Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese One of the Olympos XII, Ceresmon is a monstrous, gigantic bird Digimon that carries on its back the "Karpos Hulē", a forest bearing the Digital World's greatest sweets and famous fruits. With a body composed of rocks and rich, fertile soil, Ceresmon's soaring form is definitely the epitome of an island floating in the sky.
Sitting on the head of Ceresmon is "Ceresmon Medium", which serves as its true form. "Ceresmon Medium" has practically nil fighting strength and so rarely, if ever, comes out in public on its own, but it is said that it will occasionally show itself unattended by the monstrous bird to those who earn its trust. Its personality is filled with gentleness and a kind heart, and it is said that it offers fruit from the "Karpos Hulē" to hungry Digimon, and shelters injured Digimon in its woods until they recuperate. However, it will reverse its attitude and bring terror as if a demonic forest to those who forget the blessings granted by the forests and land, and unnecessarily injure the trees or pollute the soil.
Its Special Move "Island Freefall", in which it slams its huge body against the opponent, inflicts damage from the intense shock wave and vibrations around the area where it falls. For its "Burning Blood Shell", it fires a magma bodily fluid from its mouth as an enormous flame shot. The unripe fruit from the "Karpos Hulē" has high concentrations of poison, and its "Fruits Flechette", in which it scatters them over a wide range, transforms its surroundings into a land of death with that poison upon impact. However, the poison changes into high-quality fertilizer after several days, and then it is reborn as a fertile land.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English オリンポス十二神族の1体で、デジタルワールド随一のスイーツと名高い果実が実る森『カルポスヒューレ』を背負った巨大怪鳥デジモンがケレスモンだ。岩石と豊かな土壌からなる体を持ち、ケレスモンが飛ぶ姿はまさに天空に浮かぶ島そのものである。 ケレスモンの頭部には本体となる『ケレスモンメディウム』が座す。『ケレスモンメディウム』は戦闘力がほとんどなく滅多に単独で人前に現われることはないが、信用に値するものには稀に怪鳥をつれず姿を見せるという。性格は穏やかで慈愛の心に満ちており、空腹のデジモンには『カルポスヒューレ』の実を差し出し、ケガしたデジモンには回復するまで森にかくまってあげるという。しかし森と大地の恵みのありがたさを忘れ、いたずらに木々を傷つけ地を穢すものには一転して悪魔の森のごとき恐怖をもたらす。 必殺技は、巨体をそのまま相手に叩きつける『アイランドフリーフォール』は落下した周辺にも強烈な爆風と振動の被害を与える。『バーニングブラッドシェル』は口からマグマの体液を巨大火炎弾として放つ。熟していない『カルポスヒューレ』の実には高濃度の毒があり、これを広範囲にばらまく『フルーツフレシェット』は衝撃と毒で辺りを死の土地に変貌させる。だが毒は数日で上質の肥料へと変化し、その後は豊穣の土地に生まれ変わる。
⇨ Japanese One of the Olympos XII, Ceresmon is a monstrous, gigantic bird Digimon that carries on its back the "Karpos Hulē", a forest bearing the Digital World's greatest sweets and famous fruits. With a body composed of rocks and rich, fertile soil, Ceresmon's soaring form is definitely the epitome of an island floating in the sky. Sitting on the head of Ceresmon is "Ceresmon Medium", which serves as its true form. "Ceresmon Medium" has practically nil fighting strength and so rarely, if ever, comes out in public on its own, but it is said that it will occasionally show itself unattended by the monstrous bird to those who earn its trust. Its personality is filled with gentleness and a kind heart, and it is said that it offers fruit from the "Karpos Hulē" to hungry Digimon, and shelters injured Digimon in its woods until they recuperate. However, it will reverse its attitude and bring terror as if a demonic forest to those who forget the blessings granted by the forests and land, and unnecessarily injure the trees or pollute the soil.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English オリンポス十二神族の1体で、デジタルワールド随一のスイーツと名高い果実が実る森『カルポスヒューレ』を背負った巨大怪鳥デジモンがケレスモンだ。岩石と豊かな土壌からなる体を持ち、ケレスモンが飛ぶ姿はまさに天空に浮ぶ島そのものである。ケレスモンの頭部には本体となる『ケレスモンメディウム』が座す。『ケレスモンメディウム』は戦闘力がほとんどなく滅多に単独で人前に現われることはないが、信用に値するものには稀に怪鳥をつれず姿を見せるという。性格は穏やかで慈愛の心に満ちており、空腹のデジモンには『カルポスヒューレ』の実を差し出し、ケガしたデジモンには回復するまで森にかくまってあげるという。しかし森と大地の恵みのありがたさを忘れ、いたずらに木々を傷つけ地を穢すものには一転して悪魔の森のごとき恐怖をもたらす。
⇨ Japanese It brings terror as if a demonic forest to those who forget the blessings granted by the forests and land, and unnecessarily injure the trees or pollute the soil. Although it couldn't be imagined from its gentle appearance, it uses a terrifying technique called "Famēs" to freely manipulate plants and absorb all of the opponent's energy.
Digimon Crusader
⇨ English 森と大地の恵みのありがたさを忘れ、いたずらに木々を傷つけ地を穢すものには悪魔の森のごとき恐怖をもたらす。穏やかな見た目からはヘ想像できないが植物を自由自在に操って敵のエネルギーを吸い尽くす「飢餓(ファミス)」という恐ろしい技を使う。
⇨ Japanese One of the Olympos XII, Ceresmon is a monstrous, gigantic bird Digimon that carries on its back the "Karpos Hulē", a forest bearing the Digital World's greatest sweets and famous fruits. With a body composed of rocks and rich, fertile soil, Ceresmon's soaring form is definitely the epitome of an island floating in the sky.
⇨ English オリンポス十二神族の1体で、デジタルワールド随一のスイーツと名高い果実が実る森『カルポスヒューレ』を背負った巨大怪鳥デジモンがケレスモンだ。岩石と豊かな土壌からなる体を持ち、ケレスモンが飛ぶ姿はまさに天空に浮かぶ島そのものである。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Lat: "Hunger"
Freely manipulates plants to absorb all of the opponent's energy.
Fruits Flechette
Furūtsu Fureshetto
Scatters the highly poisonous, unripe fruit from the "Karpos Hulē" over a wide range, transforming its surroundings into a land of death with poison upon impact.
Island Freefall
Airando Furīfōru
Slams its huge body against the opponent, inflicting damage from the intense shock wave and vibrations around the area where it falls.
Burning Blood Shell[N 1]
Bāningu Buraddo Sheru
Fires a magma bodily fluid from its mouth as an enormous flame shot.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
- See: Digimon Crusader/Storyline
Ceresmon suddenly attacks Aegiomon in an attempt to test his inner potential and light the path of his destiny.
Ceresmon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Ceresmon is available as a Digimon Medal.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The god of fertility takes flight, with its vast forest of a body taking the shape of an avian!
Quote (⇨ English): 怪鳥と化した大森林のボデイで飛翔する豊穣神!
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional information[edit]
- ↑ The attack is vocally announced as Fruits Flechette in Digimon Survive, but written and depicted as Burning Blood Shell. Fruits Flechette is one of several unused attack names found in the game's data.