Digimon Chronicle

From Wikimon
Digimon Chronicle
Digimonchronicle logo.png
Author Shisheni Okorarana
Illustrator Moriyama Soh
Publisher Bandai
Duration April 26, 2003 - November 21, 2003
Volumes 1
Next Manga Digimon Next
Previous Manga Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01
Digimon Chronicle (デジモンクロニクル Dejimon Kuronikuru) is a storyline accompanying the 2004 Digimon v-pet line.

Originally rumored to be a new, full-blown manga to replace Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01, it eventually transpired to be mostly prose text, printed in the booklets which accompanied the Pendulum X digital pets. These booklets also contained short, non-sequitur six-page "mangas". There are four "chapters", one sold with the Pendulum X 1.0, another with the Pendulum X 1.5, another with the Pendulum X 2.0, and the final chapter with the Pendulum X 3.0.



Digital World controlled by a sentient computer named Yggdrasill. Because Digimon had multiplied so much in the past, Yggdrasill, the host computer, was unable to handle the load and the Digital Hazard occurred. Yggdrasill then created the "New Digital World", consisting of three layers for the past, present, and future - Ulud, Versandi, and Skuld, respectively, and then let loose with Project Ark and the X Program to eliminate any Digimon Yggdrasill no longer wanted. However, the Digimon adapted by obtaining a program called the X-Antibody, which strengthened them, changed their form, and made them immune to the X Program. Yggdrasill sent in the Royal Knights, thirteen Digimon devoted to keeping order in the Digital World, and at this point Kouta and Yuuji, two humans, somehow found their way into the Digital World and met their partner Digimon, DORUmon for Kouta and Ryudamon for Yuuji. Kouta and Yuuji resisted Yggdrasill and the Royal Knights.


Main Characters[edit]

Other Characters[edit]

Other Humans[edit]



Image Gallery[edit]


Digimon chronicle cover.jpg Digimon chronicle omake.jpg Digimon chronicle omake2.jpg Digimon chronicle scan2.jpg
Cover Omake
(Hyper Colosseum)
(Hyper Colosseum)
Promotional Scan
Digimon chronicle scan.jpg Digimon chronicle promo.jpg Digimon chronicle promo2.jpg
Promotional Scan Illustration for the Digimon Web Official Twitter Promotional Illustration

External links[edit]


References Notes
Digimonadventure logo.png Zerotwo logo.png Digimontamers logo.png Digimonfrontier logo.png Digimonsavers logo.png
Digimonxroswars logo.png Tri.logoshadow.png Appmon logo.png Digimonadventure reboot logo.png Digimonghostgame logo.png
Digimonbeatbreak logo.png
Cmon logo.png Vtamer logo.png Digimonchronicle logo.png Digimonnext logo.png Digimonxroswars logo.png
Worldredigitize logo.png Worldredigitizeencode logo.png Digimonstorycybersleuth logo white.png Appmon logo.png Appmongakuen logo.png
Dscs hackersmemory logo white.png Digimonchroniclex logo.png Digimondreamers logo.png Digimonliberator logo.png
Digimonrecollection logo.png Digimonparadox logo.png Digimonknuckles logo.png Hiraganadigimon logo.png Digimonseekersmanga logo.png Digimon Seekers WSM logo JP.PNG
Battle Digitalmonsters logo.png Digimonadventuremanhua logo.png Zerotwo logo.png Digimontamers logo.png Digimonfrontier logo.png Legendary skies logo.png Dcyber logo.png
Web Novel
Digimonchroniclex logo.png Digimonseekers logo.png Digimonliberator logo white.png