
From Wikimon

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List of Drippin[edit]

  • Red Drippin: Causes whoever comes into contact with it to become distrustful.
  • Pink Drippin: Cause whoever comes into contact with it to become extremely vain and cowardly.
  • Yellow Drippin: Causes paralysis through electrical shock.
  • Green Drippin: Often used to control puppets and robots.
  • Blue Drippin: While having the same purpose as a Green Drippin, it is more advanced and capable of expressing a personality and thinking for itself.
  • Gray Drippin: Can change shape into various objects, also controls puppets.
  • Black Drippin: It goes boom. (Note: Gray Drippin may also be Black Drippin)


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death General and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

Drippins are Digital lifeforms created by Splashmon to operate the various machines in Cyber Land. They can act independently, but are in reality a part of Splashmon, and merging with them allows Splashmon to return to his true form.


Video Games[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]

Drippin red.jpg Drippin pink.jpg Drippin blue.jpg
Red Drippin Pink Drippin Blue Drippin

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes