Digimon Survive

From Wikimon

Logo digimonsurvive.png

Box Art
Digimon Survive Box Art
Name Digimon Survive
System PlayStation 4
Nintendo Switch
Xbox One
Release Date Nintendo Switch/PlayStation 4:
Japan July 28, 2022
United States Europe July 29, 2022
Windows/Xbox One
United States Europe July 29, 2022
Language Japanese, English, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, Neutral Spanish

Digimon Survive (デジモンサヴァイブ, Dejimon Savaibu) is a video game.

It is a visual novel with elements of a survival strategy role-playing game (SRPG).[1]

Digimon Survive was released on July 28th 2022 on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Steam in Japan and July 29 for the rest of the world.


Digimon Survive was originally supposed to release in 2019 but was delayed. According to Toei Animation Europe, Survive would release in Europe in January 2021.[2] This was removed a week later, however. On October 8, 2020, Habu Kazumasa stated Survive was delayed again as the game system was being reviewed and they had to redo their schedule from scratch.[3] Bandai confirmed on October 15 that it had been delayed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic[4] as well as having changed the game's engine during summer 2020 meaning they needed more time to work on the game.[5] Bandai promised an update on the game's status in Spring 2021[4] however this update never came with Bandai remaining silent. On July 28, 2021 Toei Animation stated the game would release in their fiscal Q3 2022 (which is between October and December 2021).[6] On October 28, 2021 however, Bandai announced the game had been delayed to 2022 and apologized for not providing an update in Spring 2021 like they'd promised. [7][8]

At Digimon Con, on February 27, 2022, it was confirmed that the developers had been changed at some point from Witchcraft. The official Digimon Survive website then changed the developers listed on the website to Hyde. On April 18, 2022, the game's Japanese release date was finally revealed as July 28, 2022.[9] Two days later, it was announced the localized versions would release on July 29.[10]

In July 2022, shortly before the release of the game, Habu stated that they had changed the development studio as his original intention was to create the game with a small team on an indie game budget, rather than the budget a Digimon game would usually get, but as the project went on he realized this wasn't possible and had to switch to a bigger studio with a bigger budget to be able to achieve his vision for the game. He also stated he was lucky that the smaller studio (Witchcraft) hadn't used much budget as it allowed him to convince Bandai's stakeholders not to cancel the game.[11] As Witchcraft were using a custom-made engine that Hyde could not access, development of the game had to be restarted from scratch which caused the game's development time to double from two years to four years, with development switching from the custom engine to Unity.[12]

Habu also stated that he used his prior work on the Summon Night franchise as inspiration for the game, as well as taking inspiration from the Utawarerumono franchise.[11]


While taking part in an extracurricular, history studies camping trip, Momotsuka Takuma visited a shrine that performed rituals surrounding the "Kemonogami" from a local belief that was passed down in the region, along with his friend, Hyuga Minoru, and Shibuya Aoi, who is a year older than them and from a different school.

The legend of the Kemonogami dates back to the Kamakura period. It is said that a powerful clan from that period borrowed the power of a beast-like god that resided in the mountains, and although they became prosperous, they incurred its wrath and were wiped out. The locals who feared the wrath of the "Kemonogami" used to offer their children as sacrifices to it. Although that tale was from long ago, the shrine is still used for rituals in the region, and it is said that when children enter it, they end up being "spirited away".

The shrine was shrouded in fog, and an eerie presence drifted about as if it were otherworldly. The group split up to investigate the shrine, and a creature appeared before Takuma from out of the grass.

The creature introduced itself as "Koromon", and said that it felt like it knew Takuma from the past. Although he was confused by Koromon, a scream from his friends caused him to come back to his senses.

As Takuma rushed ahead, they were attacked by a monster different from Koromon. And then, the youths were engulfed by the fog around them as they ran about desperately trying to escape.

They went astray in the world of this fading legend...

