Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Anime & Manga
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A younger brother who exchanged cups of brotherhood with Skull Knightmon, it is a brawny fighter replete with nimble movements and limitless physical strength. It faithfully obeys its sworn brother Skull Knightmon, and battles with faith in its sworn brother in order to obtain victory. It shows off lightning-speed movements fast enough that they earned it the alias "Running Lightning", and its top speed is so fast that it leaves afterimages. However, fine maneuvers are its weak point, so not only are its linear movements easily read by its opponent, it easily collides with obstacles too. However, if you see its sturdy body smashing through obstacles as if they were nothing and continuing to run with a defiant, thunderous roar, you would probably agree that the name "Running Lightning" is appropriate for it. Its Special Moves are running between opponents at the speed of light, who aren't even able to realize before they're cut down (Air Slicer), and spewing a powerful solution that dissolves everything (Aqua Rage). Furthermore, it has an even stronger technique, "Aqua Regia", in which it liquefies itself and swallows up everything in its surroundings.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English スカルナイトモンと義兄弟の杯を交わした弟分で、素早い動きと無限の体力に満ちた屈強の闘士。義兄であるスカルナイトモンに忠実に従っており、勝利を得るため義兄を信じて闘っている。「走る稲妻」と異名を取るほど電光石火の動きを見せ、トップスピードでは残像が見えるほど素早い。しかし細かい動きを不得意とし、その動きは直線的で敵に読まれやすく、また障害物にもぶつかりやすい。しかし頑丈な身体がそれを物ともせず轟音と共に粉砕して走る姿をみれば「走る稲妻」の名が相応しいと納得できるだろう。必殺技は光速で敵の間を駆け抜け、斬られたことすら気付かせない「エアスライサー」と、強力な溶解液を吐き出し全てを溶かす「アクアレイジ」。さらに強力で自らが溶けて周りのものすべてを巻き込む技「アクアレジア」がある。
⇨ Japanese A younger brother who exchanged cups of brotherhood with Skull Knightmon, it is a brawny fighter replete with nimble movements and limitless physical strength. It faithfully obeys its sworn brother Skull Knightmon, and battles with faith in its sworn brother in order to obtain victory. It shows off lightning-speed movements fast enough that they earned it the alias "Running Lightning", and its top speed is so fast that it leaves afterimages. However, fine maneuvers are its weak point, so not only are its linear movements easily read by its opponent, it easily collides with obstacles too. However, if you see its sturdy body smashing through obstacles as if they were nothing and continuing to run with a defiant, thunderous roar, you would probably agree that the name "Running Lightning" is appropriate for it. Its Special Moves are running between opponents at the speed of light, who aren't even able to realize before they're cut down (Air Slicer), and spewing a powerful solution that dissolves everything (Aqua Rage).
Digimon Life
⇨ English スカルナイトモンと義兄弟の杯を交わした弟分で、素早い動きと無限の体力に満ちた屈強の闘士。義兄であるスカルナイトモンに忠実に従っており、勝利を得るため義兄を信じて闘っている。「走る稲妻」と異名を取るほど電光石火の動きを見せ、トップスピードでは残像が見えるほど素早い。しかし細かい動きを不得意とし、その動きは直線的で敵に読まれやすく、また障害物にもぶつかりやすい。しかし頑丈な身体がそれを物ともせず轟音と共に粉砕して走る姿をみれば「走る稲妻」の名が相応しいと納得できるだろう。必殺技は光速で敵の間を駆け抜け、斬られたことすら気付かせない「エアスライサー」と、強力な溶解液を吐き出し全てを溶かす「アクアレイジ」。
⇨ Japanese A brawny fighter replete with nimble movements and limitless physical strength
A younger brother who exchanged cups of brotherhood with Skull Knightmon. It is a brawny fighter replete with nimble movements and limitless physical strength. It shows off lightning-speed movements fast enough that they earned it the alias "Running Lightning". Its Special Moves are running between opponents at the speed of light, who aren't even able to realize before they're cut down (Air Slicer), and spewing a powerful solution that dissolves everything (Aqua Rage). Skull Knightmon and Deadly Axemon DigiXros into Dark Knightmon.
TV Asahi | Digimon Xros Wars
⇨ English 素早い動きと無限の体力に満ちた屈強の闘士
⇨ English スカルナイトモンの おとうとぶんで すばやいうごきと むげんの 体りょくに みちた くっきょうの とうし スカルナイトモンに ちゅうじつに したがっており しょうりのため アニキを しんじて たたかっている 「はしるイナズマ」と いわれるほどの うごきを みせ トップスピードでは ざんぞうが みえるほど すばやい
デジモンストーリー 超クロスウォーズ
⇨ Japanese A younger brother who exchanged cups of brotherhood with Skull Knightmon, it is a brawny fighter replete with nimble movements and limitless physical strength. It faithfully obeys its sworn brother Skull Knightmon, and battles with faith in its sworn brother in order to obtain victory. Its Special Move are running between opponents at the speed of light, who aren't even able to realize before they're cut down (Air Slicer), and spewing a powerful solution that dissolves everything (Aqua Rage).
Digimon Xros Figure Series 07 - Skull Knightmon & Deadly Axemon Set
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Air Slicer
Ea Suraisā
Runs between opponents at the speed of light, cutting them down.
Aqua Rage
[3][N 1]
Akua Reiji
Spews a powerful solution that dissolves everything.
Aqua Regia
Akua Rejia
Liquefies itself and swallows up everything in its surroundings.
Lightning Flash
Raises its speed.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
- Any Black Lv.5 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from Black Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from Black Lv.4 Digimon with Save in their text from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from Lv.4 Digimon with Save in their text from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from Purple Lv.4 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Digimon that also Evolves from Purple Lv.4 Digimon with Save in their text from the Digimon Card Game
- Any Purple Lv.5 Digimon from the Digimon Card Game
- Apollomon Darkness Mode (with Apollomon Whispered)[10]
- Darkness Bagramon (with Bagramon and Skull Knightmon)[11]
- Dark Knightmon[12] (with or without Skull Knightmon[13][14][6][5][15], Skull Knightmon (Blue), Skull Knightmon BR[16], or certain Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[12])
- Deadly Tuwarmon (with Tuwarmon)[17]
- Deadly Tuwarmon Hell Mode (with Tuwarmon, energy from Hell's Field, Sethmon, as well as multiple Gryzmon, Goatmon, Dobermon, Bullmon and Gorimon)[10]
- Grey Knightsmon (with Skull Knightmon, Greymon and Mail Birdramon[18][6] or Skull Knightmon and Metal Greymon)[19]
- Muso Knightmon (with Skull Knightmon and Tuwarmon)[20]
- Shoutmon X3SD (with Skull Knightmon and Shoutmon X3[19] or Shoutmon, Ballistamon, Dorulumon and Skull Knightmon)[6]
- Skull Knightmon: Arrow Mode (with Skull Knightmon)[21]
- Skull Knightmon: Big Axe Mode[22] (with or without Skull Knightmon[21] or certain Digimon from the Digimon Card Game[22])
- Skull Knightmon: Cavalier Mode (with Skull Knightmon)[23]
- Skull Knightmon: Naginata Mode (with Skull Knightmon)[21]
Deadly Axemon is a member of Twilight and the brother-in-arms of Skull Knightmon.
Skull Knightmon and Deadly Axemon in Digimon Xros Wars.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Super Digica Taisen
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Possessing the alias 'Running Lightning', it trifles with the opponent using its speedy movements, moving at lightning speed just as its alias suggests.
Quote (⇨ English): 「走る稲妻」という異名を持ち、その名の通り電光石火のごとく素早い動きで相手を翻弄する。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Digimon that doesn't lose to anyone when it comes to speed. Its sturdy body pulverizes any obstacles in its way that it is unable to maneuver around.
Quote (⇨ English): 素早さでは誰にも負けないデジモン。小回りが利かない分、障害物は頑丈な体で粉砕してしまう。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Its "Air Slicer" is a Special Move where it sprints around the opponent at extraordinary speed, slicing them apart before they can even feel pain.
Quote (⇨ English): 「エアスライサー」は、相手の周りを超高速で駆け抜けながら、痛みを感じる間もなく切り裂く必殺技だ。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A robust warrior, it is loyal to its sworn brother Skull Knightmon. It is capable of charging straight on at an overwhelming speed.
Quote (⇨ English): 義兄のスカルナイトモンに忠実な屈強の戦士。圧倒的なスピードで直進することができる。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A younger brother figure that exchanged cups of brotherhood with Skull Knightmon. Filled to the brim with infinite stamina, it is also referred to as the Lightning Streak due to the linear but light-speed way it moves and pulverizes anything it hits.
Quote (⇨ English): スカルナイトモンと義兄弟の契りを交わした弟分。無限の体力に満ち、直線的だが電光石火の動きで障害物を手当たり次第に粉砕する姿は走る稲妻と呼ばれる。
Digimon Jintrix
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]