Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
Virtual Pets
⇨ Japanese A form that Seadramon-species evolve into in order to survive the harsh environment of the intensely competitive Net Ocean. Its body became a size larger, the carapace covering its head got harder, and a lightning-shaped blade has grown on its calvaria. Its intelligence has developed more than the Seadramon-species, so it chases its opponent persistently, like a seeking torpedo, and reliably brings them down. Its Special Move is a powerful lightning strike fired from the blade on its calvaria (Thunder Javelin). There is a generator device equipped in the carapace on its head so that it can enable this Special Move.
The effect on Mega Seadramon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Called the King of the Seadramon-species, who has survived in the intensely competitive Net Ocean since ancient times, Mega Seadramon's survival in every region of the Net Ocean, from ice-bound seas to tropical waters, is expressed by the colors of its body. By repeatedly using its Special Move "Thunder Javelin" in battle after battle, the blade on its calvaria has been well-tempered and honed, and its conductivity has also increased. In addition, it acquired its Special Move "King Javelin", where it thrusts its blade into the enemy and tears them to pieces.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English シードラモン種が生存競争の高いネットの海の過酷な環境を生き抜くために進化した形態。体も一回り大きくなり、頭部を覆う外殻も硬度を増し、頭頂部にイナズマ型のブレードが生えている。シードラモン種より知性が発達しており、追尾型魚雷のようにしつこく敵を追い回し、確実に仕留める。必殺技は頭頂部のブレードから発する強力な雷撃『サンダージャベリン』。頭部の外殻は、この必殺技を可能にするための発電装置が仕込まれている。 ■X抗体によるメガシードラモンのデジコアへの影響 古代より生存競争の高いネットの海を生き抜いてきたシードラモン種の王と言われるメガシードラモンは、氷の閉ざす海から熱帯の海まで、あらゆる地域のネットの海を生き抜いてきた姿がその体色に現われている。幾度もの戦いで必殺技『サンダージャベリン』を繰り返すことにより、頭頂部のブレードは鍛え上げられ鋭さを増し、伝導性も増している。また、そのブレードを敵に突き立て切り裂く必殺技『キングジャベリン』を身に付けた。
⇨ Japanese Seadramon-species that survived the harsh environment of the Folder Continent area evolved into this form, in order to outlive others in the Digital World where the weak are food for the strong. Its body became a size larger, the carapace covering its head got harder, and a lightning-shaped blade has grown on its calvaria. Its intelligence has developed more than the Seadramon-species, so it chases its opponent persistently, like a seeking torpedo, and reliably brings them down. Its Special Move is a powerful lightning strike fired from the blade on its calvaria (Thunder Javelin). There is a generator device equipped in the carapace on its head, in order to enable this Special Move.
The effect on Mega Seadramon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Called the King of the Seadramon-species, who has survived in the intensely competitive Net Ocean since ancient times, Mega Seadramon's survival in every region of the Net Ocean, from ice-bound seas to tropical waters, is expressed by the colors of its body. By repeatedly using its Special Move "Thunder Javelin" in battle after battle, the blade on its calvaria has been well-tempered and honed, and its conductivity has also increased. In addition, it acquired its Special Move "King Javelin", where it thrusts its blade into the enemy and tears them to pieces.
Digimon Life
⇨ English フォルダ大陸周辺の過酷な環境を生き延びたシードラモン種が、弱肉強食のデジタルワールドを生き抜くためにに進化した形態。体も一回り大きくなり、頭部を覆う外殻も硬度を増し、頭頂部にイナズマ型のブレードが生えている。シードラモン種より知性が発達しており、追尾型魚雷のようにしつこく敵を追い回し、確実に仕留める。必殺技は頭頂部のブレードから発する強力な雷撃『サンダージャベリン』。頭部の外殻は、この必殺技を可能にするための発電装置が仕込まれている。 ■X抗体によるメガシードラモンのデジコアへの影響 古代より生存競争の高いネットの海を生き抜いてきたシードラモン種の王と言われるメガシードラモンは、氷の閉ざす海から熱帯の海まで、あらゆる地域のネットの海を生き抜いてきた姿がその体色に現われている。幾度もの戦いで必殺技『サンダージャベリン』を繰り返すことにより、頭頂部のブレードは鍛え上げられ鋭さを増し、伝導性も増している。また、そのブレードを敵に突き立て切り裂く必殺技『キングジャベリン』を身に付けた。
⇨ English 古代より生存競争の高いネットの海を生き抜いてきたシードラモン種の王。 必殺技:鍛え上げ鋭さを増した頭のブレードを敵に突き立て切り裂く「キングジャベリン」
⇨ English 古代より生存競争の高いネットの海を生き抜いてきたシードラモン種の王と言われる。あらゆる地域のネットの海を生き抜いてきた姿がその体色に現われている。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
King Javelin
Kingu Jaberin
Thrusts its blade into the enemy and tears them to pieces.
Thunder Javelin
Sandā Jaberin
Fires electricity from the blade on its head.
Summons a great wave.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Mega Seadramon (X-Antibody) appears only in the booklets of the manga.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Mega Seadramon (X-Antibody) evolves from Death-X-DORUgamon (1.5), DORUgamon, Kuwagamon (X-Antibody), Raptordramon (1.0}, or Seadramon (X-Antibody), and can also be obtained by Jogressing Seadramon (X-Antibody) with Raptordramon (1.0) or Death-X-DORUgamon (1.5). It can evolve to Giga Seadramon, Grandis Kuwagamon, or War Greymon (X-Antibody) (1.0 only), and can also Jogress with Grademon (1.0) or Death-X-DORUguremon (1.5) to evolve to Giga Seadramon.
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This sea dragon king is crowned with its well-tempered sword-horn!
Quote (⇨ English): 鍛え上げた剣角(ソードホーン)を戴冠する海竜王!
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]