跡の美容液」が詰まったものも存在し、肌がツヤツヤになると口コミで噂になっている。「ポイゾナスフォース」で放たれたドリッピン軍団は敵軍団の指揮系統を麻痺させ戦場を混乱に陥れる。さらに指先から高圧・高速の水圧を撃つ「ハイドロプレッシャー」や、微量の元素を集め一瞬にして敵の頭部周辺に液体化する「ビードラウン」で状態異常を起こさせる技を持つ。スプラッシュモンが傷つき窮地に追い込まれた時、全身のチャックを解放し中からスプラッシュモンの真の姿が現れる。傷つけた者は勿論この姿を見たものは、全てを消滅させる「タイガータイフーン」で死においやられてしまう。しかし真の姿はとてもとても醜く意に反しているため、この姿を晒すのは極度に嫌っている。
⇨ Japanese The general of the Water-tiger Army of the "Big Death-Stars". By changing itself into a liquid and moving from liquid to liquid, it is able to take the shape of a human or Digimon at will. For this reason, spying is its specialty, and it puts all the information it acquired together, then relays it to its Cyborg Digimon to implement its strategies.
No matter the tactics, it always puts being beautiful as its top priority, and its personality is such that it will reject tactics that sully its own beauty. Although it leads an army, its faith is only in its own beauty, so it doesn't have even an iota of anything like mutual trust, even for the Digimon in its army.
The cute, multi-colored "Drippin" water-spirits composed and formed within its body, in contrast to their appearance, each possess an offensive ability of frightening degree, including close-combat, abnormal condition, and detonation abilities, according to their color. It has become a word-of-mouth rumor that among "Drippin" there exists one packed with Splashmon's obsession, the "Miraculous Beauty Fluid" that turns the skin glossy. The army of Drippin that are fired with its "Poisonous Force" paralyze the enemy force's chain of command, causing the battlefield to fall into chaos. Furthermore, with its "Hydro Pressure", which shoots water of high pressure and speed from its fingertips, and its "Bead-drown", which instantly gathers trace elements and converts them to liquid around the opponent's head, it possesses techniques that can cause abnormal conditions.
When Splashmon gets wounded and is driven into a corner, it unzips the zippers all over its body and reveals the true form of Splashmon lying within. In order to engulf all who saw this form, let alone the one who wounded it, it smashes and drowns all of its enemies without leaving any refuge using its "Tiger Typhoon", which generates a massive flood. However, because its true form is, against its will, simply hideous, it absolutely hates exposing this form.
Digimon Life
⇨ English 「ビッグデスターズ」水虎軍団将軍。自らを液体に変化し液体から液体への移動から、人やデジモンに自在になることも出来る。このためスパイ活動を得意とし、入手した情報を自らがまとめるサイボーグ型デジモンに伝達し作戦を実行している。 どんな作戦であれ常に美しくいることが最優先事項で、自身の美貌が汚れる作戦は拒絶する性格にある。軍団は率いているものの信じる物は己の美貌のみで、軍のデジモンといえど信頼関係など微塵も持っていない。 体内で構成し形成された色とりどりで可愛らしい水精霊「ドリッピン」は見た目とは裏腹に色によって格闘・状態異常・大爆発と恐ろしいほどの攻撃能力を保有している。「ドリッピン」の中にはスプラッシュモンこだわりの「奇跡の美容液」が詰まったものも存在し、肌がツヤツヤになると口コミで噂になっている。「ポイゾナスフォース」で放たれたドリッピン軍団は敵軍団の指揮系統を麻痺させ戦場を混乱に陥れる。さらに指先から高圧・高速の水圧を撃つ「ハイドロプレッシャー」や、微量の元素を集め一瞬にして敵の頭部周辺に液体化する「ビードラウン」で状態異常を起こさせる技を持つ。 スプラッシュモンが傷つき窮地に追い込まれた時、全身のチャックを解放し中からスプラッシュモンの真の姿が現れる。傷つけた者は勿論この姿を見たもの全てを飲み込み消滅するため、大洪水を巻き起こす「タイガータイフーン」で逃げ場なく敵全てを圧死・溺死にしてしまう。しかし真の姿はとてもとても醜く意に反しているため、この姿を晒すのは極度に嫌っている。
⇨ Japanese By changing itself into a liquid and moving from liquid to liquid, it is able to take the shape of a human or Digimon at will. With its "Hydro Pressure", which shoots water at high pressure and speed from its fingertips, and its "Bead-drown", which instantly gathers trace elements and converts them to liquid around the enemy's head, it possesses techniques that can cause abnormal conditions.
Today's Digimon
⇨ English 自らを液体に変化し液体から液体への移動から人やデジモンに自在になることも出来る。指先から高圧・高速の水圧を撃つ「ハイドロプレッシャー」や、微量の元素を集め一瞬にして敵の頭部周辺に液体化する「ビードラウン」で状態異常を起こさせる技を持つ。
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