Digimon Fortune

From Wikimon

Digimonfortune logo.png

Box Art
Digimon Fortune Box Art
Name Digimon Fortune
System PC
Release Date Japan July 11, 2013
Language Japanese

Digimon Fortune (デジモンフォーチュン, Dejimon Fōchun) is a video game.

The service was terminated at the end of March 31, 2014.

Under Construction
Sorry for our appearance, but this article currently needs a lot of work.


Digimon were becoming wild in Packet Island due to some force called "The Erode Phenomenon". The guardians of the Digital World, the Four Holy Beasts, traveled to the island trying to find the cause of that phenomenon. They discovered that a virus, in the Segment Ruins, might be the cause of the phenomenon. It's a program that interferes with a latent part of the Digimon's configuration data, that promotes violence, and erodes their life. It's a virus that was sealed, the "Wish Programme". They also discovered that the virus was being sealed by another program that tried to prevent the "Wish Programme" from affecting the Digital World, it's the "Fortune Program". But according to the Four Holy Beasts, for some reason, someone destroyed that program. The Fortune Program that was destroyed was scattered all over the island as the "Fortune Code", fragments of the original program. Also, according to the Four Holy Beasts, the Digimon affected by the Erode Phenomenon, caused by the Wish Programme, were trying to destroy the codes. The plan is to find the Fortune Code before the Eroded Digimon, reconstruct the Fortune Program and seal the Wish Programme once again. They also discovered that the composition of the Fortune Code had the same basic structure as the one from Digimon of the Child and Adult level, young Digimon that the Wish Programme isn't capable of affecting easily. There are still many unknown things about the Wish Programme, so they need to research about it even more. With the few that they knew about the Wish Programme, the Four Holy Beasts entrusted the fate of the island to the Child and Adult level Digimon that weren't affected by the Wish Programme. They also summoned the Sistermon and Culumon to help. And also Tamers from the Real World. Since ancient times, Humans have worked together with Digimon to save the Digital World from crises a lot of times. They sincerely believe in these legends, that the bond between Human and Digimon can save the Digital World.


The main gameplay consists of: the Digi-Base, where the player can build facilities for various purposes, the Mission, wereby the Digital World is explored in order to obtain cards, the Expedition, where the player can gather materials for the Digi-Base and fight main villains Digimon and the Digital Arena, where many Tamers can battle each other.



Mission Area[edit]

Packet Island[edit]

Packet Island (パケット島)

Root Grassland[edit]

Root Grassland (ルート草原)

Disk Forest[edit]

Disk Forest (ディスクフォレスト)

Texture Beach[edit]

Texture Beach (テクスチャ海岸)

Segment Remains[edit]

Segment Remains (セグメント遺跡)

Cash Mountain[edit]

Cash Mountain (キャッシュマウンテン)

BIOS Ice Field[edit]

BIOS Ice Field (バイオス氷原)

Memory Trees[edit]

Memory Trees (メモリツリーズ)


Arc (アーク)


Noah (ノア)


Mash Trees[edit]

Mash Trees (マッシュツリーズ)

Dust Forest[edit]

Dust Forest (ダスト樹林)

Pointer Pit[edit]

Pointer Pit (ポインタ採掘場)

Kamuru River Upstream[edit]

Kamuru River Upstream (カムル河上流)

Junk Forest[edit]

Junk Forest (ジャンクフォレスト)

Board Mine[edit]

Board Mine (ボード鉱山)

Infinity Tree[edit]

Infinity Tree (ムゲンツリー)

Image Gallery[edit]

See Gallery:Digimon Fortune.


External Links[edit]

Video Games
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