Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that attacks evil with terror and violence, and governs the realm of the dead. It wanders the world pursuing criminals or villains who deserve to fall into the realm of the dead, and it is said that if it detects prey, Plutomon appears wrapped up in a deep darkness. Plutomon, who finds joy only in chewing the wicked, has mouths lined with sharp fangs throughout its body, and the mouths make a chattering sound when it's pursuing its prey. It is feared even by good Digimon for this oddity.
Plutomon's techniques have the ferocity to cast any villain into the realm of the dead, and one of them, "Hell's Gate", causes a gigantic mouth to appear from the darkness and swallows villains whole, and disassembles those who have been swallowed into scraps of fragmented data. Its "Haggard Cluster", in which it unleashes the fangs on its chest to release a darkness, absorbs all substances and vaporizes everything. In addition, its "Chaos Rights", which Plutomon invokes once it gets too engrossed in battle, is the peak of its frenzy, and when it chews an enemy with the mouths all over its body, it devours data with each bite, making it seem like a terrifying predator.
It is similar to Jupitermon, who belongs to the Olympos XII, as far as punishing evil, but Jupitermon will not admit it due to its cruelty, and it's said that there's always been a longstanding discord between the two.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 恐怖と暴力をもって悪を討つ、冥界を統べるデジモン。冥界に堕ちるに相応しい罪人や悪人を求めて世界を流浪し、獲物を見つければ一面を濃い闇に包みプルートモンは現れるという。悪人を咀嚼することだけに悦びを見出すプルートモンは体中に鋭い牙の並んだ口を持ち、その口は獲物を求めてガチガチと音を立ている。その異様さに善良なデジモンからも恐れられている。 プルートモンの持つ技はどれも悪人を冥界に突き落とす凶悪さを秘めており、技の1つ「ヘルズゲート」は闇より巨大な口を出現させて悪人を丸飲みにし、飲み込んだ相手を断片化されたデータの屑にまで分解してしまう。胸の牙を解放し黒き闇を解き放つ「ハガードクラスター」は、あらゆる物質も吸い込み全てを蒸発させていく。そしてプルートモンが戦いに熱中するあまり発動させてしまう「ケイオスライツ」は狂暴の極みであり、体中の口で敵に噛みついては一咬みごとにデータをむさぼり喰う姿となり、おぞましき捕食者の様である。 悪を罰するという目的ではオリンポス十二神に属するユピテルモンと共通するが、その残虐さにユピテルモンは認めておらず、互いは長きに渡る険悪な状態が続いているという。
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that attacks evil with terror and violence, and governs the realm of the dead. It wanders the world pursuing criminals or villains who deserve to fall into the realm of the dead, and it is said that if it detects prey, Plutomon appears wrapped up in a deep darkness. Plutomon, who finds joy only in chewing the wicked, has mouths lined with sharp fangs throughout its body, and the mouths make a chattering sound when it's pursuing its prey. It is feared even by good Digimon for this oddity. It is similar to Jupitermon, who belongs to the Olympos XII, as far as punishing evil, but Jupitermon will not admit it due to its cruelty, and it's said that there's always been a longstanding discord between the two.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English 恐怖と暴力をもって悪を討つ、冥界を統べるデジモン。冥界に墜ちるに相応しい罪人や悪人を求めて世界を流浪し、獲物を見つければ一面を濃い闇に包みプルートモンは現れるという。悪人を咀嚼することだけに悦びを見出すプルートモンは体中に鋭い牙の並んだ口を持ち、その口は獲物を求めてガチガチと音を立ている。その異様さに善良なデジモンからも恐れられている。悪を罰するという目的ではオリンポス十二神に属するユピテルモンと共通するが、その残虐さにユピテルモンは認めておらず、互いは長きに渡る険悪な状態が続いているという。
⇨ Japanese It wanders the world pursuing criminals or villains who deserve to fall into the realm of the dead, and it is said that if it detects prey, Plutomon appears wrapped up in a deep darkness.
Digimon Crusader
⇨ English 冥界に堕ちるに相応しい罪人や悪人を求めて世界を流浪し、獲物を見つければ一面を濃い闇に包みプルートモンは現われるという。
⇨ Japanese Hunting the evil ones who cannot be punished by the light, it is a dark executioner. Its power rivals that of the Olympos XII!
⇨ English 光で裁けぬ悪を狩る、闇の執行者。その力はオリンポス12神に匹敵!
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Haggard Cluster
Hagādo Kurasutā
Haggard Cluster[2]
Unleashes the fangs on its chest to release a darkness, that absorbs all substances and vaporizes everything.
Chaos Rights
Keiosu Raitsu
Chaos Lights[2]
Chews the enemy with the mouths all over its body.
Hell's Gate
Heruzu Gēto
Hell's Gate[2]
Causes a gigantic mouth to appear from the darkness and swallows villains whole, and disassembles those who have been swallowed into scraps of fragmented data.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
- See: Digimon Crusader/Storyline
Plutomon is the ultimate form of Cerberumon and the leader of the Titans. It is revealed that it was the one who completely destroyed the Digital World: Iliad before the Olympos XII ended up in Yggdrasill's server.
In Part 11 of the Wrath Route, when both Shibuya Aoi and Labramon were mortally wounded by Piemon, Aoi's desperate wish to live and her trauma after Saki's death materialized in a black light that emanated from their hands touching each other. Labramon's energy floweed into Aoi, and they both Dark Evolved together into Plutomon. As Plutomon, Aoi desired for everything to become one with her so for the sake of peace and harmony.
After beating the Wrath Route, Labramon can freely evolve into Plutomon on her own in subsequent playthroughs.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional information[edit]