Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese One of the Olympos XII, it is a Digimon god of smithery. Most well-known weapons are the work of Vulcanusmon, and the famous "Berenjena" cherished by Beelzebumon is also an article of Vulcanusmon's. It has an artisan's pride and a stubborn personality. It sees through the competence of its clients, and when it feels that they can not master or will not treasure the weapon, it will deny the request. When building, it performs with a standard of work corresponding to the other party. As such, the "Berenjena" that it put all of its effort into after being charmed by Beelzebumon's power is considered to be an excellent article, even by Vulcanusmon. Although it's a Digimon that freely manipulates its eight arms and works in silence, it exhibits an artisan's style even in battle. It radiates its "Bomber Art", flames to use for welding, and manufactures then and there an appropriate weapon to fit the situation (Pinpoint Weapon Works). Furthermore, during its "Appropriate Works", in which it equips its weapons, manufactured one after another with its "Pinpoint Weapon Works", to each of its arms, all of Vulcanusmon's power is fully unleashed. However, Vulcanusmon's own fighting ability is not very great, so it prefers working behind the scenes to fighting in person.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English オリンポス十二神族の一人で鍛治神のデジモン。名のある武器のほとんどはウルカヌスモンの作であり、かの有名なベルゼブモンが愛用する「ベレンヘーナ」もウルカヌスモンの一品である。職人気質で性格は頑固一徹。依頼主の力量を見抜き、武器を使いこなせない、大事にしないと感じるやその依頼は引き受けない。作る上でも相手に見合う程度の仕事をする。そんなウルカヌスモンでも「ベレンヘーナ」はベルゼブモンの力に惚れ込み丹精を込めた秀逸な一品であったとされる。八本の腕を自在に操り黙々と作業をするデジモンであるが、戦いでも匠っぷりを発揮する。状況に合わせ適切な武器を、溶接用の火炎『ボンバーアート』を放射しその場で作り出す『ピンポイントウェポンワークス』。さらに『ピンポイントウェポンワークス』で続々と作られた武器をすべての腕に装備した『アプロプリエートワークス』の時がウルカヌスモンの全力全開となる。ただウルカヌスモン自身の戦闘技量はそれほど高くなく、本人も戦うより裏方に回ることを好んでいる。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Bomber Art
Bonbā Āto
Radiates flames to use for welding.
Pinpoint Weapon Works
Pinpointo Wepon Wākusu
Uses its "Bomber Art" and manufactures then and there an appropriate weapon to fit the situation.
Appropriate Works
Apuropuriēto Wākusu
Manufactures weapons by performing "Pinpoint Weapon Works" one after another, then equips them to each of its arms in order to fully unleash all of its power.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
Vulcanusmon can only be obtained as a collectible card.
Vulcanusmon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Available as a collectable card.
Available as a collectable card.
Vulcanusmon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This eight-handed god of the forge smiths armaments of superior quality!
Quote (⇨ English): 至高の武具を創造する八手の鍛冶神!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A god of smithery with an artisan's pride, it is a famed craftsman who has created most well-known weapons. It crafted the Berenjena after being charmed by Beelzebumon's power. It prefers working behind the scenes to participating in battle.
Quote (⇨ English): 職人気質な鍛冶神で、存在する銘品の殆どを生み出した名工。ベルゼブモンの力に惚れ込みベレンヘーナを作成した。戦いよりも裏方として活躍している。
Digimon Jintrix
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional Information[edit]