Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue
Box Art | |
Name | Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue |
System | Nintendo DS |
Release Date | March 3, 2011 |
Language | Japanese |
Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue (デジモンストーリー超クロスウォーズブルー, Dejimon Sutōrī Sūpā Kurosu Wōzu Burū) is a video game.
(Under construction)
Kudou Taiki, a youth who was called to the Digital World, a world different from the one we know. Through meetings with Digimon, the denizens of the Digital World, and through every battle they fight, Taiki leads his ever-growing team of comrades, Team Xros Heart. One day, Taiki was sent flying to LS-tou Zone via a mysterious Melody. There, he met Spadamon, a Digimon who held the fate of this Zone. New battles and previously-unknown DigiXroses await Xros Heart! Kiriha appears in Blue! While chasing Spadamon, Kiriha appears before Taiki and the others. Why in the world does he want to accompany Spadamon? Kiriha follows Spadamon every step to become even stronger?
Obtainable characters[edit]
Obtainable Digimon[edit]
- Agumon
- Armadimon
- Betamon
- Coronamon
- DORUmon
- Dracumon
- Falcomon
- Floramon
- Gabumon
- Ganimon
- Gaomon
- Goburimon
- Gomamon
- Gottsumon
- Guilmon
- Hagurumon
- Hawkmon
- Hyokomon
- Impmon
- Kamemon
- Keramon
- Kokuwamon
- Kudamon
- Lalamon
- Lopmon
- Lucemon
- Lunamon
- Monodramon
- Mushmon
- Otamamon
- Palmon
- Patamon
- Pawn Chessmon (White)
- Penmon
- Pico Devimon
- Piyomon
- Plotmon
- Renamon
- Shakomon
- Tentomon
- Terriermon
- Toy Agumon
- V-mon
- Wormmon
- Yuki Agumon
- Airdramon
- Angemon
- Ankylomon
- Aquilamon
- Bakemon
- Birdramon
- Bomber Nanimon
- Buraimon
- Centalmon
- Chrysalimon
- Clockmon
- Cockatrimon
- Coelamon
- Dark Tyranomon
- Devidramon
- Devimon
- Diatrymon
- Dokugumon
- DORUgamon
- Drimogemon
- Ebidramon
- Evilmon
- Firamon
- Flymon
- Galgomon
- Gaogamon
- Garurumon
- Gawappamon
- Gekomon
- Geo Greymon
- Gesomon
- Golemon
- Greymon L
- Growmon
- Guardromon
- Hanumon
- Hookmon
- Ice Devimon
- Igamon
- Ikkakumon
- Kabuterimon
- Knight Chessmon (White)
- Kuwagamon
- Kyubimon
- Lekismon
- Leomon
- Mechanorimon
- Minotaurmon
- Musyamon
- Numemon
- Octmon
- Orgemon
- Peckmon
- Raptordramon
- Reppamon
- Revolmon
- Rukamon
- Sangloupmon
- Scumon
- Seadramon
- Shellmon
- Siesamon
- Snimon
- Starmon L
- Stingmon
- Strikedramon
- Sunflowmon
- Tailmon
- Tankmon
- Thundermon
- Togemon
- Tuchidarumon
- Tyranomon
- Unimon
- V-dramon
- Vegimon
- Wendimon
- Wizarmon
- Woodmon
- XV-mon
- Yanmamon
- Yukidarumon
- Aero V-dramon
- Algomon
- Andiramon
- Andromon
- Angewomon
- Anomalocarimon
- Archnemon
- Atlur Kabuterimon
- Bastemon
- Bishop Chessmon
- Blossomon
- Blue Meramon
- Brachiomon
- Butenmon
- Cerberumon
- Chimairamon
- Crescemon
- Cyberdramon L
- Dagomon
- Digitamamon
- Dinobeemon
- DORUguremon
- Etemon
- Ex-Tyranomon
- Fantomon
- Flaremon
- Garudamon
- Gerbemon
- Gigadramon
- Giromon
- Grademon
- Grappu Leomon
- Hangyomon
- Holy Angemon
- Infermon
- Insekimon
- Jyureimon
- Karatenmon
- Knightmon
- Kyukimon
- Lady Devimon
- Lilamon
- Lilimon
- Lucemon: Falldown Mode
- Mach Gaogamon
- Mamemon
- Mametyramon
- Master Tyranomon
- Matadrmon
- Mega Seadramon
- Megadramon
- Megalo Growmon
- Mammon
- Marin Devimon
- Mermaimon
- Metal Greymon L
- Metal Mamemon
- Metal Tyranomon
- Monzaemon
- Mummymon
- Nanomon
- Okuwamon
- Paildramon
- Pandamon
- Parrotmon
- Piccolomon
- Rapidmon
- Rize Greymon
- Rook Chessmon
- Scorpiomon
- Shakkoumon
- Shawujinmon
- Silphymon
- Sinduramon
- Skull Baluchimon
- Skull Greymon
- Superstarmon
- Taomon
- Tonosama Gekomon
- Triceramon
- Tyilinmon
- Vademon
- Vajramon
- Vamdemon
- Vermillimon
- Volcamon
- Waru Seadramon
- Were Garurumon
- Whamon
- Wisemon
- Yatagaramon
- Zudomon
- Aegisdramon
- Algomon (Ultimate)
- Alphamon
- Ancient Beatmon
- Ancient Garurumon
- Ancient Greymon
- Ancient Irismon
- Ancient Megatheriumon
- Ancient Mermaimon
- Ancient Sphinxmon
- Ancient Troiamon
- Ancient Volcamon
- Ancient Wisemon
- Anubimon
- Apocalymon
- Apollomon
- Armagemon
- Babamon
- Baihumon
- Bancho Leomon
- Barbamon
- Beelzebumon L
- Belial Vamdemon
- Black War Greymon
- Boltmon
- Cannondramon
- Chaos Dukemon
- Chaosdramon
- Chaosmon
- Cherubimon (Vice)
- Cherubimon (Virtue)
- Chronomon: Holy Mode
- Craniummon
- Crossmon
- Darkdramon
- Deathmon
- Demon
- Devitamamon
- Diablomon
- Dianamon
- DORUgoramon
- Duftmon
- Dukemon
- Dukemon: Crimson Mode
- Dynasmon
- EBEmon
- Examon
- Gaioumon
- Giga Seadramon
- Goddramon
- Gran Kuwagamon
- Grand Dracumon
- Griffomon
- Gulfmon
- Herakle Kabuterimon
- Hi Andromon
- Holydramon
- Hououmon
- Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode
- Imperialdramon: Fighter Mode
- Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode
- Jijimon
- Jumbo Gamemon
- Justimon
- King Chessmon
- Lilithmon L
- Lord Knightmon
- Lotusmon
- Marin Angemon
- Megidramon
- Mercurymon
- Metal Etemon
- Metal Garurumon
- Metal Seadramon
- Millenniumon
- Minervamon
- Mirage Gaogamon
- Mirage Gaogamon: Burst Mode
- Moon Millenniumon
- Mugendramon
- Neptunemon
- Ofanimon
- Omegamon
- Parasimon
- Pharaohmon
- Piemon
- Pinochimon
- Plesiomon
- Prince Mamemon
- Pukumon
- Qinglongmon
- Queen Chessmon
- Ravmon
- Ravmon: Burst Mode
- Rosemon
- Rosemon: Burst Mode
- Saber Leomon
- Saint Galgomon
- Sakuyamon
- Seraphimon
- Shine Greymon
- Shine Greymon: Burst Mode
- Shine Greymon: Ruin Mode
- Skull Mammon
- Slash Angemon
- Sleipmon
- Spinomon
- Susanoomon
- Tiger Vespamon
- Ulforce V-dramon
- Valdurmon
- Valkyrimon
- Venom Vamdemon
- Vikemon
- War Greymon
- Xuanwumon
- Zanbamon
- Zeed Millenniumon
- Zhuqiaomon
- Ballistamon
- Beelzebumon
- Blastmon
- Bombmon
- Chikurimon
- Cutemon
- Dark Knightmon
- Deadly Axemon
- Dondokomon
- Dorulumon
- Gaossmon
- Grey Knightsmon
- Greymon
- Greymon O
- Lilithmon
- Mad Leomon
- Mail Birdramon
- Metal Greymon
- Monitamon
- Pickmon
- Shoutmon
- Shoutmon B
- Shoutmon X2
- Shoutmon X3
- Shoutmon X3GM
- Shoutmon X3SD
- Shoutmon X4
- Shoutmon X4B
- Shoutmon X4S
- Shoutmon X5
- Shoutmon X5S
- Shoutmon + Dorulu Cannon
- Shoutmon + Jet Sparrow
- Shoutmon + Star Sword
- Skull Knightmon
- Skull Knightmon BR
- Spadamon
- Sparrowmon
- Starmon
- Tactimon
- Troopmon
LS-tou Zone (エルエストウゾーン)[edit]
Fort Yard (フォートヤード)[edit]
Sky Fort (スカイフォート)[edit]
Knuckle Coast (ナックルかいがん)[edit]
Roundabout Amazon (ぐるぐるアマゾン)[edit]
Dark Tunnel (くらやみトンネル)[edit]
Flower Meadow (フラワーそうげん)[edit]
Skull Iceberg (ドクロひょうざん)[edit]
Spider Nest Ruins (クモノスいせき)[edit]
Papyrus Desert (パピルスさばく)[edit]
Tokona Coast (トコナかいがん)[edit]
Tokona Sea (トコナうみ)[edit]
Crystal Cave (クリスタルどうくつ)[edit]
Crystal Mine (クリスタルこうざん)[edit]
Crystal Volcano (クリスタルかざん)[edit]
Stealth Valley (ステルスけいこく)[edit]
Lost Space (ロストスペース)[edit]
Digital Space (デジタルくうかん)[edit]
Famitsu gave Super Xros Wars a good score of 8/8/8/8 [32/40]
Master Guide[edit]
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V-Jump Scans[edit]
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- The First Pressing of this game came with a Super Digica Taisen card DP-DSB as well as a Digimon Jintrix card P-001
External Links[edit]
- Bandai Games website (JP)
- GameFAQs
- Digimon Guide (Baby to Perfect)
- Digimon Guide (Ultimate and Xros)
- Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars wiki-Walkthrough
- Digimon Encyclopedia
Video Games | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||