Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese An Undead Digimon that was a Mammon, revived from ancient times, that continued to battle with Virus-species Digimon, resulting in its whole body being eaten away by a virus, leaving nothing but bones. Its survival instinct as a Vaccine is strong even in death, and in order to continue battling, it has lost all emotion and intelligence aside from its resolve to exterminate Viruses. The Digicore shining within its chest is undamaged, so it is able to maintain its vital functions even though its body has become nothing but bones, but if the bare Digicore is struck, then Skull Mammon would probably be at the edge of death. Its Special Move is rapidly spinning and then hurling one of its vertebra (Spiral Bone).
The effect on Skull Mammon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Having continued to battle despite turning to bones, all that awaited it was actual death, but only its skeleton started to grow due to the influence of the X-Antibody. It stands completely on two legs, and its forelimbs have changed to being claw-shaped to tear up the enemy. Its skull developed abnormally and now has gigantic horns, becoming powerful weapons that inflict heavy damage to the enemy when it charges at them. It acquired its "Giant Crush Bone", where it rapidly spins the gigantic horns on its skull and charges, smashing the enemy to pieces.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 太古より蘇ったマンモンがウィルス種のデジモンと戦い続け、全身がウィルスによって蝕まれた結果、全身が骨だけになってしまたアンデットデジモン。死してなお、ワクチンとしての生存本能が強く、戦い続けているため、ウィルスを殲滅すること意外の感情や知性を失っている。胸に輝くデジコアが無傷なうちは、全身が骨だけになっても生命活動を維持することができるが、剥き出しのデジコアを攻撃された時はスカルマンモンの最期だろう。必殺技は背びれの骨を高回転させて飛ばす『スパイラルボーン』。 ■X抗体によるスカルマンモンのデジコアへの影響 骨となってまでも戦い続け、残すのは本当の死のみだが、X抗体の影響によって骨格だけが成長し始めている。二本足で完全に立ち上がり、前足は爪状に変化し敵を引裂く。頭蓋骨が異常発達して巨大な角となり、突進時に敵に大打撃を与える強力な武器となった。頭蓋骨の巨大な角を高速で回転させて突進し、敵を粉々に砕く『ジャイアントクラッシュボーン』を身に付けている。
⇨ Japanese An Undead Digimon that was a Mammon, revived from ancient times, that continued to battle with Virus-species Digimon, resulting in its whole body being eaten away by a virus, leaving nothing but bones. Its survival instinct as a Vaccine is strong even in death, and in order to continue battling, it has lost all emotion and intelligence aside from its resolve to exterminate Viruses. The Digicore shining within its chest is undamaged, so it is able to maintain its vital functions even though its body has become nothing but bones, but if the bare Digicore is struck, then Skull Mammon would probably be at the edge of death. Its Special Move is rapidly spinning and then hurling one of its vertebra (Spiral Bone).
The effect on Skull Mammon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Having continued to battle despite turning to bones, all that awaited it was actual death, but only its skeleton started to grow due to the influence of the X-Antibody. It stands completely on two legs, and its forelimbs have changed to being claw-shaped to tear up the enemy. Its skull developed abnormally and now has gigantic horns, becoming powerful weapons that inflict heavy damage to the enemy when it charges at them.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English 太古より蘇ったマンモンがウィルス種のデジモンと戦い続け、全身がウィルスによって蝕まれた結果、全身が骨だけになってしまたアンデットデジモン。死してなお、ワクチンとしての生存本能が強く、戦い続けているため、ウィルスを殲滅すること意外の感情や知性を失っている。胸に輝くデジコアが無傷なうちは、全身が骨だけになっても生命活動を維持することができるが、剥き出しのデジコアを攻撃された時はスカルマンモンの最期だろう。必殺技はせびれの骨を高回転させて飛ばす『スパイラルボーン』。 ■X抗体によるスカルマンモンのデジコアへの影響 骨となってまでも戦い続け、残すのは本当の死のみだが、X抗体の影響によって骨格だけが成長し始めている。二本足で完全に立ち上がり、前足は爪状に変化し敵を引裂く。頭蓋骨が異常発達して巨大な角となり、突進時に敵に大打撃を与える強力な武器となった。
⇨ English
デジモンワールド リ:デジタイズ デコード
⇨ Japanese Having continued to battle despite turning to bones, only its skeleton grew due to the influence of the X-Antibody. It stands on two legs, and its skull developed abnormally which now has gigantic horns.
Digimon Web Official Twitter
⇨ English 骨となってまでも戦い続け、X抗体によって骨格だけが成長している。二本足で立ち上がり、頭蓋骨は異常発達して巨大な角となった。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Spiral Bone
Supairaru Bōn
Rapidly spins and then hurls one of its vertebra.
Grand Charge
Guran Chāji
Giant Crush Bone
Jaianto Kurasshu Bōn
Rapidly spins the gigantic horns on its skull and charges, smashing the enemy to pieces.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Skull Mammon (X-Antibody) is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Undead Monster (アンデットモンスター Andetto Monsutā) set.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This undead fortress lacks any emotion, standing through the sheer force of tenacity!
Quote (⇨ English): 感情なき執念で起つ、骸の要塞!
Quote (⇨ English): X抗体の影響によって骨格だけが成長し始める
Card Game Alpha
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]