Metal Seadramon

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Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Digimon Life Virtual Pets Anime & Manga Video Games
Current Original
⇨ Japanese
The final form of the Seadramon-species whose whole body is covered in the super-metal, Chrome Digizoid. Its Metal Body reflects every attack. Furthermore, it has the fastest speed of movement among aquatic Digimon. Metal Seadramon was remodeled as a Digimon for use in interception under the sea. With this, all Digimon for use in land, sea, and sky interception have been completed. Its Special Move is an energy cannon that is fired off from its snout (Ultimate Stream).
  • The formal name of "Chrome Digizoid", the metal used by Metal-species Digimon, is called "Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy" and is abbreviated as "CHO-alloy". Chrome Digizoid is an intermediate material between Chrondigizoit and living tissue, so it is able to integrate with living tissue, and it possesses both the super-hard firmness of Chrondigizoit, as well as the smoothness of living tissue.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Ultimate Stream [1]
アルティメットストリーム Arutimetto Sutorīmu River of Power[1], Energy Blast[9] Fires a massive beam of energy from the cannon on its snout.
Hell Squeeze [4]
ヘルスクイーズ Heru Sukuīzu Giga Ice Blast, Hell Squeeze, Hot Squeeze Wraps its body around its prey and constricts.
Poseidon Divide [10]
ポセイドンディバイド Poseidon Dibaido Poseidon's Divide Summons a massive wave of water to wash away the enemy.
Ultimate Storm [11]
アルティメットストーム Arutimetto Sutōmu
Fires a blast of energy from the cannon on its snout.
Capture Beam [12]
キャプチャービーム Kyapuchā Bīmu Capture Beam[12] A beam that prevents the enemy from escaping.[12]
Kamikudaku [13] Crunch かみくだく N/A
Bites the enemy.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Adventure[edit]

Metal Seadramon was one of the four Dark Masters that conquered the Digital World, while the Chosen Children were in the Real World fighting Vamdemon. He ruled the oceans.

He appeared with the other Dark Masters in "The Four Kings of the Mountain of the Devil! The Dark Masters!" and was the first Dark Master to confront the Chosen Children. He defeated all eight of the Adult levels before sending them to meet the other Dark Masters. The Dark Masters would lose track of the Chosen Children with Piccolomon's help.

He then had one of his servants, Anomalocarimon, ambush the Chosen Children and render most of them unconscious in "The Raging King of the Seas! Metal Seadramon". He became enraged after discovering that Anomalocarimon missed two of the Chosen and dispatched him to chase after them. After growing impatient, he decided to fry the Chosen Children he had already captured, but to his dismay they had been switched with Anomalocarimon. Anomalocarimon extinguished himself in the ocean, but Metal Seadramon dropped Anomalocarimon to the ground and destroyed him for his failure.

In "Silence at the Bottom of the Ocean, Whamon", Metal Seadramon comes face-to-face with the Chosen Children again. Seeing that they were overpowered, Lilimon attempted to lure Metal Seadramon away while the others escaped, but he quickly saw through the ploy and resumed his pursuit of the Chosen Children. She made a last ditch attempt to fight him, but he struck her with his tail, forcing her to devolve. Zudomon tried to knock Metal Seadramon over, but failed. Whamon arrived at the last second and rescued the Chosen Children before retreating to the bottom of the ocean. Metal Seadramon then sent the Hangyomon to search for Whamon. Once one revealed their location, he chased them down relentlessly. The battle eventually resumed on the surface, but with the Chosen Children having learned of War Greymon's Dramon Killer, they were able to slay him.

Digimon Tamers[edit]

A Metal Seadramon was seen through the rip in the sky during Vikaralamon's rampage. Another one was among the Ultimate digimon that evolved because of Culumon's shining evolution to fight against the D-Reaper.

Digimon Adventure tri.[edit]

Appears in "Loss" in a flashback together with the other Dark Masters. Later, the reborn, infected Metal Seadramon was summoned by the Mysterious Man to chase the dispersed Chosen Children. However, it was defeated and killed by War Greymon and Metal Garurumon.

Digimon Ghost Game[edit]

The shadow of a Metal Seadramon briefly appears during the opening sequence, lurking just below the surface of the water, with Tsukiyono Ruli and Angoramon just outside the lake.


Digimon Xros Wars[edit]

A Metal Seadramon is part of the group defending Bagramon's Palace in Jupiter Zone.

Metal Seadramon among the Digimon led by Lilithmon to protect Jupiter Zone.

Digimon Liberator[edit]

Digimon Knuckles[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

Metal Seadramon is an obtainable Variable Move. Its attack, Ultimate Stream, deals damage to one Sky Type enemy. It costs 36 VP.

Digimon World 2[edit]

Metal Seadramon is an obtainable partner Digimon. Evolves from Mega Seadramon (0+ DP).

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]

Metal Seadramon is the first opponent of Infinity Tower's third Battle Arena. He tells the player that the outside world smells great and is a great place to conquer, and laughs about how he'll bring destruction and pain again, starting by tearing the player to pieces. Metal Seadramon plays the Savage Sea King deck, a Blue/Water deck with 3 attack, 5 defense and 3 evolution speed that has an incredibly tough defense. Upon being defeated, he calls the player funny, then tells him to see what lies ahead with his own eyes.

Metal Seadramon is also an obtainable Perfect-level Blue/Water card whose stats are:

  • HP: 2030
  • DP: 50
  • +P: 20
  • Circle attack: 700
  • Triangle attack: 450
  • X attack: 400, Red/Flame foe x3
  • Support Ability: If own specialty is Blue/Water, opponent's Support Effect is voided.

Metal Seadramon's attacks are Ultimate Stream, Hell Squeeze and Poseidon Divide.

Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon World 3[edit]

Digital Monster: D-Project[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

Can be evolved from Mega Seadramon if above level 41 and Water EXP above 6000, or can be found at Underwater Drive, via Freezing Mountains.

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]

Can be evolved from Mega Seadramon if above level 55, Machine EXP 10000, and Water EXP above 11000, or can be found at Macro Ocean. Also appeared as a boss character during Ebidramon's Quest Mission, looking forward to challenging you in a Macro Battle. Once beaten, he's satisfied challenging you and give you a DigiMarine.

Digimon Championship[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]

Digimon Life[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Metal Seadramon can only be obtained as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Crack Team (クラックチーム Kurakku Chīmu) set.

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon Adventure[edit]

Metal Seadramon is one of the Dark Masters. He controls the Ocean Area of Spiral Mountain.

After Piemon threw the Chosen Children and Tyumon into a hole in Episode 49, "The Four Dark Masters", he summoned the other Dark Masters: Metal Seadramon, Mugendramon and Pinochimon, and introduced the four of them.

Metal Seadramon sent his minion, Anomalocarimon, after the Chosen Children in Episode 50, "Nostalgic Beach", then went after them himself, though by the time he got to the Beach Area, they had already left on Whamon. However, Metal Seadramon was sure they could not run away from him in the sea. Continuing in Episode 51, "The Raging King of the Seas! Metal Seadramon", he sent his minions after the Chosen Children and Whamon and pursued them himself, finally catching up to them after Whamon left the Chosen Children in a beach. Whamon rammed Metal Seadramon, but that barely flinched the Ultimate, who then shot Whamon with an Ultimate Stream, mortally wounding him, then attacked the Chosen Children.

Metal Seadramon is the 58th obligatory boss of the game, fighting the Chosen Children at the end of Episode 51, "The Raging King of the Seas! Metal Seadramon". He can deal damage to all Digimon with Ultimate Stream, deal multiple hits to one Digimon and Break with Hell Squeeze, or a single hit to one Digmon with Kamikudaku. He can take two actions per turn and increase his attack upon being hurt thanks to his Continuous Action and Anger support abilities. After being defeated, he drops an All Attack, which lets the user perform the namesake technique which attacks all enemies.

After Metal Seadramon's death, the ocean returned from Spiral Mountain, and the powers of darkness faded.

After the Chosen Children returned to Subspace from the sea of data in Episode 62, "The Final Dark Digimon", they were taken by a strange light into a new area with six coloured doors, and a seventh door between them with a chain of each colour. Behind the blue door, the Chosen Children found Metal Seadramon. Kido Jo and Gomamon took him on with confidence that no water Digimon could beat them. Gomamon could feel Jo's Sincerity flowing through his body, then warp evolved into Vikemon for the first time.

Metal Seadramon is an optional boss fight, obtained if the player got at least 35 points of bond rankings for Jo. Gomamon will evolve for the first time into Vikemon for no SP cost and remain in the form for the battle. After being defeated, he drops an ATK Charge Ω DigiPiece, which allows the user to perform the namesake technique to increase an ally's attack by two stages.

With Metal Seadramon defeated, both the blue chain and door disappeared.

Metal Seadramon in Digimon Adventure.
The Dark Masters in Digimon Adventure.

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

After Zudomon's fishing contest, Metal Seadramon suddenly appeared in front of Whamon and Taiga as the latter rode on the former's back. It quickly insults Whamon before stating it evolved (from Mega Seadramon) and is the true master of the seas. Whamon defended itself as the current master and both hurl insults at each other. Back on the shore, Zudomon, Marin Angemon, Ikkakumon and Kamemon watched the two titans verbally fight each other. Zudomon thought they may be hungry so it sends Taiga to get a fish big enough for both of them. If Taiga gives them a fish that isn't king-sized, they stop temporarily, but then resume, this time over how much food the other ate. If the fish is big enough, after a moment of silence, Metal Seadramon acknowledges Whamon's leadership skills and leaves it in charge. Whamon refuses however, as it's too young and wants to learn from Metal Seadramon. Metal Seadramon then says both should look over the sea considering File Island's unstable condition, which Whamon agrees with, and both thank each other. Metal Seadramon then gives Taiga the water it was in before it evolved, an evolution mechanism which contains condensed data of its former life, a CHO Alloy.

Metal Seadramon then sends Taiga a mail, thanking him for its evolution and its comeback as the lord of the sea, then asks him to fight his own battles as it takes care of the Submerged Ruins. Attached to the mail are three Attack Chips.

Metal Seadramon is an obtainable partner Digimon. Evolves from Mega Seadramon and Gigadramon.

Metal Seadramon in the Submerged Ruins

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon All-Star Rumble[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Digimon Soul Chaser[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Digimon Linkz[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Digimon ReArise[edit]

Digimon Encounters[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Digimon Super Rumble[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Ver. 2.0 Deep Savers[edit]

Obtained by Jogressing Mega Seadramon or Anomalocarimon with a compatible Digimon.

Digivice Version 1[edit]

Metal Seadramon is the boss Digimon of Area 05.

Digivice Version 2[edit]

Metal Seadramon is an enemy Digimon in Area 07.


D-Ark Version 1.0/1.5[edit]


D-Scanner 2.0[edit]



Digimon Neo Ver. 1[edit]

Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Digimon Fusion Loader[edit]

Metal Seadramon is an unobtainable Leader Digimon.

Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th[edit]

Digimon Pendulum Z[edit]

Metal Seadramon appears as an enemy Digimon.

Digivice Ver.Complete[edit]

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]

Vital Bracelet BE[edit]

Digimon Pendulum COLOR[edit]

Digivice -25th COLOR EVOLUTION-[edit]


Hyper Colosseum


Card Game Alpha
Digimon Jintrix
Battle Spirits
Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]


Virtual Pets[edit]

Metalseadramon vpet pen.gif Metalseadramon vpet dv.gif Metalseadramon vpet dw.gif MetalSeadramon vpet xloader.png Metalseadramon vpet vb.png Metalseadramon vpet dpc.gif
Digimon Pendulum Digivice DigiWindow Digimon Xros Loader Vital Bracelet Digital Monster Digimon Pendulum COLOR

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Digimon Reference Book: Metal Seadramon
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Digimon World Digital Card Arena
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 EX8-026 (DCG)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Dα-240
  5. St-700
  6. Digimon Adventure: "The Four Kings of the Mountain of the Devil! The Dark Masters!"
  7. Digimon World Re:Digitize
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Pendulum 2.0
  9. 9.0 9.1 Digimon World 2
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 St-405
  11. 1-080
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Digimon World 3
  13. Digimon Adventure (Game)
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Bo-35
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight
  16. 16.0 16.1 Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th
  17. 17.0 17.1 Digimon Pendulum
  18. BT2-030
  19. Bo-201
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Bo-435
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 Vital Bracelet Digital Monster
  22. 22.0 22.1 Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
  24. 24.0 24.1 Vital Bracelet BE
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Bo-267
  26. 26.0 26.1 Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Digimon Pendulum COLOR
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 St-540
  29. Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers
  30. Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 Digimon World -next 0rder-
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition
  33. 33.0 33.1 Digimon Championship
  34. Digimon ReArise
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Digimon New Century
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 Digimon Survive
  37. Digimon Super Rumble
  38. Digimon RPG
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars
  40. Bo-3j
  41. Bo-163
  42. Digimon Reference Book: Giga Seadramon
  43. Digimon Masters
  44. BT20-028 (DCG)