Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc

From Wikimon

Pocketdigimonworldcnbd logo.png

Box Art
Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc Box Art
Name Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc
System PlayStation
Release Date February 22, 2001
Language Japanese

Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc (ポケットデジモンワールド クール&ネイチャーバトルディスク, Poketto Dejimon Wārudo Kuuru & Neichā Batoru Disuku) is a video game.

Pocket Digimon World was a 2000 game released for the Sony Playstation. There were three version of the game released: Pocket Digimon World, Pocket Digimon World: Wind Battle Disc, and Pocket Digimon World: Cool & Nature Battle Disc. The game was at its core the same across all the different versions, with the main differences being available Digimon, items, and minor features.

Cool & Nature Battle Disc had two different sets of Digimon. The Cool Version featuring aquatic and icy Digimon, and the Nature Version featuring insect and plant-type Digimon. Both versions are also the only games where Freezeland can be accessed.


A Digimon Museum opened up in the Digital World, showcasing history and artifacts of the Digital World. However, evil Digimon steal the exhibits. Jijimon, the owner of the museum, enlists the help of a Digimon Tamer to recover the exhibits. The exhibits consist of art, music, and Digimon data which the player can view after recovering them.

Gameplay and Features[edit]

As the game is primarily played via the Pocket Station, Pocket Digimon World series uses the Pocket Station to recreate a Digimon virtual pet raising experience. Digitama can be downloaded up to 5 per Memory Card in Jijimon's House and only one Digitama can be hatched and played on Pocket Station. The player have to raise his/her Digimon properly by training and learning new techniques, as well as defeat the enemies across the File Island. Additionally, the raised Digimon can be played in 2-Player Mode by using Colosseum feature. Digimon raised in Pocket Digimon World can be transferred into Digimon World 2. Unlike the first version, this game also includes P-Terminal, a device that used as information for evolution paths and the condition of raised Digimon.

By defeating certain boss Digimon, the player can obtained four-type numbered items: Film, Photo, Data Pack, and Memory Fragment. The Film item is part of good version of CG movie that replace the bad version in the opening cutscene. The Data Pack item consist of Digimon data that can be used to unlock more Digimon in D-1 Grand Prix, a mini-game featuring Polygon Battle that compatible with the WonderSwan.

Obtainable Digimon[edit]

Cool Version[edit]

Nature Version[edit]

Opponent Digimon[edit]

External Links[edit]

Video Games
Digitalmonstervers logo.png

Digital Monster S

Digimonworld logo.png

Digimon World

Digitalmonsterverws logo.png

Digital Monster WS

Digitalcardbattle logo.png

Digital Card Battle

Anodetamer logo.pngCathodetamer logo.png

Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer

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Digital Partner

Pocketdigimonworld logo.png

Pocket Digimon World

Digimonworld2 logo.png

Digimon World 2

Tagtamers logo.png

Tag Tamers

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Pocket: Wind

D1tamers logo.png

D1 Tamers

Digitalcardarena logo.png

Digital Card Arena

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Pocket: Cool & Nature

D1tamers logo.png

D1 Tamers (Wondergate)

Pocketculumon logo.png

Pocket Culumon

Digimonmedley logo.png

Digimon Medley

Digimonpark logo.png

Digimon Park

Logo anodecathodetamer.png

Anode/Cathode (WSC)

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Digimontyping logo.png

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Battleevolution logo.png

Battle Evolution

Bravetamer logo.png

Brave Tamer

Digimonrpg logo.png

Digimon RPG

Cardgame verwsc.png

Card Game Ver. WSC


Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5

Digimonworld3 logo.png

Digimon World 3

Game battleserver logo.png

Battle Server

Dproject logo.png


Battlespiritfrontier logo.png

Frontier: Battle Spirit

Digimonracing logo.png

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Battlechronicle logo.png

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Digimonworldx logo.png

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Battle Junction

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Anothermission logo.png

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Revive & Survive  

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Digimon Masters  

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Super Xros Wars Blue & Super Xros Wars Red

Digimoncollectors logo.png

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Worldredigitize logo.png


Crusader logo.png

Digimon Crusader

Digimonadventure logo.png

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Worldredigitizedecode logo.png

Re:Digitize Decode

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Digimon Fortune

Digimonfusion logo.png

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Cyber Sleuth

Soulhunter logo.png

Soul Chaser

Digimonworldnextorder logo.png

-next 0rder-

Digimonlinkz logo.png

Digimon Linkz

Appmon portal site logo.png

Appmon Data Lab

Appmon game logo.png

Appli Monsters

Digimonworldnextorderinternationaledition logo.png

-next 0rder- IE

Dscs hackersmemory logo.png

Hacker's Memory

Encounter logo.png

Digimon Encounters

Rearise logo.png

Digimon ReArise

Appmonsters protect the world logo.png

Appli Monsters: Protect the World

Logo digimonnewcentury2.png

New Century

Logo digimonsurvive.png

Digimon Survive

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Super Rumble

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Source Code

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Time Stranger