Digimon Story: Time Stranger

From Wikimon

Timestranger logo.png

Box Art
Digimon Story: Time Stranger Box Art
Name Digimon Story: Time Stranger
Usa.png Digimon Story Time Stranger
System PlayStation 5
Xbox Series X/S
Release Date 2025
Language Japanese, English, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, Neutral Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean

Digimon Story: Time Stranger (デジモンストーリー タイムストレンジャー, Dejimon Sutōrī Taimu Sutorenjā) is a video game.







Digimon Survive poster



This game was first announced on December 8, 2017, just before the release of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Producer Habu Kazumasa stated that making a new game for Playstation 4 from scratch (with the other recent games being handheld releases) would take around four years of development time, so they decided to develop Hacker's Memory and the new Digimon Story game simultaneously, and release Hacker's Memory first. This way, fans wouldn't be waiting a long time for the next game.[1]

A year later, on September 12, 2018, Bandai reconfirmed the game's development and stated that – alongside Hacker's Memory having been made for the same reason – they had decided to create Digimon Survive to give the Digimon Story team more time and to once again make sure there wasn't a big gap in between the releases of Digimon video games.[2]

In 2019, the two Cyber Sleuth games were ported to new systems, for the same reasons as the prior two games' announcements.[3] Digimon Survive found itself delayed for over three years, originally intending to release in 2019, only to be delayed to 2022.

On February 27, 2022, Bandai once again confirmed that the Digimon Story game was being worked on and revealed that the game would take place in the Digital World (unlike the two Cyber Sleuth games) and that the game would feature the Olympos XII as the main characters.[4]

On February 20, 2024, Habu revealed he was no longer working on Digimon games as of April, 2023. He stated the game was still being worked on, but that someone else had taken over his role.[5]

On February 12, 2025, eight years after first being announced, its first trailer was shown in a State of Play stream — with the platform changed from Playstation 4 to Playstation 5.[6] A few hours earlier, the game was leaked by GameStop — who stated the game would also be coming to Xbox Series X/S.[7] The game was then listed for Steam a few hours later.[8]


External Links[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Video Games
Digitalmonstervers logo.png

Digital Monster S

Digimonworld logo.png

Digimon World

Digitalmonsterverws logo.png

Digital Monster WS

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Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5

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Dproject logo.png


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-next 0rder- IE

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Logo digimonsurvive.png

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Logo source code.png

Source Code

Timestranger logo.png

Time Stranger