Having strayed off into another world, the youths were faced with new encounters and an imminent crisis!

While driving back the monster that chased after him with the help of Agumon, who evolved from Koromon, Takuma, who was surrounded by fog and had been separated from his friends, joined back up with Minoru, Aoi and they arrived at a school building that was somehow the camp's lodging facility.

However, they were surprised to see the school building. It was covered with vegetation, and looked worn down and dilapidated, as if several decades had passed. Was this really the school building where they were staying at? Maybe they time traveled? Or, did they stray off into another world?

Such questions come to mind.

Then... "Ugyaaaaaah"

Ryo's yelling was heard from the school building. The youths were hit with a new crisis...!

"Where the hell am I?"

Having gone astray in another world, the youths were puzzled...!



Main Characters[edit]

Other Characters[edit]



Obtainable Monsters[edit]

  1. Available as pre-order DLC bonus. Also available in the digital Month 1 Edition.
  2. Only available as a partner Monster.
  3. Only available in New Game+.

Unobtainable Monsters[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]

See Gallery:Digimon Survive.
See Gallery:Digimon Survive/Sprites.


Digimon Survive poster
Digimon Survive poster
Digimon Survive poster
Digimon Survive promo1.jpg
Digimon Survive promo2.jpg
Digimon survive poster4.png
Digimon survive poster5.jpg


Position Name Kanji/Kana
Developer Hyde 株式会社ハイド
Producer(s) Habu Kazumasa 羽生 和正
Character Design Ukumo Uiti 浮雲宇一
Music Miyoshi Tomoki 三好智己

Theme Song[edit]


Famitsu gave Digimon Survive a good Score of 8/8/9/7 [32/40]


  • Digimon Survive is the first Digimon game to be released on Xbox One.
  • This is the first ever Digimon game to get a simultaneous Worldwide release (with only a one day difference)

External Links[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. ESRB: Digimon Survive"
  2. Toei Animation: "Licensing January 2021, New video game : Digimon Survive"
  3. ハブ (@habumon). "ご心配をおかけし申し訳ございません。デジモンサヴァイブは開発体制を見直し、スケジュールの仕切り直しを行っております。関係各所調整し、状況を近々ご報告させていただく予定です。楽しみにしていただいている皆様には大変恐縮ですが、今しばらくお待ちいただけますよう宜しくお願い申し上げます。" October 8, 2020, 6:29 PM. Tweet.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Digimon Games (@digimon_games). "Digimon fans, we have an important message from #Digimon game producer, Habu Kazumasa:" October 15, 2020, 3:00 PM. Tweet.
  5. デジモンゲーム公式アカウント@Digimon_game "デジモンサヴァイブ 発売時期延期のお知らせ この度、発売時期を2020年内から2021年内に変更させていただくことになりました。 お待ちいただいている皆様には、心よりお詫び申し上げます。 延期に伴い、羽生プロデューサーのコメントを公開しております。"
  6. 東映アニメーション株式会社 2022年3月期 第1四半期決算 (2021/4~2021/6)"
  7. Digimon Games (@digimon_games). "#Digimon fans, please read this message from Digimon Game Producer, Habu Kazumasa:" October 28 2021, 15:00 PM. Tweet.
  8. Digimon Games (@digimon_games). "デジモンサヴァイブ 発売時期延期のお知らせ この度、発売時期を2021年内から2022年内に再度変更させていただくことになりました。お待ちいただいている皆様には、心よりお詫び申し上げます。" October 28 2021, 15:00 PM. Tweet.
  9. Gematsu: "Digimon Survive launches July 28 in Japan"
  10. Gematsu: "Digimon Survive launches July 29 in the west"
  11. 11.0 11.1 Noisy Pixel: "Digimon Survive Interview – Producer Reflects on Crafting This Unique and Dark Digimon Experience".
  12. One More Game: "Digimon Survive Producer Talks About Development Challenges, Storytelling, and What Fans can Expect"
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