Grandis Kuwagamon

From Wikimon

Only the strongest few among the evil Gran Kuwagamon, called the "Demon of the Deep Forest", have evolved into it, and if you come across Grandis Kuwagamon, you can call yourself lucky to some extent. Its presence is concealed like dense fog, and it is the rarest species among Insect Digimon. It takes pride in being a Virus-species, and according to one theory, it is said to be a warrior in league with Black War Greymon, who preaches its own justice as a Virus-species. The "Gran Killers" on both of its arms are capable of damaging even the hardest of shells or metals, so it deepens the wounds and eventually brings down the enemy. Its Special Move is clamping the enemy with the enormous pincers on its head and cutting them to pieces (Grandis Scissor).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Description
Grandis Scissor [2] グランディスシザー Gurandisu Shizā Cuts the enemy with the enormous pincers on its head, or fires spikes of energy from them.
Gran Killer [2] グランキラー Guran Kirā Slices opponent with the claws on its arms.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

Grandis Kuwagamon serves Zamielmon in the Honey Land. He is made Digi Xros with several Honeybeemon in order to become Grandis Kuwagamon Honey Mode and fight against Xros Heart, but is defeated by Jet Mervamon.[17]


Digimon Chronicle[edit]

In "Death-X Evolution", in the Versandi Terminal of the New Digital World, Doumoto Kouta and Raptordramon found a group of dead Raptordramon, and that they were surrounded by an army of Kuwagamon (X-Antibody) and Okuwamon (X-Antibody) led by Grandis Kuwagamon, who ordered its followers to kill Kouta and Raptordramon to remove the X-Reformation. After Raptordramon evolved into Grademon, Kouta ordered his Partner Digimon to defeat Grandis Kuwagamon, and Grademon charged at the insect Digimon army.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Grandis Kuwagamon evolves from Jewelbeemon by Special Card Evolution.

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Grandis Kuwagamon is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Kuwaga Nine (クワガーナイン Kuwagā Nain) set.

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Grandis Kuwagamon is only obtainable as a collectable card.

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Grandis Kuwagamon is only obtainable as a collectable card.

Digimon New Century[edit]

Digimon Super Rumble[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Pendulum X 1.0 & 1.5[edit]

Grandis Kuwagamon evolves from Death-X-DORUguremon (1.5), DORUguremon, Grademon (1.0), Mega Seadramon (X-Antibody), Metal Greymon (X-Antibody), or Okuwamon (X-Antibody). It can also be obtained by Jogressing Okuwamon (X-Antibody) with Triceramon (X-Antibody) (2.0/2.5) or Alphamon (3.0).

D-Cyber Version 1.0[edit]

D-Spirit 2[edit]

Digimon Xros Loader[edit]

Grandis Kuwagamon is available by DigiXrossing Gran Kuwagamon, Atlur Kabuterimon, Okuwamon, and Kuwagamon.

Digital Monster X Ver.2[edit]

Vital Bracelet Digital Monster[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Grandiskuwagamon vpet penx.gif GrandisKuwagamon vpet xloader.png Grandiskuwagamon vpet dmx.gif Grandiskuwagamon vpet vb.png
Digimon Pendulum X Digimon Xros Loader Digital Monster X Ver.2 Vital Bracelet Digital Monster

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes