
From Wikimon
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Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Anime & Manga Video Games Misc
⇨ Japanese
An elder Digimon that is said to have existed since the era in which the Digital World was created and knows everything about it. It apparently guides chosen humans whenever the world faces a crisis. Although it hides incomparable power, it rarely ever exhibits its true strength. Its Special Move is sending those with evil hearts to the land of the dead with its cherished staff (Hang on Death).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Hang on Death [3] ハング・オン・デス Hangu on Desu Hung on Death[5]/Dark Noose[6] Sends those with evil hearts to the land of the dead with its cherished staff.
Gentle Punch [7] ジェントルパンチ Jentoru Panchi
Gathers energy in its fist and then punches.
Guard Stick [8] ガードスティック Gādo Sutikku
Casts a spell with its staff that sends a wave of earth and rock forward.
Beckoning Cat [3] ベーコニングキャット Bēkoningu Kyatto
Sun Heal Light [9] サンヒールライト San Hīru Raito
Heals its allies with light.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]



Digimon Tamers[edit]

Jijimon is the husband of Babamon, and they are constantly bickering.

Jijimon and Babamon from Digimon Tamers.

Digimon Frontier[edit]

Digimon Xros Wars & The Evil Death General and the Seven Kingdoms[edit]

Jijimon is a member of Xros Heart. He is a wise Digimon whom Kudou Taiki and the others first met in Green Zone. He tells them information about the Digital World's many zones. Jijimon usually stays in Taiki's Xros Loader when he is not divulging information.

Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time[edit]

Digimon Adventure:[edit]

Jijimon works in the Digimon school in "The Digimon School Under Attack" alongside Babamon. He was the first one to meet Tachikawa Mimi and Palmon as they arrived in what they expected to be the Tanemon village, and pointed them to the school as the place where the Tanemon had gone. He then met with the two as they tried to abandon the Digimon school at night, and asked them to forgive Babamon for her harshness, explaining that, in the past, a very talented student had succeeded in evolving into an Ultimate, but then turned into a delinquent, and Babamon's failure to teach him how to properly use his new powers led her to blame her own incompetence, becoming more strict and thorough, so the students will cultivate a good heart that won't ever be swayed. This story convinced Mimi and Palmon to stay in the school.

The next day, Jijimon was attacked after target practice by Bancho Mamemon and his gang of Mamemon and Big Mamemon. Jijimon recognized him as the student that had become a delinquent and disappeared. Jijimon then beat Bancho Mamemon's underlings with ease for attacking the students of the Digimon school.

Jijimon appears again in "The End of the Adventure".

Jijimon from Digimon Adventure:


Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

Digimon Next[edit]

A Tamer-owned Jijimon appears as part of the audience of the Battle Stage.[27]

A Jijimon is one of the Digimon who cheer the heroes on in the final fight against N.E.O[28].

Digimon Xros Wars‎[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Encode[edit]

Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 ~New Courage~[edit]

A Jijimon is amongst the Digimon that celebrated the destruction of the polyhedron.

Video Games[edit]

Digimon World[edit]

Jijimon is the leader of the Digimon in the Village of Beginnings. It is he who summons the Player to the Digital World. Throughout the game, Jijimon tracks the city's "prosperity rating". Higher prosperity ratings open up new events, including two fights that take place immediately upon exiting Jijimon's house.

Digimon Adventure: Anode Tamer & Cathode Tamer[edit]

Jijimon is an obtainable Variable Move. Its attack, Hang on Death, raises the AP of all ally Digimon. It costs 26 VP.

Digimon World: Digital Card Battle[edit]

Jijimon is a Perfect in this game.

Digimon World 2[edit]

Jijimon is the leader of the Digimon in File City and the only one who knows where to find Chaos Lord. Because of this, Jijimon is captured by the Blood Knights. After Akira rescues him, the old Digimon sends him on a mission to collect the Chaos Rings from the three Chaos Generals in order to reach Chaos Lord.

Jijimon is an obtainable Digimon. Evolves from Monzaemon (0+ DP).

Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamers[edit]

Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamers[edit]

Digimon World: Digital Card Arena[edit]

Jijimon is an obtainable Perfect-level Yellow/Rare card whose stats are:

  • HP: 1260
  • DP: 40
  • +P: 20
  • Circle attack: 650
  • Triangle attack: 560
  • X attack: 250, Triangle to 0
  • Support Ability: If your opponent’s Attribute is Black/Dark, reduce their attack power to 0.

Jijimon's attacks are Hang on Death, Gentle Punch and Guard Stick.

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

Jijimon and Babamon explain the past of Old Canyon and Andiramon

Can be evolved from Piccolomon if above level 38 and Stress below 10%, or can be found at Old Canyon.

At the deepest point of Old Canyon, the Player and Pagumon find Jijimon and Babamon's shack. The Player attempts to talk to them but they're hard of hearing and miss every attempt, before attacking them. The fight is good for the old duo, who feel energized and their minds cleared after exercising and finally listen to the Player's questions. Babamon explains to them that Old Canyon was originally an area in the Digital World known as File Island, but then an evil Chimairamon appeared and turned it into an evil place. Then, a Tamer and an Andiramon fought the Chimairamon, but they lost. While the area should've been erased from the Digital World alongside File Island, it instead returned to the Digital World, and Andiramon should've been reborn as well as Pagumon, thus Pagumon's dreams are memories of his past life. Learning about his past makes Pagumon feel better. The Player thanks Jijimon and Babamon, and Jijimon asks them to come back when they have a chance.

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon Story: Super Xros Wars Blue & Red[edit]

Digimon Collectors[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize[edit]

Digimon Crusader[edit]

Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode[edit]

Jijimon is an inhabitant of the Village of Beginnings. It is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Jiji-Baba Set (ジジババセット Jiji-Baba Setto) set.

Taiga's Partner Digimon can also wear the Elder's Rod, a replica of Jijimon's own rod, as an accesory.

Digimaru wearing the Elder's Rod

Digimon Fortune[edit]

Digimon Fusion Fighters[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth[edit]

Jijimon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon World -next 0rder-[edit]

Digimon World -next 0rder- International Edition[edit]

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory[edit]

Jijimon is available as a Digimon Medal.

Digimon ReArise[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Digimon Survive[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]





Hyper Colosseum


Digimon Xros Archive
Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Jijimon vpet dt.gif Jijimon vpet spirit.gif
D-Terminal D-Spirit

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes